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Beaumont Cottages 2

Self Catering


4.3/ 5

Based on 10 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Lizette D
Short stay On business
Jul 2023

Clean and comfortable apartment. Conveniently located and close to highways.

Skoon en gerieflike wooneenheid. Grieflik geleë en naby aan hoofweë.

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Value for money
Beaumont Cottages 2

Good morning Lizette Thank you for taking the time to write us a review, I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us and that the apartment and service was exactly what you needed and expected. I hope that we will host you again soon. Kind regards, Jessica CTHA Team

Goeie môre Lizette Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om vir ons 'n resensie te skryf, ek is so bly om te hoor dat jy jou verblyf by ons geniet het en dat die woonstel en diens presies was wat jy nodig gehad en verwag het. Ek hoop dat ons jou binnekort weer sal huisves. Vriendelike groete, Jessica CTHA-span

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Katinka P
Short stay With partner
Feb 2023

Lovely, stylish accommodation and very centrally located. These houses, located in Groenpunt, but on the border of the beautiful Upper Cape, are so central, and made in a typical Cape style. The apartment is modernly decorated, with interesting art and furniture. Everything is very comfortable and well appointed and we didn't need anything else for our weekend stay. Beaumont Cottages 2 at CTHA waited for us to 'check in' and followed up a few times to make sure we didn't need anything. Only thing to be aware of is since you are so central, the streets around you are quite noisy on a Friday or Saturday night. But you are safe and the security is very good. We could walk almost everywhere in Groenpunt, Seepunt and the Upper Cape. Delicious and we would love to come again. Thank you very much!

Lieflike, stylvolle verblyf en baie sentraal geleë. Hierdie huisies, geleë in Groenpunt, maar op die grens van die mooie Bo-Kaap is so sentraal, en in 'n tipiese Kaapse boustyl gemaak. Die woonstel is modern ingerig, met interessante kuns en meubels. Alles is baie gerieflik en goed ingerig en ons het niks anders nodig gehad vir ons naweekverblyf nie. Beaumont Cottages 2 by CTHA het ons vir ons 'inboek' gewag en 'n paar keer opgevolg om seker te maak ons het niks nodig nie. Enigste ding om van bewus te wees is aangesien jy so sentraal is, is die strate om jou nogal raserig op 'n Vrydag- of Saterdagaand. Maar jy is veilig en die sekuriteit is baie goed. Ons kon amper oral heen loop in Groenpunt, Seepunt en die Bo-Kaap. Heerlik en ons sal graag weer kom. Baie dankie!

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Value for money
Beaumont Cottages 2

We are so glad you enjoyed the cottage. Thank you very much for the good feedback. You were wonderful guests and we hope to see you again soon. Greetings, the CTHA team.

Ons is so bly julle het die huisie geniet. Baie dankie vir die goeie terugvoering. Julle was wonderlike gaste en ons hoop ons sien julle gou weer. Groete, die CTHA span.

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Marelize C
Short stay With friends
Sep 2024

Recommendable. It was central, convenient and very comfortable.

Value for money
Beaumont Cottages 2
Hi Marelize Thank you for taking the time to write us a review. It is always appreciated so that we know what we are doing right and how we can improve. Pleased to hear that you enjoyed your stay and we exceeded your expectations. Hope to welcome you back again soon. Kind regards, Jessica

Megan C
Short stay With friends
Oct 2023

Lovely stay. It was great, thank you.

Value for money
Beaumont Cottages 2

Hi there Megan, hope you are well. Thanks for your review we appreciate it, and hope to see you soon.

Hi daar Megan, hoop dit gaan goed met jou. Dankie vir jou resensie ons waardeer dit, en hoop om jou binnekort te sien.

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Praba M
Short stay On business
May 2023

We enjoyed our stay, the braai was great, however there were a few disapoinments as well. We were on business and only upon arrival, we realized that we needed to make an appointment for check-in. I felt pressured to arrive on time and rushed my meeting as after 6 pm you had to pay an additional 300 rand. Parking was an issue, you have to park across the facility in the "mall" and walk to the facility, and our bad luck, it was raining; it is about a 200m walk. You also have to pay a 2000 rand breakage deposit and only receive your money in 7 to 14 days, I have yet to receive my funds. All in all the place was great however I would not suggest this facility for business.

