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Beach Coast Accommodation

Self Catering


4.1/ 5

Based on 12 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Emmerencia D
Short stay With friends
Apr 2024

Feel free to do so. Very nice apartment. It was a lovely holiday. Close to everything. Nice view of the sea. Will visit again. Price also fair.

Heerlik gerus. Baie mooi woonstel. Dit was 'n heerlike vakansie. Naby alles. Mooi uitsig oor die see. Sal weer besoek. Prys ook billik.

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Value for money

Veronica N
Long stay Family with young children
Dec 2023

The reception office is very nice and made our stay comfortable. Thank you very much. Apartment is well located but needs maintenance. The kitchen cabinets and stove need a good cleaning. The bedding has stains and the curtains are moldy. Proper instructions for the microwave and dishwasher would be appreciated. The fan in the master bedroom is broken and moves around unevenly and dangerously.

Die ontvangskantoor is baie gaaf en het ons verblyf gemaklik gemaak. Baie dankie. Woonstel is goed geleë maar benodig onderhoud. Die kombuiskaste en stoof het 'n goeie skoonmaak nodig. Die beddegoed het vlekke en die gordyne is gemuf. Behoorlike instruksies vir die mikrogolf en skottelgoedwasser sal waardeer word. Die waaier in die hoofslaapkamer is stukkend en beweeg oneweredig en gevaarlik in die rondte.

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Value for money
Beach Coast Accommodation

Hi Veronica. Thank you very much for the review. It is with great disappointment that you did not like the apartment. It denies that bed linen and curtains have stains and considers them untrue and simply a fabrication. You did report an alleged fault with a ceiling fan to the office and complained that you don't know how the dishwasher works. However, you never reported the alleged stains on laundry and curtains and the question is asked how one understands this. It is confirmed that you have complained about the fan which in your opinion was rotating in the rotors. It is further confirmed that there was an extra free standing fan in the room and that you have indicated that it will not be necessary to repair the ceiling fan during your stay. After you left I sent a person to look at the ceiling fan and he reported back to me that there was nothing wrong. Unfortunately, you are the first customer we have had so far who does not know how the microwave oven and dishwasher work. We will look into adding instructions. It is confirmed that you approached the office about the dishwasher and that Theresa gave you a good explanation of how it works. It is further confirmed that you have not had any further complaints in this regard. Kind regards, Johan

Hi Veronica. Baie dankie vir die review. Dit is met groot teleurstelling dat u nie van die woonstel gehou het nie. Dit word ontken dat beddegoed en gordyne vlekke het en beskou dit as onwaar en bloot 'n fabrikasie. U het wel 'n beweerde fout met 'n dakwaaier by kantoor aangemeld en gekla dat u nie weet hoe die skottelgoedwasser werk nie. U het egter nooit die beweerder vlekke op wasgoed en gordyne aangemeld nie en die vraag word gevra hoe 'n mens dit verstaan. Dit word bevestig dat u gekla het oor die waaier wat na u mening in die ronte gedraai het. Dit word verder bevestig dat daar 'n ekstra los staande waaier in die kamer was en dat u aangedui het dat dit dit nie nodig sal wees om die dakwaaier te herstel tydens u verblyf nie. Na u vertrek het ek 'n persoon gestuur om na die dakwaaier te kyk en hy het aan my terug gerapporteer dat daar niks fout is nie. U is ongelukkig die eerste kliënt wat ons sover gehad het wat nie weet hoe die mikrogolfoond en skottelgoedwasser werk nie. Ons sal daarna kyk om instruksies aan te bring. Dit word bevestig dat u die kantoor genader het rakende die skottelgoedwasser en dat Theresa u mooi gehelp het hoe dit werk. Dit word verder bevestig dat u nie verder enige klagtes in die verband gehad nie. Vriendelike groete, Johan

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Hantie S
Short stay Family with young children
Mar 2024

*. Very nice with the most beautiful view.

Baie lekker met die mooiste uitsig.

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Value for money

Eltricia H
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2024

It was ok. I can say it was just ok, which is not good because the dishes we used were sticky and didn't smell good. There was no toilet paper or towels on our arrival, and the house didn't even have a fresh, clean smell. It's literally the first time over the years I booked with you guys. I find that treatment and our parking story was a nightmare because we always had to move the car to different parking areas, but our parking wasn't available for us. Then, as the holiday agent, you left us stranded because Johan didn't get feedback from you that I paid for the holiday. Upon our arrival, we had to stand outside in the street, called you, left messages, but no one got back to us. I called Johan and told him, then he said we could collect keys and go in, and you would sort it out. What a horrible experience. I don't even think I want to book my holidays with you anymore. Even the beds we slept on gave us so much back pain.

