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26 on Greenway

Self Catering


4/ 5

Based on 1 review

Very Good

Value for money
Corne B
Short stay Family with teenagers
Apr 2023

Reasonable. The unit provides the basic. There was electricity, hot water and a place to sleep, as well as coffee bags, a small box of milk, dish soap, soap in the bathrooms. We had an excellent agent who sorted out issues for us, but ideally I would like to start the stay problem free. On arrival, the main bedroom had a double bed, not a queen size as on the website, and the other 2 rooms each had double beds, while one should have had 2 single beds. It made for an uncomfortable first night. The agent, Jonathan, did sort out the beds the next day and all compliments to him in that regard. availability and communication. There were several other small aspects that didn't go smoothly - the fridge wasn't on when we arrived, we had a lot of trouble getting the TV to work, there wasn't a TV remote so we ended up found a place behind the TV to turn it on. The TV has a smart box, but the remote from the smart box's batteries were flat. Regarding cooking facilities lack at least one or two larger sharp knives to e.g. to be able to cut raw meat with. Outside is a nice veranda with a table, but the one sofa and chair are half broken. The living room smelled of smoke from the fireplace, which is probably to be expected. We also had a strange visit on our penultimate day from someone who said they were a housekeeper and had come to get toilet paper from a locked cupboard to which they had a key. Somewhat peculiar because the unit does not offer housekeeping services during the stay, and we had to buy our own extra toilet paper for the duration of the stay.

Redelik. Die eenheid verskaf die basiese. Daar was elektrisiteit, warm water en slaapplek, asook koffiesakkies, 'n klein boksie melk, skottelgoedseep, seep in die badkamers. Ons het 'n uitstekende agent gehad wat probleme vir ons uitgesorteer het, maar ideaal gesproke sou ek die verblyf probleemvry wou begin. Met aankoms het die hoofslaapkamer 'n dubbelbed gehad, nie 'n koningingrootte soos op die website nie, en die ander 2 kamers het elk dubbelbeddens gehad, terwyl die een 2 enkelbeddens moes gehad het. Dit het vir 'n ongerieflike eerste aand gemaak. Die agent, Jonathan, het wel die beddens alles uitgesorteer die volgende dag en alle komplimente aan hom t.o.v. beskikbaarheid en kommunikasie. Daar was verskeie ander klein aspekte wat nie vlot verloop het nie - die yskas was nie aan toe ons gearriveer het nie, ons het baie gesukkel om die TV aan die werk te kry, daar was nie 'n TV remote nie, so ons het uiteindelik agter die TV plek gekry om dit aan te sit. Die TV het 'n smart box, maar die remote van die smart box se batterye was pap. T.o.v. kosmaakgeriewe kort daar minstens een of twee groter skerp messe om bv. rou vleis mee te kan sny. Buite is 'n lekker stoep met tafel, maar die een bank en stoel is half stukkend. Die sitkamer het na rook geruik van die kaggel, wat seker te verwagte moet wees. Ons het ook op ons voorlaaste dag 'n vreemde besoek gekry van iemand wat gesê het hulle is 'n housekeeper en toiletpapier kom kry het uit 'n toegesluite kas waarvoor hulle 'n sleutel gehad het. Ietwat eienaardig want die eenheid bied nie housekeeping dienste tydens verblyf nie, en ons moes ons eie ekstra toiletpapier koop vir die duur van die verblyf.

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Jonothan Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 28

On LekkeSlaap 3 years

From R 1 700
per night (sleeps 6)
R 1 700
per night (sleeps 6)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Vintage Drive, 26 Greenway Woods, White River, 1240, Mpumalanga
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA531f28e8d78d4d7b6826a9051fc346e554a570629b577525ddbf03f47b94f55c5d41ad967abde4c149851c3bb2bb7b3ce2ae?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 700 per night (sleeps 6) 1 5 1 4 Vintage Drive 26 Greenway Woods 1240 Mpumalanga 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -25.281800561697 31.00401517791

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