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2 Guests

Blou Porselein Gasteplaas

Self Catering


4.6/ 5

Based on 35 reviews


Value for money
Igshaan M
Short stay With friends
Sep 2024

Definitely a nice place to break away if you are looking for silence - wonderful. The two days we spent on the farm were fantastic. We were very friendly and well received by the owner. We also enjoyed our privacy on the campsite. The dogs were very friendly, especially the big dog. He was our babysitter. We also walked down to the river and enjoyed the outside light. The area where the showers and toilets are, was clean and tidy. There were sufficient facilities for barbecuing. We had a good experience.

Defnitief 'n lekker plaas om weg te breek indien jy na stilte soek - wonderlik. Die twee dae wat ons oorgeslaap het op die plaas was fantasties. Ons was baie vriendelik en goed ontvang deur die eienaar. Ons het ook ons privaatheid geniet op die kampterrein. Die honde was baie vriendelik, veral die groot hond. Hy was ons oppasser. Ons het ook afgestap na die rivier en die buitelig geniet. Die area waar die storte en toilette is, was skoon en netjies. Daar was genoegsame geriewe om te braai. Ons het 'n goeie ondervinding gehad.

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Value for money
Blou Porselein Gasteplaas

Thank you very much for the positive feedback. We are very happy that you enjoyed the camp on the farm. It's nice to hear that the owner made you feel welcome. The dogs, especially Kwagga, are enjoying it so much that you were here. He usually protects the guests on the farm. The river is our source of water and it's good to know that it was able to give you pleasure. Feel free to visit us again. It will be nice to receive you here.

Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoer. Ons is baie bly dat julle die kamp geniet het op die plaas. Dis lekker om te hoor dat die eienaar julle welkom laat voel het. Die honde, veral Kwagga, geniet dit net so dat julle hier was. Hy beskerm gewoonlik die gaste op die plaas. Die rivier is ons bron van water en dis goed om te weet dat dit vir julle plesier kon verskaf. Kom kuier gerus weer by ons. Dit sal lekker wees om julle hier te ontvang.

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Beatrix Z
Short stay
Jun 2024

The tranquility of itself! It was really nice at Blou Porselein. Cute little house with so many extras. Beautiful garden and I loved the sign that welcomed us. Nice and quiet! Children enjoyed their tractor ride out holes.

Die rustigheid vanself! Dit was regtig lekker by Blou Porselein. Oulike huisie met soveel ekstras. Pragtige tuin en ek was mal oor die bord wat ons verwelkom het. Lekker rustig! Kinders het hul trekker rit gate uit geniet.

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Value for money
Blou Porselein Gasteplaas

Thank you very much Beatrix for the nice review. We are glad that you experienced the tranquility of the guest farm and liked our gardens. It was nice for us to be able to take the children on the tractor and tell them more about farming. We hope you will visit the farm again. regards Theresa

Baie dankie Beatrix vir die mooi resensie. Ons is bly dat jy die gasteplaas se rustigheid beleef het en van ons tuine gehou het. Dit was vir ons lekker om die kinders op die trekker te kon neem en hulle meer van die boerdery kon vertel. Ons hoop julle kom kuier weer op die plaas. Groete Theresa

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Carel D
1 night stay With partner
Aug 2024

Dead silent. Exactly what you need. Very nice The owls were nice to see and hear.

Doodstil. Presies wat jy nodig het. Baie nice. Die uile was lekker om te sien en te hoor.

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Value for money
Blou Porselein Gasteplaas

Thanks for your review, Carel. The owls have come to make their home on the farm and we are very proud of that. We are glad that you were able to appreciate it as well. Greetings Theresa

Dankie vir jou resensie, Carel. Die uile het vir hulle kom tuismaak op die plaas en ons is baie trots daarop. Ons is bly dat julle dit ook kon waardeer. Groete Theresa

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Charlene B
Short stay Family with teenagers
Aug 2024

I prefer not to say. See stars.

Ek verkies om nie te sê nie. Sien sterre.

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Value for money

Frans Jacobus L
Short stay With partner
Oct 2024

Very quiet and peaceful. Had a great time on the farm and enjoyed the silence.

Baie stil en rustig. Baie lekker gebly op die plaas en die stilte geniet.

