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Guest House


4.5/ 5

Based on 25 reviews


Value for money
Annabelle M
1 night stay With partner
Nov 2023

We stayed to do some birding, was lovely. Our hosts were super friendly. Our stay was lovely.

Value for money

Hi Annabelle, Thank you for the lovely review. We really enjoyed hosting you both and look forward to your next trip. Kind regards, Mark and Karen DeKotzenhof

Hallo Annabelle, Dankie vir die pragtige resensie. Ons het dit baie geniet om julle albei te huisves en sien uit na julle volgende reis. Vriendelike groete, Mark en Karen DeKotzenhof

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Maria T
1 night stay With friends
Oct 2023

Neat guest house with a wonderful hostess. Karen and her husband made us feel very much at home. We just stayed overnight and we rode motorbikes. We had the most delicious dinner there that they prepared. We really enjoyed them and the guest house. I believe you will have a nice stay if you stay longer to go bird watching in particular.

Netjiese gastehuis met 'n wonderlike gasvrou. Karen en haar man het ons baie tuis laat voel. Ons het net oornag en ons het motorfietse gery. Ons het die heerlikste aandete daar geëet wat hulle voorberei het. Ons het hulle en die gastehuis baie geniet. Ek glo jy sal lekker bly as jy langer sou bly om veral voëls te gaan kyk.

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Value for money

Hi Maria and friends, It really was super meeting you all, and having so many laughs, despite the rain. Glad you loved our Guesthouse, and highly rated your dinner we prepared for you. We look forward to seeing you again, without your bikes when you come back birding for a few days. Kind regards Mark and Karen DeKotzenhof

Hallo Maria en vriende, Dit was regtig super om julle almal te ontmoet en soveel te lag, ten spyte van die reën. Bly jy was mal oor ons Gastehuis, en het jou aandete wat ons vir jou voorberei het hoog aangeslaan. Ons sien uit daarna om jou weer te sien, sonder jou fietse wanneer jy vir 'n paar dae terugkom voëlkyk. Vriendelike groete Mark en Karen DeKotzenhof

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Philip M
Short stay With partner
Apr 2021

Not again. The WiFi is strong and there was hot water available. Furthermore, our room was not serviced for the two days we were there. They got the dates of our arrival and departure wrong. The result was that our breakfast was not arranged the first morning either. Maybe we should look for a different place next time.

Nie weer nie. Die WiFi is sterk en daar was warm water beskikbaar. Verder is ons kamer vir twee dae wat ons daar was, nie gediens nie. Hulle het die datums van ons aankoms en vertrek verkeerd gehad. Die gevolg was dat ons ontbyt die eerste oggend ook nie gereël was nie. Miskien moet ons die volgende keer 'n volgende'n ander plek soek.

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Value for money

Hi Phillip and Marie, It is unfortunate that you feel this way, and have waited a month before letting us know, for us to be able to clear up the confusion. We certainly did not get the dates wrong regarding your stay but had been called away at short notice. We did send you an email prior to your arrival stating this: "Unfortunately something has come up and we will not be able to meet you during your stay. Our house sitter Frank will see to you. Please can you let us know your estimated time of arrival, so we can let him know" We pride ourselves in being well-organized and did send you the house sitters' contact details, and vice versa, in case we could not be reached. In this email it is also clearly stated: "6. Rooms are not serviced daily due to COVID-19. Please advise us if you would like staff to enter your room". You did not request for your room to be serviced, meaning, no staff entered your room, and yes, it was not cleaned on the day after your first sleep, but it was cleaned and sanitized on the day of your arrival, Most of our guests have been requesting no servicing, which is why servicing is currently only done by arrangement, potentially giving guests more peace of mind, but still giving the option for daily servicing. You also booked for accommodation only and did not book for breakfast, which is booked as an extra on online booking systems, due to the commission payable on it. Should you have requested breakfast on either the first or both mornings we could have arranged something as we did for other guests who stayed over during the same period. For these guests, we paid our neighboring Guesthouse to serve the breakfast and even provided them with Mark's delicious homemade scones and muffins to be included in the brunch. And finally, on a more pleasant note, we appreciate you giving us an excellent rating on security, and good ratings on location, customer service, and value for money. In addition, we are very happy that the Wi-Fi was nice and strong during your stay. Perhaps you will now feel more unperturbed by grievances that you were feeling, and recall the better parts of your stay with us.

