Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Durban
Rated 4.3 out of 5 based on 897 reviews.
"The area seem safe and is close to all if not most of public amenities like restaurants, shopping centres, high ways etc. "
"Treasure Beach is not suitable for families, I did not feel safe on the beach. Antsey's is however close by and there are pools and lifeguards. Treasure Beach is full of rubbish."
"Straatnaamveranderinge het dit effens belemmer, maar Berea is 'n ou gedeelte van Durban wat elke hupstoot nodig het."
"This was just beyond awesome! Couldn't have asked for a better view."
"What a wonderful place, very quiet and safe. My family enjoyed it so much and the rooms are very clean."
"Daar is baie goeie eetplekke in die omgewing en dis 'n baie rustige voorstad."
"The area is good and close to all that we needed: shopping, breakfast and so on."
"Great administration. Always informed. Travel consultant very professional and respectful."
"Westville is nested in a beautiful setting. Lots of green trees. Lovely place."
"Ons het voorheen vir jare in Durban gewoon en het dus nie 'n probleem met die area nie. Ons wou juis naby ons bestemming wees en dit was ons wel."