Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Graskop
Rated 4.4 out of 5 based on 555 reviews.
"Make sure to stay on the outskirts of town as the town itself does not give a welcoming feeling."
"Ai, die dorp het beslis beter dae geken. Die Spar is wel nog heeltemal skaflik. Ons sal die Glass House restaurant aanbeveel, heerlike kos. Vriendelike diens."
"Graskop is the perfect place to stay for at least 3 days to truly experience this area and it is close to most of the wonders."
"Pragtige dorpie en die Bruno's Bar is aan te beveel om by te kuier tydens beurtkrag. Die "locals" gaan elke dag soontoe om die nuutste nuus op te vang."
"The showerhead in our room malfunctioned a little, but other than that, everything was amazing."
"Pragtige kleindorpie wat baie min kaartfasiliteite beskikbaar gehad het. Maar was beslis die moeite werd oor daar so baie waarnemings rondom geleë is."
"Sadly the town municipality has neglected the town with very little upkeep. The area around the businesses and grocery shopping hub felt unsafe. However, the town is perfectly located to all the attractions and activities in the area."
"The place is a stress reliever we enjoyed every moment. It's perfect for visiting other places like God's window. That is so amazing. Thank you so much."
"Pragtige natuurskoon. Baie min selfoonopvangs. Die dorp het net 'n Spar met beperkte voorraad."
"Die dorpie is altyd lekker om te besoek. Daar is nie veel verandering oor die jare nie."
"Graskop Gorge is 'n teleurstelling op 'n Saterdag. Oorvol en openlike alkohol gebruik deur sommige besoekers."