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Beside Still Waters

Guest House


4.1/ 5

Based on 10 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Elmarie F
Short stay Family with young children
Dec 2024

See stars. The road there is a gravel road with corrugated iron sheets that is very bad and should not be driven with a regular car. Only rainwater is used, so the water that comes out of the tap smells like sewage. The pressure pump is too weak for gas geysers, so you either shower in boiling water or in ice cold water. The 2nd shower only got lukewarm water if you also open the main shower (but on boiling). No TV. WiFi only worked on day 1. Just know that when the lawn is sprayed it stinks very badly because they use water from the septic tank. 100% on solar, so the generator often turns on in the early morning hours. No braai facilities, we had to go buy our own braai. The photos of the view are the owner's view and not the guests'. You are expected to recycle everything. There are laundry facilities, but you have to pay R80 extra for a bundle. Only 1 steak knife between 5 people.

Sien sterre. Die pad soontoe is 'n grondpad met sinkplate wat baie sleg is en nie met 'n gewone kar gery moet word nie. Daar word slegs van reënwater gebruik gemaak, dus ruik die water wat by die kraan uitkom soos riool. Die drukpomp is te swak vir gasgeysers, daarom stort jy of in kokende water of in yskoue water. Die 2 de stort het slegs louwarm water gekry indien jy die hoofstort ook oopmaak (maar op kokend). Geen TV. WiFi het slegs dag 1 gewerk. Weet maar wanneer die grasperk natgespuit word stink dit baie erg omdat hulle van die septic tank se water gebruik. 100% op solar daarom gaan die generator sommer gereeld in die vroeë oggendure aan. Geen braaigeriewe, ons moes ons eie braai gaan koop. Uitsig se foto's is die eienaar se uitsig en nie die gaste s'n nie. Daar word verwag dat jy als moet recycle. Daar is wasgoedgeriewe, maar jy moet R80 ekstra vir 'n bondel betaal. Slegs 1 steak-mes tussen 5 mense.

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Value for money
Beside Still Waters

We take note of Elmarie's unhappiness. We know that 99% of prospective guests know how to read and judge a review. Furthermore, we prefer not to comment on unfounded and untrue statements made by the emotional guest, except for one aspect: total disregard for Beside Still Waters' basic house rules. Finally, on a positive note - their 5-year-old son, thanks to his mother's encouragement, regularly played wonderfully with our two grandsons, both outside and inside our home!

Ons neem kennis van Elmarie se ongelukkighede. Ons weet dat 99% van voornemende gaste weet hoe om 'n resensie te lees en te oordeel. Verder, ons verkies om nie kommentaar te lewer op ongegronde en onware stelling gemaak deur die emosionele gas nie, behalwe een aspek: totale verontagsaming van Beside Still Waters se basiese huisreëls. Laastens, op 'n positiewe noot - hul 5-jarige seuntjie het danksy sy moeder se ontmoediging gereeld heerlik saam met ons twee kleinseuns gespeel, buite sowel as binne ons woning!

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Morne V
Short stay With partner
Dec 2023

Rest for your soul. Highly recommended. Quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Definitely enjoyed it.

Rus vir jou siel. Hoogs aanbeveel. Stil en rustige atmosfeer. Beslis baie geniet.

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Value for money

Hans N
1 night stay With partner
Mar 2023

In one word - great. We were very kindly received and had the option of using The Loft as it was available. It was a good exchange. The facilities are clean and tidy and the view from the balcony outstanding. Ronelle and Stephan served a delicious breakfast and gave good advice for our time in the area. Ronelle was also particularly helpful in returning a pair of glasses that had been left behind to us.

Met een woord - puik. Ons is baie vriendelik ontvang en het die opsie gehad om The Loft te gebruik, aangesien dit beskikbaar was. Dit was 'n goeie ruil. Die geriewe is skoon en netjies en die uitsig vanaf die balkon uitstaande. Ronelle en Stephan het 'n heerlike ontbyt bedien en goeie advies vir ons tyd in die omgewing gegee. Ronelle was ook besonder behulpsaam om 'n bril wat agtergebly het aan ons terug te besorg.

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Value for money

Chantel R
Long stay Large group
Jan 2020

Especially. Such a peaceful place. The fact that we were a little way out of town was idyllic. The nature scenes were exceptional and we even heard an osprey calling. Ronelle and Stefan were so friendly and helpful. The accommodation was neat and clean. We had a very nice stay.

