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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay

Self Catering

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Lilian Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 19

On LekkeSlaap 2 years

Review Summary

5 out of 5from 19 reviews for Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Value for money
Charl K - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Charl K
With partner

Absoluut uitstekend.

Sien sterre.

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Absolutely excellent.

See stars.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Ons streef te alle tye om ons gaste se verblyf so genotvol as moontlik te maak en om oomblikke van louter vreugde te skep. As ons in die doel geslaag het, is ons tevrede.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Obie B - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Obie B
With friends


Alles waarvoor 'n mens kan vra en meer! Die gashere gaan uit hul pad om jou welkom te laat voel. Die stoep met die heerlikste onderdakbraai-area, die allerlekkerste verwelkomingsboodjie en die kamerdeure wat op die stoep oopmaak en 'n uitsig op die plaas en berge bied was ekstra pluspunte. Aandag word gegee aan die kleinste detail. Ons het deurgaans baie veilig gevoel. Die plaasgeluide was heerlik om te beleef. Ons het selfs middagete geniet by die piekniekplek. Ons sal Prinspoort beslis aanbeveel.

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Peace of mind

Everything one could ask for and more! The hosts go out of their way to make you feel welcome. The veranda with the most delicious covered braai area, the most delicious welcome message and the room doors that open onto the veranda and offer a view of the farm and mountains were extra plus points. Attention is paid to the smallest detail. We felt very safe throughout. The farm sounds were wonderful to experience. We even enjoyed lunch at the picnic spot. We would definitely recommend Prinspoort.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Sielerus is presies wat Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay sy gaste wil bied. Ons is regtig bly dat jy jou verbyf so geniet het, Obie.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Christelle S - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Christelle S
With partner

Lekker rustig, mooi uitsigte en baie netjies!

Daar is alles wat jy benodig en nog meer. Dit was regtig 'n bederf om daar te kon wees al was ons net daar vir een nag. Dit is baie netjies en soveel 'personal' touches wat dit net soveel lekkerder maak. Ek sal dit verseker vir enige iemand aanbeveel wat rustigheid soek en mooi natuur.

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Nice and quiet, nice views and very tidy!

There is everything you need and more. It was really a treat to be there even if we were only there for one night. It is very neat and so many 'personal' touches that make it that much more enjoyable. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for tranquility and beautiful nature.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Dit is altyd lekker as ons gaste die huisies waardeer en die persoonlike 'touches' raaksien. Kom gerus weer en bly langer!

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Johan K - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Johan K
Family with teenagers

Heerlike Karoo verblyf.

Was baie tevrede met die verblyf. Een badkamer se kraanmeganisme het losgekom.

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Great Karoo accommodation.

Was very satisfied with the stay. One bathroom faucet mechanism came loose.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Ons kan maar net verskoning maak indien daar probleme met die kraanmeganisme ondervind is. Dit is werklik jammer dat die gas dit nie aangemeld het gedurende hulle verblyf nie sodat ons die kans gegun kon word om dit reg te stel. Daar het wel gaste in dieselfde wooneenheid gebly na die betrokke gas se vertrek - en vir 'n langer periode - wat geen probleme met die kraanmeganisme ondervind het nie.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Karen T - Jun 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Karen T
Family with young children

Puik verblyf. Rustige plaas atmosfeer. Stap in die veld. Aan te beveel!

Dit was ons (familie van 6 volwassenes met 2 kleinkinders) se 2de kuier op Prinspoort plaas! Weereens heerlik rustig en veilig gekuier. Als wat jy benodig, is daar. Bring net jou kos en klere en jy is gewaarborg vir 'n tydjie uit die boeke! Baie dankie aan die gasvrou vir haar vriendelikheid, asook besorgdheid oor ons rit vanaf die Paarl gedurende die 'groot reëns' van die Weskaap. Sy het selfs vir ons die padtoestande aangestuur en voorgestel watter roetes om te neem met al die paaie, passe en tonnel wat gesluit was! Ons wens julle 'n mooi jaar toe, almal op Prinspoort tot DV volgende keer! Mooi loop!

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Great stay. Peaceful farm atmosphere. Walk in the field. Recommended!

