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Enchanting Views - 22 Kingston Plek

Self Catering


4.8/ 5

Based on 6 reviews


Value for money
Christopher S
Short stay With partner
Mar 2024

Beautiful accommodation with amazing views. Friendly host who was always willing. Beautiful accommodation with amazing views. Friendly host who was always willing to assist. Would highly recommend this stay.

Value for money
Enchanting Views - 22 Kingston Plek

Hi Christopher Thank you for visiting us and I'm pleased that you enjoyed your stay so much. We look forward to your next visit. Best regards Rubin

Hallo Christopher Dankie dat jy ons besoek het en ek is bly dat jy jou verblyf so geniet het. Ons sien uit na jou volgende besoek. Beste wense Vryf in

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Darryl W
Short stay With partner
Mar 2024

Breathtaking view! We thoroughly enjoyed our weekend getaway and wished we could have extended our stay! Rubin, our host, went above and beyond to ensure our comfort and satisfaction, offering additional assistance to enhance our experience. His recommendations for dining and shopping were invaluable, especially since it was our first visit to Jeffrey's Bay. The security measures at the Marina were excellent, providing a sense of safety and peace of mind. The accommodations were impeccably clean and fully equipped with all the essentials. Without a doubt, the highlight of the house was the balcony, where we spent countless relaxing moments on the comfortable deck chairs, soaking in the breathtaking view. Thank you, Rubin, for your exceptional hospitality!

Value for money

Claudia P
Long stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2024

Best holiday we have ever had. Well rested. What an unforgettable vacation. The accommodation was 5-star. The place was clean and tidy, and upon arrival we found nice surprises in the fridge. This is definitely a holiday destination I would recommend. The breathtaking view of the marina is definitely something one must see. Thank you for your hospitality and great service from the moment we put in the booking inquiry to the moment we left. The place is really very beautiful and everything you need, and more, is at your disposal. Thank you for being just a phone call away when we wanted to know the best places to eat, or shops to see. Many times it is written on reviews that the people will book the place for which they are doing the review, but I can confirm that we have already booked our next visit. Now we are counting down the weeks until our next visit.

Beste vakansie wat ons nog gehad het. Lekker uitgerus. Wat 'n onvergeetlike vakansie. Die verblyf was 5-ster. Die plek was skoon en netjies, en met aankoms het ons lekker verrassings in die yskas gekry. Hierdie is beslis 'n vakansiebestemming wat ek sal aanbeveel. Die asemrowende uitsig oor die marina is beslis iets wat 'n mens moet sien. Dankie vir jou gasvryheid en puik diens vanaf die oomblik dat ons die besprekingsnavraag ingesit het, tot die oomblik dat ons vertrek het. Die plek is regtig baie mooi en alles wat jy nodig het, en meer, is tot jou beskikking. Dankie dat jy net 'n telefoonoproep weg was as ons wou weet waar die beste plekke is om te gaan eet, of winkeltjies om te besigtig. Daar word baie keer op resensies geskryf dat die mense weer die plek sal bespreek waarvoor hulle die resensie doen, maar ek kan wel bevestig dat ons alreeds ons volgende kuier klaar bespreek het. Nou tel ons die weke af tot ons volgende kuier.

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Value for money
Enchanting Views - 22 Kingston Plek

Hello Claudia It was an absolute pleasure to play guide for you as you were just the best guests on the planet. I am very much looking forward to your return and am very grateful that you booked it immediately. As you know, the Marina Martinique is very popular and it is almost impossible to get a place during peak times, so an early booking prevents disappointment. At least you guys know the area well now, so I'll have to be awake to surprise you with cool spots. Thank you very much for the beautiful group photo, which I really appreciate. Best regards Rubin

Hello Claudia Dit was 'n absolute plesier om gids vir julle te speel, want julle was net die beste gaste op die planeet. Ek sien baie uit na julle terugkeer en is baie dankbaar dat julle dit onmiddellik bespreek het. Soos julle weet, is die Marina Martinique baie gewild en dis byna onmoontlik om plek te kry oor spitstye, so 'n vroegtydige bespreking verhoed teleurstelling. Ten minste ken julle die area nou goed, so ek sal moet wakker wees om julle te verras met oulike plekke. Baie dankie vir die mooi groepfoto wat ek baie waardeer. Beste groete Rubin

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Steven D
Short stay Family with young children
May 2023

Excellent, professional and warm welcome. The Owner was very organised and opened up his unit with our kids. This is the best view that I have ever experienced. Catching fish from the big balcony was some of the best memories made. We had the privilege to take a cruise with our boat on the marina and it was amazing to see the wide channels and everyone was so friendly. Security is a bit strict but it's got its advantages I suppose. We were welcomed with warm freshly baked bread and a bottle of red wine. This is what I call a breakaway with an excellent view. I would definitely come back here and highly recommend this experience! The photos do no justice to the views and the property itself.

