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B'Guest House

Guest House


4.3/ 5

Based on 41 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Combrinck L
1 night stay
Jul 2024

Comfortable, central and ideal for a stopover. We came here to sleep over to watch the rugby at Loftus, and it was the ideal place to stay. Walking distance to the stadium and the Loftus Park centre. The room was neat and comfortable, and the fridge full of drinks was a welcome surprise. We were kindly received and the service was good. Next time we will definitely stay here again!

Gemaklik, sentraal en ideaal vir 'n oornagplek. Ons het hier kom oorslaap om die rugby op Loftus te kyk, en dit was die ideale blyplek. Stapafstand van die stadion en die Loftus Park-sentrum. Die kamer was netjies en gerieflik, en die yskas vol drinkgoed was 'n welkome verrassing. Ons was vriendelik ontvang en die diens was goed. Volgende keer sal ons beslis weer hier oorslaap!

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Value for money
B'Guest House

Dear Combrink, Thank you very much for the positive feedback. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and that our facilities met your expectations. We look forward to welcoming you back. Regards, Hannelie

Beste Combrink, Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoer. Ons is bly dat jy die verblyf by ons geniet het en dat ons fasiliteite aan jou verwagting voldoen het. Ons verwelkom jou graag terug. Groete, Hannelie

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Cora M
1 night stay With partner
Jul 2024

Great slept over after the rugby and guest house walking distance from Loftus! We had a great stay and had everything we needed! Thank you very much.

Heerlik het oorgeslaap na die rugby en gastehuis loopafstand van Loftus af! Ons het heerlik gebly en het alles gehad wat nodig was! Baie dankie.

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Value for money

Sonica B
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Apr 2024

Very comfortable, safe place. Very comfortable place to stay within walking distance of Loftus.

Baie gerieflike, veilige plek. Baie gerieflike blyplek loopafstand van Loftus af.

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Value for money

Madie E
1 night stay With partner
Mar 2024

Restful! Although in the middle of the city. Although it was literally just overnight, I can only judge by the cleanliness and stylish room we were in. Neat room and slept great. Thank you.

Rustig! Alhoewel in die middel van die stad. Alhoewel dit letterlik net oornag was, kan ek maar net oordeel oor die netheid en stylvolle kamer waarin ons was. Netjiese kamer en heerlik geslaap. Dankie.

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Value for money
B'Guest House

Thank you very much for your feedback, Madie. We are glad we could meet your expectations and needs. We hope to see you again soon! Regards, Hannelie and Elrika

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer, Madie. Ons is bly ons kon aan julle verwagtings en behoeftes voldoen. Ons hoop om julle gou weer te sien! Groete, Hannelie en Elrika

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Adriaan O
1 night stay With partner
Feb 2024

Central and safe. Our second time there, very nice and clean and centrally located, close to the city center, and Loftus and Tukkies.

Sentraal en veilig. Ons tweede keer daar, baie lekker en skoon en sentraal geleë, naby die middestad, en Loftus en Tukkies.

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Value for money
B'Guest House

Thank you very much for the positive feedback, Adriaan! We hope to see you again soon. Regards, Hannelie and Elrika

Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoer, Adriaan! Ons hoop om julle gou weer te sien. Groete, Hannelie en Elrika

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Jonathan S
1 night stay Family with young children
Mar 2024

Sleep well. It was nice and we will stay there again.

Lekker slaap. Dit was lekker en ons sal weer daar bly.

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Value for money
B'Guest House

Thanks so much for the feedback, Jonathan! I'm glad you enjoyed your stay. We hope to see you again soon! Regards, Hannelie and Elrika

Baie dankie vir die terugvoer, Jonathan! Ek is bly julle het julle verblyf geniet. Ons hoop ons sien julle binnekort weer! Groete, Hannelie en Elrika

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Sandra V
1 night stay With partner
Jun 2024

Well. Small things like lighting by the bathroom mirror were a problem and it was not very clean behind chairs in the bedroom. Furthermore, a proposal to indicate the information file steps of how to work with the TV and DSTV. A washing and drying cloth will also come in handy.

