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Sarah Baartman District

Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Sarah Baartman District bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.5 uit 5 gekry volgens 3617 resensies.

Nieu-Bethesda, Sarah Baartman-distrik

And The Cow Jumped Over The Moon...

"We battled to find a place to eat and the restaurant we finally ate at (the art centre on 6 December 2014) had a choice of 2 meals and both were not good and overpriced! Didn't think we would have a problem in December with food! "

Wavecrest, Sarah Baartman-distrik

Surfpoint 9

"Wavecrest is 'n stil omgewing waar mens veilig voel. "

Somerset-Oos (KwaNojoli), Sarah Baartman-distrik

Angler & Antelope Guesthouse

"Baie besienswaardighede en die natuur rondom Somerset-Oos is besonders."

Nieu-Bethesda, Sarah Baartman-distrik


"Nieu-Bethesda is 'n afdraai avontuur voor Graaff-Reinet en daar kan mens herlaai. Die winkeltjies met sy oudhede, besienswaardighede en besienswaardighede was 'n lushof. Ek persoonlik dink dis waar mense hulself vind."

Colchester, Sarah Baartman-distrik

Nukakamma Guesthouse

"Oorslaap plek, niks om daar te doen nie. "

Wavecrest, Sarah Baartman-distrik


"Netjiese skoon strande, lieflike omgewing."

Makhanda (Grahamstad), Sarah Baartman-distrik

Jenny's Guest House

"Tipiese studentedorpie, maar baie aangenaam."

Kabeljous, Sarah Baartman-distrik


"Baie stil en rustig. Vir ons persoonlik is dit wonderlik, maar dit kan dalk te stil wees vir die jong klomp!"

Makhanda (Grahamstad), Sarah Baartman-distrik

Bartholomew's Loft

"Vir my eerste besoek, was dit regtig 'n groot verrassing. Baie mooi outydse dorpie met moderne geriewe."

Addo-olifantpark, Sarah Baartman-distrik

Stable Cottages

"Unfortunately the weather was not in our favour, but am sure that the local community was very pleased with the rain. Park is definitely worth visiting, but the thickness of the indigineous bush does limit visibility. We drove around in the rain for some eight hours - saw only seven elephants (six separate sightings), but enjoyed the other wildlife & varied topography. Roads & visitor facilities well maintained. Ate late afternoon at the Cattle Baron Restaurant (venison hotpot), which was again very good value for money - suggest however that one books early as the indoor facility seems to fill up quickly. "

Nieu-Bethesda, Sarah Baartman-distrik

Outsiders B&B

"Nieu-Bethesda is a charming Karoo town which still exudes the atmosphere and gentle lifestyle of thirty-forty years ago. It also boasts the unique Owl House and is well worth a visit."

Nieu-Bethesda, Sarah Baartman-distrik

And The Cow Jumped Over The Moon...

"Its a fascinating little town, feels like you have travelled back in time. It is also the ideal stop-over on the way to the Garden Route. We will definitely stop over again. It is well worth the short detour off the main road. "

Blad 121 - Wys 3601 tot 3617
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