Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Bloemfontein
Rated 4.1 out of 5 based on 1517 reviews.
"Die strate is soos die res van die land in 'n patetiese toestand. Die stad is vuil."
"We traveled there for the hockey tournament and did not have much time to do anything else but the Preller mall and eateries were our breakfast and dinner spots and we loved it! "
"We didn't find anything interesting to do or see in Bloem, so we didn't make a trip into the city. We just passed on through."
"Ek is 'n oud-Bloemfonteiner en het my voetspore daar afgestof soos wat dit agteruitgegaan het. Dit is baie hartseer dat een van die mooiste stede (Blommestad) so verniel is."
"Dis jammer die dorp het so agteruit gegaan. Die paaie is maar vervalle en dit is duidelik dat daar nie veel onderhoud gedoen word nie."
"The road surfaces and the city centre are in a bad state. However, there are areas surrounding Bloem that are nice and have all the facilities one needs (some nice suburbs and malls)."
"Much like the rest of SA (except the Western Cape,) Bloemfontein's roads and infrastructure are in a very bad state of repair. Another Municipality that is corrupt, arrogant and incompetent. A whole lot of great people who deserve better."
"Bloemfontein is stadig maar seker besig om agteruit te gaan m.b.t. dienste en paaie."
"Voorheen daar gebly en sien ook maar dat stad agteruitgaan maar dis nogsteeds 'n heerlike stad om te besoek."