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2 Guests

EKhaya Bush Villa


4.6/ 5

Based on 2 reviews


Value for money
Sandy L
Short stay Individual traveller
Sep 2024

Loved it. See stars.

Value for money

Ruan S
1 night stay Family with young children
Sep 2019

Wooden floors. EKhaya is a very fancy lodge als is nice and clean. My big problem with Ekhaya was: My wife and I booked there with our son of just under 2 years old to experience a peaceful getaway where we could get away and just rest. Except! Ekhaya put us down on the ground and above us tourists. Now that's where my problem comes in, our roof used to have wooden floors. The tourists arrived late, we as a family were already in bed early, then tourists book in first. One could hear every footfall creaking and hear every word spoken through the roof. And when tourists were finally settled in bed, their alarm went off at 4 o'clock in the morning and their phone was set to go off every 15 minutes after 4 o'clock.' Sounded like an alarm clock was in our room. Tourists decided to get up at 4:30 and started talking/laughing and walking could hear als again. So we as a family were already awake from 4 o'clock with our boy. I'm not saying Ekhaya should replace their wooden floors, I'm just suggesting their planning around guests should be better. Ekhaya was not fully booked and therefore they could have separated people, especially if I indicated when booking was made that I have a small boy! I'm 100% convinced I'm not the first person to complain about this type of problem. Because it made our entire getaway weekend unpleasant.

Houtvloere. EKhaya is 'n baie spoggerige lodge als is mooi en skoon. My groot probleem met Ekhaya was: Ek en my vrou het met ons seuntjie van net onder 2 jaar oud daar gebook om 'n rustige wegbreek te kon ervaar waar ons kon wegbreek en net rus. Als behalwe! Ekhaya het ons onder op die grond geplaas en bo ons toeriste. Nou dis waar my probleem inkom ons dak was houtvloere gewees. Die toeriste het laat daar aangekom, ons as 'n familie was vroeg reeds in bed, toe book toeriste in eers. 'n Mens kon elke voetstap hoor kraak en elke woord wat gepraat word deur die dak hoor. En toe toeriste uiteindelik in gesettle was in bed, gaan hulle wekker 4 uur die oggend al af en hulle foon is gestel om elke 15 min af te gaan na 4 urr se wekker.' Geklink of wekker in ons kamer was. Toeriste het 4:30 besluit om op te staan en begin praat/lag en loop kon weereens als hoor. So ons as familie was reeds al van 4 uur af wakker saam ons seuntjie. Ek se nie Ekhaya moet hulle houtvloere vervang nie, ek stel net voor hulle beplanning rondom gaste moet beter wees. Ekhaya was nie vol gebook gewees nie en daarom kon hulle mense uitmekaar geplaas het, veral as ek aangedui het toe booking gemaak is ek het 'n klein seuntjie! Ek is 100% oortuig ek is nie die eerste persoon wat oor die tiepe probleem kla nie. Want dit het ons hele wegbreeknaweek onplesierig gemaak.

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Value for money
EKhaya Bush Villa

Dear Ruan, Thank you for taking the time to submit a review and provide feedback regarding the wooden floors. Indeed, this has become an issue that we have addressed. We blocked this room from Monday last week, and have put in insulation and an isoboard ceiling which we hope will alleviate the noise. Can you please get in touch with us? I would like to see what we can do to compensate you for this inconvenience. We would love for you to experience the tranquility of eKhaya as it should be! Kind regards, Clare Girardin - Manager

Liewe Ruan, Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om 'n resensie in te dien en terugvoer te gee oor die houtvloere. Dit het inderdaad 'n kwessie geword wat ons aangespreek het. Ons het hierdie vertrek van Maandag verlede week geblokkeer, en het isolasie en 'n isoboard-plafon ingesit wat ons hoop die geraas sal verlig. Kan jy asseblief met ons in aanraking kom? Ek wil graag sien wat ons kan doen om jou vir hierdie ongerief te vergoed. Ons sal graag wil hê dat jy die rustigheid van eKhaya ervaar soos dit moet wees! Vriendelike groete, Clare Girardin - Bestuurder

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Tanja Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 8

On LekkeSlaap 7 years

From R 2 900
per night, for 2 ppl
R 2 900
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 10 people
  • No children under 12
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 374 Kierrieklapper Street, Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate, Hoedspruit, 1380, Limpopo
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAe82ad416f881b0e670307a4b2a3a44a23321aa858d1ef724935b0f4eabdc71af7276a4cb3c524da1b428f14db8bcf76e605b?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R2 900 per night, for 2 ppl 2 5 1 5 374 Kierrieklapper Street Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate 1380 Limpopo 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -24.35347 30.968554

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