Hallo Phillip en Marie, Dit is jammer dat jy so voel, en 'n maand gewag het voordat jy ons laat weet het, sodat ons die verwarring kan uitklaar. Ons het beslis nie die datums verkeerd verstaan oor jou verblyf nie maar is op kort kennisgewing weggeroep. Ons het wel vir jou 'n e-pos gestuur voor jou aankoms wat dit sê: "Ongelukkig het iets opgeduik en ons sal jou nie tydens jou verblyf kan ontmoet nie. Ons huisoppasser Frank sal na jou toesien. Kan jy ons asseblief laat weet wat jou geskatte tyd is. van aankoms, sodat ons hom kan laat weet" Ons is trots daarop dat ons goed georganiseerd is en het wel die huisoppassers se kontakbesonderhede aan jou gestuur, en omgekeerd, ingeval ons nie bereik kon word nie. In hierdie e-pos word dit ook duidelik gestel: "6. Kamers word nie daagliks gediens as gevolg van COVID-19 nie. Laat weet ons asseblief as jy wil hê dat personeel jou kamer moet betree". Jy het nie versoek dat jou kamer gediens word nie, wat beteken dat geen personeel jou kamer binnegekom het nie, en ja, dit is nie skoongemaak op die dag na jou eerste slaap nie, maar dit is skoongemaak en ontsmet op die dag van jou aankoms, Meeste van ons gaste het geen diens versoek nie, en daarom word diens tans slegs volgens reëling gedoen, wat gaste moontlik meer gemoedsrus gee, maar steeds die opsie vir daaglikse diens bied. Jy het ook slegs vir verblyf bespreek en nie vir ontbyt bespreek nie, wat as 'n ekstra op aanlyn besprekingstelsels bespreek word, weens die kommissie wat daarop betaalbaar is. Sou jy ontbyt op óf die eerste óf albei oggende versoek het, kon ons iets gereël het soos wat ons gedoen het vir ander gaste wat in dieselfde tydperk oorgebly het. Vir hierdie gaste het ons ons naburige Gastehuis betaal om die ontbyt te bedien en hulle selfs van Mark se heerlike tuisgemaakte skons en muffins voorsien om by die brunch ingesluit te word. En ten slotte, op 'n meer aangename noot, ons waardeer dit dat jy ons 'n uitstekende gradering gee oor sekuriteit, en goeie graderings oor ligging, kliëntediens en waarde vir geld. Boonop is ons baie bly dat die Wi-Fi lekker en sterk was tydens jou verblyf. Miskien sal jy nou meer ongestoord voel deur griewe wat jy gevoel het, en die beter dele van jou verblyf by ons onthou.

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Elna M
1 night stay With friends
Apr 2019

Fabulous owners with beautiful guesthouse, going the extra mile! Lovely rustic atmosphere, in which we had a safe and very comfortable stay. I can recommend, without hesitation, DeKotzenhof to anybody who is searching for a home away from home!

Ongelooflike eienaars met 'n pragtige gastehuis, gaan die ekstra myl! Pragtige rustieke atmosfeer waarin ons 'n veilige en baie gemaklike verblyf gehad het. Ek kan, sonder om te huiwer, DeKotzenhof aanbeveel aan enigiemand wat op soek is na 'n huis weg van die huis af!

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Value for money

Dear Elna, Thank you for your lovely review. We really enjoyed your short visit. We do our best to make all our guests feel special and comfortable in our beautiful guest house. We look forward to your next visit! Kind Regards, Mark and Karen DeKotzenhof

Liewe Elna, Dankie vir jou pragtige resensie. Ons het jou kort kuiertjie baie geniet. Ons doen ons bes om al ons gaste spesiaal en gemaklik te laat voel in ons pragtige gastehuis. Ons sien uit na jou volgende besoek! Vriendelike groete, Mark en Karen DeKotzenhof

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Charmaine K
1 night stay With friends
Oct 2019

Very pleasant stay - would be great to have a pool as it was very hot. Hosts were super. A swimming pool would have been nice. A very hot area.

Value for money

Hi Charmaine, Thank you for your great review. We are glad your group enjoyed your short stay with us! Regards Mark & Karen

Hi Charmaine, Thank you for your great review. We are glad your group enjoyed your short stay with us! Regards Mark & Karen

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Jolanda L
1 night stay On business
Jun 2019

Comfortable. Clean and tidy. Well located.

Gerieflik. Skoon en netjies. Goed geleë.

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Value for money

Hi Jolanda, Thank you for your great review. We thrilled you enjoyed our convenient location and hope to see you again soon when on business in the area. Regards, Mark and Karen DeKotzenhof

Hallo Jolanda, Dankie vir jou goeie resensie. Ons is opgewonde dat jy ons gerieflike ligging geniet het en hoop om jou binnekort weer te sien wanneer jy in die area sake doen. Groete, Mark en Karen DeKotzenhof

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Bartel S
Short stay With partner
Jun 2018

Very nice. Nicely located. Restful. Very pleasant. Can recommend to anyone for holiday or business. Very quiet, tidy and hospitality is top notch. Thank you very much.

