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Desert Quiver Camp

Self Catering


4.6/ 5

Based on 21 reviews


Value for money
Anne-mariè D
1 night stay With partner
Mar 2024

Beautiful place to stay and breathtaking scenery. Had a wonderful stay and enjoyed it.

Pragtige blyplek en asemrowende natuurskoon. Heerlik gebly en dit geniet.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Desert Quiver Camp

Dear Anne-marié, Thank you so much for the amazing feedback! So glad they enjoyed the scenery and had a nice stay with us. Looking forward to seeing you again. Best wishes, The Desert Quiver Camp Team

Beste Anne-marié, Baie dankie vir die ongelooflike terugvoer! So bly hulle het die natuurskoon geniet en lekker gebly by ons. Sien uit om julle weer te sien. Beste wense, Die Desert Quiver Camp Span

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Leatitia M
Short stay With partner
Mar 2024

Quiet with breathtaking beauty around you. Had a great time in nature and the accommodation was fantastic.

Stil met asemrowende skoonheid om jou. Baie lekker gekuier in die natuur en die verblyf was fantasties.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Desert Quiver Camp

Dear Leatitia, Many thanks for the wonderful feedback! We are happy to hear that you enjoyed your visit and look forward to welcoming you again! Best wishes, The Desert Quiver Camp Team

Beste Leatitia, Duisend dankies vir die wonderlike terugvoer! Ons is bly om te hoor julle het die kuiertjie geniet en sien uit om julle weer by ons te verwelkom! Beste wense, Die Desert Quiver Camp Span

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Elmarie V
Short stay With partner
Feb 2024

Beautiful houses in the desert! Room and bathroom nice and modern. We had a wonderful stay!

Pragtige huisies in die woestyn! Kamer en badkamer mooi modern. Ons het heerlik gebly!

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Desert Quiver Camp

Dear Elmarie, Thank you very much for the nice feedback! Very happy that you enjoyed our modern houses and had a nice stay with us! We look forward to welcoming you again! Best wishes, The Desert Quiver Camp team

Beste Elmarie, Vreeslik baie dankie vir die mooi terugvoer! Baie bly dat julle ons moderne huisies geniet het en lekker by ons gebly het! Ons sien uit om julle weer te verwelkom! Beste wense, Die Desert Quiver Camp span

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Kobus T
1 night stay With partner
Jun 2024

Pleasant. Just short of cabinets next to the bed, and easy chairs outside by the braai.

Aangenaam. Kort net kassies langs die bed, en gemakstoele buite by die braai.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Desert Quiver Camp

Dear Kobus, Many thanks for the good points and feedback - will pay attention to this to improve. We look forward to welcoming you again! Best wishes, The Desert Quiver Camp Team

Beste Kobus, Baie dankie vir die goeie punte en terugvoer - sal hieraan aandag gee om te verbeter. Ons sien uit om julle weer te verwelkom! Beste wense, Die Desert Quiver Camp Span

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Morne S
1 night stay With partner
Mar 2024

Nice area to travel. Was disappointed not to be able to stay at Desert Quiver Camp, apparently "overbooked" after we received confirmation of the reservation a week before our arrival. The person I spoke to was not very friendly or helpful and we were told to move to the Desert Camp next door. There we met very friendly staff and were able to have a nice stay. Place was clean and comfortable with a beautiful view. I still recommend both places because it is such a beautiful area.

Mooi area om is te reis. Was teleurgestel om nie by Desert Quiver Camp te kon bly nie, was glo "overbooked" nadat ons bevestiging ontvang het van die bespreking 'n week voor ons aankoms. Die persoon waarmee ek gepraat het was nie baie vriendelik of behulpsaam nie en ons is aangese om te skuif na die Desert Camp langsaan. Daar het ons darm vriendelike personeel ontmoet en kon ons lekker bly. Plek was skoon en gerieflik met 'n pragtige uitsig. Ek beveel steeds altwee plekke aan omdat dit so mooi area is.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Desert Quiver Camp

Good Morning, Thank you so much for the feedback and recommendation for both Desert Camp and Desert Quiver Camp! Glad you enjoyed the clean and comfortable facilities as well as the beautiful view! Sorry for the error that occurred on our booking team's part. We look forward to welcoming you again! Best wishes, The Desert Camp & Desert Quiver Camp team

Beste Morne, Baie dankie vir die terugvoer en aanbeveling vir beide Desert Camp en Desert Quiver Camp! Bly julle het die skoon en gerieflike geriewe geniet asook die pragtige uitsig! Jammer oor die fout wat ingetree het van ons bespreking span se kant af. Ons sien uit om julle weer te verwelkom! Beste wense, Die Desert Camp & Desert Quiver Camp span

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Auguste E
1 night stay With friends
Jun 2023

The tents are beautiful and well maintained. The staff were incredibly friendly and helpful. The most beautiful view over the Namib and a plus that it is only 5km from the Sossusvlei gate and Sesriem Canyon.

