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@ Abelia Guest House

Self Catering


4.6/ 5

Based on 32 reviews


Value for money
Katie P
Short stay With partner
Feb 2023

It was lovely. It was a lovely place to stay.

Value for money
@ Abelia Guest House

Thank you. We hope to welcome you back soon in our upgraded solar guesthouse.

Dankie. Ons hoop om jou binnekort terug te verwelkom in ons opgegradeerde sonkrag gastehuis.

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Jackie D
Short stay Individual traveller
Apr 2024

Pleasant and comfortable. Had a great stay/slept, but wasn't there during the day.

Aangenaam en gerieflik. Heerlik gebly/geslaap, maar was bedags nie daar nie.

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Value for money

Anton B
Short stay With partner
Mar 2023

Friendly and helpful. Great dogs always wanting to play.

Value for money
@ Abelia Guest House

Thank You, Anton. I Hope to welcome you back soon.

Dankie, Anton. Ek hoop om jou binnekort terug te verwelkom.

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Lisa W
Short stay With partner
Jan 2024

It provides good value for money. The bed is very comfortable, and we slept well. The owner is friendly and accommodating.

Value for money
@ Abelia Guest House

Thank you, Lisa. Hope to welcome you back soon. Kind regards, Carla.

Dankie, Lisa. Hoop om jou binnekort terug te verwelkom. Vriendelike groete, Carla.

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Alexander K
1 night stay With partner
Feb 2024

Pleasant. We had a great stay, everything was good and well. Those who visit the guest house will not be disappointed at all.

Aangenaam. Ons het baie lekker gebly, alles was goed en wel. Diegene wat die gastehuis besoek sal glad nie teleurgestel wees nie.

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Value for money
@ Abelia Guest House

Thank you very much for your kind words and we hope to welcome you back soon. Regards, Carla

Baie dankie vir julle mooi woorde en ons hoop om julle gou weer terug te verwelkom. Groete, Carla

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Ilze B
Short stay With partner
Feb 2024

Nice. Nice and relaxing, except for the load shedding and their inverter not working properly.

Value for money
@ Abelia Guest House

Dear Ilze, Thank you for the rating and I hope you enjoyed your complimentary upgrade to one of our luxury rooms. There was nothing wrong with our solar system or the inverter. The only time when the inverter has to reset itself is to protect itself from a spike or when some of our clients use heating devices and recharge personal items that use high voltage. We do ask in our welcoming letter that people stay mindful of the load shedding time and 99.9% of the time everyone does. I hope this once off situation was not too much of an inconvenience for you. Please note, not many guesthouses in this area provide solar electricity for entire rooms, from boiling kettles to blow drying your hair. Most just provide emergency light and WiFi. We hope that we can welcome you back in the future. Kind Regards, Carla, Abelia Guesthouse Owner.

Liewe Ilze, Dankie vir die gradering en ek hoop jy het jou komplimentêre opgradering na een van ons luukse kamers geniet. Daar was niks fout met ons sonnestelsel of die omskakelaar nie. Die enigste tyd wanneer die omskakelaar homself moet terugstel, is om homself teen 'n piek te beskerm of wanneer sommige van ons kliënte verwarmingstoestelle gebruik en persoonlike items wat hoëspanning gebruik, herlaai. Ons vra wel in ons verwelkomingsbrief dat mense bedag moet bly op die beurtkrag-tyd en 99,9% van die tyd wat almal doen. Ek hoop hierdie eenmalige situasie was nie te veel van 'n ongerief vir jou nie. Neem asseblief kennis, nie baie gastehuise in hierdie area voorsien sonkrag vir hele kamers nie, van kookketels tot die droogblaas van jou hare. Die meeste verskaf net noodlig en WiFi. Ons hoop dat ons jou in die toekoms weer kan verwelkom. Vriendelike groete, Carla, Abelia Gastehuis Eienaar.

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Coral C
Short stay Individual traveller
Nov 2023

Too expensive for bare minimum and characterless. Very tight fit bedroom. Impersonal, characterless, and no windows with a view out.