Value for money
Enchanting Views - 22 Kingston Plek

Hi Steven, We really appreciate your charming review about the magnificent views and the joy that you experienced during your break away. I'm lucky to have a great team who will do anything to make visitors feel special from doing laundry to baking. A big thank you to Susan, Miquelle and Nicholas who are such special people. I'm pleased that you had so much fun fishing especially as it gave me as a non-fisherman some insight into why so many people become enchanted with this hobby or sport, Steven. Security at the Marina Martinique is extremely strict, but it explains why crime in this canalled village is virtually non-existent. Guests need to avoid last-minute check-ins as all residents and visitors have to be pre-cleared by security prior to arrival. Motorboats are not allowed for short-term stays, unfortunately, due to ecological reasons. Visitors are rewarded with a warm-hearted community where few people bother to lock cars or front doors and forgetful children who leave their toys and bicycles unattended usually find it in the same spot. Residents and visitors sleep extremely well at night and are often rewarded with spectacular moon rises that reflect magically in the canals. Our wildlife in the Marina is as chilled as Bambi in Walt Disney and finding a little "bokkie" grazing next to your car is not uncommon. Steven and family, we look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Hallo Steven, Ons waardeer opreg jou bekoorlike resensie oor die manjifieke uitsigte en die vreugde wat jy tydens jou wegbreek ervaar het. Ek is gelukkig om 'n wonderlike span te hê wat enigiets sal doen om besoekers spesiaal te laat voel, van wasgoed was tot bak. Baie dankie aan Susan, Miquelle en Nicholas wat sulke spesiale mense is. Ek is bly dat jy soveel pret gehad het om te hengel, veral omdat dit my as 'n nie-visserman 'n bietjie insig gegee het oor hoekom so baie mense betower raak met hierdie stokperdjie of sport, Steven. Sekuriteit by die Marina Martinique is uiters streng, maar dit verklaar hoekom misdaad in hierdie gekanaliseerde dorpie feitlik nie bestaan nie. Gaste moet laaste-minuut-inklokdatums vermy aangesien alle inwoners en besoekers vooraf deur sekuriteit uitgeklaar moet word voor aankoms. Motorbote word ongelukkig weens ekologiese redes nie vir korttermynverblyf toegelaat nie. Besoekers word beloon met 'n hartlike gemeenskap waar min mense die moeite doen om motors of voordeure te sluit en vergeetagtige kinders wat hul speelgoed en fietse sonder toesig los, vind dit gewoonlik op dieselfde plek. Inwoners en besoekers slaap snags baie goed en word dikwels beloon met skouspelagtige maanopkoms wat magies in die kanale weerkaats. Ons wild in die Marina is so verkoel soos Bambi in Walt Disney en om 'n klein "bokkie" langs jou motor te kry, is nie ongewoon nie. Steven en familie, ons sien uit daarna om julle binnekort terug te verwelkom.

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John F
Short stay Family with teenagers
Apr 2023

Great. Very nice and welcoming.

Value for money
Enchanting Views - 22 Kingston Plek

Thank you, John, for your lovely review which we really appreciate. We look forward to welcoming you back in the future and will do our best to again arrange the home-made freshly made baked bread and all the accompaniments that, you and your family enjoyed so much. Wine and snacks are a standard welcoming feature for all our guests.

Dankie, John, vir jou pragtige resensie wat ons opreg waardeer. Ons sien uit daarna om jou in die toekoms terug te verwelkom en sal ons bes doen om weer die tuisgemaakte varsgebakte brood en al die bykomstighede wat jy en jou gesin so geniet het te reël. Wyn en versnaperinge is 'n standaard verwelkomingsfunksie vir al ons gaste.

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Lynette M
Short stay With partner
Oct 2023

Disappointed. The owner's belongings were found in the bathroom and grocery cupboards. There were no pots available for cooking, and the microwave was not working. This was not what we were accustomed to or what was advertised in this price category. However, the scenery and setting were good.

Value for money
Enchanting Views - 22 Kingston Plek

This is my specially curated home and not a cookie cutter hotel room with empty cupboards and zero imagination. Every detail in this apartment is unique from the cleaning equipment to the sunburn cream and basic medical supplies over the counter. Many empty shelves to the ceiling are available for your personal use, however you chose to complain about a few personal items like a shaver and a toothbrush at the lower shelves, which has been removed since your request. Initially at arrival after I monitored your progress over four hours, we were well prepared for your arrival which no hotel would do, so your freshly baked bread and wine was neatly presented for your delayed arrival. The microwave works fine like it still does and if it did not, we had a full team on standby. Once you arrived you complained about the fact that this was a first-floor apartment even though the pragmatic issues of a step height of 17 cm were discussed and agreed upon prior to your arrival. In most first-world countries where a high premium is placed on hygiene it is a pretty standard request in top end properties to remove your shoes for hygienic reasons. A perfectly sized ottoman is provided at the front door to assist in any difficulties to exchange shoes for slippers should you not like being barefoot. We also provide gowns at no charge and laundry services at your cost collected and delivered at no charge. When you complained upon arrival about DSTV which we do not offer, we immediately got a technician to upgrade our flat screen TV to a state-of-the-art smart TV. He spent three hours with you to familiarize yourselves with new technology. This system does not accommodate DSTV but offers many other options. Being in one of the most magnificent places on the planet, I'm surprised anybody would want to watch TV. We are surrounded by nature reserves, restaurants, and a well-fitted kitchen with highly valuable equipment. Large woks and heavy-based pans are capable of doing anything better than a pot. Guests are usually treated to freshly baked homemade bread, condiments, butter, milk, and a bottle of red wine. The cupboards are stocked with spices, oils, and useful items to be able to cook without shopping for a wide range of spices and condiments. The comment about cupboards filled with groceries is absurd as these items are there for guests to enjoy and save a lot of money and time. The extra-length king-size beds are covered in 300+ thread count Egyptian cotton weave which you won't find in most hotels or at almost any apartments at such a low-price range. One of the unique aspects of this apartment is the candles we supply at no cost so that guests can enjoy the incredible lighting and atmosphere. We are pleased to see that you at least found that aspect of the groceries useful.

