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Ambiance Apartment

Self Catering


4.1/ 5

Based on 13 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Anonymous Guest
Short stay With partner
Apr 2024

Value for money

Samantha T
Short stay Family with teenagers
Dec 2022

Gosh, safe and homely. The apartment is in a great location and we felt at home the moment we entered. Communication with our hostess, Mignon was efficient and consistent and everything we needed was on hand. I can recommend Ambiance Apartment with confidence.

Value for money

Anonymous Guest
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2019

Value for money
Ambiance Apartment
Dear Ketzia Mathlabane. Our information regarding Ambiance Apartment is detailed and 100% correct. The photos were taken with a cellphone and there are quite a few photos showing the interior. Many, many guests are very happy at Ambiance and it's perfect location in the City Bowl of CT in quiet surroundings. We are of course unhappy, to read what you had to say. I was worried, when you said you and your sons did not want to make beds, cook, wash dishes and so on and requested a full time cleaner for the duration of your stay. It was too late to find such a person You mentioned you were used to Hotels, their services and public relaxation sitting rooms/dining rooms/swimming pools and pubs. I can understand what would have suited you better and am therefore sad that you, your husband and 2 teenage sons, did not have the holiday you had imagined, after a long and tiring year at work. We do however hope to meet again in the future, when your needs may be different? Many thanks and kind regards, Mignon and Cas.

Shahid D
Long stay With partner
Jan 2018

It was absolutely wonderful and the area is superb. The beds are amazing and ensure a good rest. The best part was that we had a parking bay in the yard and not on the street.

Value for money
Ambiance Apartment

Dear Shahid, you and Gavin were very special people and it was a pleasure meeting you both. Cas and I are delighted that you enjoyed your stay at Ambiance. We would love to meet up with you in the future again. Pity Windhoek is so far! Thank you so very much for taking some of your precious time to write us a review. Much appreciated. Love, Mignon.

Liewe Shahid, jy en Gavin was baie spesiale mense en dit was 'n plesier om julle albei te ontmoet. Ek en Cas is verheug dat jy jou verblyf by Ambiance geniet het. Ons sal graag weer met jou in die toekoms wil ontmoet. Jammer Windhoek is so ver! Baie dankie dat jy van jou kosbare tyd geneem het om vir ons 'n resensie te skryf. Baie waardeer. Liefde, Mignon.

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Lynne B
Long stay Individual traveller
Mar 2017

Had a nice time staying at Ambience Apartment. Well located, safe and quiet. See star rating.

Ek het baie lekker gebly in die Ambience Woonstel. Dit is baie goed geleë en veilig en stil. Sien sterre.

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Value for money
Ambiance Apartment

Dear Lynne, Thank you very much for the feedback, we really appreciate you taking the time to write the review for us. You will always be welcome. We look forward to seeing you again. best regards, Cas and Mignon

Beste Lynne, Baie dankie vir die terugvoer, ons waardeer dit baie dat jy die tyd gegeem het om die resensie vir ons te skryf. Jy sal altyd welkom wees. Ons sien uit daarna om jou weer te sien. Baie groete, Cas en Mignon

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James W
Short stay With partner
Mar 2016

It made me think about my grandmother's flat. She lived in Vredehoek. Please get some shade for unit 105 parking! The entrance passage floor was not properly cleaned, stains hidden under the carpet. Minor issue. Some of the towels smelled like old sweat. All white not a good choice of colour. Rack/shelf just above the washbasin, remember to mind your head! Comfortable size apartment. Bedrooms/living room and kitchen spacious enough for the two of us. No DStv? Then I strongly suggest get rid of that old TV altogether, better than snowy pictures of 1/2/3/e. Internet reception surprising good. Info. brochures for Cape Town was good. Great view of the rock from the balcony. Straight up and down road access close to bus stop, good. For next time I'll try mainstream accommodation. I don't want to be constantly aware that I'm in someone else house. I'm not a fan of guesthouses for that same reason, tried it before. Overall rating 7/10.

Value for money
Ambiance Apartment

Thank you to you James and your Mom for taking the time to write a review. We hope that you did well, competing in the Cape Argus???? We are glad that you liked the spaciousness and location of Ambiance. I agree that it is a very quiet and safe area, with the bus stop a few meters away, next to de Waal Park. Did you know about the Free Sunday afternoon music concerts in the Park? The Red City Tour bus stop is also only a block or two further down the road. Our guests also comment on the close proximity of the beautiful Garden Centre where amongst others one can hire DVDs, to use on the DVD player provided with the TV. As Ambiance is situated against the foot hill of Table Mountain in a very green belt will many trees, the TV reception is not perfect. Fortunately most visitors to Cape Town seem to find many other things to do and interesting places to visit in our beautiful Cape Town area. All our guests always say Ambiance is like a home from home and compliment us on the decor. I agree that 5 star hotels are definitely the choice of some. Others, however, like feeling at home in a safe area, where they can cut costs by preparing their own meals. Kind regards, Mignon.