Value for money
@ Abelia Guest House

Dear Coral, I am so sorry that you didn't like the budget room you picked. The Corporate room is the cheapest room of my five rooms available and is marked as the budget room for that reason. If you wanted a room with a view, you could have chosen the 'Room with a View', which has both mountain and sea views. This costs only R130 more per night. Each of my other four spacious rooms is individually decorated according to a theme and can accommodate up to three people. Most of my rooms have a small kitchenette, like all the rooms, including a microwave, kettle, fridge and a toaster. They also offer free WiFi and full access to DSTV or Netflix (your room had all these features but did not have a kitchenette and a view). All my rooms are serviced daily and cleanliness is something I am very proud of. Studio 1 was available during your two-night stay here. If you felt that the Corporate room was too small for one person, why didn't you ask for an upgrade instead of criticising my guesthouse on this platform? You selected the room based on your budget. We did our best to make you feel at home. Kind Regards, Carla Winter, Owner of @Abelia Guesthouse P.S. It's such a pity that people are quick to post a negative review, but all the compliments I receive throughout the year are not captured here. I can't be blamed for your choices. Everything you received was as promised in my advert.

Liewe Coral, Ek is so jammer dat jy nie van die begrotingskamer wat jy gekies het gehou het nie. Die Korporatiewe kamer is die goedkoopste kamer van my vyf kamers wat beskikbaar is en word om daardie rede as die begrotingskamer gemerk. As jy 'n kamer met 'n uitsig wou hê, kon jy die 'Kamer met 'n uitsig' gekies het, wat beide berg- en see-uitsigte het. Dit kos net R130 meer per nag. Elkeen van my ander vier ruim kamers is individueel volgens 'n tema versier en kan tot drie mense akkommodeer. Die meeste van my kamers het 'n klein kombuisie, soos al die kamers, insluitend 'n mikrogolf, ketel, yskas en 'n broodrooster. Hulle bied ook gratis WiFi en volle toegang tot DSTV of Netflix (jou kamer het al hierdie kenmerke gehad, maar het nie 'n kombuisie en 'n uitsig gehad nie). Al my kamers word daagliks gediens en netheid is iets waarop ek baie trots is. Studio 1 was beskikbaar tydens jou verblyf van twee nagte hier. As jy gevoel het dat die Korporatiewe kamer te klein is vir een persoon, hoekom het jy nie vir 'n opgradering gevra in plaas daarvan om my gastehuis op hierdie platform te kritiseer nie? Jy het die kamer gekies op grond van jou begroting. Ons het ons bes gedoen om jou tuis te laat voel. Vriendelike groete, Carla Winter, Eienaar van @Abelia Gastehuis P.S. Dit is so jammer dat mense vinnig 'n negatiewe resensie plaas, maar al die komplimente wat ek deur die jaar ontvang word nie hier vasgevang nie. Ek kan nie blameer word vir jou keuses nie. Alles wat jy ontvang het was soos belowe in my advertensie.

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Johan V
Short stay With partner
Feb 2023

The departure and accommodation were quite acceptable. Overall ventilation in the living area is poor and no flow of natural air which makes it unhealthy. More windows or ventilation to the outside and also on the stoep area is essential!

Die vertrek en verblyf was heel aanvaarbaar. Algehele ventilasie in die woonarea is swak en geen deurvloei van natuurlike lug wat dit ongesond maak. Meer vensters of ventilasie na buite en ook op die stoep area is noodsaaklik!

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Value for money
@ Abelia Guest House

Thank you Johan I'm sorry to hear that you had a problem with the ventilation of the room. The very spacious interior room with a sun room has many advantages but one disadvantage is that there is no direct door and window where light can flow. Since you stayed here, I have upgraded the entire guest house with "solar" and also installed a large fan for the room. So you can now as Eskom give power to the "Aircon" and in the times when there is no power and just solar turn on the electric fan. It was a particularly hot time when you were here, but I believe that the problem has now been resolved. If I welcome you here again, I would suggest that you stay in the boat room with large doors that lead out to the pool area. Hope to welcome you again. regards Carla

Dankie Johan Ek is jammer om te hoor dat jy n probleem gehad het met die ventelasie van die kamer. Die baie ruim Binne kamer met 'n sonkamer het baie voordele maar een nadeel is dat daar nie n direkte deur en venster is waar lig kan vloei nie. Ek het vandat jy hier gebly het wel die hele gastehuis op gradeer met "solar" en ook vir die kamer 'n groot waaier geinstaleer. Dus kan jy nou as Eskom krag gee die "Aircon" aan he en in die tye wat daar nie krag is nie en net solar die elektriese waaier aan sit. Dit was n besondere warm tyd wat julle hier was maar ek glo dat die probleem wel nou op gelos is. As ek julle weer hier verwelkom sal ek voorstel dat julle eerder in die boot kamer bly met groot deure wat uit loop na swembad area. Hoop om julle weer te verwelkom. Groete Carla

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Jakobus A
Short stay With friends
Apr 2023

Normal for R1000+ a night. Shower outlet blocked. Cracked kettle. Only air fryer and microwave, no pots or pans.

