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2 Guests

Fourways Gardens Guest Estate

Guest House


3.6/ 5

Based on 19 reviews


Value for money
Anonymous Guest
Short stay With friends
Oct 2023

Value for money

Owen J
Long stay With partner
Sep 2023

A little disappointing, however, sufficient for purpose. Poor attention to customer comfort (pots and pans not properly cleaned/poor selection of glassware/broken utensils, blunt chef knife, no utility knife etc.). Rooms not serviced. We had to change the bedding (clean but worn and thin) ourselves and also clean the unit. Covid 19 is still being cited as the reason for this. In short, the entire operation is old and tired. The whole property feels unkempt. Absolutely no provision is made for loadshedding. No alternative energy to keep wifi working and no rechargeable lights in the unit.

Value for money
Fourways Gardens Guest Estate

I'd like to take a moment to address your recent review and provide some context from the perspective of the establishment owner. We truly appreciate your feedback and would like to clarify a few points that were raised in your review. First and foremost, we want to thank you for choosing to stay with us during such a significant and potentially stressful time in your life, your emigration to England. We understand that this is a major life transition, and our team is committed to making our guests' experiences as comfortable as possible during such moments. Regarding the request not to have our staff enter your unit due to your two cats, we absolutely respect and support our guests' concerns about the safety and well-being of their pets. It was our pleasure to accommodate this request and ensure your peace of mind. Additionally, you mentioned that there was no provision for essential services during load shedding in your initial review. We'd like to clarify that we do have backup measures in place for such situations. We provide backup power for Wi-Fi and have emergency lights available in our units, ensuring that our guests can stay connected and safe even during power interruptions. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring our guests' comfort and well-being, and Mrs. Wade's constant contact and support exemplify this commitment. Thank you for choosing our establishment, and we hope that your transition to England went smoothly. We look forward to welcoming you back in the future, whether for another stay or to simply catch up with our team. Warm regards, Fourways Gardens Guest Estate

Ek wil graag 'n oomblik neem om jou onlangse resensie aan te spreek en 'n bietjie konteks te verskaf vanuit die perspektief van die instansie-eienaar. Ons waardeer jou terugvoer opreg en wil graag 'n paar punte verduidelik wat in jou resensie geopper is. Eerstens wil ons jou bedank dat jy gekies het om by ons te bly gedurende so 'n betekenisvolle en potensieel stresvolle tyd in jou lewe, jou emigrasie na Engeland. Ons verstaan dat dit 'n groot lewensoorgang is, en ons span is daartoe verbind om ons gaste se ervarings tydens sulke oomblikke so gemaklik as moontlik te maak. Met betrekking tot die versoek om nie ons personeel jou eenheid te laat betree nie as gevolg van jou twee katte, respekteer en ondersteun ons absoluut ons gaste se bekommernisse oor die veiligheid en welstand van hul troeteldiere. Dit was ons plesier om hierdie versoek te akkommodeer en u gemoedsrus te verseker. Daarbenewens het jy genoem dat daar geen voorsiening was vir noodsaaklike dienste tydens beurtkrag in jou aanvanklike hersiening nie. Ons wil graag duidelik maak dat ons wel rugsteunmaatreëls in plek het vir sulke situasies. Ons verskaf rugsteunkrag vir Wi-Fi en het noodligte beskikbaar in ons eenhede, wat verseker dat ons gaste verbind en veilig kan bly selfs tydens kragonderbrekings. Ons personeel is toegewyd om ons gaste se gerief en welstand te verseker, en mev. Wade se voortdurende kontak en ondersteuning is 'n voorbeeld van hierdie verbintenis. Dankie dat u ons onderneming gekies het, en ons hoop dat u oorgang na Engeland glad verloop het. Ons sien uit daarna om jou in die toekoms terug te verwelkom, hetsy vir nog 'n verblyf of om bloot ons span in te haal. Groete, Fourways Gardens Gastelandgoed

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Rudine D
Long stay On business
Mar 2022

See my comment later. See stars.

