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2 Guests


Self Catering


4.7/ 5

Based on 33 reviews


Value for money
Herby G
Short stay With partner
Nov 2024

Restful. Great place for two people. Safe, clean and comfortable.

Rustig. Fantastiese plek vir twee persone. Veilig, skoon en gerieflik.

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Value for money

Thanks Herby Makes my heart happy to know you enjoyed it.

Dankie Herby Maak my hart bly om te weet julle het dit geniet.

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Swankie M
Short stay With friends
Sep 2024

We enjoyed ourselves. Amazing and we enjoyed ourselves.

Value for money
Thank you, Mable, for your positive response. I appreciate it. Matilda

Herby G
Short stay With partner
Aug 2024

Relaxed. Wonderful place with peaceful atmosphere and clean and tidy.

Ontspanne. Wonderlike plek met rustige atmosfeer en skoon en netjies.

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Value for money

Hi Herby. So nice to know you had a good rest. You are always welcome. Thank you for taking such good care of the cottage.

Hi Herby. So lekker om te weet julle het lekker gerus. Julle is altyd welkom. Dankie dat julle die kothuis so mooi opgepas het.

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Jurjen F
Short stay With partner
Jan 2025

Very expensive place not suitable for summer. Let me start with the positives: the location is nice even though you may experience noise from nearby houses. The kitchen is quite complete, the bathroom is large with a bath and shower. The bedroom is equipped with a wardrobe. Then the things that are not right: the floor of the shower is dangerously slippery. You have to be careful not to fall! The mattress of the bed is finished. You lift on the springs that poke into your body and are not stable. There is one window high in the wall without curtains or anything, so you are simply awake at 05:00. The whole house is very, very hot. There is only one aircon in the bedroom. The kitchen is so hot inside you don't want to use the braai or stove. Outside there is little space to put a small table or the 2 camping chairs. Your car is not under cover, so it is as hot as an oven and is unprotected. I must say we have hot days. The many emails and apps from the owner that you get are not really nice. Why not an information guide for the guests? The warnings about the dishes and garbage bag are ridiculously unfriendly. You have to bring your own garbage bag to the garbage place. Isn't that for final cleaning? This place is not suitable for the summer. The price is very, very high for what you get. We will not come back.

Baie dure plek nie geskik vir somer nie. Laat ek begin met die positiewe sake: die ligging is lekker al kan jy hinder ondervind van nabygeleë huise. Die kombuis is reg kompleet, die badkamer is groot met 'n bad en stort. Die slaapkamer is toegerus met 'n klerekas. Dan die sake wat nie reg is nie: die vloer van die stort is gevaarlik glyerig. Jy moet oppas dat jy nie val nie! Die matras van die bed is klaar. Jy lig op die vere wat in jou lyf prik en is nie stabiel nie. Daar is een raam hoog in die muur sonder gordyne of so, so jy is bloot wakker om 05:00. Die hele huis is baie, baie heet. Net in die slaapkamer is daar een aircon. Die kombuis is binne so heet jy wil nie die braai of stoof gebruik nie. Buite is min plek om 'n tafeltjie of die 2 kampeerstoele te plaas. Jou kar staan nie onderdak nie, so dit is as 'n oond so heet en staan onbeskermd. Ek moet sê ons het warm dae. Die baie e-posse en apps van die eienares wat jy kry, is nie reg lekker nie. Waarom nie 'n informasiegids vir die gaste nie? Die waarskuwings oor die vaat en vuilsak is belaglik onvriendelik. Jy moet self jou vuilsak saambring na die vuilplaats. Is dit nie vir eindskoonmaak nie? Hierdie plek is nie geskik vir die somer nie. Die prys is baie, baie hoog vir wat jy kry. Ons sal nie weerkom nie.

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Value for money

Thank you for your feedback. It is indeed a very hot time of year in Marloth, and this summer has been extremely hot, with very severe thunderstorms that have disrupted the electricity in Marloth, including the transformers. The air conditioner was indeed blocked. If you had notified me while you were there, I would have sorted it out for you immediately. I have been checking in via WhatsApp every two days, but I have not received any feedback from you. I would like to point out that you have not been misled by the photos of the indoor and outdoor braai, as well as the entire cottage. The camp chairs are additionally placed there, my personal property that I left behind in case guests do not want to use the 4-seater wall bench in the outdoor braai area. I braai there myself regularly, and it is very comfortable. No other guests have ever had a problem with this. About the bin bag: Unfortunately, we have no other choice. As I explained before, the city council does not clean it, and the mongooses, baboons and monkeys often open the bins on the street and throw papers and cans into the veld. This plastic can be harmful to the animals and they can even swallow it, which can have serious consequences. Providing locks and keys to every guest is impractical. Everyone understands this and has no problem removing the bag along the way. It is part of the experience of being in the bush. The mattress is brand new – it is a Sealy Posturepedic with a 10-year guarantee. I understand that this may be different from what you are used to, but it is one of the best mattresses available. I have sent you all the necessary information in advance, and I have also offered on three separate occasions to provide any questions or further information. As for the price per person, it is completely in line with, and even cheaper than, most of the lodges in and around the game reserve. To consider it expensive is not entirely accurate. The cost is equivalent to a backpacker rate and is more than half the price of what you would pay in the game reserve. However, it is important to keep in mind that it costs money to maintain the high standards that are established there. Due to all the above factors, it may be better to stay in a lodge rather than in self-catering bush houses in the future. Many thanks, Matilda