Dankie aan jou James en jou ma dat jy die tyd geneem het om 'n resensie te skryf. Ons hoop dat jy goed gevaar het deur aan die Cape Argus deel te neem???? Ons is bly dat jy van die ruimheid en ligging van Ambiance gehou het. Ek stem saam dat dit 'n baie stil en veilige area is, met die bushalte 'n paar meter verder, langs de Waalpark. Het jy geweet van die Gratis Sondagmiddag-musiekkonserte in die Park? Die Red City Tour-bushalte is ook net 'n blok of twee verder in die pad af. Ons gaste lewer ook kommentaar op die nabyheid van die pragtige Tuinsentrum waar mens onder andere DVD's kan huur om te gebruik op die DVD-speler wat saam met die TV voorsien word. Aangesien Ambiance teen die voetheuwel van Tafelberg in 'n baie groen gordel met baie bome geleë is, is die TV-ontvangs nie perfek nie. Gelukkig vind die meeste besoekers aan Kaapstad blykbaar baie ander doendinge en interessante plekke om te besoek in ons pragtige Kaapstad-omgewing. Al ons gaste sê altyd Ambiance is soos 'n huis van die huis af en komplimenteer ons met die dekor. Ek stem saam dat 5 ster hotelle beslis die keuse van sommige is. Ander hou egter daarvan om tuis te voel in 'n veilige area, waar hulle koste kan besnoei deur hul eie maaltye voor te berei. Vriendelike groete, Mignon.

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Frani K
Short stay Family with young children
Apr 2016

Stay away. Dirty and neglected apartment. During a 5 day stay we were too scared to take our shoes off. The carpets are from a bygone era, with filth to mark each decade. The kitchen utensils are unwanted odds from the owner’s house. We had to scrub the kitchen before we could use it. 5 weeks after and we still haven’t received our brakeage deposit back.

Bly weg. Die woonstel is vuil en verwaarloos. Al 5 dae wat ons daar gebly het was ons te bang om ons skoene uit te trek. Die matte kom uit 'n vervloë era en daar is drek wat elke dekade aandui. Die kombuisgereedskap is ongewensde ditjies en datjies wat die eienaar nie meer in sy eie kombuis wil hê nie. Ons moes die kombuis skrop voor ons dit kon gebruik het. Dit is nou al 5 weke nadat ons uitgeklok het en ons wag nou nog vir die breekskade deposito.

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Value for money
Ambiance Apartment

Hi Frani, it is unfortunate that you feel that way. Please note that Ambiance Apartments takes all their guests seriously and we want every guest to have an enjoyable experience at our accommodation. We can confirm we have a cleaning service who service the apartments whenever guests check out and before they check in. We can also confirm we always do a quality check before guests arrive as well as offering them a personal welcome and tour of the apartment. We can also confirm the kitchen utensils is of good standard and 3 of the machines are brand new. Kindly note with regards to your breakage deposit. This could not be paid on time due the fact that you supplied us with the incorrect bank details resulting in the deposit not being paid at the stipulated time. We also advised you at the time we were leaving the country for 3 weeks, therefore we arranged a later payment date with you and always in contact with you. Kindly note we do value our guests and do not debate any issues on online due to confidentiality and respect. Thank you for your review we will be in contact with you shortly.

Hi Frani, dit is jammer dat jy so voel. Neem asseblief kennis dat Ambiance Apartments al hul gaste ernstig opneem en ons wil hê dat elke gas 'n aangename ervaring by ons verblyf moet hê. Ons kan bevestig ons het 'n skoonmaakdiens wat die woonstelle diens wanneer gaste ook al uitklok en voor hulle inklok. Ons kan ook bevestig dat ons altyd 'n kwaliteitkontrole doen voordat gaste arriveer asook om hulle 'n persoonlike verwelkoming en toer deur die woonstel te bied. Ons kan ook bevestig die kombuistoebehore is van goeie standaard en 3 van die masjiene is splinternuut. Neem asseblief kennis met betrekking tot jou breekskadedeposito. Dit kon nie betyds betaal word nie as gevolg van die feit dat u die verkeerde bankbesonderhede aan ons verskaf het, wat daartoe gelei het dat die deposito nie op die vasgestelde tyd betaal is nie. Ons het jou ook in kennis gestel toe ons die land vir 3 weke verlaat het, daarom het ons 'n latere betaaldatum met jou gereël en altyd in kontak met jou. Neem asseblief kennis dat ons ons gaste waardeer en nie enige kwessies aanlyn debatteer nie as gevolg van vertroulikheid en respek. Dankie vir jou resensie ons sal binnekort met jou kontak maak.

