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See Uitsig 6

Self Catering


4.5/ 5

Based on 4 reviews


Value for money
Sean V
Short stay Family with young children
Apr 2024

Pleasant. Really enjoyed our stay. Just wish there was more space for lounging around the pool. Otherwise, I would highly recommend it for your next stay.

Value for money
See Uitsig 6

Unfortunately, there is nothing we could do to improve the swimming pool area as it is a communal pool shared by all the holiday rentals of See Uitsig. We were delighted to host you. We hope to see you again.

Ongelukkig is daar niks wat ons kan doen om die swembadarea te verbeter nie, aangesien dit 'n gemeenskaplike swembad is wat deur al die vakansieverhurings van See Uitsig gedeel word. Ons was verheug om jou te huisves. Ons hoop om jou weer te sien.

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David R
Short stay Family with young children
Dec 2024

Nice stay. Was neat and swimming pool was clean.

Lekker gebly. Was netjies en swembad was skoon.

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Value for money

Smangele M
Short stay With partner
Sep 2023

Excellent. Everything was as seen on the photos and we enjoyed our stay.

Value for money
See Uitsig 6

We were delighted to host you. We hope to see you again.

Ons was verheug om jou te huisves. Ons hoop om jou weer te sien.

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Cyril B
Short stay Family with teenagers
Apr 2023

Had to deal with a blocked shower. The shower was blocked and caused the water to "seep through" (as it was not directly from the shower but from the room next to it) into whole house. I managed to unblock the drain and took pictures of the dirt while cleaning it. Unfortunately, I broke the table while running around on a wet floor to find something to use to unblock the shower. Am I now supposed to be charged for leaving the evidence of the unblocking and the cleaning of the house? As per the pics that I have, we left the house clean but only the shower dirty to show evidence of the work we did.

Value for money
See Uitsig 6

Dear Cyril, In an email and on WhatsApp messages which you ignored we state that cleaning is only for before and after and not during. This situation has nothing to do with cleaning and you were most definitely not charged extra for it. We feel sorry that the drain was blocked after 18:00 on a Saturday night and we could not send someone out to help you. You also fixed or try to fix the problem before phoning us. We cannot assist if we do not know that something is wrong. Early the next morning the lady managing our place was there to see how she could help but was treated badly and was shouted at. She also told you that there was no leak coming from the room next to the shower and that if there was such a big flood all the furniture in the living room would still be wet and it was dry. You told me, my husband, the manager/ cleaning people, and the booking portal representative each a different story. You also used a knife to open the shower drain cap (which is unhygienic and bent the knife) and also broke our table (Which we also have pictures of). This damage is more than the damage fee and still, my husband paid you R450 back because you didn’t stop phoning us! You are required to pay a non-refundable cleaning fee of R600 for damage and a key deposit of R1050 which you paid us R150 short and we only took R450 for the damages you caused. Whether it was an accident or not, the damage is damage and we still need to fix and replace what you broke. We are sad to see that you are so upset about the situation but we really tried our best to remedy and assist were needed. Regards 6 See uitsig Owners

Liewe Cyril, In 'n e-pos en op WhatsApp-boodskappe wat jy geïgnoreer het, sê ons dat skoonmaak slegs vir voor en na is en nie tydens nie. Hierdie situasie het niks met skoonmaak te doen nie en jy is beslis nie ekstra daarvoor gehef nie. Ons voel jammer dat die drein na 18:00 op 'n Saterdagaand verstop was en ons kon nie iemand uitstuur om jou te help nie. U het ook die probleem opgelos of probeer regmaak voordat u ons gebel het. Ons kan nie help as ons nie weet dat iets fout is nie. Vroeg die volgende oggend was die dame wat ons plek bestuur daar om te kyk hoe sy kan help maar is sleg behandel en op hulle geskree. Sy het ook vir jou gesê daar kom geen lek uit die kamer langs die stort nie en as daar so 'n groot vloed is sal al die meubels in die sitkamer nog nat en droog wees. Jy het vir my, my man, die bestuurder/skoonmaakmense en die besprekingsportaalverteenwoordiger elkeen 'n ander storie vertel. Jy het ook 'n mes gebruik om die stortafvoerdop oop te maak (wat onhigiënies is en die mes gebuig) en ook ons tafel gebreek (Waarvan ons ook foto's het). Hierdie skade is meer as die skadefooi en steeds het my man jou R450 terugbetaal omdat jy nie opgehou het om ons te bel nie! Daar word van jou verwag om 'n nie-terugbetaalbare skoonmaakfooi van R600 vir skade te betaal en 'n sleuteldeposito van R1050 wat jy vir ons R150 kort betaal het en ons het slegs R450 geneem vir die skade wat jy aangerig het. Of dit nou 'n ongeluk was of nie, die skade is skade en ons moet nog regmaak en vervang wat jy gebreek het. Ons is hartseer om te sien dat jy so ontsteld is oor die situasie, maar ons het regtig ons bes probeer om te herstel en hulp was nodig. Groete 6 Sien uitsig Eienaars

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Symoné Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 4

On LekkeSlaap 2 years

From R 600
per night (sleeps 7)
R 600
per night (sleeps 7)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 7 people
    6 adults, 1 child
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 21:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 63 Garden Avenue, Uvongo, 4270, KwaZulu-Natal
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAc2eede65d55f0d44dce6faca7f0d6e53e975e3ef794167ce3939570714a27f57e71eda5648e161001a332b82b331e313fae8?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R600 per night (sleeps 7) 4 5 1 5 63 Garden Avenue Uvongo 4270 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-21:00 10:00 -30.830253064725 30.398180727088

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