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Value for money
Blou Porselein Gasteplaas

Hello French. Thank you for visiting the farm. We are glad that you enjoyed the peace and quiet. Greetings Theresa

Hallo Frans. Dankie dat julle op die plaas kom kuier het. Ons is bly dat julle die rustigheid en stilte geniet het. Groete Theresa

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Pretorius J
Short stay With friends
Dec 2024

What we got was not as advertised. Upon our arrival, it was clear that the room configuration was not as stated on the website. There should have been 2 bedrooms with a shared bathroom. However, there was only one shared bedroom with space for four people. This is quite a significant difference from what we expected. There was also a shortage of basic kitchen utensils such as knives, forks, bowls, spoons, etc. Cleanliness of bedding could also be improved. And finally - the Wifi did not work the three days we were there.

Dit wat ons gekry het was nie soos geadverteer nie. By ons aankoms was dit duidelik dat die kamer-opset nie is soos aangegee op die webtuiste nie. Daar moes 2 slaapkamers gewees het met gemeenskaplike badkamer. Daar was egter net een gemeenskaplike slaapkamer met slaapplek vir vier persone. Dis nogal 'n wesenlike verskil in wat ons verwag het. Daar was ook maar 'n tekort aan basiese kombuis - gebruiksware soos messe, vurke, bakke, lepels, ens. Netheid van beddegoed kan ook verbeter. En laastens - die Wifi het nie gewerk die drie dae wat ons daar was nie.

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Value for money
Blou Porselein Gasteplaas

Good day Pretorius. We always give the rooms that the guest booked. The room that you and your friends booked was Blou Porselein 2. In the description it is clear that there is only one room with 3 beds. I suggest that in the future you make sure that you book the right room so that you are not disappointed. There is enough cutlery for 4 people. There are also washing facilities if something needs to be washed. The WiFi is the same as what we use in the house, so everything works. Also note in the description on the website that we live on a farm and do not have fibre like in the cities. Most of our guests come to the farm to enjoy the tranquility and be away from all the technology. Despite your dissatisfaction, we are glad that you still feel that the accommodation is value for money. Thank you for the 5!

Goeie dag Pretorius. Ons gee altyd die kamers wat die gas bespreek het. Die kamer wat jy en jou vriende bespreek het, was Blou Porselein 2. In die beskrywing is dit duidelik dat daar slegs een kamer is met 3 beddens. Ek stel voor dat jy in die toekoms seker maak dat jy die regte kamer bespreek sodat jy nie teleurgesteld is nie. Daar is genoegsame eetgerei vir 4 mense. Daar is ook wasgeriewe indien iets uitgespoel moet word. Die WiFi is dieselfde as wat ons in die huis gebruik, so alles werk. Let ook op in die beskrywing op die webtuiste dat ons op 'n plaas woon en nie fibre het soos in die stede nie. Meeste van ons gaste kom plaas toe om juis die rustigheid te geniet en weg van al die tegnologie te wees. Ten spyte van jou ontevredenheid is ons bly dat jy steeds voel dat die verblyf waarde vir geld is. Dankie vir die 5!

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Berdene S
1 night stay
Jul 2024

Farmhouse doesn't have to mean old run down and dirty. No not really. The house is beautiful, nice old farmhouse, but everything inside is trashed, neglected and uncared for. The kitchen does not have the best crockery, the microwave oven is old, large and very neglected. The bedside lamps were not plugged in at all, and my sister's room's wall plug was broken, so she could not plug in the bedside lamp at all. The one room's mattress was also bigger than the bed itself, luckily there was a 3rd room available in which one of us could sleep. There were warm blankets in the closets, but they were not on the beds, and seeing that the Cape had the storm of all storms, the warm blankets could have been put up for us, because it was very cold. We were welcomed with a lovely fireplace, but the wood was just in an old fertilizer bag, so it was a bit of an afterthought. There is no love and care in the house. The front door was very swollen and it took quite a lot of strength and courage to get it open. At one point we thought we were stuck, and there was no cell phone signal to call the hostess. It's a shame, because guest farms like that would make me not want to stay on a farm again, and I don't think all guest farms are the same.

