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Self Catering


3.5/ 5

Based on 2 reviews


Value for money
Louine S
1 night stay With partner
Feb 2025

Delicious. Wonderfully peaceful and enjoying the farm.

Heerlik. Heerlik rustig en die plaas geniet.

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Value for money

Thank you very much. Please come again. Greetings.

Baie dankie. Kom gerus weer. Groete.

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Carol-anne V
Short stay Large group
Aug 2022

We had a great time despite the few obstacles. The agent who arranged the stay for us did not properly transfer the booking to the owner of the property. When we got there they didn't know about the reservation and they weren't ready to receive us. It was very inconvenient, we drove far and everyone needed the bathroom. When we were finally able to check in, they paid good attention and cleanliness. The places were very clean, the sheets were pure white and everything inside was well taken care of. But. The advertisement on the website does not really give a true picture of where the accommodation is located. I immediately fell in love with the photos on the website. The idea that we were going to be on a farm in the middle of nowhere was very appealing, but the truth is something completely different. They certainly had a very good photographer. You are not in the middle of nowhere on a farm like the pictures sell you. There is a complex with big houses between you and the sea and there is a wire fence around the complex that prevents you from getting to the sea. The cottages are very small, but well equipped for a weekend away. Wood is included and Piet (the owner) was very nice and a good host. The double beds are comfortable, but the sofa beds definitely need an upgrade. To sell DuykersRus and Uilsnes as houses that sleep 4 gives the wrong idea and that each house is suitable for 2 couples. It's not, the bedrooms don't have doors, which makes it difficult even for a household with teenagers. It's another one of those cases where they fit as many people in as possible so they can raise the price. None of the cottages are really suitable for more than 2 people. A couple with 1 child could potentially work. Tolbossie's glass door doesn't close properly and while we were there it rained. Considering all these things, the place is not good value for money, especially since there are many other places in the area that offer better value.

Ons het baie lekker gekuier ten spyte van die 'n paar struikelblokke. Die agent wat die verblyf vir ons gereël het, het nie die bespreking behoorlik oorgedra aan die eienaar van die eiendom nie. Toe ons daar aankom het hulle nie geweet van die bespreking nie en hulle was nie gereed om ons te ontvang nie. Dit was baie ongerieflik, ons het ver gery en almal het die badkamer nodig gehad. Toe ons uiteindelik kon inteken toe het hulle goed aandag gegee and netheid. Die plekkies was mooi skoon, die lakens spier wit en als binne is goed versorg. Maar. Die advertensie op die webtuiste gee nie werklik 'n ware beeld van waar die verblyf geleë is nie. Ek het dadelik verlief geraak op die foto's op die webwerf. Die idee dat ons op 'n plaas gaan wees in die middel van nêrens was baie aantreklik, maar die waarheid is iets heel anders. Hulle het beslis 'n baie goeie fotograaf gehad. Jy is nie in die middel van nêrens op 'n plaas nie soos wat die foto's aan jou verkoop nie. Daar is 'n kompleks met groot huise tussen jou en die see en daar 'n draadheining om die kompleks wat jou voorkom om by die see uit te kom. Die huisies is baie klein, maar goed genoeg toegerus vir 'n naweek weg. Hout word ingesluit en Piet (die eienaar) was baie gaaf en 'n goeie gasheer. Die dubbelbeddens is gerieflik, maar die slaapbanke het beslis 'n upgrade nodig. Om DuykersRus en Uilsnes te verkoop as huise wat slaapplek het vir 4 gee mens die verkeerde idee en dat elke huisie geskik is vir 2 paartjies. Dit is nie, die slaapkamers het nie deure nie, wat dit selfs moeilik maak vir 'n huisgesin met tieners. Dis nou weer een van daai gevalle waar hulle soveel mense as moontlik inpas sodat hulle die prys kan verhoog. Nie enige van die huisies is werklik geskik vir meer as 2 mense nie. 'n Paartjie met 1 kind kan moontlik werk. Tolbossie se glasdeur maak nie mooi toe nie en terwyl ons daar was het dit ingereën. As mens al hierdie dinge in ag neem, is die plek nie goeie waarde vir geld nie, veral aangesien daar baie ander plekke in die omgewing is wat beter waarde bied.

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Value for money

Hi There, There was a small communication slip on my part (the agent). I did mention this to the guests and they were asked to come back immediately. If you check the location of the Gasteplaas on google as well as the map of Lekkerslaap, you will see that it is not in the middle of nowhere, but right next to the Cape St Martin Private Nature Reserve. You can also see the houses on the photos. The houses are also not on the farm between old, but on the development next to the farm. The photos are very beautiful, thank you very much. I just took them with my cell phone. The description of the units says that they are 1 bedroom units with 1 double bed and a sofa bed. It is explicitly mentioned so that guests know what is there. Sorry if your stay was so uncomfortable. Regards, Sun

Hi Daar, Daar was 'n klein kommunikasie glipsie van my kant af (die agent). Ek het dit wel genoem aan die gaste en hulle is gevra om onmiddelik terug te kom. As jy die location van die Gasteplaas gaan kyk op google asook die kaart van Lekkerslaap sal jy sien dat dit nie in die middel van nerens is nie, en reg langs die Cape St Martin Privaat Natuur Reservaat. Jy kan ook die huise op die fotos sien. Die huise is ook nie op die plaas tussen ou nie, maar op die ontwikkel langs aan die plaas. Die fotos is baie mooi, baie dankie. Ek het hulle sommer met my selfoon geneem. Die beskrywing van die eenhede se dat hulle 1 slaapkamer eenhede is met 1 dubbel bed en 'n slaap bank. Dit word uitdruklik genoem sodat gaste weet wat daar is. Jammer as julle verblyf so ongerieflik was. Groete, Sune

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Sune Verified

Properties 23

Reviews 136

On LekkeSlaap 12 years

From R 1 000
per night, for 2 ppl
R 1 000
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours before your stay!
  • Capacity: 4 people
    2 adults, 2 children
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Duykereiland Farm, Britannia Bay, 7390, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA2914c9e00ea1d5c640381cb32b3695fc0275bd49e2d7957f387579fcc39cf50f068a49295222179cd4a705027ad674d37368?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 000 per night, for 2 ppl 2 5 1 4 Duykereiland Farm Britannia Bay 7390 Western Cape 021 201 8901 15:00-19:00 10:00 -32.721082902867 17.925400364564

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