It was our (family of 6 adults with 2 grandchildren) 2nd visit to Prinspoort farm! Once again a wonderfully peaceful and safe visit. Everything you need is there. Just bring your food and clothes and you are guaranteed to be out of the books for a while! Many thanks to the hostess for her kindness, as well as concern for our drive from the Paarl during the 'big rains' of the Western Cape. She even forwarded us the road conditions and suggested which routes to take with all the roads, passes and tunnels that were closed! We wish you a good year, everyone at Prinspoort until DV next time! Walk carefully!

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Dit was net `n plesier om julle hier te kon ontvang Karen. Altyd lekker om te hoor dat gaste hulle verblyf hier geniet het. Ek hoop die weer speel saam volgende keer.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Byron K - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Byron K
Family with young children

Baie, baie lekker.

Die plek was baie nice, veilig en skoon.

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Very, very nice.

The place was very nice, safe and clean.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Dit is ons plesier om ons gaste se verblyf hier so ontspannend en lekker moontlik te maak. Die grootste kompliment is as ons gaste nie wil huis toe gaan nie.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Tertia M - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Tertia M
With friends

Rustig en ontspannend.

Die gasvryheid en Lianda se ekstra moeite laat jou onmiddellik tuis voel. Pragtige plek met uitstekende diens.

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Peaceful and relaxing.

The hospitality and Lianda's extra effort make you feel at home immediately. Beautiful place with excellent service.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Dit is `n groot eer as iemand jou verblyfplek kies om `n seun se mondigwording te vier.
Baie dankie dat julle Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay vir hierdie eer gekies het.
Dit was ons plesier om te help om dit `n baie spesiale naweek te maak.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Van Heerden C - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Van Heerden C
Family with young children

Klein Karoo-betowering.

Presies waarna ons op soek was vir ons gesin en honde! Lianda en Freddie se gasvryheid was besonders.

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Little Karoo enchantment.

Exactly what we were looking for for our family and dogs! Lianda and Freddie's hospitality was exceptional.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Dit was heerlik om ons besondere Klein Karoowereld met julle te deel en te kon sien hoe julle dit geniet. Ons poog hier by Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay om elke gas se verblyf in `n besondere ervaring te omskep en dit gee ons groot vreugde as ons gaste tevrede is.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Johan A - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Johan A
With partner

Uitstekende verblyf en gasvryheid.

Die kort verblyf oor een naweek was heeltemal te min om die ware puik omgewing in uitstaande verblyf regtig te waardeer, sterk aanbeveel!

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Excellent accommodation and hospitality.

The short stay over one weekend was far too short to really appreciate the truly great environment in outstanding accommodation, highly recommended!

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Dit gee ons groot vreugde as gaste die omgewing waarvoor ons so lief is waardeer en geniet. Kom gerus weer en bly dan langer sodat ons nog meer van ons betowerende omgewing vir julle kan wys.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Lize C - May 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Lize C
With friends

Beste plek ooit.

Hierdie plek is n absolute diamant. Ons het heerlike gekuier. Dadelik welkom gevoel toe ons instap. Heerlike vars brood met kase en konfyt. Pragtige wit linne met spesiale soetigheid op die kussing. Genoeg handdoeke. Huis is gemaklik toegerus met 'n lekker skerp mes vir die kombuis. Heerlik bederf met 'n scone nog warm op 'n oggend. Badkamers is netjies en skoon. Lekker swembad om af te koel. Ons toer nogal graag gereeld rond, en ek moet sê hierdie was vir seker 'n 10/10 en die absolute bonus: ons staffie kon dit saam geniet het. Met 'n pakkie nibbles spesiaal vir haar. Soveel meer wat ek kan se. Maar julle moet bespreek om self te beleef.

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Best place ever.

This place is an absolute diamond. We had a great time. Immediately felt welcome when we walked in. Delicious fresh bread with cheeses and jam. Beautiful white linen with special sweetness on the pillow. Enough towels. House is comfortably equipped with a nice sharp knife for the kitchen. Delicious treat with a scone still warm on a morning. Bathrooms are neat and clean. Nice pool to cool off. We like to tour quite often, and I have to say this was a 10/10 for sure and the absolute bonus: our staffie could have enjoyed it together. With a pack of nibbles especially for her. So much more that I can say. But you have to book to experience for yourself.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Ons is so bly dat julle die verblyf hier so geniet het. Ons streef daarna om elke oomblik hier besonders te maak sodat ons gaste se ervaring van die tyd saam met ons op Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay `n belewenis is. Ons hoop om julle binnekort weer te kan bederf. Julle was uitsonderlike gaste en dit maak saak.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Christien G - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Christien G
Family with teenagers

Uitstekend gewees.

