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Cura Lodge


4.3/ 5

Based on 31 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Jandre B
1 night stay With partner
Jan 2025

Wonderful, thank you very much. Very pleasant. No complaints.

Heerlik, baie dankie. Baie aangenaam. Geen klagtes.

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Value for money
Cura Lodge

Hi Jandre It was a pleasure to host you here. Hope to see you again soon. Kind regards Anene

Hi Jandre Dit was net 'n plesier om jou hier te kon huisves. Hoop ons sien jou binnekort weer. Vriendelike groete Anene

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Johan P
1 night stay Family with young children
Jun 2024

Very nice stay! Receptionist was very friendly and helpful.

Baie lekker gebly! Ontvangsdame was baie vriendelik en behulpsaam.

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Value for money

Annelien D
1 night stay Family with young children
Dec 2024

Would recommend this venue, albeit there are some minor improvements required. Would recommend cleaning out freezer build-up as there was enough space to store items due to frost build-up. Also, the room was for 5 persons, but the cutlery supplied was not enough for 5 persons, nor was the crockery (only provided for 4 persons). While the bathrooms appeared clean, they did not smell very pleasant.

Value for money

Derek C
1 night stay With partner
Mar 2023

Will never stay here again! The reception area is also used as the wash room for all the linen, there wasn't even a place where we could sit. I had to call website to confirm payment (as directed by the receptionist), website informed the receptionist that proof of payment had been emailed to them some time back! The gate we had to walk through is so narrow that you basically had to lift your bags over the little wall to fit through the gate. Just to the left of the gate, all the garden rubbish lies against the wall, inside the dirty swimming pool there was a plastic chair. No hot water to shower or bathe. At 07:30 the next morning, the receptionist walked around in her night clothes among the guests, which for me is a very poor image for the lodge. I still told my wife that I was thankful we didn't decide to eat breakfast there! I was bitterly disappointed in the staff, the general condition of the facilities, no hot water etc. and will definitely never stay here again.

Sal nooit weer hier oornag nie! Die ontvangsarea word ook gebruik as die was kamer vir al die linne, daar was nie eers n plek waar ons kon sit nie. Ek moes webtuiste bel om betaling te bevestig (soos deur die ontvangsdame beveel), webtuiste het die ontvangsdame ingelig dat bewys van betaling al 'n geruime tyd terug per epos aan hulle gestuur was! Die hek waar ons moes deurstap is so nou dat jy basies jou tasse oor die muurtjie moes optel om deur die hek te kon pas. Net links van die hekkie lê al die tuin vullis teen die muur, binne in die vuil swembad was daar 'n plastiese stoel gewees. Geen warm water gewees om te stort of bad nie. Om 07h30 die volgende oggend toe stap die ontvangsdame rond in haar nagklere tussen die gaste wat vir my 'n baie swak beeld is vir die lodge. Ek het nog vir my vrou gesê dat ek dankbaar is ons het nie besluit on ontbyt daar te eet nie! Ek was bitter teleurgesteld in die personeel, die algemene toestand van die geriewe, geen warm water ens. en sal beslis nooit weer hier oornag nie.

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Value for money
Cura Lodge

Dear Derick, Very sorry that you had an unpleasant experience at Cura Lodge. We just want to inform you that the previous managers committed fraud and left overnight. Petru quickly came in as a temp and we just made sure about the payments since she didn't know anything about it. Regarding the linen that had not yet been packed away in the linen closet, she apologized profusely because the owners came back from Colesberg to wash all the linen left over, because of the previous management and she apparently asked for your apology and learned that the apology was accepted. We do not have a statement about the hot water because the room has its own geyser and we have now tested it again and the water is blazing hot. As for the black bags, the municipal fullis removal has completely collapsed here at our place and we brought the bags in to be removed privately the next morning as the dogs shed it all night. The chair that blew into the pool was due to a terrible storm we had earlier in the day and the garden boy removed it the next day, again big apologies for that. We also apologize that you saw Petru in her night clothes when she went to unlock the gates, but she had to unlock them early for the workers. We would also like to bring to your attention that we have now appointed new competent managers who are very competent. Once again, we deeply apologize for your inconvenience. regards Cura Lodge

