There’s nothing more exciting than discovering a new treasure to add to your trove of memorable experiences. Hidden among the narrow streets of Cape Town in an aged brick warehouse with ancient doors, iron pillars, and wooden beams lays a true African gem; the exceptional GOLD Restaurant. GOLD is more than just an African themed restaurant. It’s an adventure of tastes and experiences that takes you across the continent of Africa, from Cape Town to Timbuktu.


Djembe drumming

Djembe drumming

We started our evening with an interactive Djembe drumming session led by Izzie, an amusing musician from the DRC (Congo). Our group consisted of a tour bus load of American octogenarians (my party of 4 brought the average age down to about 65) who had trouble understanding Izzie’s French-laced accent. Although even the simplest instructions went hilariously wrong, Izzie’s flawless patience saw us eventually drumming in harmony (kind of) and feeling that African sense of togetherness.

The real highlight was when Izzie drummed full out to boast the skills he had mastered in childhood. I must admit, his talent left me feeling rather un-rhythmically white again while I sat rubbing my aching fingers. This wasn’t my first drumming session so in having something to compare it to, I was hoping for a higher level of interaction. It may have been a time constraint with a very large group not picking up the rhythms quick enough, but we never reached the stage where the group was divided up to play different beats in unison. A little dancing would also have added to the enjoyment. Nevertheless, I was completely invigorated and vowed to buy a Djembe drum (again)!


Song & dance


The session was followed by a soothing hand washing ceremony before we were led to our table.  What followed was a 14-course set menu of Cape Malay and African cuisine (which changes every 4 months) interwoven with live entertainment. Lively singers and dancers captivated us with their traditional African performances. Sprightly men used their bodies like drumbeats while graceful women swung their curvaceous hips around the room.

After the urge to dance during the Djembe session, I was thrilled to be pulled up to shake my booty with them. Tall, colourful Mali Puppets added a unique element of comedy as they paraded around and interacted with guests. Although we would have loved to have our faces painted like our hosts, our party gave GOLD a unanimous 5 out of 5 for entertainment.


The food

GOLD food (gold restaurant)

We were fortunate enough to be served by Prossy, a radiant lady from Uganda who is responsible for creating GOLD’s marvellous uniforms. She explained to us that even though the people at GOLD are from different parts of Africa, they work together in harmony. This is the real spirit of Ubuntu and it permeates the entire GOLD experience.

As Prossy served each course, she explained from which country it originates. Although the portions were perfect for us ladies, the gents agreed that they could have eaten more and that they would have liked another meat option for the main meal. To give a more informed opinion, I asked everyone to rate some of the dishes. Here are our average ratings out of 5:

  • Namibian Venison Boerewors on Putu Pap with Tomato Smoor: 3
  • North African Chicken Satays with Peanut Sauce: 5
  • South African Maize Nut Fritters: 3.5
  • Cape Malay Pea and Potato Samoosas: 4
  • South African Baby Bobotie: 5
  • Cape Malay Seafood Curry: 5
  • Zanzibar Mango Relish: 4.5
  • African Spinach and Pumpkin Seed Salad: 5
  • Tabouleh Surprise: 5
  • Moroccan Orange and Walnut Cake: 3.5

Overall, the food scores a fantastic 4.5 out of 5 and I’m sure I’ll be back in 4 months to try the next menu!


Proud owner, Cindy Muller, has brought an incredible vision of pan-African warmth and unity to life.  GOLD is a unique treasure where people from all corners of Africa, and visitors from around the world, can come together to celebrate life. After a magic sprinkling of GOLD dust, I am thrilled to have discovered this Cape Town gem and I urge you to seek it out for yourself.

GOLD Restaurant is at 15 Bennett Street, Green point, 8005 (NOTE: our Garmin picked it up as “Bennet” Street) | GPS: 33° 54’ 46.48” S, 18° 25’ 8.85” E. | +27 (0) 21 421 4653 | | Follow them on Twitter and Facebook.


If you’ve been to GOLD Restaurant, we’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below!


Image 4 courtesy of GOLD Restaurant