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Bly & Gly Guest House

Guest House


3.9/ 5

Based on 13 reviews


Value for money
Amelia .
Long stay On business
Feb 2025

Awesome accommodation. See stars.

Value for money
Bly & Gly Guest House

Thank you very much, Amelia. Wish we could have received more of your type of guests in the past. We try to keep everyone happy, but we also have our faults. Zastron, probably like many other villages, struggles with regular power outages, which then makes municipal water a problem, as well as signals. We have learned in this regard and made provisions to inconvenience guests as little as possible. Blessed year to you all. Sakkie Potgieter

Baie dankie, Amelia. Wens ons kon meer van jul tipe gaste ontvang het in die verlede. Ons probeer van ons kant almal gelukkig hou, het ook maar ons foutjies. Zastron, seker soos baie ander dorpies, sukkel maar gereeld met kragonderbrekings, wat dan munisipale water 'n probleem maak, sowel as seine. Ons het in die verband geleer en voorsiening gemaak om gaste minimaal te verontrief. Geseende jaar vir julle almal. Sakkie Potgieter

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Dawid K
1 night stay With partner
Jan 2022

The host is friendly and helpful, but the guest room is not quite up to standard. Arriving in the rain we had to walk through wet soaked lawn to get to the guest room. It's a very old building with plank floors. It was previously a business building whose safe was converted into the kitchen (without) windows. The sink is in the corridor whose water tap is not working; Water had to be brought from the bathroom. The shower in the bathroom did not spray effectively. The only plus was the Jacuzzi tub in the second bedroom. The rates are too high when compared to the standard of other guesthouses.

Die gasheer is vriendelik en behulpsaam, maar die gastekamer is nie heeltemal op standaard nie. Met aankoms in die reën moes ons deur nat deurweekte grasperk loop om by die gastekamer uit te kom. Dis 'n baie ou gebou met plankvloere. Dit was voorheen 'n besigheidsgebou waarvan die brandkluis omskep is in die kombuis (sonder) vensters. Die wasbak is in die gang waarvan die waterkraan nie werk nie; Water moes van die badkamer aangedra word. Die stort in die badkamer het nie effektief gespuit nie. Die enigste pluspunt was die Jacuzzi-bad in die tweede slaapkamer. Die tariewe is te hoog as dit met die standaard van ander gastehuise vergelyk.

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Value for money
Bly & Gly Guest House

Dear David, Thank you again for your support and sorry for any inconvenience you experienced here. Unfortunately you arrived here in the rain and before your arrival it also rained all week, which is unusual for Zastron. Sorry. Building is old with a lot of history and there are certain rooms that still have wooden floors. Your unit has no plank floors. I converted the original kitchen into a large bathroom. When dividing residential units, the safe was the only suitable place for the unit to be used as a pantry/kitchen. Since the walls of a safe are strengthened, and because Little time is spent there, I did not see the real use of a window. The sink is not in the passageway but at the point where the kitchen is, precisely because of the reinforced fire safe walls. The sink is only for boiler water and maid cleaning. Sorry, I cleaned the filter in the meantime and now it works normally. Thank you. I tested the shower and in my opinion it works correctly and normally. What could have happened is that there are 4 taps connected there: hot/cold and then a separate 1 for the shower and a separate 1 for the bath. Perhaps some of the taps were not properly open. The other alternative is that the municipal water may have been off, like 90% of the time. I do have a generator that supplies the entire building with lights and water and TVs, as well as its own water reservoir with its own pump, which turns on automatically according to the pressure. It could be that there were other people also using water at the same time, which could lower the pressure. Sorry, if I had been made aware of that I could have made a plan. Regarding our rates, we are much lower than any other guest house in Zastron, but it is your opinion that I respect. Wishing you a blessed 2022. Friendly greeting bag