Rustige omgewing en pragtige huisie in gebly, alles wat benodig word was daar, geskenkies was heerlike bederf gewees, paasrolletjies en koekies baie spesiaal.

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Was excellent.

Stayed in a quiet environment and beautiful house, everything needed was there, gifts were a wonderful treat, Easter rolls and cookies very special.

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Helet K - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Helet K
Family with young children

Wonderlike mense en hulle laat voel jou so tuis. Kos vir die siel.

Ons het die huis en die plaas vreeslik geniet en die kinders (albei 4 jaar oud) het heel naweek voëltjies, akkedisse en muise probeer vang. Dit was wonderlik om te sien hoe baie hulle dit geniet het. Ons grootmense het die rustigheid van die platteland en die duisende sterre wat jy in die aand kan sien net so baie geniet. Vars brood met tuisgemaakte jellies en jams wag jou in wanneer jy arriveer en as jy ooit jou siel wil laat "recharge" sal ek Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay elke keer aanbeveel. Sien julle sommer vinnig weer.

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Wonderful people and they make you feel so at home. Food for the soul.

We really enjoyed the house and the farm and the children (both 4 years old) tried to catch birds, lizards and mice all weekend. It was great to see how much they enjoyed it. Our adults enjoyed the tranquility of the countryside and the thousands of stars that you can see in the evening just as much. Fresh bread with home-made jellies and jams awaits you when you arrive and if you ever want to "recharge" your soul I would recommend Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay every time. See you again soon.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

What a pleasure to host considerate and appreciative guests. We enjoyed your stay at our magical Klein Karoo oasis just as much as you.
You will always be very welcome at Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay. Regards, Freddie and Lianda

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Olivia J - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Olivia J
Family with young children

Rustige kuier met 'n great stoep en views.

Lieflik in die natuur en stilte. Klein touches soos die vars broodjie/olywe en wyn honesty bar wys die eienaar dink aan alles.

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Quiet visit with a great stoep and views.

Lovely in nature and silence. Small touches like the fresh bread/olives and wine honesty bar show that the owner has thought of everything.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Beste Olivia, ons is so bly dat julle, jul verblyf hier geniet het en dat die akkommodasie aan julle verwagtinge voldoen het. Vir ons is gaste soos familie en julle sal altyd welkom wees by ons.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Johan B - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Johan B
With partner

Aan al ons verwagtinge voldoen en selfs meer!

Die ligging, standaard en gerief van die huisie ons besonder beïndruk. Alles wat ons kon benodig was daar en die detail, ekstras en in besonder die hartlike gasvryheid was uitsonderlik. Ons stoutste verwagtinge oortref en ons sal beslis terugkeer. In elke opsig die tyd en prys werd. Hartlik aan te beveel.

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Met all our expectations and even more!

The location, standard and comfort of the cottage particularly impressed us. Everything we could need was there and the detail, extras and especially the warm hospitality was exceptional. Exceeded our wildest expectations and we will definitely return. In every way worth the time and price. Highly recommend.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Beste Johan, dit is vir ons baie belangrik dat ons gaste welkom voel. Ons gaan dus uit ons pad om klein bederfies te voorsien wat die verblyf ekstra lekker maak. Daar is min dinge so aangenaam as wanneer gaste werklik hulle tydjie by ons geniet het.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Erica S - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Erica S
Family with young children


Wow. Lilian and Freddie have created the ultimate oasis in the Karoo. From the tastefully appointed cottage, to the 5* hosting, absolutely nothing can be faulted. Loved our stay and will definitely be back. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Dear Erica, your review is currently showing and therefore we would like to take the opportunity to thank you for being the perfect guests. We will love to host you again.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Karen T - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Karen T
Large group

Pragtige verblyf en omgewing. Wil dit eintlik geheim hou.

Baie dankie Lianda en Prinspoortspan vir 'n heerlike naweek wat ons kon geniet met ons kinders en kleinseun van amper 6 maande. Ons kon rus en die vars Karoolug inasem. Die plaashuis was goed toegerus en gerieflik vir ons 6 volwassenes. 'n Prinspoort-kuier is aan te beveel.

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Beautiful accommodation and surroundings. Actually want to keep it a secret.

