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Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Bojanala bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.2 uit 5 gekry volgens 812 resensies.

Rustenburg Town, Bojanala

Green Side Accommodation

"Nothing much to do around Rustenburg if you are not at Sun City."


Beestekraal Events and Accommodation

"It is lovely and peaceful but very much in the middle of no where. No big shops around so one needs to be prepared for making your own meals. "

Pilanesberg Nasionale Park, Bojanala

Seroloana Guest House

"So many animals and beautiful nature. "

Pilanesberg Nasionale Park, Bojanala

The Kingdom Resort

"Awesome. We had inclement weather the whole stay, none the less we went on a game drive in the rain and saw amongst all the other game in the reserve the hippos, buffalo, rhino, cheetahs, leopards, but unfortunately no elephants ─ better luck next time. The Pilanesberg Nature reserve has a variety of fauna and flora and is definitely worth a visit or a stay."

Pilanesberg Nasionale Park, Bojanala

The Kingdom Resort

"Is naby die Kingdom Resort. Groot verskeidenheid wild en voëllewe. Genoeg uitkykpunte om bene te rek. Hoogtepunt was toe 'n trop buffels kom water drink het."

Mogwase, Bojanala

Kamogelo Guest House

"Beautiful, peaceful place."

Rustenburg, Bojanala

Rusties Lodge

"'n Lekker dorp. Sal weer kom."

Mooinooi, Bojanala

Gracepoint Guesthouse

"It's central and close to all tourist attractions."

Kroondal, Bojanala

Adem Guest Farm

"Dit is nie meer die pragtige ou Duitse nedersetting van ouds nie. Dit is ‘n myndorp."

Mooinooi, Bojanala

Pecan Cottage

"Pragtige area met 'n vriendelike plaasgemeenskap."

Brits, Bojanala

Angel Oak Guesthouse

"Lovely place to be."

Boshoek, Bojanala

Gatz Guest House

"Very quiet and nice place."

Kosmos, Bojanala

Hartbeespoortdam Lodge

"Beautiful views, houses and scenery."


Seasons Golf, Leisure and Spa

"Vir mense wat rondom Johannesburg bly en net wil wegkom, is hierdie die area."

Rustenburg, Bojanala

Sugarbush Hill Country Cottages

"Rustenburg is baie geleë vir enige toer en of naweekwegbreek. Baie aktiwiteite om te doen."

Pilanesberg Nasionale Park, Bojanala

The Kingdom Resort

"As ek nader gebly het, was ek meer daar. "

Pilanesberg Nasionale Park, Bojanala

The Kingdom Resort

"Pilanesberg Nasionale Park word dikwels onderskat in vergelyking met soortgelyke parke, maar dit bied wonderlike verrassings en ons het vyf van die Groot Ses diere daar gesien in twee onderskeie wildritte (leeus, olifante, seekoeie, cheetah, renosters (swart en wit)). Ons het al die park aanbeveel vir mense wat ons oorsee ontmoet en sal dit weer doen."


Sandstone Lodge

"Naby ander toeriste-aantrekkings."

Rustenburg Town, Bojanala

La Vie Gastehuis

"It's close to everything, especially slopping."

Rustenburg North, Bojanala

Tshenolo Guest House

"Not bad, just that we got lost because some street name boards were not visible enough."

Brits, Bojanala

Angel Oak Guesthouse

"Was te kort daar om kommentaar te lewer."

Cashan, Bojanala

Meraki Upmarket Guest House

"Mooi, rustige en veilige area. Sal beslis weer besoek."


Intaba Thulile

"Omgewing is pragtig, rustig en beslis die moeite werd om te besoek."

Brits, Bojanala

Angel Oak Guesthouse

"Close to Hartebeeshoek and Hartebeespoort Dam. 22 minutes from the Cable way in Harties ─ this is a must if in you are in the area. For a piece of Paris (in France) visit French Toast for the most amazing breakfast menu, pics at the Eiffel tower and engrave your names on locks for the lock bridge to secure your love forever. Plenty of other cool things next door. Alternatively visit the windmill which is 30 minutes away for the best waffles in Harties be sure to go over the weekend, where you'll find incredible goodies at the flea market outside. "

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