Value for money
Beaumont Cottages 2

Good morning Praba Thank you for taking the time to write the review, feedback of any kind is always appreciated so we can better look at what we need to improve if anything, to ensure complete customer satisfaction. Once a booking is confirmed by the bookings platform and sent through to us we then confirm it and a confirmation email goes out to all of our guests which details that you are required to complete an online check-in form, pay a security deposit and schedule a check-in time, your booking date and check-in date were very close together and I, therefore, think you may have missed this email, luckily we do have our check-in host make contact with the guests as well to ensure that they do get all the necessary information and are ready for their check-in with us. We are not based at our properties and therefore we need to schedule a check-in time we need to try to stick to it to avoid any of our guests waiting unnecessarily. Kindly note that this apartment does not actually come with a dedicated parking bay and this is of course not ideal so we managed to secure a parking bay for our apartment in the secure parking garage across the road it is the closest that we could get to ensure some time of parking for our guests, thank you for mentioning this though I will amend our listings to pre-warn the guests that the parking bay is a bit of walk away from the apartment. Lastly, I have had a look and you checked out on 11 May 2023 and your refund was processed on 17 May 2023. Please contact us directly if there are any issues. Thank you once again and I do hope we will host you again. Kind regards, Jessica CTHA Team

Goeie môre Praba Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om die resensie te skryf, terugvoer van enige aard word altyd waardeer sodat ons beter kan kyk na wat ons moet verbeter indien enigiets, om volledige klanttevredenheid te verseker. Sodra 'n bespreking deur die besprekingsplatform bevestig is en aan ons deurgestuur is, bevestig ons dit en 'n bevestigings-e-pos gaan aan al ons gaste uit, watter besonderhede van u vereis word om 'n aanlyn inklokvorm te voltooi, 'n sekuriteitsdeposito te betaal en te skeduleer 'n inkloktyd, jou besprekingsdatum en inklokdatum was baie naby aan mekaar en ek dink daarom dat jy dalk hierdie e-pos gemis het, gelukkig het ons ons inklokgasheer ook kontak met die gaste om te verseker dat hulle kry wel al die nodige inligting en is gereed vir hul inklok by ons. Ons is nie by ons eiendomme gebaseer nie en daarom moet ons 'n inkloktyd skeduleer, ons moet probeer om daarby te hou om te verhoed dat enige van ons gaste onnodig wag. Neem asseblief kennis dat hierdie woonstel nie eintlik met 'n toegewyde parkeerplek kom nie en dit is natuurlik nie ideaal nie, so ons het daarin geslaag om 'n parkeerplek vir ons woonstel te verseker in die veilige parkeergarage oorkant die pad dit is die naaste wat ons kan kom om te verseker 'n geruime tyd van parkering vir ons gaste, dankie dat jy dit genoem het, maar ek sal ons lyste wysig om die gaste vooraf te waarsku dat die parkeerplek 'n entjie se stap van die woonstel af is. Laastens, ek het gekyk en jy het op 11 Mei 2023 uitgeboek en jou terugbetaling is op 17 Mei 2023 verwerk. Kontak ons asseblief direk indien daar enige probleme is. Weereens dankie en ek hoop ons sal julle weer huisves. Vriendelike groete, Jessica CTHA-span

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Liesl V
Short stay With friends
Oct 2023

Very comfortable and conveniently situated, but some improvements required regarding professionalism and communication. The cottage is very conveniently located and comfortable. There are, however, some areas which require improvement. I booked this apartment with the explicit understanding that secure parking is part of the package, as indicated on the website. However, when we checked in, we were initially told that this was not the case and that we would be required to pay R180 per day for secure parking. Luckily, this confusion was cleared up and it was subsequently clarified that there was indeed an undercover parking bay reserved for this cottage at no extra cost, but I frankly expect better in terms of communication and ensuring that the check-in staff are properly briefed. The fridge was not properly defrosted beforehand and subsequently leaked/dripped. One of the bathrooms was not stocked with shower gel/tissues. On 25.10.2023 the holding deposit of R2000 was deducted from my credit card without any prior explanation. I only received additional feedback today, when I specifically asked for an explanation, that there was a claim for a stain on the duvet due to a small skin cut which I had. From my side, I apologise for this unintentional damage and am obviously prepared to cover the costs, but unfortunately, the poor communication from the CTHA agents leaves a lot to be desired. If I had been informed of the damage and claim on the day that the money was taken off my card, as well as an explanation of the refund process for the remaining deposit, this would have made all the difference. However, it was regrettably left up to me as the client to seek an explanation from the agency, which in itself is unacceptable for what is purported to be a luxury apartment. This has unfortunately coloured what was otherwise a pleasant stay and experience, and I would be very hesitant to make use of or recommend CTHA in the future.