Baie lekker. Lekker geleë. Rustig. Baie aangenaam. Kan vir enige iemand aanbeveel vir vakansie of besigheid. Baie rustig, netjies en gasvryheid is tops. Baie dankie.

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Value for money

Many thanks for your lovely words about our Guesthouse as we try to make everyone's stay enjoyable and the willingness to return.

Baie dankie vir jou pragtige woorde oor ons Gastehuis terwyl ons probeer om almal se verblyf aangenaam te maak en die bereidwilligheid om terug te keer.

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John O
Short stay With partner
Apr 2018

Relaxed, peaceful night's rest with delicious breakfast; every morning a different pastry from the oven. It was very special to be able to unpack my bags for a long weekend at DeKotzenhof in Wakkerstroom. I rested so well. The room was beautiful, neat, clean, comfortable and well furnished. Every morning I couldn't wait to sit down at the breakfast table. Mark surprised us every morning with a different pastry fresh from the oven, and we couldn't get enough of all the homemade jams. Mark and Karen went out of their way to make us feel at home and comfortable. The guest house is true to Wakkerstroom, I can highly recommend them.

Ontspanne, rustige nag se rus met heerlike ontbyt; elke oggend 'n ander gebak uit die oond. Dit was baie spesiaal om my tasse te kon uitpak vir 'n langnaweek by DeKotzenhof in Wakkerstroom. Ek het so lekker gerus. Die kamer was pragtig, netjies, skoon, gerieflik en goed ingerig. Elke oggend kon ek nie wag om by die ontbyttafel te gaan aansit nie. Mark het ons elke oggend verras met 'n ander varsgebak uit die oond, en ons kon nie uitgeproe raak aan al die tuisgemaakte konfyte nie. Mark en Karen het uit hul pad uit gegaan om ons tuis en gemaklik te maak. Die gastehuis is eg aan Wakkerstroom, ek kan hul hoogs aanbeveel.

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Value for money

Good day John and Jomien, We appreciate you taking the time to rate us, and for your fantastic comments! We really enjoyed your visit and look forward to your next visit. Mark and Karen

Goeiedag John en Jomien, Ons waardeer dit dat jy die tyd neem om ons te gradeer, en vir jou fantastiese kommentaar! Ons het jou besoek baie geniet en uitsien na jou volgende besoek. Mark en Karen

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Ciel D
1 night stay With partner
Apr 2018

Very pleasant with truly pleasant hosts. Our first visit tot Wakkerstroom, but definitely not the last. We received a friendly reception which also informed us ons everything that is important. Compliments to the hosts.

Baie aangenaam met werklik aangename gasheer en gasvrou. Ons eerste besoek aan Wakkerstroom, maar vir seker nie die laaste nie. Ons is goed en gulhartig ontvang en ingelig oor alles wat van belang is. Komplimente aan die gasheer en gasvrou.

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Value for money

Good day Gil, Thank you very much for the positive comment. It was great meeting you. regards Mark and Karen

Goeiedag Giel, Baie dankie vir die positiewe kommentaar. Dit was wonderlik om jou te ontmoet. Groete Mark en Karen

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Jan V
Short stay With friends
Apr 2018

Friendly hosts, neat accommodation with a good location. A nice visit in a nicely renovated house and a delicious breakfast served by the friendly owners.

Vriendelike gashere, netjiese verblyf met 'n goeie ligging. Lekker gekuier in 'n mooi opgknapte huis en heerlike ontbyt bedien deur die vriendelike eienaars.

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Value for money

Good day Jan, We are glad you enjoyed our lovely guest house and your breakfast. We also enjoyed finding out more about the history of the town. regards Mark and Karen

Goeiedag Jan, Ons is bly jy het ons lieflike gastehuis en u ontbyt geniet het. Ons het ook geniet om meer uit te vind oor die geskiedenis van die dorp. Groete Mark en Karen

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Mark Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 25

On LekkeSlaap 9 years

From R1 400
R1 400 R933
per night, for 2 ppl
From R1 400
R1 400 R933
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 10 people
  • No children under 4
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 17:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 158 van Riebeeck, Wakkerstroom, 2480, Mpumalanga
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA6220c8d04b667c75c520320c40a473da3cedd3269ed76eff559b7be895116789a9b90b91f1b427ae00d776f4770004138c1c?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R1 400 nowFrom R933 per night, for 2 ppl 25 5 1 5 158 van Riebeeck Wakkerstroom 2480 Mpumalanga 021 201 8901 14:00-17:00 10:00 -27.356626817364 30.141353309155

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