Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Karoo
Rated 4.2 out of 5 based on 11903 reviews.
"Colesberg is eintlik 'n oornagplek vir reisigers van die binneland en terug af, maar dit is 'n dorp van groot historiese betekenis met baie mooi geboue."
"Bekoorlike dorpie met vriendelike mense. Baie mooi en rustig."
"If you’re looking for Karoo rustic then Richmond is the place. An eclectic old town with character and some interesting shops and a wonderful art gallery. Lovely sunsets and great hospitality."
"'n Gebied wat baie droog is en ons is jammer vir die boere en mense wat daar kop bo water moet hou!"
"Lekker restaurant langs hotel. Kos uit die boonste rakke en diens wat jy in top restaurant verwag. Die kelnerin se absolute professionele diens was tops. Pryse baie billik."
"Dit sal wonderlik wees as daar iets aan die gate in die pad gedoen kan word. "
"Very interesting history and the Owl House is a must. Impressive art by a formidable artist, Helen Martins. Sad personal history, but important SA heritage contribution. "
"Mens moet langer daar wees om alles te verken! Pragtige dorp en omgewing. Probeer om dit te alle koste te behou."
"It has a lovely village feel about it. All the shop owners are super friendly and you can literally get everything you need in terms of supplies. Over holiday periods fresh fruit and veg sell out quickly. Coffee shops are excellent with free wireless and can definitely recommend Ray's. There are 2 petrol stations, wine shops, 2 little supermarkets, gift shops, great hairdresser up one of the side roads etc. and its just a couple of minutes drive from the farm."