Value for money

Ilze G
Short stay With friends
Aug 2023

Mixture Faucet not working. Painting leaves and lands on our heads. Fridge hinge broken. Rear bathroom shower clogged. Agent very unprofessional.

Mengelmoes Kraan werk nie. Skildery los en beland op ons koppe. Yskas se skarnier stukkend. Agterste badkamer se stort verstop. Agent baie onprofessioneel.

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Value for money

Annemarie M
Short stay Family with young children
Apr 2022

Real Cape. Beautiful furnished cottage with everything you need. We spent the weekend of Two Oceans Marathon there with our 2 children under 10 and would definitely recommend for centrally located accommodation. Shops and restaurants around the corner.

Eg Kaap. Pragtige gemeubileerde kothuis met als wat benodig word. Ons het die naweek van Two Oceans Marathon saam ons 2 kinders onder 10 daar spandeer en sal beslis aanbeveel vir verblyf wat sentraal geleë is. Winkels en restaurante om die draai.

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Value for money
Beaumont Cottages 2

We are so glad you enjoyed the stay and cottage. We look forward to seeing you again soon. You guys are fine.

Ons is so bly jul het die verblyf en kothuis geniet. Ons sien uit om julle sommer gou weer te sien. Goed gaan julle.

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Pieter J
Short stay With partner
Mar 2022

Had a nice stay, only struggled with the lights in the living room. Very sensitive and leaves quite dark. Good location, safe and quiet area.

Lekker gebly, net gesukkel met die ligte in die woonvertrek. Baie sensitief en vertrek nogal donker. Goeei ligging, veilig en stil area.

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Value for money
Beaumont Cottages 2

Hi Peter. We are glad you enjoyed your stay and hope to see you again soon. I see there are aspects that could be improved so we would greatly appreciate it if we could receive your suggestions and pointers to ensure we are always the best we can be. regards CTHA Team

Hi Pieter. Ons is bly jy het die verblyf geniet en hoop om julle sommer gou weer te sien. Ek sien daar is aspekte wat kan verbeter so ons sal dit baie waardeer as ons u voorstelle en uitwysings kan ontvang om te verseker ons altyd die beste wat ons kan wees. Groete CTHA Span

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Fleur H
Short stay
Dec 2022

Beautiful apartment in a central location in Green Point. The apartment is beautiful and the location is great, close to shops, pubs and restaurants in Green Point. The downside is no parking, even on the street. The deposit is held back for 14 days with no adequate explanation given. The fridge is tiny and many of the self-catering items completely impractical.

Value for money
Beaumont Cottages 2

Good day, please note we do not advertise the apartment with parking and we do state there is a security deposit payable on arrival that will be released within 14 days of checkout if no reports were submitted. When looking at the photos, there is no large fridge in any of the photos because it is a bar fridge under the kitchen counter. We also went the extra mile to try and source parking. After we asked to please move the vehicle you left it there in spite of anyone else that wanted to come in and out. Regards, Yolandi CTHA

Goeie dag, let asseblief daarop dat ons nie die woonstel met parkeerplek adverteer nie en ons meld dat daar 'n sekuriteitsdeposito betaalbaar is met aankoms wat binne 14 dae na uitklok vrygestel sal word indien geen verslae ingedien is nie. As daar na die foto's gekyk word, is daar geen groot yskas op enige van die foto's nie, want dit is 'n yskassie onder die kombuistoonbank. Ons het ook die ekstra myl gegaan om parkering te probeer kry. Nadat ons gevra het om asseblief die voertuig te skuif het jy dit daar gelos ten spyte van enigiemand anders wat wou in- en uitkom. Groete, Yolandi CTHA

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FZP/CTHA Verified

Properties 72

Reviews 238

On LekkeSlaap 11 years

From R2 393
R2 393 R1 795
per night (sleeps 4)
From R2 393
R2 393 R1 795
per night (sleeps 4)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 4 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 7 Highfield Road, Green Point, Cape Town, 8005, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA923d18f1889dfab428a092b94f40e4adcd892d1c077518bb8530dab405e2089b5500a11ad3a8a8d7646614544f625e03f493?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R2 393 nowFrom R1 795 per night (sleeps 4) 10 5 1 5 7 Highfield Road Green Point 8005 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 10:00 -33.912762461994 18.416446184158

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