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2 Guests

Cliff House

Self Catering


4.5/ 5

Based on 3 reviews


Value for money
Olivia W
Short stay Family with young children
Feb 2022

Absolutely stunning. The best views, with an absolutely gorgeous house.

Value for money

Wallace B
Short stay Family with teenagers
Sep 2020

Views are unbeatable, friendly hosts, several areas unfortunately very neglected. Cliff House offers unbeatable views of the Indian Ocean and Knysna Heads, the hosts are very friendly and helpful, the basic house layout is very good and the 4 rooms (3 upstairs and 1 downstairs) have fantastic views of the sea. Free wood (even though it was raining wet) was welcome, and we enjoyed the hot tub and fire pit outside. Unfortunately, there are also quite a few foxes. We had a big problem with room 4 (downstairs) - a dehumidifier was on when we got there, trying to get rid of a very heavy musty smell in the room. When we later tried to open windows because the smell wouldn't reduce, we noticed that all the windows were completely closed and could not be opened (due to safety or wind fears?). In any case, our guests who had to sleep there decided after a few nights of struggle to try sleeping on the floor in the living room instead. The bathroom showed signs of black mold, which is obviously a health hazard that cannot be eliminated by a dehumidifier anyway. The house needs thorough maintenance and a deep clean. Several of the house's windows and doors either do not work at all, or have already been visibly destroyed so that they can only be opened with great difficulty. We tried to make breakfast one morning: the toaster didn't work (the slider wouldn't hook down so the bread could toast), and when we practiced a plan to hold the slider down with a hair band, we realized that the bread only toasts on one side. The next plan was to toast the bread in the oven, but when we opened the oven both oven racks were filthy and we had to leave them instead.

Uitsigte is onverbeterlik, vriendelike gashere, verskeie areas ongelukkig baie verwaarloos. Cliff House bied onverbeterlike uitsigte oor die Indiese Oseaan en Knysna Heads, die gashere is baie vriendelik en behulpsaam, die basiese huisuitleg is baie goed en die 4 kamers (3 bo en 1 onder) het fantastiese uitsigte oor die see. Gratis hout (al was dit nat gereën) was welkom, en ons het die warm bad en vuurput buite geniet. Daar is ongelukkig ook heelwat jakkalsies. Ons het 'n groot probleem met kamer 4 (onder) gehad - 'n ontvogtiger was aan toe ons daar aankom, om van 'n baie swaar muwwe reuk in die kamer te probeer ontslae raak. Toe ons later probeer vensters oopmaak omdat die reuk nie wou verminder nie, kom ons agter dat al die vensters bot toe was en nie kon oopmaak nie (a.g.v. veiligheids- of windvrese?). In elk geval, ons gaste wie daar moes slaap, het na 'n paar aande se gesukkel besluit om eerder op die vloer in die sitkamer te probeer slaap. Die badkamer het tekens van swartmuf ("black mould") getoon, wat natuurlik 'n gesondheidsgevaar is wat in elk geval nie deur 'n onvogtiger uitgewis kan word nie. Die huis het deeglike onderhoud en 'n diep-skoonmaak nodig. Verskeie van die huis se vensters en deure werk óf glad nie, of is al sigbaar verniel sodat dit slegs met baie moeite oopgemaak word. Ons het een oggend probeer ontbyt maak: die broodrooster het nie gewerk nie (die skuifknop wou nie onder haak sodat die brood kon rooster nie), en toe ons 'n plan prakseer om die skuifknop met 'n haarrekkie onder te hou, kom ons agter dat die brood net aan een kant rooster. Die volgende plan was om die brood in die oond te rooster, maar toe ons die oond oopmaak was beide oondroosters vieslik vuil en moes ons dit maar eerder los.