Beste Dawid, Dankie weereens vir jul ondersteuning en jammer vir enige ongerief wat julle hier ervaar het. Jul het ongelukkig in die reen hier aangekom en voor jul aankoms het dit ook heel week gereen, wat vir Zastron ongewoon is. Jammer. Gebou is oud met heelwat geskiedenis en is daar sekere vertrekke wat nog plankvloere het. Jul eenheid het geen plankvloere nie. Die oorspronklike kombuis het ek in n groot badkamer omskep. Met die indeel van wooneenhede was die brandkluis die enigste geskikte plek vir die eenheid om as spens/kombuis te gebruik. Aangesien n brandkluis se mure versterk word, en omdat Min tyd daar spandeer word het ek nie die regte nut gesien van n venster nie. Die wasbak is nie in die deurloop gang nie maar op die punt waar die kombuis is, juis ook agv die versterkte brandkluis mure. Die wasbak is slegs vir ketelwater en skoonmaak vir bediende. Jammer, ek het intussen die siffie skoongemaak en werk hy nou normaal. Dankie. Die stort het ek getoets en volgens my opinie werk hy reg en normaal. Wat dalk kon gebeur het is dat daar 4 krane daar gekoppel is : warm/koud en dan aparte 1 vir die stort en aparte 1 vir die bad. Miskien was van die krane nie ordentlik oop nie. Die ander alternatief is dat die munisipale water dalk af was, soos 90% van die tyd. Ek het wel n generator wat die hele gebou met ligte en water en TVs voorsien, sowel as n eie water reservoir met eie pomp, wat outomaties aanskakel volgens die drukking. Kan wees dat daar ander mense ook water op dieselfde tyd dalk gebruik het, wat die drukking kon verlaag. Jammer, as ek bewus gemaak was daarvan sou ek n plan kon maak. Wat ons tariewe aanbetref, is ons heelwat laer as enige ander gastehuis in Zastron, maar dit is julle opinie wat ek respekteer. Wens jul 'n Geseende 2022 toe. Vriendelike groete Sakkie

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Chandra P
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2022

Affordable and reasonable. Relaxing and comfortable stay.

Value for money

Anca S
1 night stay Large group
Dec 2021

Was a nice experience Sakkie helped me from the beginning with everything I needed until moving the date of our stay with ease. We had a very nice stay with a nice hot bath and lovely bed. The girls really enjoyed the jacuzzi tub. Thank you Sakkie for making us feel so welcome. I can certainly recommend Bly en Gly to anyone, you will experience the best hospitality.

Was 'n lekker ervaring Sakkie het my van die begin af gehelp met alles wat ek nodig gehad het tot om die datum van ons verblyf met gemak te verskuif. Ons het baie lekker gebly met 'n lekker warm bad en heerlike bed. Die dogters het die jacuzzi bad baie geniet. Dankie Sakkie dat jy ons so welkom laat voel het. Ek kan met sekerheid enige iemand Bly en Gly aanbeveel, julle gaan die beste gasvryheid ervaar.

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Value for money
Bly & Gly Guest House

Dear Anca, It was just a privilege to meet people like you and you were no trouble. Thank you very much for the exceptionally good comment, much appreciated. As I have told other people, an old friend of mine who has passed away used to say: It's nice to be human, as long as you're a nice person, and sort yourself among them. Happy 2022 to you, may all that is good come your way. Sakkie & Loraine

Beste Anca, Dit was net n voorreg om mense soos julle te ontmoet en was julle geen moeite nie. Baie dankie vir die uitsonderlike goeie kommentaar, word hoogs waardeer. Soos ek al vir ander mense gese het, ou pel van my wat al oorlede is, het altyd gese : Dis lekker om mens te wees, solank jy n lekker mens is, en sorteer julle onder hulle. Geseende 2022 vir julle, mag als wat goed is oor julle paaie kom. Sakkie & Loraine

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Leon M
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2021

Sufficient for overnight. Centrally located near businesses.

Vir oornag voldoende. Sentraal naby besighede.

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Value for money

Anonymous Guest
1 night stay With partner
Apr 2019

Value for money
Bly & Gly Guest House
Beste Elaine, Baie dankie vir jul reguit eerlike kommentaar. Dis n voorreg om mense soos julle te ontmoet en ek sal beslis aandag gee aan dai stort in jul kamer, my fout, moes al aandag daaraan gegee het. Dankie ook vir die komplimente. Geseende jaar vir julle vorentoe. Vriendelike groete, Sakkie

Danie S
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2017

Was very nice and we Eastern Cape people at least saw rain. Sakkie is a very nice guy, he went to show us our room when we arrived in the rain. Made us feel at ease and at home and explained where the places to eat were. Invited us up for a shell. They went out of their way to make it pleasant for us after a long journey. Keep up the good work Sakkie, you're bak-ass people.