Dankie vir jou terugvoer. Dit is inderdaad ‘n baie warm tyd van die jaar in Marloth, en hierdie somer was uitermate warm, met baie erge donderstorms wat die elektrisiteit in Marloth, insluitend die transformateurs, belemmer het. Die lugversorger was inderdaad geblok. As jy my in kennis gestel het terwyl julle daar was, sou ek dit onmiddellik vir julle uitgesorteer het. Ek het elke twee dae via WhatsApp ingeklop, maar ek het geen terugvoer van julle ontvang nie. Ek wil graag daarop wys dat julle nie mislei is deur die foto's van die binne- en buitebraai, sowel as die volledige kothuis nie. Die kampstoele is addisioneel daar geplaas, my persoonlike eiendom wat ek agtergelaat het vir die geval dat gaste nie die 4-sitplek muurbankie in die buite-braai-area wil gebruik nie. Ek braai gereeld self daar, en dit is baie gemaklik. Geen ander gaste het ooit ‘n probleem hiermee gehad nie. Oor die asbliksak: Ons het ongelukkig geen ander keuse nie. Soos ek voorheen verduidelik het, maak die stadsraad dit nie skoon nie, en die mongoose, bobbejane en apies maak dikwels die asblikke op straat oop en gooi papiere en blikke in die veld. Hierdie plastiek kan skadelik wees vir die diere en hulle kan dit selfs insluk, wat ernstige gevolge kan hê. Om slotte en sleutels aan elke gas te verskaf, is onprakties. Almal verstaan dit en het geen probleem om die sak langs die pad te verwyder nie. Dit is deel van die ervaring om in die bos te wees. Die matras is splinternuut – dit is ‘n Sealy Posturepedic met ‘n 10-jaar waarborg. Ek verstaan dat dit dalk anders is as wat jy gewoont is, maar dit is een van die beste matrasse wat beskikbaar is. Ek het al die nodige inligting vooraf aan jou gestuur, en ek het ook op drie verskillende geleenthede aangebied om enige vrae of verdere inligting te verskaf. Wat die prys per persoon betref, is dit heeltemal in lyn met, en selfs goedkoper as, die meeste kothuise in en om die wildtuin. Om dit as duur te beskou, is nie heeltemal reg nie. Die koste is gelyk aan ‘n backpacker-tarief en is meer as helfte goedkoper as wat jy in die wildtuin sou betaal. Dit is egter belangrik om in gedagtes te hou dat dit geld kos om die hoë standaarde te handhaaf wat daar gevestig is. As gevolg van al die bogenoemde faktore, sou dit dalk beter wees om in die toekoms eerder in ‘n lodge te bly as in selfsorg-boshuise. Baie dankie, Matilda

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Anna K
Short stay Individual traveller
Apr 2024

Calm and quiet just what I needed. Arendsnes is well located close to the river but still feels like you are in the woods. It is very comfortable and has everything you need.

Rustig en stil net wat ek nodig gehad het. Arendsnes is goed geleë naby die rivier, maar dit voel nog steeds asof jy in die bos is. Dit is baie gerieflik en het alles wat jy nodig het.

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Value for money

Thank you very much for the nice review, Anna. I'm so glad you had a great rest. You are always welcome.

Vreeslik dankie vir die mooi resensie, Anna. Ek is so bly jy het heerlik uitgerus. Jy is altyd welkom.

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Jan H
Short stay With partner
Mar 2024

Everything you need in one lovely cottage near the river. Thank you for a lovely weekend. The location is near the river, you can hear the manatees from the river. Everything you need is there. From indoor braai to a boma/outdoor braai with camping chairs too. Sent all the details through and helped where needed. Will recommend for sure.

Alles wat jy nodig het in een heerlike kothuis naby die rivier. Dankie vir 'n heerlike naweek. Die ligging is naby die rivier, jy kan die seekoeie hoor van die rivier af. Alles wat jy nodig het is daar. Van binne braai tot 'n boma/buitebraai met kampstoele ook. Het al die detail deur gestuur en het gehelp waar nodig was. Sal vir seker aanbeveel.

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Value for money

Thank you very much for your positive feedback.

Baie dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoer.

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Elinda M
Short stay Individual traveller
Mar 2024

You will not make a mistake staying here! Fantastic as always!

Jy sal nie 'n fout maak om hier te bly nie! Fantasties soos altyd!

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Value for money

Jason D
Short stay With partner
Jan 2024

Would come back again. Gorgeous location and house, Secericon in the area were also spectacular as we had a medical emergency and they were extremely helpful and friendly.

Value for money

Hi Jason. Thank you for your positive review. You are very welcome.

Hallo Jason. Dankie vir jou positiewe resensie. Jy is baie welkom.