Value for money
@ Abelia Guest House

Dear Jakobus Thank you for your review. I am disappointed that you were not happy with some of the facilities in this room. Your message to me was that you were happy with the room and just reported the drain and the cracked kettle. The kettle must have broken while you were here, seeing that the client before you had no problem with anything. But all the problems were sorted out on the day you reported them. That was after you left. Studio 2 is the only room in the guesthouse that has an air-fryer and I don't cater for the option of making food in any of my rooms. There is a microwave for heating food up. I never in any of my options offer pots and pans. Regarding Customer service, I don't understand your low rating seeing that you WhatsApp me "Thanks Accommodation was very good". Clients have to understand that these reviews are so important to us and they can make or break a business. If you are not happy with any guest house in the future don't only complain after you have a problem. Things happen and we are all human. If you look at my reviews you were the first person that left such a low score. Security - Don't know why you feel this is a problem. Location - you picked the location and I cater to those who want to stay there. Value for money - my rates are the lowest in the area. Still, your choice if you want to stay in an upmarket area. I hope to welcome you back in the future and show you that we pride ourselves in our good name and are always hands-on if there is a problem. Kind Regards Carla Owner @Abelia Guesthouse

Liewe Jakobus Dankie vir jou resensie. Ek is teleurgesteld dat jy nie tevrede was met sommige van die geriewe in hierdie kamer nie. Jou boodskap aan my was dat jy tevrede was met die kamer en net die drein en die gekraakte ketel aangemeld het. Die ketel moes gebreek het terwyl jy hier was, siende dat die kliënt voor jou geen probleem gehad het met enigiets nie. Maar al die probleme is uitgesorteer op die dag wat jy dit aangemeld het. Dit was nadat jy weg is. Studio 2 is die enigste kamer in die gastehuis wat 'n lugbraaier het en ek maak nie voorsiening vir die opsie om in enige van my kamers kos te maak nie. Daar is 'n mikrogolfoond om kos op te warm. Ek bied nooit in enige van my opsies potte en panne aan nie. Wat kliëntediens betref, ek verstaan nie jou lae gradering nie aangesien jy my WhatsApp "Dankie Akkommodasie was baie goed". Kliënte moet verstaan dat hierdie resensies vir ons so belangrik is en dat hulle 'n besigheid kan maak of breek. As jy nie gelukkig is met enige gastehuis in die toekoms nie, moenie net kla nadat jy 'n probleem het nie. Dinge gebeur en ons is almal mense. As jy na my resensies kyk, was jy die eerste persoon wat so 'n lae telling gelaat het. Sekuriteit - Weet nie hoekom jy voel dit is 'n probleem nie. Ligging - jy het die ligging gekies en ek maak voorsiening vir diegene wat daar wil bly. Waarde vir geld - my tariewe is die laagste in die area. Tog, jou keuse as jy in 'n luukse area wil bly. Ek hoop om jou in die toekoms terug te verwelkom en jou te wys dat ons trots is op ons goeie naam en altyd hands-on is as daar 'n probleem is. Vriendelike groete Carla Eienaar @Abelia Gastehuis

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Janine O
1 night stay With partner
Aug 2022

Beautiful view! Easily accessible from the airport. Everything very neat and clean. View from the room is beautiful. Would definitely recommend.

Pragtige uitsig! Maklik bereikbaar vanaf die lughawe. Alles baie netjies en skoon. Uitsig vanaf die kamer is pragtig. Sal beslis aanbeveel.

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Value for money
@ Abelia Guest House

Thank you very much, it was nice to receive you. We hope to see you again soon. Regards, Carla

Baie dankie dit was lekker om julle te onvang. Ons hoop om julle gou weer te sien. Groete, Carla

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Carla Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 32

On LekkeSlaap 5 years

From R1 050
per night, for 2 ppl
R1 050
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 13 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 62 Abelia Street, Helderview, Somerset West, 7129, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA970635f5aeacf379e3d6bf99f0a4db9cba07e38b0d53756001f06286afd216a9b30e06a6299a2169520568fe9be4e0253a73?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 050 per night, for 2 ppl 32 5 1 5 62 Abelia Street Helderview 7129 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -34.059377035596 18.823442873797

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