Dear Mr Henin,
We are certainly sorry to hear you didn't enjoy your stay with us. Please note however, the toilet rolls are replaced daily. My contact details are on the welcome letter you receive on check-in and on the back of the door where you enter/exit the unit. I am just a message/call away should guests need anything. I am not sure how the housekeeper overlooked that and will notify the owner of the cleaning company. My apologies for that oversight.
As you checked out of the apartment on the Monday morning and the tornado only came through at 5pm that evening, I cannot understand how it would have impacted your stay in any way. It is not a normal situation that we found ourselves in as I am sure you are aware. There was no damage to the unit you stayed in whatsoever. We have never had a tornado before and hopefully, we will never experience one again. Breakers resort was fortunate to only have a few broken windows unlike some of the extremely hard hit areas inland that had loss of life, property, and livelihoods.
Geagte meneer Henin,
Ons is beslis jammer om te hoor dat jy nie jou verblyf by ons geniet het nie. Neem asseblief kennis dat die toiletrolle daagliks vervang word. My kontakbesonderhede is op die verwelkomingsbrief wat jy ontvang met inklok en op die agterkant van die deur waar jy die eenheid in-/uitgaan. Ek is net 'n boodskap/oproep weg indien gaste iets nodig het. Ek is nie seker hoe die huishoudster dit oor die hoof gesien het nie en sal die eienaar van die skoonmaakmaatskappy in kennis stel. My verskoning vir daardie oorsig.
Aangesien jy die Maandagoggend by die woonstel uitgeboek het en die tornado eers om 17:00 daardie aand deurgekom het, kan ek nie verstaan hoe dit jou verblyf op enige manier sou beïnvloed het nie. Dit is nie 'n normale situasie waarin ons onsself bevind het nie, want ek is seker jy is bewus daarvan. Daar was hoegenaamd geen skade aan die eenheid waarin jy gebly het nie. Ons het nog nooit 'n tornado gehad nie en hopelik sal ons nooit weer een ervaar nie. Breakers-oord was gelukkig om net 'n paar gebreekte vensters te hê, anders as sommige van die gebiede wat baie swaar getref is in die binneland wat lewensverlies, eiendom en lewensbestaan gehad het.
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Sarel W
Short stay ⋅ With partner
Apr 2024
Very nice place.
Ground floor unit made it nice and easy accessible to the pool and restaurant.
Thank you for your lovely review. We look forward to welcoming you again in the near future. Kind regards. Debra
Dankie vir jou pragtige resensie. Ons sien uit daarna om jou weer in die nabye toekoms te verwelkom. Vriendelike groete. Debra
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Jan L
Short stay ⋅ Family with teenagers
May 2023
Nice place.
Ensure use again.
Lekker plekkie.
Verseker weer gebruik.
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Value for money
Jolanda V
Short stay ⋅ With partner
Sep 2021
The unit is very clean and spacious. The facilities at the resort are excellent (spa, pool and more). The restaurant at the resort's food is delicious. Will definitely visit again.
Die eenheid is baie skoon en ruim. Die geriewe by die oord is uitstekend (spa, swembad en meer). Die restaurant by die oord se kos is heerlik. Sal beslis weer besoek.
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Thank you for your lovely review. So glad to hear your enjoyed your stay and we look forward to hosting you again soon.
Dankie vir jou pragtige resensie. So bly om te hoor jy het jou verblyf geniet en ons sien uit daarna om jou binnekort weer te huisves.
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Carina B
Short stay ⋅ Family with teenagers
Apr 2021
Beautiful place, when you step out your sliding door, you could imagine you are at a holiday resort in Mauritius.
We had a lovely holiday and the accommodation met our expectations. It would of course have been nicer if there could have been barbecue facilities at the land unit (we had been informed).
Pragtige plek, as jy by jou skuifdeur uitstap, kon jy jou verbeel jy is by 'n vakansieoord in Mauritius.
Ons het 'n heerlike vakansie gehad en die verblyf het voldoen aan ons verwagtinge. Dit sou natuurlik lekkerder gewees het as daar braaigeriewe by die grond-eenheid kon wees (ons was wel ingelig gewees).
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Thank you for your review. I am glad to hear you enjoyed your stay and look forward to welcoming you and your family again in the near future.
Unfortunately the resort doesn't allow guests to braai at the apartments out of concern for the guests in the units above them as they would be smoked out. As I am sure you will appreciate we have to take all our guests comfort into consideration.
Dankie vir jou resensie. Ek is bly om te hoor jy het jou verblyf geniet en sien daarna uit om jou en jou gesin weer in die nabye toekoms te verwelkom.
Ongelukkig laat die oord nie gaste toe om by die woonstelle te braai nie uit besorgdheid oor die gaste in die eenhede bo hulle aangesien hulle uitgerook sou word. Soos ek seker jy sal waardeer, moet ons al ons gaste se gerief in ag neem.
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Heleen M
Short stay ⋅ Family with young children
Oct 2020
We had a great time relaxing and the children really enjoyed the pool! The apartment is spacious and well located.
Ons het heerlik ontspan en die kinders het die swembad vreeslik geniet! Die woonstel is ruim en goed geleë.
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Dear Heleen,
Very happy to hear you and your family enjoyed your stay with us. I look forward to being able to welcome you again in the future.
Liewe Heleen,
Baie bly om te hoor jy en jou gesin het julle verblyf by ons geniet. Ek sien uit daarna om julle weer in die toekoms te kan verwelkom.
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Annelien S
Short stay ⋅ With partner
Dec 2019
Very nice.
The only thing we recommend is a braaier at the unit. Even if it's a gas braai. Wanted to braai at the braai area, but there was a private function.
Baie lekker.
Al wat ons ten sterkste aanbeveel, is n braaier by die eenheid. Al is dit gasbraaier. Wou braai by braaiplek maar toe daar private funksie.
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Good day Annelien,
Very glad you enjoyed your stay and look forward to welcoming you again in the future. Yes, a gas braai would be an excellent idea however the Breakers Resort doesn't allow our guests to braai at the units as it would worry the guests in the units situated above them. For this reason, we have the communal braai area which is as you rightly stated available for the guests to use Monday to Thursday.
Goeie dag Annelien,
Baie bly jy het jou verblyf geniet en sien uit daarna om jou weer in die toekoms te verwelkom. Ja, 'n gasbraai sal 'n uitstekende idee wees, maar die Breakers Resort laat nie ons gaste toe om by die eenhede te braai nie, aangesien dit die gaste in die eenhede bokant hulle sal bekommer. Om hierdie rede het ons die gemeenskaplike braai-area wat soos jy tereg gesê het beskikbaar is vir die gaste om Maandag tot Donderdag te gebruik.
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From R2 350 per night (sleeps 4)
851588 Lagoon DriveUmhlanga4320KwaZulu-Natal021 201 890114:00-23:0010:00-29.71362685879231.092323897272