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All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Namaqualand

Rated 4.3 out of 5 based on 1086 reviews.

Springbok, Namaqualand

Springbok Apartments

"Alhoewel ons slegs deur Springbok gereis het, het dit voldoen aan ons behoeftes tov winkels en restaurante."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Springbok Apartments

"Dit hang af van die seisoen."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Jakkalswater Gasteplaas

"Wonderlike omgewing. Die Noord-Kaap is 'n moet vir almal wat dit nog nie besoek het nie!"

Springbok, Namaqualand

Okiep Country Hotel

"Nie veel kans gehad om daar rond te ry nie omdat ek die hele oggend in die Goegap Natuurreservaat, 4 km buite die dorp, deurgebring het! Dit was BAIE DIE TYD WERD Interessante plantegroei (ook buite die blomseisoen), ruwe klipkoppies, gemsbokke, springbokke, sebras en voëls. Die twee wandelroetes se aanwysers in die veld moet beslis opgradeer word, maar net die stap in die veld was al pragtig. Op Springbok inkopies gedoen vir vars vrugte, eiers en kaas by die plaaslike Spar, 'n uitstekende winkel. Pella, oos van Springbok, is ook 'n lang besoek werd."



"Wondrous environment, soul regenerating."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Springbok Apartments

"Sou graag meer inligting t.o.v. die kopermyn wou sien asook die padtekens daarvoor. Heerlik vakansie gehou en dit baie geniet. Mense is baie gasvry en vriendelik."

Springbok, Namaqualand

The Olive Tree Guest House

"Aangename klein dorpie. Beslis 'n goeie plek om te oornag oppad en terug van Namibia af. "

Springbok, Namaqualand

Okiep Country Hotel

"Heerlike platteland en baie rustige atmosfeer, sal weer daar aandoen, wil nog eendag meer in die Noord-Kaap reis en besigtig."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Springbok Apartments

"Sprinbok's residents are friendly, especially the staff at shops and the service station."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Springbok Apartments

"Springbok slegs vir blommekyk en vir deurnag!"

Springbok, Namaqualand

Kliprand Guesthouse

"Groot aanbeveling vir die blommeseisoen!"

Springbok, Namaqualand

Springbok Apartments

"Ongelukkig nie lank genoeg in Springbok vertoef om dit as 'n toeriste-bestemming te kan ervaar nie. Dis egter 'n pragtige, skoon dorp met baie vriendelike mense!"

Springbok, Namaqualand

Daisy Country Lodge

"Lieflike dorpie. Sal weer soontoe gaan."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Springbok Apartments

"Sal weer terug wees vir verdere verkenning!"

Springbok, Namaqualand

Okiep Country Hotel

"Sprinbok is a very busy town. We enjoyed the restaurants. People were friendly every where. Quite a bit to see in surrounding areas."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Jakkalswater Gasteplaas

"Baie besig. Onvoldoende parkering."

Kamieskroon, Namaqualand

Frances @ Kamieskroon Cosy Cottages

"Kamieskroon is 'n belangrike biosfeer in die land. Besoekers kom gewoonlik vir die blomme."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Kliprand Guesthouse

"Springbok is a small town which we found to be safe. The people are friendly."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Springbok Apartments

"A pleasant surprise and will definitely stay longer next time."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Kliprand Guesthouse

"Springbok is a stunning place for a stay over, the people is very friendly and helpful. When we came back from Namibia back home to Cape Town about a kilometer outside Springbok our car broke down. We got hold of a towing company in Springbok who took us back to the town, and I can honestly say that the help we received from the locals was amazing. Lovely, honest, and hard working people."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Jakkalswater Gasteplaas

"Dit is 'n puik omgewing."


Verbe Farm - Letjie's House

"'n Wonderlike en interessante streek en die mense is baie vriendelik. "

Kamieskroon, Namaqualand

Frances @ Kamieskroon Cosy Cottages

"What a fantastic area - not just the flowers, but also the wonderful mountains. A great place to visit."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Kleinplasie Guesthouse

"A good convenient town for those who want to do drives to see the flowers in season. "

Springbok, Namaqualand

Okiep Country Hotel

"Ten opsigte van blommekyk is dit baie sentraal."

Springbok, Namaqualand

Kliprand Guesthouse

"Dorp is pragtig geleë tussen die koppies. Sal graag eenkeer tydens die blomseisoen 'n bietjie langer wil oorbly."

Kamieskroon, Namaqualand

Frances @ Kamieskroon Cosy Cottages

"I rate Kamieskroon very highly both for wild flower viewing and for the surrounding countryside. The Namaqualand nature reserve is a joy to see in springtime and the town is welcoming and in a very convenient place. The drives around Kamieskroon are exciting and stunning. "

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