Sien my kommentaar later. Sien sterre.

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Value for money

Nic V
1 night stay With partner
Nov 2020

Unhygienic, poor service, no coffee, washing up liquid or dish towels, crockery sticky, dirty, clearly no preparations made for our search. We were regular visitors until last year. We were booked for 19 November 2020 and 22 November 2020. The following greeted us: Toilet bowl flush knob broken. Bathroom blind broken. Shower door and shower dirty. Kitchen scraps, kettle, cutlery sticky and dirty. No dish soap or dishcloths. Table's glass top dirty. Sofa and cushions in TV area dirty. Bedroom curtains hang askew due to broken hooks. The floor of the unit was dirty, sticky and very dusty. When we arrived on November 22, the bed linen was not even made or the used cups and plates washed - totally inexcusable. This guest house has deteriorated so far that they are currently not worth one star, not even 4 stars as they advertise. We strongly disapprove of this!

Onhigïenies, swak diens, geen koffie, skottelgoedwasmiddel of vadoeke, breekgoed taai, vuil, duidelik geen voorbereidings getref vir ons desoek nie. Ons was gereelde besoekers tot verlede jaar. Ons was bespreek vir 19 November 2020 en 22 November 2020. Die volgende het ons begroet: Toiletbakspoelknop stukkend. Badkamerblinding stukkend. Stortdeur en stort vuil. Kombuisbreekgoed, ketel, eetgerei taai en vuil. Geen skottelgoedwasmiddel of vadoeke nie. Tafel se glasblad smerig. Bank en kussings in TV-area vuil. Slaapvertrek se gordyne hang skeef agv stukkende hakies. Die vloer van die eenheid was vuil, taai en baie stowwerig. Met ons aankoms op 22 November was die beddegoed nie eens reggetrek of die gebruikte koppies en borde gewas nie - totaal onverskoonbaar. Hierdie gastehuis het het so ver agteruitgegaan dat hul tans nie een ster werd is nie, glad nie 4 sterre soos hul adverteer nie. Ons keur dit ten sterkste af!

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Value for money
Fourways Gardens Guest Estate

Good day, and thank you for your review. We are sad to hear that the guest felt that they did not have a good experience at Fourways Gardens Guest Estate. As noted the guests were booked in for one night on 19 November and another night on 22 November. On arrival, Mrs. Wade explained to the guests that due to the Covid situation, no rooms would be entered by any staff during their stay. These policies are put in place to protect the guests, the management, and staff of our establishment. She also offered the guests the keys to the unit for the entire period from 19 November to check out on 23 November 2020, to make it more convenient for the guests so they could leave some of their belongings in the unit. Which they accepted. The guests are offered a hand spray on arrival but we do not provide any sanitizing liquids for the guests. This is because we are a self-catering establishment and because most guests prefer to use their own products. The unit was cleaned and sanitized by the staff prior to their arrival. If there was any sticky residue, it may have been from the room sanitizing spray. The floor was cleaned by Mrs. Wade the owner, prior to arrival. We were not made aware of a problem with the flushing button on the toilet. We were not made aware that the blind drawstrings were tangled. The shower door and floor were cleaned prior to the arrival of the guests. If there was a sticky residue it may have been from the sanitizing chemicals. The crockery was cleaned prior to the arrival of the guests. The kettle may have had sanitizer residue on it. The guest did not inform us that the dishwashing liquid was missing nor that there were no dishcloths. We operate on the basis at this moment in time of minimal staff so this may have been an oversight by Mrs. Wade as she was the person that did clean the unit. The TV, table, and couch were sticky due to the sanitizer residue. The curtain hooks on the net curtain were broken and the curtain was taken off the window because the guest did not want us to fix the problem on their arrival. The guests agreed to take the keys and retain them for the entire four nights even though they paid only for two nights. They agreed that they had full control of the unit for that time and that no staff would enter the unit for the entire time. Mrs. Wade would always encourage guests to report to her anything that they are not happy with, then we could resolve the matter instantly.

