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11 Ingle Road

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On LekkeSlaap 2 years

Review Summary

2.4 out of 5from 1 review 11 Ingle Road
Value for money
Reneé H - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Reneé H
With spouse/partner

Dis jammer dat die verblyf nie van goeie gehalte was nie.

Die plek was regtig nie waarde vir geld nie. Dit het uiters verwaarloos voorgekom. Dit was wel gerieflik naby die Two Oceans begin. Die probleme was as volg: die matras was gebreek, die bank in die sitkamer was vol vuil kolle. Die badkamer het muf aan die plafon gehad. Die plante in die binnehoffie en potplante binne en buite word glad nie versorg nie, anders as wat op die foto's aangedui is. Daar was ook nie basiese geriewe soos 'n broodrooster of afdroograk in die kombuis nie. Die e-pos wat ek op arrivering ontvang het, het gesê ons kon van komplementêre tee en koffie gebruik maak maar daar was slegs vier sakkies swart tee wat ons nie drink nie. As ons laat gearriveer het sou ons nie tyd gehad het om die nodige aan te skaf nie en 'n bietjie koffie melk of suiker sou gewis gehelp het vir die eerste aand. Daar was geen aanduiding dat daar omtrent geen parkering in die straat is nie en ook was die plek nie goed binne belig, anders as wat die foto's gewys het. Die linne was skoon en van goeie gehalte, terwyl die kopkussings van swak gehalte was, alhoewel die internet van goeie gehalte was.

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It's a shame that the accommodation was not of good quality.

The place was really not value for money. It appeared extremely neglected. It was conveniently close to the Two Oceans start. The problems were as follows: the mattress was broken, the couch in the living room was full of dirty spots. The bathroom had mold on the ceiling. The plants in the courtyard and potted plants inside and outside are not taken care of at all, contrary to what is indicated in the photos. There were also no basic facilities such as a toaster or drying rack in the kitchen. The email I received on arrival said we could make use of complementary tea and coffee but there were only four bags of black tea which we don't drink. If we had arrived late we wouldn't have had time to buy what we needed and a little coffee milk or sugar would certainly have helped for the first night. There was no indication that there was almost no parking on the street and also the place was not well lit inside, unlike what the photos showed. The linen was clean and of good quality, while the pillows were of poor quality, although the internet was of good quality.

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per night (sleeps 2)
From R800
per night (sleeps 2)
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 2 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 11 Ingle road, Claremont, 7708, Western Cape
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