Besonders. So 'n rustige plek. Dié dat ons 'n entjie uit die dorp was, was idillies. Die natuurtonele was besonders en ons het selfs 'n visarend hoor roep. Ronelle en Stefan was so vriendelik en behulpsaam. Die akkommodasie was netjies en skoon. Ons het baie lekker gebly.

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Value for money
Beside Still Waters

It was a great pleasure for us to accommodate you in Upper Room! The package is almost on its way. See you next time.

Dit was vir ons 'n groot plesier om julle in Upper Room te akkommodeer! Die pakkie is amper oppad. Sien julle 'n volgende keer.

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Roxanne W
1 night stay On business
Nov 2019

Very lovely place with excellent hosts. Excellent hosts and a very lovely place to stay. Will definitely be coming again.

Baie lieflike plek met uitstekende gashere. Uitstekende gashere en 'n baie lekker verblyf. Sal beslis weer kom.

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Value for money

Cawood K
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Oct 2019

Here you can find rest in the quiet waters! Here you can stay and stay! Warm people and such a nice place, laid out to enjoy comfort! One night is far too few.

Hier kan jy rus vind langs die stil waters! Hier kan 'n mens bly en bly! Hartlike mense en so mooi plekkie, uitgelê om gemak te kan geniet! Een nag is heeltemal te min.

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Value for money
Beside Still Waters

It was so nice to chat before you guys left. Hopefully we will see you again and then for more than one evening.

Dit was so lekker om te gesels voor julle vertrek. Hopelik sien ons julle weer en dan vir langer as een aand.

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Marius B
Short stay With partner
Feb 2019

Beautiful cottage beautifully situated nice people. Beautiful cottage beautiful view very clean really something to recommend. If we are in the neighborhood again, we will definitely choose this accommodation. Thank you very much.

Mooie cottage prachtig gelegen aardige mensen. Mooie cottage prachtig uitzicht heel schoon echt iets om aan te bevelen. Zijn we weer in de buurt dan zullen we zeker dit onderkomen kiezen. Baie dankie.

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Value for money

Wilhelm S
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2019

Lovely place, enjoyed our stay. Lovely venue, comfortable facilities, friendly owner.

Pragtige plek, het ons verblyf geniet. Pragtige plek, gemaklike fasiliteite, vriendelike eienaar.

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Value for money

Arnold V
Short stay Large group
Dec 2019

Nice location with several facility shortages. We spent a week at Beside Stil Water and arrived with high expectations. We were warmly welcomed by the owners after which we gained access to our accommodation. The rooms, bathrooms and rooms are very small due to the fact that it is in an attic in a house. There are limited windows and a lack of ventilation. With a single aircon that only serves a portion of the house, it is a daunting task to cool the house liveably. There are also fans, but the owners have switched off the fan and aircon continuously. The property was repeatedly entered for no apparent reason which invaded our sense of privacy. There is no TV in the accommodation. The bird life and scenery are top notch. Although the house is well equipped and has a nice location in a quiet part of Wilderness we would not recommend it for larger groups or families. Perhaps the experience would be different in a cooler climate and under different circumstances.

Mooi ligging met verskeie fasiliteit tekorte. Ons het 'n week spandeer by Beside Stil Water en het met hoë verwagtinge daar aangekom. Ons was hartlik verwelkom deur die eienaars waarna ons toegang verkry het na ons blyplek. Die kamers, badkamers en vertrekke is baie klein weens die feit dat dit op 'n solder in 'n huis is. Daar is beperkte vensters en 'n tekort aan ventilasie. Met 'n enkele aircon wat slegs 'n gedeelte van die huis diens is dit 'n onbegonne taak om die huis leefbaar af te koel. Daar is ook waaiers, maar die eienaars het die waaier en aircon deurlopend afgeskakel. Daar is herhaalde kere toegang tot die eiendom gemaak sonder 'n kenbare rede wat inbreuk gemaak het op ons gevoel van privaatheid. Daar is geen TV in die blyplek nie. Die voëllewe en natuurskoon is wel uit die boonste rakke. Alhoewel die huis goed toegerus is en 'n mooi ligging in 'n stil deel van Wilderness het sal ons dit nie aan beveel vir groter groepe of gesinne nie. Miskien sou die ervaring anders wees in 'n koeler klimaat en onder ander omstandighede.