Was baie lekker en ons Oos-Kaapenaars het darem reën gesien. Sakkie is 'n baie nice ou, hy was met ons aankoms in die reën ons kamer vir ons gaan wys. Het ons op ons gemak en tuis laat voel en verduidelik waar die eetpleke is. Het ons tot vir 'n dop genooi. Hulle het uit hulle pad gegaan, dit vir ons aangenaam te maak na 'n lank reis. Hou so aan Sakkie, julle is bakgat mense.

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Value for money
Bly & Gly Guest House

I feel like I won the Lotto when I read your "review"! Thank you very much, my old heart now beats 50/55 as old Tolla always said. It was still in the old days when that speed started to become dangerous for vehicles. An old friend of mine who has passed away had a saying, it's nice to be a person if you're a nice person, and once again thank you very much for your kind words and it was a privilege for us to meet you and get to know you a little. God's Richest Blessing. Sakkie & Loraine / Bly & Gly Guesthouse Zastron

Voel of ek die Lotto gewen het toe ek julle "review" lees ! Vreeslik dankie , my ou hart klop nou 50/55 soos ou Tolla altyd gese het. Dit was nog in die ou dae toe daai spoed gevaarlik begin raak het vir voertuie. Ou vriend van my al oorlede het gesegde gehad, dis lekker om mens te wees as jy n lekker mens is, en weereens baie dankie vir julle vriendelike woorde en was dit vir ons n voorreg om jul te ontmoet en effe kon leer ken. Gods Rykste Seen. Sakkie & Loraine / Bly & Gly Guesthouse Zastron

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David R
1 night stay With partner
Oct 2017

Friendly owners. Great place!

Value for money
Bly & Gly Guest House

Thank you for your valued response. Pardon the afrikaans: "Dis lekker om mens te wees solank jy 'n lekker mens is", and it was great to meet people like you. Thank you for payment received. Warm regards, Sakkie and Loraine

Thank you for your valued response. Pardon the afrikaans: "Dis lekker om mens te wees solank jy 'n lekker mens is", and it was great to meet people like you. Thank you for payment received. Warm regards, Sakkie and Loraine

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Rina N
1 night stay On business
Mar 2017

Peaceful farm atmosphere. Thank you, Lorraine and Sakkie, for your hospitality and for making a plan with the mosquitoes. We slept well.

Rustige plaasatmosfeer. Baie dankie, Lorraine en Sakkie, vir jul gasvryheid en vinnige plan met stekelrige-6-poot-gevleuelde-vriende (muskiete). Ons het heerlike 'n nagrus gehad.

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Value for money

Chris W
1 night stay With partner
Jan 2017

Very interesting décor. Was an interesting overnight stay. Poverty is rife in the whole town and the people do their best under the circumstances.

Baie interessante decor. Was 'n interessante oornag. Armoede vier hoogty in die hele dorp en die mense doen die beste wat hulle kan onder hierdie toestande.

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Value for money
Bly & Gly Guest House

Putstop Sportsbar has been away from the residential area for guests at Bly & Gly Guesthouse, and no longer pose a nuisance to guests. The Sportsbar was in place before the Guesthouse was developed. With our rates being the best in town, the Sportsbar was actually the only problem guests experienced with our facilities. Give us another try and then present your remarks again. Thank you to Chris for their review. Kind regards, Sakkie Potgieter, Owner.

Putstop Sportsbar was weg van die woongebied vir gaste by Bly & Gly Gastehuis, en hou nie meer 'n oorlas vir gaste in nie. Die Sportsbar was in plek voordat die Gastehuis ontwikkel is. Met ons tariewe wat die beste in die dorp is, was die Sportsbar eintlik die enigste probleem wat gaste met ons fasiliteite ervaar het. Probeer ons weer en gee dan weer jou opmerkings. Dankie aan Chris vir hul resensie. Vriendelike groete, Sakkie Potgieter, Eienaar.

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Izak Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 13

On LekkeSlaap 8 years

From R 900
per night (sleeps 3)
R 900
per night (sleeps 3)
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
  • Capacity: 17 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 09:00
  • Address: 52 Reichenberg Street, Zastron, 9950, Free State
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA6f73b01714c952bc41a151146bce597e65774b4fbd471d7b7ae6bc087cd1e2dd5d1d9dd72d9b9eeb7fc0d751ccc8d497b35d?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R900 per night (sleeps 3) 13 5 1 4 52 Reichenberg Street Zastron 9950 Free State 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 09:00 -30.304299372656 27.082815580009

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