Die tente is pragtig en goed onderhou. Die staf was ongelooflik vriendelik en behulpsaam. Die mooiste uitsig oor die Namib en 'n plus dat dit net 5km van die Sossusvlei-hek en Sesriem Canyon is.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Desert Quiver Camp

Dear Auguste, Thank you so much for the fantastic feedback! We are glad you enjoyed our location and the most beautiful views! Looking forward to seeing you again! Best wishes, The Desert Quiver Camp team

Beste Auguste, Baie dankie vir die fantastiese terugvoer! Ons is bly julle het ons ligging en die mooiste uitsigte geniet! Sien uit om julle weer te sien! Beste wense, Die Desert Quiver Camp span

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Bridget G
Short stay With partner
Jan 2023

Very good experience. The camp is ideally located for a visit to Sossusvlei. It forms part of a larger setup that includes Sossusvlei Lodge and Desert Camp. Amenities are sufficient for overnight stays and self-catering. I would recommend that there are tables next to the bed, it's quite a misery if there is no place to put something next to the bed. Furthermore, the kitchenette's canvas definitely needs attention. Our unit's tarpaulin did not close properly and was also torn. However, this did not detract from our stay. WiFi at the accommodation does not exist at all and it's an excursion every time to get reception of any kind. Although some people disappear from the scene on vacation, it is quite necessary to just "check in" sometimes.

Baie goeie ervaring. Die kamp is ideaal geleë vir 'n besoek aan Sossusvlei. Dit vorm deel van 'n groter opset wat Sossusvlei Lodge en Desert Camp insluit. Geriewe is voldoende vir oornag en selfsorg. Ek sal aanbeveel dat daar tafeltjies langs die bed is, dis nogal 'n ellende indien daar nie plek is om iets langs die bed neer te sit nie. Verder kort die kitchenette se seil definitief aandag. Ons eenheid se seil het nie behoorlik toegemaak nie en was ook geskeur. Dit het egter nie afbreuk gedoen aan ons verblyf nie. WiFi by die akkommodasie bestaan glad nie en dis elke keer 'n ekskursie om opvang van enige aard te kry. Hoewel party mense van die toneel verdwyn met vakansie, is dit nogal noodsaaklik om soms net "in te check".

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Desert Quiver Camp

Dear Bridget, Thank you very much for the good stars and feedback! Glad you found our overnight and self-catering facilities adequate and had a good experience! Sorry for the inconvenience of the sail at the galley - a few gusts of late have caused damage and we are attending to it. With our remote location it is not possible to guarantee good WiFi, so we in no way indicate this as something we offer. Hope to welcome you again! Best wishes, The Desert Quiver Camp Team

Beste Bridget, Baie dankie vir die goeie sterre en terugvoer! Bly julle het ons oornag en selfsorg geriewe voldoende gevind en 'n goeie ervaring gehad! Jammer vir die ongerief van die seil by die kombuisie - 'n paar rukwinde die afgelope tyd het skade gemaak en ons gee aandag daaraan. Met ons afgeleë ligging is dit nie moontlik om goeie WiFi te waarborg nie, dus dui ons dit geensins aan as iets wat ons bied nie. Hoop om julle weer te verwelkom! Beste wense, Die Desert Quiver Camp Span

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Breganza J
1 night stay With partner
Jun 2022

Beautiful location. The tents are beautiful and very well equipped. The camp is nice and close to the entrance to Sesriem/Sossusvlei. The staff is super friendly and helpful.

Pragtige ligging. DIe tente is pragtig en baie goed toegerus. Die kamp is lekker naby aan die ingang na Sesriem/Sossusvlei. Die personeel is super vriendelik en behulpsaam.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Desert Quiver Camp

Dear Breganza Thank you so much for the fantastic feedback. We are very happy that you enjoyed our location, the equipped units as well as the peaceful service of our staff. Hope to see you again. Best wishes The Desert Quiver Camp Team

Beste Breganza Baie dankie vir die fantastiese terugvoer. Ons is baie bly julle het ons ligging geniet, the toegerusde eenhede asook die vriedelike diens van ons personeel. Hoop om julle weer te sien. Beste wense Die Desert Quiver Camp Span

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Hans G
1 night stay With friends
Feb 2022

Wonderfully peaceful with a nice swimming pool to cool off in. Ideal for overnight or to rest an evening or two. Beautiful wildlife that comes to visit the camp.

