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Witsand 102

Self Catering


4.4/ 5

Based on 22 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Wayne H
Short stay Individual traveller
Feb 2023

Had a awesome stay! Place was clean, everything was working. Great views. All and all very good! Would recommend it to anyone.

Value for money

Pieter B
Short stay With friends
Jan 2024

Witsand 102 surprised me with its beautiful view. Very nice view of Table Mountain and the beach, close to shops and eateries. We had a very nice stay.

Witsand 102 het my verbaas met sy pragtige uitsig. Baie mooi uitsig van Tafelberg en die strand, naby aan winkels en eetplekke. Ons het baie lekker gebly.

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Value for money

Hantjie E
Short stay With partner
Apr 2024

Was nothing special. You are constantly aware of the traffic.

Was niks besonders. Mens is die heeltyd bewus van die verkeer.

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Value for money

Clarissa V
Short stay Family with young children
Aug 2022

We had a great time at Witsand 102. Received friendly service. Secure parking. The most beautiful view of Table Mountain and Robben Island. Would definitely recommend Witsand for a family with children. Most delicious double shower and large bath. Located near shops and restaurants. Had no problems with the WiFi absolutely value for money. See you again soon.

Ons het baie lekker gekuier by Witsand 102. Vriendelike diens ontvang. Veilige parkering. Die mooiste uitsig oor Tafelberg en Robeneiland. Sal Witsand beslis aanbeveel vir 'n gesin met kinders. Heerlikste dubbelstort en groot bad. Geleë naby winkels en restaurante. Geen probleme met die WiFi gehad nie absoluut waarde vir geld. Sien julle gou gou weer.

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Value for money
Witsand 102

Good Day Clarissa, thank you for your perfect scoring of 5 / 5. We are happy that you enjoyed your stay in Witsand and we hope you enjoyed the ocean and lagoon.

Goeiedag Clarissa, dankie vir jou perfekte telling van 5/5. Ons is bly dat jy jou verblyf in Witsand geniet het en ons hoop jy het die see en strandmeer geniet.

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Tommy K
Short stay Individual traveller
Feb 2022

Awesome reception and welcome. Close to everything you might need. Safe and such a beautiful view. I would definitely make this my choice of place to stay in Cape Town.

Value for money
Witsand 102

Hi Lenore, thank you very much for your review and grading, we really appreciate it. We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed the location and views. We hope to welcome you back soon again in the near future. The HostAgents Team

Hallo Lenore, baie dankie vir jou resensie en gradering, ons waardeer dit opreg. Ons is so bly om te hoor dat jy die ligging en uitsigte geniet het. Ons hoop om jou binnekort weer terug te verwelkom in die nabye toekoms. Die HostAgents-span

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Franklyn C
Short stay Family with teenagers
Feb 2021

Breathtaking views of Tafelberg Mountain and the ocean. Will surely recommend this place.

Value for money
Witsand 102

Good day Frank, Thank you for taking the time to give us such a great review. We strive to provide top-notch accommodation. I trust you will grant us the opportunity to accommodate you again in the near future. Kind Regards AirAgents

Good day Frank, Thank you for taking the time to give us such a great review. We strive to provide top-notch accommodation. I trust you will grant us the opportunity to accommodate you again in the near future. Kind Regards AirAgents

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Suzanne Kriek K
Long stay
Nov 2021