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Value for money
Cliff House

Dear Wallace and family Thank you very much for your review, we appreciate all your feedback. We will attend to the non working appliances, thanks for letting us know about it. Please understand that the house was locked for a couple of months during lockdown where we were not able to have any staff present. We have only recently allowed staff back and due to regulations we are running on a much smaller staff compliment than what we usually do. The relentless rains and winds we had for days on end just before your arrival also played a big role in us being unable to air the house on a frequent basis. De-humidifiers we use for the purpose of removing any moisture in the air. It is quite necessary for such an appliance along the coast especially for houses that are not being lived in daily. I can assure you that safety has never been an issue here as The Heads is known for being one of the safest suburbs in Knysna. Improvements to the house are being done in stages eg. we had the whole kitchen and all other wooden furniture re-painted before we opened again to give the house a modern feel. The other maintenance issues you mentioned are also being tended to as soon as possible. Regarding the oven grids, we tried our best to scrub them clean but unfortunately guests that stayed at Cliff House before we took over the management of the house, decided to use the oven racks as braai grids hence the stains on the steel. We want to thank you for being such kind guests and also for your objective review. We hope to see you back soon this side for you to experience the great beauty and comfort the house has to offer. Warm Regards Wayne and Dirk

Liewe Wallace en familie Baie dankie vir jou resensie, ons waardeer al jou terugvoer. Ons sal aandag gee aan die nie werkende toestelle, dankie dat u ons daarvan laat weet het. Verstaan asseblief dat die huis vir 'n paar maande gesluit was tydens toesluit waar ons geen personeel teenwoordig kon hê nie. Ons het personeel eers onlangs teruggelaat en as gevolg van regulasies loop ons op 'n baie kleiner personeelkomplimente as wat ons gewoonlik doen. Die meedoënlose reën en winde wat ons dae aaneen gehad het net voor jou aankoms het ook 'n groot rol daarin gespeel dat ons nie gereeld die huis kon lug nie. Ontvochtigers wat ons gebruik met die doel om enige vog in die lug te verwyder. Dit is nogal nodig vir so 'n toestel langs die kus veral vir huise wat nie daagliks in gewoon word nie. Ek kan jou verseker dat veiligheid nog nooit 'n probleem hier was nie aangesien The Heads bekend is daarvoor dat dit een van die veiligste voorstede in Knysna is. Verbeterings aan die huis word in fases gedoen, bv. ons het die hele kombuis en alle ander houtmeubels laat oorverf voor ons weer oopgemaak het om die huis 'n moderne gevoel te gee. Die ander instandhoudingskwessies wat jy genoem het, word ook so gou moontlik versorg. Wat die oondroosters betref, ons het ons bes probeer om dit skoon te skrop, maar ongelukkig het gaste wat by Cliff House gebly het voordat ons die bestuur van die huis oorgeneem het, besluit om die oondrakke as braairoosters te gebruik, vandaar die vlekke op die staal. Ons wil julle bedank dat julle sulke vriendelike gaste was en ook vir julle objektiewe resensie. Ons hoop om jou binnekort weer aan hierdie kant te sien sodat jy die wonderlike skoonheid en gerief wat die huis bied, kan ervaar. Groete Wayne en Dirk

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Tshepiso L
Short stay Family with young children
Sep 2019

Beautiful, spacious and well maintained holiday house with a beautiful garden. A fantastic location. Knysna was absolutely beautiful! We loved the lagoon and the view from the Heads. We spent one day at Buffalo Bay Beach, which was also beautiful. We actually ate at the more crowded beach and then left and rode a little ways back to another section of the beach that was less crowded and even more beautiful with a rocky section of beach. We found the waterfront very enjoyable, and loved eating by the water at Dry Dock Restaurant. We wish we would have had more days to stay, but we were en route to other places.

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Wayne Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 3

On LekkeSlaap 6 years

From R 12 000
per night (sleeps 8)
R 12 000
per night (sleeps 8)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 8 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 11:00
  • Address: 34 Glen View Road, Pilots View, The Heads, Knysna, 6571, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAed15dz7FMeIkYVNldkv0n9F0tEb7KU4GR5XVTK4NSYGI05Fzrx?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R12 000 per night (sleeps 8) 3 5 1 5 34 Glen View Road, Pilots View The Heads 6571 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 11:00 -34.081575695049 23.065290061377

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