Thank you very much Lianda and the Prinspoort team for a wonderful weekend that we were able to enjoy with our children and grandson of almost 6 months. We could rest and breathe in the fresh Karoo air. The farmhouse was well equipped and comfortable for us 6 adults. A visit to Prinspoort is recommended.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Ons is opreg bly dat julle die tydjie op ons Klain Karooplaas geniet het. Kom gerus weer.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Annelie N - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Annelie N
Family with young children

Prinspoort is 'n ware juweel in die pragtige Klein-Karoo. As jy wil wegbreek van die stadsgeraas en rus en vrede soek, is dit die plek vir jou.

Elandshuisie is baie goed toegerus met al die luukshede wat 'n mens in die stad sou verwag. Die gasvrou, Lilian, verwelkom jou met ware plattelandse gasvryheid en gaan uit haar pad om jou gemaklik te laat voel. Die omgewing, veral die rivier en Prinspoort, is asemrowend mooi en daar is heerlike staproetes. Ons hondekinders het dit baie geniet en ons kon elke dag in die heerlike plonspoel afkoel. Ons het heerlik ontspan en uitgerus. Baie dankie, Lilian! Prinspoort is hoogs aan te beveel.

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Prinspoort is a real gem in the beautiful Klein-Karoo. If you want to get away from the city noise and seek peace and quiet, this is the place for you.

Elandshuisie is very well equipped with all the luxuries one would expect in the city. The hostess, Lilian, welcomes you with true country hospitality and goes out of her way to make you feel comfortable. The surroundings, especially the river and Prinspoort, are breathtakingly beautiful and there are wonderful walking routes. Our dog children really enjoyed it and we were able to cool off in the delicious splash pool every day. We had a great time relaxing and resting. Thank you very much, Lilian! Prinspoort is highly recommended.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Ons is verheug dat julle jul verblyf hier by ons in die magiese Klein Karoo geniet het en dat ons julle bietjie kon bederf. Ons glo dat as jy eenmaal die vrede en stilte van die unieke wêreld kon ervaar, jy altyd weer sal wil terugkom. Annelie, Gavin en Suzelle, julle is voortreflike gaste en julle sal altyd welkom wees by ons!

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Anél Potgieter P - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Anél Potgieter P
With partner

Lieflike wegbreek van die gejaag.

Pragitge plek. Alles was perfek. Ligging, netheid, pragtige dekor, en linne is 5 sterre. Lieflik ingerig met klein plonspoel. Lianda was 'n fantasties gasvrou. Haar skaapskenkel en piekniek is uit die boeke. Ons kom een van die dae weer terug. Dankie vir alles.

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Lovely break from the hustle and bustle.

Beautiful place. Everything was perfect. Location, cleanliness, beautiful decor, and linen are 5 stars. Lovely furnished with small splash pool. Lianda was a fantastic hostess. Her mutton shank and picnic are off the books. We will come back one of these days. Thanks for everything.

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Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

Anel, dit verskaf my groot plesier as die gaste hulle verblyf hier geniet. Ek het nooit besef voordat ek die gastehuisies geopen het dat bykans elke gas `n vriend word nie. En my deur staan altyd oop vir my vriende.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
Luthrine P - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Luthrine P
Family with young children


We were greeted with such friendly hospitality from the owners upon arrival. The most delicious treats left on the beds and a yummy basket with homemade bread, jams and cheese in the kitchen to welcome guests. The cottage offers breathtaking views of the mountains and has everything you need for a break away from the busy city life. Everything was neat and clean. The owners truly go over and above to ensure your stay is memorable. We will definitely be back again! Don't forget to meet Choppie on the farm, the only sheep that won't become a choppie!

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay 's response

We are so glad that you enjoyed your stay on the farm and that we could introduce the little ones to the lambs and horses. Our dream is to create a space for our guests which they can enjoy and where they can soak in the magic of the Klein Karoo. Thank you for being considerate guests who left Elandhuisie immaculate after your stay. We would love to host you again on the farm.

Prinspoort Klein Karoo Stay
From R1 400
per night (sleeps 4)
R1 400
per night (sleeps 4)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 14 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Kruitfontein Farm, Ladismith, 6655, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA6c9a30292482d903aed2a50afb339c353e5d035d0378f50c6af16e074abc6e5eb9a9f1f2763bc8ca9b8ad2592d4652aa455f?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 400 per night (sleeps 4) 19 5 1 5 Kruitfontein Farm Ladismith 6655 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -33.529256624419 20.855029311738

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