Liewe Derick, Baie jammer dat jy n onaangename ervaring by Cura Lodge gehad het. Ons wil jou net meedeel dat die vorige bestuurderes bedrog gepleeg het en oornag weg is. Petru het vinnig as temp ingekom en ons het net seker gemaak van die betalings aangesien sy niks daarvan geweet het nie. Oor die linne wat nog nie in die linne kas weg gepak was nie, vra sy groot onverskoning want die eienaares het terug gekom van Colesberg af om al die linne oor te was , vanwee die vorige bestuur en sy het jou glo onverskoning gevra en verneem dat die verskoning aanvaar was. Ons het nie n verklaring oor die warm water nie want die kamer het sy eie geyser en ons het dit nou weer getoets en die water is vuur warm. Wat die swartsakke aan betref, die munisipale fullis verwydering het heeltemal ineen gestort hier by ons en ons het die sakke ingebring om dit die volgende oggend privaat te verwyder aangesien die honde die verskeer deur die nag. Die stoel wat in die swembad gewaai het was weens n verskriklike storm wat ons vroeer die dag gehad het en die tuin jong het dit die volgende dag verwyder, weereens groot onverskoning daaroor. Ons vra ook onverskoning dat julle vir Petru in haar nagklere gesien het toe sy die hekke gaan oopsluit het, maar sy moes vroeg vir die werkers oopsluit. Ons wil ook net graag onder julle aandag bring dat ons wel nou n nuwe bevoegdigde bestuurderes aangestel het wat baie bekwaam is. Ons vra weereens groot onverskoning vir julle ongerief. Groete Cura Lodge

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Mara S
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2022

People made noise until after 2:00. Sounds like they were in the same room as us. Think it was the owners making so much noise until after 2am. Rooms are close to each other.

Mense het geraas tot na 2:00. Klink of hulle in dieselfde kamer as ons was. Dink dit was die eienaars wat so geraas het tot na 2 uur in die nag. Kamers is na aan mekaar.

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Value for money

Klaas C
1 night stay With partner
Feb 2022

I stayed 2 nights at Cura Lodge on the 14th Feb and the 27th Feb. On the 14th of February 2022 there was not really a problem, the room was neat and clean, the 2 sinks in the bathroom did not seal at all, and the 2nd person could not take a shower because there was not enough hot water . I booked the same room every time, when I arrived on the 28th they put me in room 6 which I didn't book, the room was terribly hot, the fan and the air conditioner didn't work, when I asked the owner why I need to use the room she told me that there was a double booking and she already put other guests in Room 7, and that was the room I booked, the next thing that happens is that there is no hot water in the shower was not, like none, they didn't even bother to fix the problem, didn't even offer us to shower in another room, they brought us another fan, that was very hot, we also couldn't lock the security door because the lock was broken so we had to close and lock the sliding door, which made it impossible to get fresh air into the room, so Cura Lodge is now closed "no brainer" for us. Kind regards, Klaas and Sarie.

Ek het 2 nagte by Cura Lodge oorgeslaap op die 14 de Feb en die 27ste Feb. Die 14de Februarie 2022 was daar nie regtig 'n probleem nie, die kamer was netjies en skoon, die 2 wasbakke in die badkamer se proppe het glad nie geseël nie, en die 2de persoon kon nie stort nie want daar was nie genoeg warm water nie. Ek het elke keer dieselfde kamer bespreek, toe ek op die 28ste arriveer het hulle my in kamer 6 geplaas wat ek nie bespreek het nie, die kamer was verskriklik warm, die waaier en die lugverkoeler het nie gewerk nie, toe ek die eienaar vra hoekom ek die kamer moet gebruik het sy vir my gesê dat daar 'n dubbel bespreking was en sy reeds ander gaste in Kamer 7 geplaas het, en dit was die kamer wat ek bespreek het, die volgende wat gebeur is dat daar geen warm water in die stort was nie, soos geen, hulle het nie eers die moeite gedoen om die probleem reg te stel nie, het nie eers aangebied dat ons in 'n ander kamer kan gaan stort nie, hulle het vir ons 'n ander waaier gebring, dit was baie warm, ons kon ook die veiligheidsdeur nie sluit nie, want die slot was stukkend so ons moes die skuifdeur toemaak en sluit, wat dit onmoontlik gemaak het om vars lug in die die kamer in te kry, so Cura Lodge is dan nou af n "no Brainer" vir ons. Vriendelike groete, Klaas en Sarie.