Goed. Klein goedjies soos beligting by die badkamerspieël was 'n probleem en dit was nie baie skoon agter stoele in die slaapvertrek nie. Verder 'n voorstel om die inligtingslêer stappe aan te dui van hoe om met die TV en DSTV te werk te gaan. 'n Was- en afdroogvadoek sal ook handig wees.

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Value for money
B'Guest House

Dear Sandra, Thank you very much for your feedback. It always helps when guests tell us what they would like extra in the rooms to make their experience with us better. Sorry about the lighting in the should have blown the bulb before your arrival. Friendly greeting, Hannelie

Beste Sandra, Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer. Dit help altyd as gaste vir ons sê wat hulle ekstra in die kamers sou wou hê om hulle ervaring by ons beter te maak. Jammer oor die beligting in die het die gloeilamp moes geblaas het voor jou aankoms. Vriendelike groete, Hannelie

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Marina F
1 night stay With partner
Apr 2024

Not a good experience at all. The guest house is listed as a 4 star, but I highly doubt that rating based on everything we experienced. Battered bathroom and shower mats. Cheap coffee in a container. No sweetener for coffee/tea - bad brown sugar offered (in a container). Bed and room were covered with black ants. The "peaceful" water fountain is not operational. No basket of snacks as described.

Geensins 'n goeie ervaring nie. Die gastehuis word aangedui as 'n 4-stêr, maar ek betwyfel daardie gradering sterk na aanleiding van alles wat ons ervaar het. Gehawende badkamer- en stortmatjies. Goedkoop koffie in 'n houertjie. Geen versoeter vir koffie/tee - slegte bruinsuiker aangebied (in 'n houer). Bed en kamer was oortrek met swart miere. Die "vreedsame" waterfontein is nie in werking nie. Geen mandjie met peuselhappies soos beskryf.

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Value for money
B'Guest House

Dear Marina, I would like to apologize that our facilities were not up to standard. I was in Botswana during your visit and did not personally supervise the service of the room. There is no excuse for the bath mat on the floor. The mat's life has already passed, and I told the staff to remove it and similar mats from the system. As you can understand, they get washed and tumble dried a lot, and wear out quickly. The hanging bath mat is new. His weaving method shows gaps in and was bought that way. As for the presence of ants, seasonal challenges, especially at this time of year, seem to affect our property as well. Although there were no signs of ants during the service of your room, I understand the frustration this can cause. Rest assured that we are constantly striving to combat such incidents. Regarding the coffee facilities, I would like to clarify that we only provide Nescafe coffee in our rooms, not Frisco. However, we encountered difficulties in obtaining the desired pouches due to shortcomings of the suppliers. The glass containers, approved by our Tourism Rating Agent, serve as an alternative solution. In addition, we do not provide sweeteners as a standard amenity, in consideration of the diverse preferences and health concerns of our guests. Once again, I apologize for the negative experience you had during your stay. If your travels lead you to Pretoria again, we will be happy to offer free accommodation as a gesture of goodwill. With kind regards, Hannelie Strydom

Beste Marina, Ek wil graag om verskoning vra dat ons geriewe nie op standard was nie. Ek was in Botswana tydens julle besoek en het nie persoonlik toesig gehou oor die diens van die kamer nie. Daar is geen verskoning vir die badmatjie op die vloer nie. Die matjie se leeftyd is al verby, en ek het vir die personeel gesê om hom en soortgelyke matjies uit die sisteem te verwyder. Soos jy kan verstaan, word hulle baie gewas en getuimeldroog, en raak gou verweer. Die badmatjie wat hang is nuut. Sy weef metode toon gapings in en is so gekoop. Wat die teenwoordigheid van miere betref, blyk dit dat seisoenale uitdagings, veral in hierdie tyd van die jaar, ons eiendom ook beïnvloed. Alhoewel daar geen tekens van miere was tydens die diens van jou kamer nie, verstaan ek die frustrasie wat dit kan veroorsaak. Wees verseker dat ons voortdurend streef om sulke voorvalle te bekamp. Met betrekking tot die koffiegeriewe, wil ek verduidelik dat ons uitsluitlik Nescafe-koffie in ons kamers voorsien, nie Frisco nie. Ons het egter probleme ondervind om die gewenste sakkies te bekom weens tekortkominge van die verskaffers. Die glashouers, wat deur ons Toerisme Graderingsagent goedgekeur is, dien as 'n alternatiewe oplossing. Daarbenewens verskaf ons nie soetmiddels as 'n standaardgeriewe nie, in oorweging van die uiteenlopende voorkeure en gesondheidskwessies van ons gaste. Nogmaals vra ek om verskoning vir die negatiewe ervaring wat jy tydens jou verblyf gehad het. Indien jou reise jou weer na Pretoria lei, sal ons graag gratis akkommodasie aanbied as 'n gebaar van welwillendheid. Met vriendelike groete, Hannelie Strydom

