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Big Sky Villa

Self Catering


1.8/ 5

Based on 1 review

Value for money
Tian K
Short stay Family with young children
Apr 2023

Privacy is a big concern. Even though the property is advertised that the entire place is for our use own use, there is someone else staying permanently on the property. It so invasive that one night while using the outside bbq, the other person entered the property through the back gate and walked past us. I would not have booked the property if I was made aware of this. In addition, the garage is built too low for my factory, unmodified vehicle, damaging the roof (of my vehicle). Owner has been super unhelpful and has since indicated that it is her view that she does not have to compensate me for my damages.

Value for money
Big Sky Villa

The person staying on the premises is the housekeeper. She is there for the benefit of the guests as well. She is available for cleaning, and to leave keys with her when they leave, as we state in the email sent to all guests. She is discreet. All guests sign an indemnity form before arrival. The indemnity form that you signed covered all of these concerns. You indemnify and hold the establishment harmless against any claims instituted against the establishment by any of the members of your party (whether jointly or individually) which are based on any of the forms or grounds of liability set out above. The damage to his vehicle was paid by my insurance although he signed the indemnity. The garage is the standard height (2,060m) as the local building inspector approved the plan as well as the site inspection that was done after the complaint. It was a third-party claim and the insurance took a long time with it, which was out of my control. He enjoyed his stay and we had no complaints otherwise.

Die persoon wat op die perseel bly is die huishoudster. Sy is ook daar tot voordeel van die gaste. Sy is beskikbaar vir skoonmaak, en om sleutels by haar te los wanneer hulle vertrek, soos ons meld in die e-pos wat aan alle gaste gestuur is. Sy is diskreet. Alle gaste teken 'n vrywaringsvorm voor aankoms. Die vrywaringsvorm wat jy onderteken het, het al hierdie bekommernisse gedek. U vrywaar en hou die onderneming skadeloos teen enige eise wat teen die stigting ingestel word deur enige van die lede van u party (hetsy gesamentlik of individueel) wat gebaseer is op enige van die vorme of gronde van aanspreeklikheid hierbo uiteengesit. Die skade aan sy voertuig is deur my versekering betaal alhoewel hy die skadeloosstelling geteken het. Die motorhuis is die standaard hoogte (2 060m) aangesien die plaaslike bou-inspekteur die plan goedgekeur het asook die terreininspeksie wat na die klagte gedoen is. Dit was ’n derdeparty-eis en die versekering het lank daarmee gevat, wat buite my beheer was. Hy het sy verblyf geniet en ons het andersins geen klagtes gehad nie.

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Elaina Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 59

On LekkeSlaap 8 years

From R 11 600
per night, for 16 ppl
R 11 600
per night, for 16 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 16 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 4 Kriegler Street, Tulbagh, 6820, Western Cape
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA8711c1cd59eaae8a3fdef4ebbfead2680c2205632ea34accbb34c3b19d2fce2b2f497f3bafc69f6be8d8f9e027207fef7b21?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R11 600 per night, for 16 ppl 1 5 1 2 4 Kriegler Street Tulbagh 6820 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -33.282198118555 19.142964169312

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