Comfortable, restful and caring.
The unit was very clean and comfortable with all amenities supplied for self-catering. The decor was stylish and had a relaxing feel. The surroundings in the bird sanctuary were quiet and restful. It felt completely safe as well. The hosts were very welcoming and available. My 2-week stay contributed greatly to my peace of mind and rest at the end of my working day. I would definitely recommend Bergsig if you need peace and quiet, caring, clean, safe accommodation: a home away from home.
Not value for money. Put in everything you need to make your technology work.
The unit is large enough, but it is not updated with today's necessities. No 2-prong plug in the unit. No USB chargers. Light in master bedroom not working. Slow WiFi with erratic connection. The mountain in front of you, as per the other reviews, is a hill that has been built up, not a trekking point. Beds were uncomfortable. I think it was probably good a few years ago, but after we have already been on school tours for 2 weeks, the unit is way too expensive for what it offers in terms of finishes, traveler essentials and just value for money. Oh yes, the entrance is quite stylish, so a sedan car is going to scratch.
Nie waarde vir geld. Sit alles in wat jy nodig het om jou tegnologie te laat werk.
Die eenheid is groot genoeg, maar dit is nie opgedateer met vandag se benodighede. Geen 2-puntprop in die eenheid nie. Geen USB-laaistelle. Lig in die hoofslaapkamer werk nie. Stadige WiFi met wisselvallige konneksie. Die berg voor jou, soos per die ander resensies, is 'n koppie wat opgebou is, nie 'n trekpunt nie. Beddens was ongemaklik. Ek dink dit was 'n paar jaar terug seker goed, maar na ons reeds 2 weke op skooltoere was, is die eenheid rerig te duur met wat dit bied i.t.v. afwerkings, reisigerbenodighede en net waarde vir geld. O ja, die ingang is rerig styl, so 'n sedanmotor gaan skraap.
Cozy stay.
The unit is well equipped for basic self care. Area is very quiet and safe with a nice mountain view. Would definitely recommend for a few days break or overnight.
Gesellig gebly.
Die eenheid is goed toegerus vir basiese selsorg. Area is baie stil en veilig met 'n mooi berg-uitsig. Sal dit definitief vir 'n paar dae se wegbreek of oornag aanbeveel.
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From R600 per night (sleeps 2)
8151518 Leeupaadjie StreetSteiltes1201Mpumalanga021 201 890114:00-19:0010:00-25.50360764046530.993810296059