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Forest Creek Lodge & Spa


4.4/ 5

Based on 42 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Amore R
Short stay With partner
Sep 2024

Amazing. Our weekend was top notch. It's an amazing place.

Ons naweek was uit die boonste rakke. Dis 'n amazing plek.

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Value for money
Forest Creek Lodge & Spa
Hi Amore, thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the Beach cottage and our lodge. All the best, Anita

Marianna V
Short stay With partner
Sep 2023

Unbelievably beautiful. There is Wi-Fi, but the signal is very weak and the Wi-Fi doesn't really work, although it is realistic for between the mountains, it also creates the ideal opportunity for rest and break away.

Ongelooflike mooi. Daar is WiFi, maar sein is baie swak en die WiFi werk nie juis nie, alhoewel dit realisties is vir tussen die berge, dit skep ook darm die ideale geleentheid vir rus en wegbreek.

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Value for money

Dave K
Short stay With partner
Jul 2023

Peaceful and relaxing. Nothing to do but hike, eat and relax.

Value for money
Forest Creek Lodge & Spa

Thanks Dave, see you soon. All the best. Anita

Dankie Dave, sien jou binnekort. Alles van die beste. Anita

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Lothar H
Short stay
Jul 2023

It is a very nice place to disconnect from the community to have a good rest. We as a family could switch off and rest. Could also walk the nice hiking trails. Attention should only be paid to maintenance of the place, e.g. the bushes in front of the beach house and the main reception are trimmed so that one can have a nice view of the mountains. The walking routes also need to be marked a little better.

Dit is 'n baie lekker plek of af te skakel van die gemeenskap om lekker te rus. Ons as familie kon lekker afskakel en rus. Kon ook die lekker wandelroetes stap. Daar moet net aandag gegee word aan maintenance van die plek bv. die bossies voor die beach house en die hoofontvangs trim sodat 'n mens 'n lekker uitsig oor die berge kan hê. Die wandelroetes moet ook bietjie beter gemerk word.

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Value for money
Forest Creek Lodge & Spa

Lothar, thank you for the review, your comments have been noted. On it, trimming trees, and thanks for the update on the Hiking trails, I have a pile of signs as the baboons for some reason love to pull them off. All the best to you all. Anita

Lothar, dankie vir die resensie, daar is kennis geneem van jou kommentaar. Daarop, bome snoei, en dankie vir die opdatering oor die Staproetes, ek het 'n hoop tekens aangesien die bobbejane om een of ander rede graag hulle aftrek. Alles van die beste vir julle almal. Anita

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Johan M
Short stay With partner
Sep 2023

Breathtaking scenery. The road to the lodge is bad with loose stones and protruding rocks in places. Definitely not suitable for city vehicles. We were kindly welcomed at Reception, and explained how to get to the Forest Cottage. The log house was neat and clean on arrival, but looks neglected. The wood needs treatment, the front door is difficult to open and close, and the base of the toilet is leaking water onto the floor. Rodents ate our bread and crackers through the night, so make sure everything is in containers that can be closed. The last criticism is that the walking paths are poorly marked with too few indications, especially on the way back from the waterfall. The positives are the breathtaking scenery and birdlife in the gorge. We also saw reedbucks, bushbucks, otters, badgers, baboons, blue monkeys and the eagles. Another plus is that the Forest Cottage is pet friendly - my bull terrier enjoyed it just as much. The location and scenery are exceptional, and make a visit to Forest Creek worthwhile. Special thanks to the resort staff who go out of their way to make your visit as pleasant as possible. Finally - take additional lighting with you, there is no alternative to load shedding.

Asemrowende natuurskoon. Die pad na die lodge is sleg met los klippe en plek-plek uitstaande rotse. Beslis nie geskik vir stadsvoertuie nie. Ons was vriendelik verwelkom by Ontvangs, en verduidelik hoe om by die Forest Cottage uit te kom. Die houthuis was netjies en skoon met aankoms, maar lyk verwaarloos. Die hout kort behandeling, die voordeur maak moeilik oop en toe, en die toilet se basis lek water op die vloer. Knaagdiere het aan ons brood en beskuit geëet deur die nag, so maak seker alles is in houers wat kan toemaak. Die laaste kritiek is dat die wandelpaaie swak gemerk is met te min aanduidings, veral op pad terug van die waterval af. Die positiewe is die asemrowende natuurskoon en voëllewe in die kloof. Ons het ook rietbokke, bosbokke, otters, dassies, bobbejane, blouape en die arende gesien. Nog 'n pluspunt is dat die Forest Cottage dierevriendelik is - my bull terrier het dit net so geniet. Die ligging en natuurskoon is uitsonderlik, en maak 'n besoek aan Forest Creek die moeite werd. Spesiale dank aan die staf van die oord wat uit hulle pad gaan om jou besoek so aangenaam moontlik te maak. Laastens - neem maar addisionele beligting saam, daar is nie 'n alternatief vir beurtkrag nie.