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Mynhardt S
Short stay With partner
Jun 2024

Very nice stay. The place is very nice. It is very peaceful and quiet, and the hostess was very helpful. There is basically everything you need. Another thing, the rules: I understand all the rules, but all the rules make you feel like you have to be careful using something or that you're going to do something wrong. Like I say, I understand why there are rules, but they're not always fun either. One example, at the sink in the kitchen there is a rule that if you don't wash the dishes, a fine of R250 is charged, and if you don't throw away the dirt, a fine of R150. I think it's a bit ridiculous. Cleaning services are normally included in your total accommodation costs. Throwing away your rubbish is also not convenient, there is no place to throw it away at home. You have to take it with you when you go out and throw it in the main garbage dump, which I don't agree with either. I'm not complaining at all, I'm just saying. But apart from that, we really enjoyed it and really enjoyed our stay there.

Baie lekker gebly. Die plek is baie lekker. Dit is baie rustig en stil, en die gasvrou was baie behulpsaam. Daar is basies alles wat jy nodig het. Nog 'n ding, die reëls: Ek verstaan al die reëls, maar al die reëls laat jou voel dat jy versigtig moet wees om iets te gebruik of dat jy iets verkeerd gaan doen. Soos ek sê, ek verstaan hoekom daar reëls is, maar dis ook nie altyd lekker nie. Een voorbeeld, by die wasbak in die kombuis is daar 'n reël dat as jy nie die skottelgoed was nie, daar 'n boete van R250 gehef word, en as jy nie die vuilgoed weggooi nie, 'n boete van R150. Ek dink dit is 'n bietjie belaglik. Normaalweg is skoonmaakdienste ingesluit by jou totale verblyfkostes. Om jou vuilgoed weg te gooi is ook nie gerieflik nie, daar is geen plek om dit by die huis weg te gooi nie. Jy moet dit saam met jou vat as jy uitgaan en dit by die hoofvullishoop gaan weggooi, wat ek ook nie mee saamstem nie. Ek kla glad nie, ek sê maar net. Maar behalwe vir dit, het ons dit baie geniet en regtig lekker daar gebly.

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Value for money

Thanks for your feedback, Mynhardt. Unfortunately, it is a forest house with a lot of wood in the middle of the forest. There are certain things one should do to prevent termites, cockroaches and ants from overrunning the house. Dirty dishes and trash bags easily attract an infestation of insects. I would like to keep the house as insect-free as possible for all guests who live there. Some guests use all the crockery and kitchen items and leave them like that, this causes a large influx of insects and baboons who smell it and try to break open the house. Unfortunately, the dishes must be washed before guests leave for home. Most guests leave on a Sunday and cleaners don't come in until Monday. The bins are no longer removed by the city council, so we ask that guests take them to Marloth's rubbish area, a few meters from where you have to hand in the key anyway. Unfortunately, you can't leave it in the street. Hippos, mongooses and monkeys will tear it open and scatter it in the field for which I will be fined. Sorry it was so inconvenient for you, but this is a self-catering house.

Dankie vir jou terugvoer, Mynhardt. Dit is ongelukkig 'n boshuis met baie hout in die middel van die bos. Daar is sekere dinge wat 'n mens moet doen om te verhoed dat termiete, kokkerotte en miere die huis oortrek. Vuil skottelgoed en asbliksakke lok maklik 'n plaag van insekte. Ek wil graag die huis sover moontlik insekvry hou vir alle gaste wat daar woon. Party gaste gebruik al die breekware en kombuis items en los dit net so, dit veroorsaak 'n groot toeloop van insekte en bobbejane wat dit ruik en die huis probeer oopbreek. Die skottelgoed moet ongelukkig gewas word voor gaste vertrek huistoe. Meeste gaste vertrek op 'n Sondag en skoonmakers kom eers Maandag in. Die asblikke word nie meer deur die stadsraad verwyder nie, daarom vra ons dat gaste dit neem na Marloth se vullis area, 'n paar meter van waar jy in elk geval die sleutel moet ingee. Ongelukkig kan jy dit nie voor in straat los nie. Bobejaane, mongoose en apies sal dit oopskeur en in die veld strooi waarvoor ek beboet word. Jammer dit was vir jou so ongerieflik, maar dit is 'n selfsorg huis.

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Magduld D
Short stay With partner
May 2024

Feel free to do so. We had a wonderful stay in Arendsnes. Ideal location. Well equipped.

Heerlik gerus. Ons het heerlik gebly in Arendsnes. Ideale ligging. Goed toegerus.

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Value for money

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Matilda Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 182

On LekkeSlaap 7 years

From R1 800
R 1 800 R 1 170
per night, for 2 ppl
From R1 800
R 1 800 R 1 170
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours before your stay!
  • Capacity: 2 people
  • No children under 12
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 3341B Seekoei Street, Marloth Park, 0001, Mpumalanga
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA63529dc611e58297998e2476bb094c24b08cd5dcfe797cda5aabb4cf4e0d499351a95484d7053137df735c45664cdca8a6ce?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R1 800 nowFrom R1 170 per night, for 2 ppl 33 5 1 5 3341B Seekoei Street Marloth Park 0001 Mpumalanga 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -25.340825570614 31.811479513878

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