Heerlik rustig met ’n lekker swembad om in af te koel. Ideaal vir oornag of ’n aand of twee te rus. Mooi wild wat in die kamp kom kuier.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Desert Quiver Camp

Dear Hans, Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. We are very happy that you enjoyed the pool and the wildlife that roams around there. We look forward to welcoming you again on your next visit to Sossusvlei. Best wishes The Desert Quiver Camp team.

Beste Hans, Baie dankie vir die wonderlike terugvoer. Ons is baie bly dat julle die swembad en die wild wat daar rondloop geniet het. Ons sien uit om julle weer te verwelkom met julle volgende kuiertjie na Sossusvlei. Beste wense Die Desert Quiver Camp span.

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Solly B
1 night stay With friends
Dec 2022

Nice place to stop after a long day's travel. Although the rooms are neat and big, I expected more from the establishment given the price I paid. We ordered food in advance. It was tasty, although portions were small. The disappointment is the fact that there are no cutlery and kitchen facilities. You also have to order this in advance and receive it in a crate for which you have to pay a deposit. You'd think they'd at least tell you about it ahead of time, since they can see you're ordering food again for a barbecue? And then you are told on top of that that you have to wash the dishes yourself and take the crate back to reception to get your deposit back. For me, this is an unnecessary inconvenience and the website can certainly check and compare with establishments that charge similar prices in equally popular tourist destinations. WiFi also only works at the reception/bar and not in the rooms.

Lekker oornagplek na 'n lang dag se reis. Alhoewel die kamers netjies en groot is, het ek meer van die instansie verwag gegewe die prys wat ek betaal het. Ons het vooraf kosse bestel. Dit was lekker, alhoewel porsies maar klein was. Die teleurstelling is die feit dat daar geen eetgerei en kombuisgeriewe is nie. Dit moet jy ook vooraf bestel en ontvang dit in 'n krat waarvoor jy 'n deposito moet betaal. Mens sou dink dat hulle jou ten minste daarvan vertel voor die tyd, aangesien hulle mos kan sien dat jy kos bestel her vir braai? En dan word jy boonop vertel dat jy self die skottelgoed moet was en weer die krat terugneem na ontvangs om jou deposito terug te kry. Dit is vir my onnodige ongerief en webtuiste kan vir seker maar gaan kyk en vergelyk met instansies wat soortgelyke pryse vra in ewe gewilde toerismebestemmings. WiFi werk ook net by die ontvangs/kroeg en nie in die kamers nie.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Desert Quiver Camp

Dear Solly, Thank you for the feedback. We specifically mention in our descriptions, "Crates with the necessary cutlery are available at reception for a refundable deposit," so guests are aware of this before booking. The portion size and weight of the pre-ordered foods are indicated on the order form and are packed accordingly. With our remote location, we offer the best Wi-Fi signal we receive on our lines in one concentrated location for guests to use at the bar, pool and reception areas. Hope to welcome you again. Best wishes, The Desert Quiver Camp Team.

Beste Solly, dankie vir die terugvoering. Ons noem spesifiek in ons beskrywings, "Kratte met die nodige eetgerei is by ontvangs teen 'n terugbetaalbare deposito beskikbaar," sodat gaste bewus is van dit voordat hulle bespreek. Die kosse wat vooraf bestel was se porsie grootte en gewig word aangedui op die bestel vorm en word daarvolgens verpak. Met ons afgeleë ligging bied ons die beste Wi-Fi sein wat ons ontvang op ons lyne aan op een konsentreerde plek waar gaste dit kan gebruik by die kroeg, swembad en ontvangsareas. Hoop om julle weer te verwelkom. Beste wense, Die Desert Quiver Camp Span.

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Taleni Africa Verified

Properties 7

Reviews 107

On LekkeSlaap 6 years

From R2 700
per night (sleeps 2)
R2 700
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 48 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Desert Quiver Camp on D826, Just off C7, Sesriem, 0000, Hardap
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAqNHZHgZi44qfg6BBgK1vpH6RyOtFzeIk7Yjw5UjXfdFI9QnAHa?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R2 700 per night (sleeps 2) 21 5 1 5 Desert Quiver Camp on D826 Just off C7 0000 Hardap 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -24.4857590658 15.83765433949

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