Hierdie is my huis wat spesiaal saamgestel is en nie 'n koekiedrukker-hotelkamer met leë kaste en geen verbeelding nie. Elke detail in hierdie woonstel is uniek van die skoonmaaktoerusting tot die sonbrandroom en basiese mediese voorrade oor die toonbank. Baie leë rakke tot by die plafon is beskikbaar vir jou persoonlike gebruik, maar jy het gekies om te kla oor 'n paar persoonlike items soos 'n skeermasjien en 'n tandeborsel by die onderste rakke, wat sedert jou versoek verwyder is. Aanvanklik met aankoms nadat ek jou vordering oor vier uur gemonitor het, was ons goed voorbereid vir jou aankoms wat geen hotel sou doen nie, so jou varsgebakte brood en wyn is netjies aangebied vir jou vertraagde aankoms. Die mikrogolf werk goed soos dit steeds doen en as dit nie het nie, het ons 'n volle span op bystand gehad. Sodra jy aangekom het, het jy gekla oor die feit dat dit 'n woonstel op die eerste verdieping is, al is die pragmatiese kwessies van 'n traphoogte van 17 cm bespreek en ooreengekom voor jou aankoms. In die meeste eerstewêreldlande waar 'n hoë premie op higiëne geplaas word, is dit 'n redelik standaard versoek in top-eiendomme om jou skoene om higiëniese redes te verwyder. 'n Poef met perfekte grootte word by die voordeur voorsien om te help in enige probleme om skoene vir pantoffels te ruil indien jy nie daarvan hou om kaalvoet te wees nie. Ons verskaf ook togas gratis en wasgoeddienste teen jou koste wat afgehaal en gratis afgelewer word. Toe jy met aankoms kla oor DSTV wat ons nie bied nie, het ons dadelik 'n tegnikus gekry om ons platskerm-TV op te gradeer na 'n moderne slim-TV. Hy het drie uur saam met julle spandeer om julle met nuwe tegnologie te vergewis. Hierdie stelsel akkommodeer nie DSTV nie, maar bied baie ander opsies. Omdat ek op een van die wonderlikste plekke op die planeet is, is ek verbaas dat enige iemand TV wil kyk. Ons word omring deur natuurreservate, restaurante en 'n goed toegeruste kombuis met hoogs waardevolle toerusting. Groot wokke en panne met swaar basis is in staat om enigiets beter te doen as 'n pot. Gaste word gewoonlik getrakteer op varsgebakte tuisgemaakte brood, speserye, botter, melk en 'n bottel rooiwyn. Die kaste is gevul met speserye, olies en nuttige items om te kan kook sonder om vir 'n wye verskeidenheid speserye en speserye te koop. Die opmerking oor kaste vol kruideniersware is absurd aangesien hierdie items daar is vir gaste om te geniet en baie geld en tyd bespaar. Die ekstra-lengte koninggrootte-beddens is bedek met 300+ draadtelling Egiptiese katoenweefsel wat jy nie in die meeste hotelle of byna enige woonstelle teen so 'n lae prysklas sal kry nie. Een van die unieke aspekte van hierdie woonstel is die kerse wat ons gratis verskaf sodat gaste die ongelooflike beligting en atmosfeer kan geniet. Ons is bly om te sien dat jy ten minste daardie aspek van die kruideniersware nuttig gevind het.

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Rubin Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 6

On LekkeSlaap 1 year

From R1 940
R1 940 R1 455
per night (sleeps 4)
From R1 940
R1 940 R1 455
per night (sleeps 4)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 4 people
  • No children under 14
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 22 Kingston Place, Marina Martinique, Jeffrey's Bay, 6332, Eastern Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5d418b880d12316092faabb0043ddefe69ea92aecac6c4ebcfa988b85e1d72579987cc94acb5b86c35ef500002aec73db18c?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R1 940 nowFrom R1 455 per night (sleeps 4) 6 5 1 5 22 Kingston Place Marina Martinique 6332 Eastern Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -34.073560905018 24.913829198851

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