Value for money
Beach Coast Accommodation

Hi, Eltricia I am baffled. In your WhatsApp message after your departure, you thanked me for your stay, and I never even suspected that you were unhappy about your stay. You never complained to me or the office that the flat was smelly and the dishes were dirty. I thought you were happy with the accommodation. If you had complained, we would have immediately addressed the problem. Why did you stay for 6 days without complaining about the cleanliness of the flat but were quick to complain about the people taking your parking space? It just doesn't make sense. I confirmed that there was a problem with other persons illegally parked in your parking space. This behavior of some people is unfortunately a problem, and I plan to construct some kind of obstacle to prevent such illegal parking. It is, however, confirmed that the office always assisted you with alternative under-roof parking while trying to identify the culprit. I apologize for that. I contacted the office, and they assured me that there was toilet paper in the flat. However, we do not provide towels, as per our advertisement on the website, as well as our terms and conditions. The lady from the office who oversees the cleaning of the flat, as well as many other flats in the building, denies your allegations regarding the cleanliness of the flat. The reviews on the other flats she was responsible for were very positive. Why would she clean all the other flats properly but not this one? It is confirmed that on your arrival I did not receive any confirmation from the booking platform that you had paid the balance of your booking. After you sent me proof of payment to them, I allowed you to go in. I only on the following Monday received confirmation from them that you made the payment. That was not my fault but again I apologize for that. I will conduct a surprise visit to the flat to inspect the cleanliness of the flat. Kind regards, Johan

Hallo, Eltricia Ek is verstom. In jou WhatsApp-boodskap ná jou vertrek het jy my bedank vir jou verblyf, en ek het nooit eers vermoed dat jy ongelukkig was oor jou verblyf nie. Jy het nooit by my of die kantoor gekla dat die woonstel stinkend en die skottelgoed vuil is nie. Ek het gedink jy is tevrede met die verblyf. As jy gekla het, sou ons dadelik die probleem aangespreek het. Hoekom het jy vir 6 dae gebly sonder om te kla oor die netheid van die woonstel, maar was vinnig om te kla oor die mense wat jou parkeerplek vat? Dit maak net nie sin nie. Ek het bevestig dat daar 'n probleem was met ander persone wat onwettig in jou parkeerplek geparkeer is. Hierdie gedrag van sommige mense is ongelukkig 'n probleem, en ek beplan om 'n soort hindernis te bou om sulke onwettige parkering te voorkom. Dit word egter bevestig dat die kantoor jou altyd bygestaan het met alternatiewe onderdakparkering terwyl hulle probeer het om die skuldige te identifiseer. Ek vra om verskoning daarvoor. Ek het die kantoor gekontak, en hulle het my verseker dat daar toiletpapier in die woonstel is. Ons verskaf egter nie handdoeke nie, soos volgens ons advertensie op die webwerf, asook ons bepalings en voorwaardes. Die dame van die kantoor wat toesig hou oor die skoonmaak van die woonstel, asook baie ander woonstelle in die gebou, ontken jou aantygings rakende die skoonheid van die woonstel. Die resensies oor die ander woonstelle waarvoor sy verantwoordelik was, was baie positief. Hoekom sal sy al die ander woonstelle behoorlik skoonmaak, maar nie hierdie een nie? Dit word bevestig dat ek met jou aankoms geen bevestiging van die besprekingsplatform ontvang het dat jy die balans van jou bespreking betaal het nie. Nadat jy vir my 'n bewys van betaling aan hulle gestuur het, het ek jou toegelaat om in te gaan. Ek het eers die volgende Maandag bevestiging van hulle ontvang dat jy die betaling gemaak het. Dit was nie my skuld nie maar ek vra weereens om verskoning daarvoor. Ek sal 'n verrassingsbesoek aan die woonstel doen om die skoonheid van die woonstel te inspekteer. Vriendelike groete, Johan

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Keletso M
Short stay With friends
Jan 2022

It was okay. The place was okay, my favourite part was the beach but fan was not working in the other room and one of the sofas armrest was broken when we arrived there.

Value for money
Beach Coast Accommodation

Thank you for your feedback Kaletso. I was not aware of the broken fan until a later guest informed me about that. It is now addressed. I am also not aware of the armrest of the sofa that is broken. I will investigate and address it. Thanks for informing me. If you alerted me while you were staying there I would have addressed it immediately. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Dankie vir jou terugvoer Kaletso. Ek was nie bewus van die stukkende waaier nie totdat 'n latere gas my daaroor ingelig het. Dit word nou aangespreek. Ek is ook nie bewus van die armleuning van die bank wat stukkend is nie. Ek sal dit ondersoek en aanspreek. Dankie dat jy my ingelig het. As jy my gewaarsku het terwyl jy daar gebly het, sou ek dit dadelik aangespreek het. Ek vra onverskoning vir die ongerief.