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Nadia F
Short stay With partner
Nov 2015

Lovely apartment, well situated with awesome view. What an absolute exquisite experience. Not only the apartment is well situated, parking is safe and you can enjoy a lovely mountain view from your balcony. The tasteful interior and quite surroundings makes you feel you have come home. Thank you to Mignon and Cas, the owners of Ambience apartment, for making our stay in Cape Town so special. We will definitely see Ambience again. I can highly recommend this self catering apartment to anyone planning a trip to Cape Town.

Value for money
Ambiance Apartment

Thank you dear Nadia, for your great review. We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay at Ambiance and we look forward to welcoming you again. Thank you too, for leaving everything so spotless!! When we went to clean yesterday, it appeared as if nobody had even been there! And you guys were there for 5 nights. Thank you!! Thank you!!

Dankie liewe Nadia, vir jou goeie resensie. Ons is so bly om te hoor dat jy jou verblyf by Ambiance geniet het en ons sien uit daarna om jou weer te verwelkom. Dankie ook dat jy alles so vlekkeloos gelaat het!! Toe ons gister gaan skoonmaak, het dit gelyk asof niemand eers daar was nie! En julle was 5 nagte daar. Dankie!! Dankie!!

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Hermine D
Short stay With partner
Oct 2015

It is central and just what we were looking for! Wonderful, homely and everything you need.

Dit is sentraal en net wat ons gesoek het! Wonderlik, huislik en alles wat jy benodig.

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Value for money
Ambiance Apartment

Baie dankie Denise....I appreciate your review more than you will ever know!! Unhappy people have time for negative reviews. The happy ones, are enjoying life to the full and don't often write reviews on the internet, only in my guest book.

Baie dankie Denise....ek waardeer jou resensie meer as wat jy ooit sal weet!! Ongelukkige mense het tyd vir negatiewe resensies. Die gelukkiges, geniet die lewe ten volle en skryf nie gereeld resensies op die internet nie, net in my gasteboek.

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Andre N
Short stay With partner
Jan 2015

We really enjoyed it, it's top class! It's safe and quiet, just a shame there was no DStv. We would definitely love to go there again, would highly recommend it.

Ons het dit baie geniet, dis top-klas! Dis veilig en stil, net jammer daar was geen DStv nie. Ons sal beslis graag weer daarnatoe gaan, sal dit hoog aan beveel.

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Value for money
Ambiance Apartment

Dear Andre, we appreciate it very much that you experienced and enjoyed the safety and silence. It's still so quiet in Oranjezight all these years and the people in charge of the small apartment block keep it that way....They're quite strict, but we're soooo grateful for that!! We really appreciate that you gave the 5 stars for everything! Thank you very much for that!! It is such a pleasure for us to receive and host such satisfied guests. We hope to receive you again soon in the Cape. The DStv syn is very bad, because Ambiance is in such a tree-rich area, with the wonderful beauty of Tafelberg a bit too close for perfect DStv syn! For that we bought the DVD and the "Gardens Center" with all the most wonderful shops, plus a DVD shop is a 5 minute walk from Ambiance.... Goodbye and thank you again, Kind regards, CJH van WYK, Paarl.

Liewe Andre, ons prys dit om hoog dat jul die veiligheid en stilte ervaar en geniet het. Dit is steeds al die jare nog so stil in Oranjezight en die mense in beheer van die klein woonstel blok, hou dit so....Hulle is nogal streng, maar ons is soooo dankbaar daarvoor!! Ons waardeer dit baie dat jul die 5 sterre vir alles gegee het! Baie, baie dankie daarvoor!! Dit is so n plesier vir ons om sulke tevrede gaste te ontvang en te huisfes. Ons hoop om julle gou weer te ontvang in die Kaap. Die DStv syn is baie sleg, omdat Ambiance in so n boomryke area is, met die wonderlike prag vanTafelberg n bietjies te naby vir perfekte DSTV syne! Daaroor het ons die DVD aangeskaf en die "Gardens Centre" met al die wonderlikste winkels, plus n DVD winkel is 5 minute se stap vanaf Ambiance.... Tot weersiens en nogmaals baie dankie, Vriendelike groete, CJH van WYK, Paarl.

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Mignon Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 15

On LekkeSlaap 13 years

From R2 000
R2 000 R1 400
per night, for 4 ppl
From R2 000
R2 000 R1 400
per night, for 4 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 4 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 13:00 to 14:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 105 Selborne, 41 Prince Street, Oranjezicht, Cape Town, 8000, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA3e8eea119c15581039e36b0c000740613469f3e10173d4e06be46803203a8c045d8ea66543b2994107bdf72b922c8ed3e646?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R2 000 nowFrom R1 400 per night, for 4 ppl 13 5 1 5 105 Selborne, 41 Prince Street Oranjezicht 8000 Western Cape 021 201 8901 13:00-14:00 10:00 -33.938108469146 18.415060043335

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