We made the best with what we met here. Not so much as one would expect. Apartment is very neglected. View beautiful but facilities poor so view probably had to pay for price per day as well as all shortcomings. So sorry owner has no desire to make people feel at home so despite the view I will not simply recommend this apartment. There was great confusion regarding bathroom facilities on our arrival which I was in no way aware of the extent of which includes 2 bathrooms. The condition required me to find alternative accommodation for people who would share the flat with me. For a family with small children it would probably not be a burden but 4 adults made it impossible and it was not brought to my attention in advance or readable on the website. There is no privacy when one person would shower and another would want to bathe. The 2 "bathrooms" are only shared with a glass door which does not necessarily offer any privacy one after the other. Very disturbing that this was not brought to my attention. Concertina door from the spare bedroom to the toilet/sort area was broken and torn. Sleeping facilities very basic. No blankets but 2 heaters, not acceptable. Heaters very small and living room too large to provide sufficient heat and why not provide for extra blankets. No extra effort was made regarding loadshading which was a reality, not even a single candle. In my opinion extremely weak. Kettle in kitchen leaks terribly which was quite a big frustration. Kitchenware for self-catering is absolutely basic. Floors very sandy, a funny type of carpet in the living area. Looks dirty all the time. In bathrooms it is a bad decision to use such small tiles because you don't get rid of sand on the floors and I add that we didn't even go to the beach once during the whole period, so the sand was washed already present with entrance and very creepy. Main bathroom bath, bitterly impractical. Nowhere any shelf or hook to put down or hang any soap or shampoo, bath plug right in the middle of the bath so you can't move because the plug keeps opening. The spray head at the bath is old and broken. Letting agent keeps reminding me that the apartment has just been bought over by a new owner and we just have to absorb the weaknesses but none of this was brought to my attention during booking. Nor has an adjustment been made regarding the price per day with all the excuses. Sofas sit very deep and the two extra chairs that were added in the living room are one of the broken ones. The apartment is not as advertised and mostly in very poor condition. Owner made no effort to move his private articles in the cupboards to one point to create maximum space for his guests. We had to move everything around ourselves for our own convenience. So my general opinion is that the owner is very careless and can't be bothered to advertise his apartment as top quality but it is anything but. I get the feeling that the sea view must make up for all its shortcomings and that I must be very privileged to pay this price per day solely for the view alone.

Ons het die beste gemaak met wat ons hier ontmoet het. Nie soseer wat 'n mens verwag het nie. Woonstel is maar baie verwaarloos. Uitsig pragtig maar fasiliteite swak so uitsig moes seker maar instaan vir prys per dag asook alle tekortkominge. So jammer eienaar het geen begeerte om 'n mense te laat tuis voel nie so uitsig ten spyt sal ek nie sommer hierdie woonstel aanbeveel nie. Daar was groot verwarring rakende badkamer fasiliteite met ons aankoms waarvan ek glad nie op enige wyse bewus van was van die omvang van wat 2 badkamers insluit nie. Die toestand het my genoodsaak om alternatiewe verblyf vir mense wat die woonstel met my sou deel te moes bekom. Vir 'n gesin met klein kinders sal dit seker nie 'n las wees nie maar 4 volwassenes het dit onmoontlik gemaak en dit is nie vooraf onder my aandag gebring of leesbaar gewees op die website nie. Daar is geen privaatheid wanneer n persoon sou stort en n ander sou wou bad nie. Die 2 "badkamers" is maar gedeel met n glasdeur wat die een na die ander nie noodwendig enige privaatheid bied nie. Baie ontstellend dat dit nie onder my aandag gebring was nie. Konsertina deur van die spaar slaapkamer na die toilet/sort area was stukkend en geskeur. Slaap geriewe baie basies. Geen komberse wel 2 verwarmers, nie aanvaarbaar. Verwarmers baie klein en leefvertrek te groot om genoegsame hitte te verskaf en waarom nie voorsiening maak vir ekstra komberse nie. Geen ekstra moeite gedoen rakende loadshadding wat wel n realiteit was nie, nie eens n enkele kers. In my opinie uiters swak. Ketel in kombuis lek verskriklik wat nogal 'n groot frustrasie was. Kombuis ware vir self catering is absoluut basies. Vloere baie sanderig, 'n snaakse tipe tapyt in die leefarea. Lyk heeltyd vuil. In badkamers is dit n swak besluit om sulke klein teëls te gebruik want jy kry nie ontslae geraak van sand op die vloere nie en ek noem dit by dat ons nie eens een maal op die strand was oor die hele tydperk nie, dus was die sand reeds teenwoordig met ingang en baie grillerig. Hoof badkamer bad, bitter onprakties. Nêrens enige rakkie of hakkie om enige seep of shampoo te kan neersit of hang nie, bad se prop reg in die middel van die bad so jy kan nie beweeg nie want die prop gaan heeltyd oop. Die spraykop by die bad is oud en stukkend. Verhurings agent bly net heeltyd herinner dat die woonstel pas oorgekoop is deur 'n nuwe eienaar en ons moet maar die swaktes absorbeer maar niks van hierdie was onder my aandag gebring met bespreking nie. Daar is ook nie 'n aanpassing gemaak rakende die prys per dag met al die verskonings nie. Banke sit baie diep en die twee stoele wat ekstra by gebring is in die woon vertrek is een van stukkend. Die woonstel is nie soos geadverteer nie en merendeels in 'n baie swak toestand. Eienaar het geen moeite gedoen om sy privaat artikels in die kaste na een punt te skuif om maksimum plek te kon skep vir sy gaste nie. Ons moes self alles rond skuif vir ons eie gerief. So my algemene opinie is dat die eienaar baie onverskillig en kan nie worry sy woonstel adverteer as top gehalte maar dit is alles behalwe. Ek kry die gevoel dat die see uitsig moet instaan vir al sy tekortkominge en dat ek baie bevoorreg moet wees om hierdie prys per dag te betaal uitsluitlik weereens vir die uitsig alleen.