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Value for money
Forest Creek Lodge & Spa

Dear Johan, thank you for taking the time to write this review. It is always helpful to have your input. We have a collection service for those who drive small vehicles. The issues you mentioned have been dealt with, thank you, I am happy that you got to see so many animals and birds, and on that subject your nightly greedy visitors are Door mice, the ones with the fluffy tails, I have one that comes in my lounge at night to steal the cat food! right in front of my eyes, I do not have the heart to trap him (Yet), however we did manage to trap 4 at the cottage. As to why you were not given lamps for the loadshedding, I will have to find out, as we do have recharable lamps that work during loadshedding. Happy that your bull terrier had fun too. Thank you for the nice comments on my staff, the Forest creek family. Best wishes Anita

Beste Johan, dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om hierdie resensie te skryf. Dit is altyd nuttig om jou insette te hê. Ons het 'n invorderingsdiens vir diegene wat klein voertuie bestuur. Die kwessies wat jy genoem het is hanteer, dankie, ek is bly dat jy so baie diere en voëls kon sien, en oor daardie onderwerp is jou nagtelike gulsige besoekers Deurmuise, die met die donsige sterte, ek het een wat kom in my sitkamer saans om die katkos te steel! Reg in voor my oë, ek het nie die hart om hom vas te vang nie (Tog), maar ons het daarin geslaag om 4 by die huisie vas te vang. Waarom jy nie lampe vir die beurtkrag gegee is nie, sal ek moet uitvind, aangesien ons wel herlaaibare lampe het wat tydens beurtkrag werk. Bly dat jou bulterriër ook pret gehad het. Dankie vir die mooi kommentaar op my personeel, die Forest Creek familie. Beste wense Anita

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Dalene B
Short stay With partner
Apr 2023

Peace of mind, but first you have to get there! The road is not suitable for all vehicles. 4x4 only! Forest Creek Lodge will need to plan to shuttle guests to the lodge at no extra cost. It takes you almost 24 hours just to get over the trauma of the road before you can even relax and then you start stressing about the road again! We had a wonderful stay. The cottage was clean and comfortable. The welcome was not to our liking, but June and Sibongile made up for it the rest of the weekend, through their good service and nice attitude. WiFi doesn't work at all and there was no Vodacom signal. Thank you Forest Creek for allowing us to experience your natural beauty. That was the highlight. Blissful silence!

Rustigheid vir die siel, maar eers moet jy daar kom! Die pad is nie geskik vir alle voertuie nie. Slegs 4x4! Forest Creek Lodge sal moet plan maak om gaste met 'n shuttle-diens by die lodge te kry teen geen ekstra kostes. Dit vat mens amper 24 uur net om oor die trauma van die pad te kom voor jy eers kan ontspan en dan begin jy alweer stres oor die pad af! Ons het verder heerlik gebly. Die cottage was skoon en gerieflik. Die verwelkoming was nie na wense nie, maar June en Sibongile het die res van die naweek opgemaak vir dit, deur hul goeie diens en mooi gesindheid. WiFi werk glad nie en daar was geen Vodacom-sein nie. Dankie Forest Creek dat ons jul natuurskoon kon beleef. Dit was die hoogtepunt. Salige stilte!

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Value for money
Forest Creek Lodge & Spa

Hi Dalene, you are right due to the recent rains the road does need some work, we do offer a shuttle service to guests that do not have a suitable vehicle. As for the wifi I do not know what was wrong this week end, you were welcome to come to my house, (100mts from the lodge) as did the other guests, for some reason it was working at home, if I had known I would have asked you to come up. Sorry for the inconvenience with this. All the best Anita

Hallo Dalene, jy is reg agv die onlangse reën het die pad werk nodig, ons bied wel 'n pendeldiens aan gaste wat nie 'n geskikte voertuig het nie. Wat die wifi betref, ek weet nie wat fout was hierdie week end nie, julle was welkom om na my huis toe te kom, (100mts van die lodge) soos die ander gaste, om een of ander rede het dit by die huis gewerk, as ek geweet het ek sou jou gevra het om op te kom. Jammer vir die ongerief hiermee. Alles van die beste Anita

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Andine V
Short stay With partner
Dec 2022

Great place to just rest. Forest Creek is truly a "hidden gem". With the most beautiful view and peaceful atmosphere, we were both able to relax and spend time together. Anita and Mush are the cutest and friendliest owners with the best staff. I recommend Forest Creek to anyone looking for a quiet and peaceful getaway.