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Ziningi G
Short stay
Oct 2022

That place was messed up. Almost everything that was there was not in good condition, but there was nothing to do because we had already paid. I don't wish to go there again ever. These people are full of lies they contacted us after the trip telling us we broke everything. They didn't know that we checked everything when we got there and we saw the mess, but now they want us to pay so that they can fix their old breakage, sorry.

Value for money
Beach Coast Accommodation

Good day, Thank you for the response provided. Upon arrival, the unit was in a good and clean condition but on your departure, I noticed the shower and cabin doors had been damaged with no intent of compensation.

Good day, Thank you for the response provided. Upon arrival, the unit was in a good and clean condition but on your departure, I noticed the shower and cabin doors had been damaged with no intent of compensation.

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Lientjie W
Long stay Large group
Feb 2021

Very nice and safe. The only thing that was not nice, there were no trolleys available to help with carrying our luggage in and out. We unfortunately stopped the lift for that reason. When we checked out, the office referred to us as ''stupid'' because we stopped the lifts. It wasn't nice. And I went up and down looking for trolleys, but couldn't find them. And driving up and down 18 floors a few times with luggage is really not fun. I would not do this unnecessarily if aids were made available.

Baie lekker en veilig. Die enigste ding wat nie lekker was nie, daar was nie trollies beskikbaar om te help met die in en uit dra van ons bagasie nie. Ons het vir daai rede ongelukkig die lift opgehou. Toe ons uitboek daar is daar uit die kantoor uit na ons verwys as ''stupid'' omdat ons die lifts ophou. Dit was nie lekker nie. En ek het op en af gegaan opsoek na trollies, maar kon dit nie kry nie. En om 'n paar keer vir 18 vloere op en af te ry met bagasie is regtig nie lekker nie. Ek sal dit nie onnodiglik doen as daar hulpmiddels beskikbaar gestel is nie.

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Value for money
Beach Coast Accommodation

Hi Lientjie, sorry to hear about the problem. However, there are trolleys available at the office during office hours. This is the first time I have heard of a guest not knowing that there are trolleys available and will work on a plan to inform guests of the availability of the trolleys. Friendly greeting Johan

Hi Lientjie, jammer om te verneem van die probleem. Daar is egter trollies beskikbaar by die kantoor gedurende kantoor ure. Dit is die eerste keer wat ek verneem van 'n gas wat nie weet dat daar trollies beskikbaar is nie en sal werk aan 'n plan om gaste in te lig van die beskikbaarheid van die trollies. Vriendelike groete Johan

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Weselina Precious Kedibone M
Short stay Family with young children
Oct 2021

Love place. Not enough facilities to entertain the kids, like a playground and a swimming pool. No access to the back gate.

Value for money
Beach Coast Accommodation

Hi. There is a swimming pool on the premises. Unfortunately, there is not a playground on the premises, but there is one very close within walking distance. There is also a place, within walking distance, where children can play video and other games. Additionally, there is a pool table at the building for the kids to play. Kind regards, Johan

Hi. There is a swimming pool on the premises. Unfortunately, there is not a playground on the premises, but there is one very close within walking distance. There is also a place, within walking distance, where children can play video and other games. Additionally, there is a pool table at the building for the kids to play. Kind regards, Johan

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Denzil D
Short stay Family with teenagers
Dec 2020

Very clean place, close to all amenities, excellent accommodation. Excellent service. Will go back there any time. Value for money and the apartment has a million dollar sea view.

Value for money
Beach Coast Accommodation

Thank you so much.

Baie dankie.

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Lorna F
Short stay With partner
Mar 2020

Very nice. The sea view is incredibly beautiful. Is close to everything. Would definitely recommend it to anyone.

Baie lekker. Die see-uitsig is ongelooflik mooi. Is naby aan alles. Sal dit vir seker aanbeveel vir einige iemand.

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Value for money

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Johan Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 41

On LekkeSlaap 9 years

From R650
R650 R390
per night (sleeps 6)
From R650
R650 R390
per night (sleeps 6)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 12:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 08:00
  • Address: 55 Beach Road, Amanzi 1805, Amanzimtoti, 4125, KwaZulu-Natal
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQxFRT60a0tMqFTS4yPKJXjqHO6BJdtQxX1RQfQW9tXCrqcqQZF?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R650 nowFrom R390 per night (sleeps 6) 12 5 1 5 55 Beach Road Amanzi 1805 4125 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 12:00-19:00 08:00 -30.053434102803 30.886879008825

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