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Zelda P
Short stay Family with teenagers
Apr 2024

The people are friendly, but the facilities were a bit uncomfortable. The double bed was very uncomfortable, from to the middle. The lights didn't all work. There were only 2 towels and we were 3. Shampoo container did not work.

Die mens is vriendelik, maar geriewe bietjie ongemaklik gewees. Die dubbelbed was baie ongemaklik, van na middel. Die ligte het nie almal gewerk nie. Daar was net 2 handdoeke en ons was 3. Shampoo houer het nie gewerk nie.

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Value for money

Willem L
Short stay With partner
Jul 2024

Pathetic. Not a good stay, bad smell in the room, toilet leaking, TV the size of a shoe box with 1 or 2 channels, I got the impression that the room was not clean, and the bed looks like it dates back to 1652!

Pateties. Nie goed gebly, slegte reuk in die kamer, toilet lek, TV so groot soos 'n skoenboks met 1 of 2 kanale, ek het die indruk gekry dat die kamer nie skoon was nie, en die bed lyk asof dit uit 1652 dateer!

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Value for money
B'Guest House

Dear Mr Louw, I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience. The problem came when you wanted a shower in your room instead, and the room you chose on Lekkeslaap has a bathtub with a hand shower. We were fully booked with the Rugby test against Ireland, and therefore we could not move you to a room with a shower. My manager regretfully informed you of this, and explained why we could not move you. The way you handled her afterwards, and what you said to her, made me realize that you are now going to find fault with everything. Just for information, the television in your room is a standard 52 by 32 cm Flat screen and according to the size of the room it is perfect. We have the following DSTV channels namely 101 M-Net, 108,113,114,138,140 (All Movie channels) 144 Kyknet, All the SABC channels, 1,2 and 3, All the sports channels and many more to mention!...definitely not only 2 channels. It's like your comment is therefore not credible.. I also called you by phone to be helpful, but your singing was not good. Greetings, Hannelie Strydom

Beste Mnr Louw, Dit sput my dat u nie 'n goeie ervaring gehad het nie. Die probleem het gekom toe u eerder 'n stort in u kamer wou hê, en die kamer wat u op Lekkeslaap gekies het, het 'n bad met 'n handstort. Ons was vol bespreek met die Rugby toets teen Ierland, en ons kon u dus nie skuif na 'n kamer met 'n stort nie. My bestuurder het u met spyt hiervan ingelig, en verduidelik waarom ons u nie kon skuif nie. Hoe u haar daarna hanteer het, en wat u vir haar gesê het, het my laat besef dat u nou fout gaan vind met alles. Net ter inligting, die televisie in u kamer is 'n standaard 52 by 32 cm Plat skerm en volgens die grootte van die kamer is dit perfek. Ons het die volgende DSTV kanale nl 101 M-Net, 108,113,114,138,140 (Almal Fliek kanale) 144 Kyknet, Al die SABC kanale, 1,2 en 3, Al die sport kanale en nog vele meer om op te noem!...defnitief nie net 2 kanale nie. Dit is asof u kommentaar dus nie geloofwaardig is nie.. Ek het u telefonies ook geskakel om u behulpsaam te wees, maar u gesingheid was nie goed nie. Groete, Hannelie Strydom

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Hannelie Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 41

On LekkeSlaap 10 years

From R950
per night, for 2 ppl
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 19 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 751 Park street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083, Gauteng
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcd2b07b7440e8fa997efa8baa04ea0e028567fd8f1bc5cd0ec7e5c8f4e39e37b48dd8d6608b868623b01cb69a4a8ba9c7c1c?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R950 per night, for 2 ppl 41 5 1 5 751 Park street Arcadia 0083 Gauteng 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -25.750291836428 28.217875236891

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