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Value for money
Witsand 102

Good day Suzanne Thank you for taking the time to review this instance and bring the issue to our attention. We are in the process of improving Witsand 102 in terms of quality. It is feedback like yours that helps us continue to improve our service and accommodations, and we hope you will give us the opportunity to accommodate you again in the future.

Goeie dag Suzanne Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om hierdie instansie te hersien en die kwessie onder ons aandag te bring. Ons is in die proses om Witsand 102 te verbeter in terme van kwaliteit. Dit is terugvoer soos joune wat ons help om voort te gaan om ons diens en akkommodasie te verbeter, en ons hoop jy sal ons die geleentheid gee om jou weer in die toekoms te akkommodeer.

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Martin V
Short stay Family with teenagers
Sep 2020

Wonderful. Very friendly and comfortable.

Wonderlik. Baie vriendelik en gemaklik.

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Value for money

Johan S
Short stay Family with teenagers
Sep 2020

We really enjoyed our stay Was impressed with the apartment, the view, the security and our concierge was great. The sound from the road and the bar next door was a bit disturbing, but not too bad.

Ons het ons verblyf baie geniet Was beindruk met die woonstel, die uitsig, die sekuriteit en ons concierge was wonderlik. Die klank vanaf die pad en die kroeg langsaan was n bietjie steurend, maar nie te erg nie.

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Value for money
Witsand 102

Hi Johan, Thank you for your review on your stay. We hope to see you again

Hallo Johan, Dankie vir jou resensie oor jou verblyf. Ons hoop om jou weer te sien

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Short stay Family with teenagers
Mar 2020

Locations is very bad. The bar downstairs makes it unbearable when people curse and scream at each other at 2am in the morning. Information about obtaining keys was not clear at all and with obtaining keys we waited almost 30 minutes just to get it after all documents were finally found. Inventory list was not up to date at all and had a shortage of many items. Not at all value for money.

Ligging is baie swak. Die kroeg onder maak dit ondraaglik as mense 02:00 in die oggend op mekaar vloek en skree. Inligting rakende die kry van sleutels was glad nie duidelik nie en met kry van sleutels het ons amper 30 min gewag net om dit te kry na alle dokumente uiteindelik agtermekaar gekry is. Inventarislys was glad nie op datum en het 'n te kort aan baie gehad. Glad nie waarde vir die geld nie.

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Value for money
Witsand 102

Good Day Bennie. Thank you for taking the time to review us. I am very sorry to hear your stay was not ideal. We have never had a noise complaint at the apartment before, we will make sure to inform the owner. We will investigate your check-in procedure and inventory, so we can make sure it does not happen again. We hope to welcome you back to our apartment. Kind regards, Witsand 102

Goeie dag Bennie. Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om ons te hersien. Ek is baie jammer om te hoor jou verblyf was nie ideaal nie. Ons het nog nooit 'n geraasklagte by die woonstel gehad nie, ons sal seker maak om die eienaar in kennis te stel. Ons sal jou inklokprosedure en voorraad ondersoek, sodat ons kan seker maak dat dit nie weer gebeur nie. Ons hoop om jou terug te verwelkom by ons woonstel. Vriendelike groete, Witsand 102

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Host Verified

Properties 100+

Reviews 719

On LekkeSlaap 11 years

From R1 850
per night (sleeps 4)
R1 850
per night (sleeps 4)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 4 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 20:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 0A Beach Boulevard, Table View, Cape Town, 7441, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAc707c8a0c83d41f41400c04f47ca22959606a1313dcae067ed14008832e6c05503d53da407182fbe549c6a0ab26e10091cde?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 850 per night (sleeps 4) 22 5 1 5 0A Beach Boulevard Table View 7441 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-20:00 10:00 -33.818549895058 18.474725782871

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