Plaashuis moet nie oud afgeleef en vuil beteken nie. Nee nie regtig nie. Die huis is pragtig, mooi ou plaashuis, maar alles binne is uitgegooi goed, verwaarloos en onversorg. Die kombuis het nie die beste breekgoed nie, die mikrogolf oond is oud, groot en baie verwaarloos. Die bedlampies is glad nie ingeprop nie, en my suster se kamer se muurprop was stukkend, so sy kon glad nie die bedlampie inprop nie. Die een kamer se matras was ook groter as die bed self, gelukkig was daar 'n 3de kamer beskikbaar waarin een van ons kon slaap. Daar was warmkomberse in die kaste, maar dit was nie op die beddens nie, en siende dat die Kaap die storm van alle storms gehad het, kon die warmkomberse maar vir ons opgesit gewees het, want dit was baie koud. Ons is verwelkom met 'n heerlike kaggelvuur, maar die hout was sommer in 'n ou kunsmissak, so dit was so bietjie van 'n na-gedagte. Daar is geen liefde en sorg in die huis nie. Die voordeur was baie geswel en dit het nogal baie krag en moed gevat om hom oop te kry. Ons het op 'n stadium gedink ons sit vas, en daar was geen selfoonsein om die gasvrou te bel nie. Dis jammer, want gasteplase soos die, sal maak dat ek nie weer op 'n plaas wil bly nie, en ek dink nie alle gasteplase is dieselfde nie.

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Value for money
Blou Porselein Gasteplaas

Good day Berdene We are very sorry about your bad experience at our guest house. We always try to keep it as authentic as possible as it is on the farm. Thanks for the feedback. We will definitely update it and are glad you mentioned all this stuff to us, we appreciate the positive light in which it was done. We will certainly pay attention to it. The bad cell phone signals are also a big problem for us since we don't live near a town and the signals on the farms are very weak. I wish I could help with that. Yes, this year was a Cape of storms and the municipal roads also took a beating. Unfortunately, it's out of our control, especially when it rains so much on the dirt roads. At least I'm glad you didn't get stuck. We are glad you were able to enjoy the warm welcome fire. Thanks again for the feedback. regards Theresa

Goeie dag Berdene Ons is baie jammer oor jou slegte ervaring by ons gastehuis. Ons probeer altyd dit so eg as moontlik hou soos wat dit op die plaas is. Dankie vir die terugvoering. Ons sal beslis dit opknap en is bly dat jy al hierdie goed aan ons genoem het, ons waardeer in die positiewe lig waarin dit gedoen is. Ons gaan verseker daaraan aandag gee. Die slegte selfoon seine is vir ons ook 'n groot probleem aangesien ons nie naby 'n dorp bly nie en die seine op die plase baie swak is. Ek wens ek kon daarmee help. Ja, hierdie jaar was 'n Kaap van storms en die munisipale paaie het ook maar 'n knou gevat. Dis ongelukkig buite ons beheer veral as dit so baie reen ook op die grondpaaie. Ek is darem bly dat julle nie vasgesit het nie. Ons is bly julle kon die warm verwelkomingsvuurtjie geniet. Weereens dankie vir die terugvoer. Groete Theresa

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Jacobus E
1 night stay With partner
Aug 2023

Very nice farm. Neat farm with nice hiking trails.

Baie mooi plaas. Netjiese plaas met mooi staproetes.

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Value for money
Blou Porselein Gasteplaas

Thank you Jacobus for your review. I'm glad you had a good time on the farm. regards Theresa

Baie dankie Jacobus vir jou resensie. Ek is bly julle het lekker gekuier op die plaas. Groete Theresa

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Kershnee V
Short stay With friends
Jan 2023

Very lovely place. We loved the place, was beautiful and peaceful. Only downside was that there are a lot of flies, but you can prepare for that prior to your stay by buying lots of Doom and those old school fly traps and limit any unnecessary open doors.

Value for money

Johannes Daniel K
Short stay Family with teenagers
Sep 2023

It was a farm visit with lovely beds and down duvets. It was a weekend of storms, but the owner let people camp in broken tents in his farm shed on Saturday night. Thank you for your hearts.

Dit was 'n plaaskuier met heerlike beddens en donsduvets. Dit was 'n naweek van storms, maar die eienaar het Saterdagaand laat mense stukkende tente in sy plaasskuur laat kamp. Dankie vir jul harte.

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Value for money

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Theresa Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 35

On LekkeSlaap 7 years

From R300
R 300 R 255
per night, for 2 ppl
From R300
R 300 R 255
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 25 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 20:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Farm Bootsmans Drift, Off the R46, Malmesbury, 7308, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAf5971054d89ed8c0bf5783b5f8394ddf39718aebba360849190cba11d83c9e9d48a8504ce6656b3163af7f1e6355c4414e78?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R300 nowFrom R255 per night, for 2 ppl 35 5 1 5 Farm Bootsmans Drift Off the R46 7308 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-20:00 10:00 -33.480209 18.935546

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