Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Graskop
Rated 4.4 out of 5 based on 555 reviews.
"Cute town with some interesting shopping, however, the main street (entry from the east) could benefit from a bit of a cleanup. It's good to standardize/improve the presentation of the hawker's stalls."
"Die Graskop Lift Co en die gorge was 'n absolute belewenis en 'n moet vir almal. Die watervalle op die roete was pragtig."
"If you love nature, trail running and hiking then Graskop is the place to be."
"Graskop se paaie en dorp kort beslis 'n opknap. Sabie was definitief 'n beter opsie om winkels te besoek. Graskop Gorge is pragtig en Big Swing was bo ons prysklas, alhoewel ons darem gratis toegang kon kry omdat ons gaste by Mogodi Lodge was, maar kon nie deelneem aan die bedrywighede nie."
"Ons is baie lief vir die area en pragtige natuurskoon en sal vir seker weer gaan. Die beste is om toeriste attraksies baie vroeg in die oggend te besoek om groot skares te vermy."
"The town just need to have a few takeaway places for self-catering residents in the area."
"Soos menige Suid-Afrikaanse plattelandse dorpie, is Graskop bietjie verwaarloos en afgeleef, maar daar is nog genoeg netjiese fasiliteite in die dorp waar toeriste lekker kan ontspan/eet. Baie naby aan die Panorama-roete se besienswaardighede soos Pelgrimsrus en Bourke's Luck Potholes. Sal weer gaan. Nogal koud gewees op Kersdag!"
"Al die groot toeriste-attraksies is binne 'n uur se ry vanaf Graskop."
"The town needs work, on the GPS it says there is a shop but when we arrived at Graskop the shops is not there but besides that, we had a great stay at Graskop."
"There's a lot to explore in Graskop. It also has special weather conditions, especially in summer. I think people must just be careful on the roads because there are potholes of all sizes and it's not easy to see them in the mist and rain which is a norm for the people of Graskop."
"The town is very small. We struggled a lot about the banks. But it is a safe town. "
"Baie lekker omgewing om in te toer. Ons was daar met motorfietse en die uitsigte was asemrowend."