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2 Guests

9 on 17th

Self Catering


4.1/ 5

Based on 2 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Charmaine S
Long stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2025

Was delicious! We had a wonderful stay and rest. Very nice house with nice furniture. With children it is a bit of a challenge to keep it so nice and that nothing breaks, especially the glass tables. We found a few things that were missing, but passed them on to the owner. What a wonderful place to rest!

Was heerlik! Ons het heerlik gebly en gerus. Baie mooi huis met mooi meubels. Met kinders is dit so bietjie van 'n uitdaging om dit so mooi te hou en dat niks breek nie, veral die glastafels. Ons het 'n paar goedjies gevind wat kort, maar het dit aan die eienaar deurgegee. Wat 'n heerlike rusplek!

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Value for money

Brent C
Short stay Family with teenagers
Apr 2024

A bit disappointing. The house lacks quite a few things to make it comfortable. There is an oven, but no trays to put in the oven. No braai bowl, as well as no extra salad bowl. Only plates and knives and lots of tupperware. The pots and pans are of very poor quality and burn incredibly quickly on the gas stove. I understand that it is self-sufficient, but at least it has to be comfortable and for a long visit there are several basic things missing. The upstairs room's sink has no pressure on its cold water tap - which makes brushing teeth quite difficult. It's either damn hot water or no water. However, for a house that charges above-standard rates, we found it to be below average. The location is good, but the house definitely needs to be made more livable. As a family of 5 we also found it difficult to sit at the table together because the dining room table only has 4 chairs. Crockery as well as knives and forks are in 2 sets of 4 - there was always one of the family who had the odd knife, fork or plate. The two white chairs in the living room were dirty! If more 'attention to detail' is given, it could be a nice holiday destination.

Bietjie teleurstellend. Die huis kort 'n hele paar goed om dit gemaklik te maak. Daar is 'n oond, maar geen bakke om in die oond te sit nie. Geen braaibak nie, asook geen ekstra slaaibak nie. Slegs borde en messe en baie tupperware. Die potte en panne is van 'n baie swak kwaliteit en brand ongelooflik vinnig aan op die gasstoof. Ek verstaan dit is selfversorgend, maar dit moet darem gemaklik wees en vir 'n lang kuier ontbreek daar verskeie basiese goed. Die boonste kamer se wasbak het geen druk op sy koue waterkraan nie - wat tandeborsel nogal moeilik maak. Dit is of vrek warm water of geen water nie. Vir 'n huis wat bo-standaard tariewe vra, het ons dit egter as onder gemiddeld ervaar. Die ligging is goed, maar die huis moet beslis meer leefbaar gemaak word. As 'n gesin van 5 het ons dit ook moeilik gevind om saam aan die tafel te sit omdat die eetkamertafel slegs 4 stoele het. Breekware asook messe en vurke is in 2 stelle van 4 - daar was dan altyd een van die gesin wat 'n odd mes, vurk of bord gehad het. Die twee wit stoele in die sitkamer was vuil! As daar meer 'attention to detail' gegee word, kan dit 'n lekker vakansiebestemming wees.

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Value for money

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Maria Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 2

On LekkeSlaap 1 year

From R3 700
R 3 700 R 2 590
per night (sleeps 6)
From R3 700
R 3 700 R 2 590
per night (sleeps 6)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 9 17th Street, Shelley Point, St Helena Bay, 7282, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA3a4d623041ee25535c4e448280fcfcb265a0ce7a7ab584799871751969abf7c844a589e759f3a082dbc5731deceb98220316?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R3 700 nowFrom R2 590 per night (sleeps 6) 2 5 1 5 9 17th Street Shelley Point 7282 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -32.707724317075 17.977293920673

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