Heerlike plek om net te gaan rus. Forest Creek is werklik 'n "hidden gem". Met die mooiste uitsig en rustige atmosfeer kon ons altwee die rus en tyd saam spandeer. Anita en Mush is die oulikste en vriendelikste eienaars met die beste personeel. Ek beveel Forest Creek vir almal aan wat graag 'n stil en rustige wegbreek nodig het.

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Value for money
Forest Creek Lodge & Spa

Dear Andine, thank you, can't get better than that. It was great to meet you both (lovely people). All the best. Anita, Mush and the Forest creek family (Staff)

Beste Andine, dankie, kan nie beter as dit word nie. Dit was wonderlik om julle albei (lieflike mense) te ontmoet. Alles van die beste. Anita, Mush en die Forest Creek-familie (Personeel)

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George J
Short stay With partner
Jan 2022

Unforgettable. Location is breathtaking! Very peaceful, friendly staff definitely the place to go if you want to get away from the hectic life!

Onvergeetlik. Ligging is asemrowend! Baie rustig, vriendelike personeel definitief die plek om te gaan as jy wil wegbreek van die gejaagde lewe!

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Value for money
Forest Creek Lodge & Spa

Hi George, thank you for taking the time to write this review for us it is appreciated greatly. Hope to have you both back in the future. All the best Anita and the Forest creek family

Hallo George, dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om hierdie resensie vir ons te skryf dit word opreg waardeer. Hoop om julle albei in die toekoms terug te hê. Alles van die beste Anita en die Forest Creek-gesin

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Angie E
Short stay With partner
Apr 2021

It's a beautiful place, gorgeous mountains and magical forest, the drive up to the lodge is rough though. The drive up to the lodge is 4,4 km of very rough road which adds a lot to your travel time. I recommend a 4x4 vehicle. Once you are at the lodge there is no quick drive to a shop or any other tourist attraction. There is also no cell phone signal. The hiking trails are a magnificent experience.

Value for money
Forest Creek Lodge & Spa

Angie thank you for the review, just to let you know our new cell booster has eventually arrived from Hong Kong, so the cell and wifi is up and running at the lodge. I am glad that you enjoyed our "Cloud forest" it is a magical place. We do have a collection service for the last 4.4km of our mountain road, if your vehicle is too low. Thanks again Anita

Angie dankie vir die resensie, net om jou te laat weet ons nuwe selversterker het uiteindelik van Hong Kong af aangekom, so die sel en wifi is aan die gang by die lodge. Ek is bly dat julle ons "Wolkbos" geniet het dit is 'n magiese plek. Ons het wel 'n afhaaldiens vir die laaste 4,4 km van ons bergpad, as jou voertuig te laag is. Weereens dankie Anita

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Belinda G
Short stay With partner
Sep 2019

Beautiful scenery and beautiful lodge! Lovely food and amazing beautiful lodge. The mountains and view is amazing!

Value for money
Forest Creek Lodge & Spa

Dear Belinda thank you for this lovely review it is greatly appreciated. Hope to see you again in the future All the best. Anita and the Forest creek family.

Beste Belinda dankie vir hierdie pragtige resensie dit word opreg waardeer. Hoop om jou weer in die toekoms te sien Alles van die beste. Anita en die Forest Creek familie.

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Anita Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 42

On LekkeSlaap 15 years

From R1 800
per night, for 2 ppl
R1 800
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 20 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 23:00
    Check-out: 11:00
  • Address: Farm 14, Badfontein, Dullstroom, 1110, Mpumalanga
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJDE4NmMwNjA2LWExOWEtNDRkNi1hYjEyLTY0N2ZmYWI5YTE1Yw?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 800 per night, for 2 ppl 42 5 1 5 Farm 14 Badfontein 1110 Mpumalanga 021 201 8901 14:00-23:00 11:00 -25.31097853751 30.300254930216

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