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Value for money
Beside Still Waters

First, the unit was booked for 6 people and there are 6 + 1 baby about 1 year old? checked in The Upper Room is a 'compact' unit and is equipped with an overspecced air rail, specifically considering the warmer summer months. We request very clearly in the information book that the air conditioner is turned off when going out for the day, we went to turn it off twice to save electricity and then abandoned it. No unit at Beside Still Waters is equipped with TVs (apologies if there was any ambiguity). Secondly, we believe that the facility's 'deficiencies' are overshadowed by the positive points and the very nice surroundings!

Eerstens, die eenheid was bespreek vir 6 mense en daar het 6 + 1 baba ongeveer 1 jaar oud? ingeboek. Die Upper Room is 'n 'kompakte' eenheid en is toegerus met 'n meer as voeldoende (overspecced) lugreeling, spesefiek inaggeneem die warmer somermaande. Ons versoek baie duidelik in die inligtings boek dat die lugreeling afgeskakel word wanneer daar vir die dag uitgegaan word, ons het twee keer dit gaan afskakel om elektrisiteit te bespaar en daarna dit laat vaar. Geen eenheid by Beside Still Waters is met TV's toegerus nie (verskoning indien daar onduidelikheid was). Tweedens, ons glo dat die fasiliteit 'tekorte' is oorskadu deur die positiewe punte en die baie mooi omgewing!

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Sune F
Short stay Family with teenagers
Apr 2018

We were a little disappointed in the accommodation. We traveled with our teenage son and stayed at Beside Still Waters for 4 nights. First, there was wood lying under the cottage, and it was very cold and rainy that evening, my son picked up some of the wood and put it next to the fireplace in the living room to make a fire later. We went to town to buy groceries, came back later and the wood was gone and suddenly a paper was pasted saying the wood was for sale, I feel the owner could have just come to talk to us, and not only came in and took the wood. It rained for 3 days in a row, our towels did not dry, and not even 1 time was offered to change the towels for us. We grilled 3 nights, and the grill was only cleaned once. I understand cleaning service was optional, but little things like that make a difference. Some of the dishes in the cupboards were dirty and there were also ants in the cupboards. All the basic necessities were there, and the kitchen was well equipped.

Ons was bietjie teleurgesteld in die verblyf. Ons het met ons tienerseun gereis en 4 aande by Beside Still Waters gebly. Eerstens, daar was hout wat onder die kothuis gelê het, en dit was erg koud en reënerig die aand, my seun het van die hout opgetel en langs die kaggel in die sitkamer gesit om later vuur te maak. Ons het dorp toe gegaan om kruideniersware te koop, later teruggekom en die hout was weg en daar is toe skielik 'n papier geplak wat sê die hout is te koop, my gevoel is die eienaar kon net met ons kom praat het, en nie net ingekom het en die hout kom vat het nie. Dit het vir 3 dae aanmekaar gereën, ons handdoeke het nie droog geword nie, en daar is nie eens 1 maal aangebied om die handdoeke vir ons te ruil nie. Ons het 3 aande gebraai, en die braaier is net 1 keer skoon gemaak. Ek verstaan skoonmaakdiens was opsioneel, maar klein goedjies soos dit maak 'n verskil. Van die skottelgoed in die kaste was vuil en daar was ook miere in die kaste. Al die basiese benodighede was daar, en die kombuis was goed toegerus.

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Value for money
Beside Still Waters

We are sorry that this was your experience and we believe that your dissatisfaction is largely attributable to poor communication. The information sheet in our self care units is sufficiently descriptive. We were on site for the entire period of your stay, but were not aware of your inconvenience. Thank you for your feedback.

Ons is jammer dat dit jul ervaring was en ons is van mening dat jul ontevredenheid grootliks toe te skryf is aan gebrekkige kommunikasie. Die inligtings blad in ons self sorg eenhede is voldoende beskrywend. Ons was op die perseel die hele tydperk van jul verblyf, maar was nie bewus van jul ongerief nie. Dankie vir jul terugvoering.

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Ronelle Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 10

On LekkeSlaap 7 years

From R1 300
R 1 300 R 1 170
per night, for 2 ppl
From R1 300
R 1 300 R 1 170
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 15 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 21 Bo-Langvlei Road, Wilderness, 6560, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA2BOWmxr0Fu2m2HtGNjuZ5XmQOxSEezN0ZoZphJqeHpQ3qfU7p9?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R1 300 nowFrom R1 170 per night, for 2 ppl 10 5 1 5 21 Bo-Langvlei Road Wilderness 6560 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -33.984506890819 22.661264831855

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