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Value for money
Cura Lodge

Good day Claas and Sarie I am sorry that you were unhappy with your stay at cura Lodge I thought it was good to move your room to room 6 because it would be more comfortable with your dog. It was a few hot days in Bloemfontein, unfortunately we do not use the aircon during the Covid period for our guests' own health risk. The water pressure in Bloemfontein was and still is very low but we were able to sort it out for you. I wasn't aware that you had trouble with the door locks, the sliding door's lock is in an awkward place, but I now also took a look and couldn't find anything wrong with locking it. Once again sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for the feedback, we appreciate any input, bad or good, so we can improve where we need to guarantee all our guests a valuable stay.

Goeie dag Claas en Sarie Ek is jammer dat jul ongelukkig was met die verblyf by cura Lodge Ek het goed gedink om jul kamer te skuif na kamer 6 omrede dit meer gemaklik sou wees met jul hond. Dit was n paar warm dae in Bloemfontein, ons gebruik ongelukkig nie die aircons tydens Covid tydperk nie vir ons gaste se eie gesondheids risiko. Die waterdruk in Bloemfontein was en is steeds baie laag maar ons kon dit vir jul uitsorteer. Ek was nie bewus dat jul gesukkel het met die deur slotte nie, die skuifdeur se slot is op n ongemaklikke plek maar ek het nou ook gaan loer en kon nie fout vind met die sluit daarvan nie. Weereens jammer oor die ongemak, en dankie vir die terugvoering ons wardeer enige insette , sleg of goed, sodoende kan ons opskerp waar ons moet om ons gaste almal n waardevolle oorbly te waarborg.

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Heleen V
1 night stay Large group
Jan 2021

Very unprofessional. Make a reservation in advance for swimming pool and or braai facilities. Bog, it's a lodge - must be available to all guests.

Baie onprofessioneel. Voorafbespreking doen vir swembad en of braaigeriewe. Bog, dis 'n lodge - moet beskikbaar wees vir alle gaste.

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Value for money

Tania P
1 night stay With friends
Jul 2019

Very neat and comfortable stay. Friendly service. Neat, clean accommodation!

Baie netjies en gemaklike verblyf. Vriendelike diens. Netjiese, skoon verblyf!

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Value for money

Annamarie N
1 night stay With partner
Jul 2019

The owners are very professional and welcoming. Cura Lodge is conveniently located in Bloemfontein and the service is exceptional. Breakfast is delicious (unfortunately their power was out during our stay) which was out of their control and they apologize profusely. The staff are friendly and hospitable. The rooms are very neat and bedding very clean. It was our second time there and will definitely stay there if we come to Bloemfontein again and recommend Cura Lodge to anyone.

Die eienaars is baie professioneel en verwelkomend. Cura Lodge is gerieflik geleë in Bloemfontein en die diens is uitsonderlik. Ontbyt is heerlik (ongelukkig was hul krag af tydens ons verblyf) wat buite hul beheer was en hul groot om verskoning gevra het. Die personeel is vriendelik en gasvry. Die kamers is baie netjies en beddegoed baie skoon. Dit was ons tweede keer daar en sal vir seker as ons weer in Bloemfontein kom daar tuisgaan en enigiemand aanbeveel na Cura Lodge.

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Value for money

Jeannette B
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2019

Pleasant, very friendly and accommodating. For a one night stay over it's perfect, dinner was good. Not exactly private with the swimming bath.

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Elna Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 31

On LekkeSlaap 9 years

From R900
R 900 R 720
per night, for 2 ppl
From R900
R 900 R 720
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 10 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 22:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 128 Pellissier Drive, Pellissier, Bloemfontein, 9300, Free State
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJDZmZDA0MDE3LTc4YjMtNDE3ZC04NTNjLTZmYjNjYzllNjg2OQ?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R900 nowFrom R720 per night, for 2 ppl 31 5 1 5 128 Pellissier Drive Pellissier 9300 Free State 021 201 8901 14:00-22:00 10:00 -29.14948 26.16379

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