Goeie dag, en dankie vir jou resensie. Ons is hartseer om te hoor dat die gas gevoel het dat hulle nie 'n goeie ervaring by Fourways Gardens Gastelandgoed gehad het nie. Soos opgemerk is die gaste vir een nag op 19 November en nog 'n nag op 22 November ingeboek. Met aankoms het mev. Wade aan die gaste verduidelik dat weens die Covid-situasie geen kamers deur enige personeel betree sal word tydens hul verblyf nie. Hierdie beleide word ingestel om die gaste, die bestuur en personeel van ons instansie te beskerm. Sy het ook vir die gaste die sleutels van die eenheid vir die hele tydperk vanaf 19 November aangebied om op 23 November 2020 uit te gaan, om dit vir die gaste geriefliker te maak sodat hulle van hul besittings in die eenheid kan los. Wat hulle aanvaar het. Die gaste word 'n handsproei aangebied met aankoms, maar ons voorsien geen ontsmettingsvloeistowwe vir die gaste nie. Dit is omdat ons 'n selfsorg-onderneming is en omdat die meeste gaste verkies om hul eie produkte te gebruik. Die eenheid is voor hul aankoms deur die personeel skoongemaak en ontsmet. As daar enige taai oorblyfsels was, was dit dalk van die kamerreinigingssproei. Die vloer is voor aankoms deur mev. Wade die eienaar skoongemaak. Ons is nie bewus gemaak van 'n probleem met die spoelknoppie op die toilet nie. Ons is nie bewus gemaak dat die blinde trekkoorde verstrengel was nie. Die stortdeur en vloer is skoongemaak voor die aankoms van die gaste. As daar 'n taai oorblyfsel was, was dit dalk van die ontsmettende chemikalieë. Die breekware is skoongemaak voor die aankoms van die gaste. Die ketel het moontlik ontsmettingsmiddelresidu op gehad. Die gas het ons nie ingelig dat die opwasmiddel ontbreek nie en ook nie dat daar geen vadoeke is nie. Ons funksioneer op die basis op hierdie oomblik in tyd van minimale personeel so dit was dalk 'n oorsig deur mev. Wade aangesien sy die persoon was wat die eenheid skoongemaak het. Die TV, tafel en rusbank was taai as gevolg van die ontsmettingsmiddel-residu. Die gordynhake op die netgordyn was gebreek en die gordyn is van die venster afgehaal omdat die gas nie wou hê ons moet die probleem met hul aankoms regmaak nie. Die gaste het ingestem om die sleutels te neem en dit vir die hele vier nagte te behou al het hulle net vir twee nagte betaal. Hulle het ooreengekom dat hulle vir daardie tyd volle beheer oor die eenheid gehad het en dat geen personeel vir die hele tyd die eenheid sou betree nie. Mev. Wade sal gaste altyd aanmoedig om enigiets waarmee hulle nie tevrede is, aan haar te rapporteer nie, dan kan ons die saak dadelik oplos.

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Lynette D
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Dec 2019

Well equipped, well located near Monte Casino. Well equipped, centrally located near Monte Casino and other places. Thank you!

Goed toegerus, goed geleë naby Monte Casino. Goed toegerus, sentraal geleë naby Monte Casino en ander plekke. Dankie!

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Value for money
Fourways Gardens Guest Estate

Thank you for your review. We hope to see you all again here, soon.

Dankie vir jou resensie. Ons hoop om julle almal binnekort weer hier te sien.

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Anonymous Guest
Short stay Individual traveller
Jan 2019

Value for money
Fourways Gardens Guest Estate
We are saddened that the guest did not enjoy his stay at our establishment. He is correct in stating that there is no airconditioning ,however each cottage is equipped with fans. Unfortunately Gauteng did experience a heat wave during January. We were graded for four stars by the tourism grading council in August 2018 as has been the case for many years. The entire establishment was totally revamped including re-tiling every room about five years ago so the units are relatively new.We have a permanent maintenance team onsite and all maintenance issues are dealt with immediately. We strictly adhere to the standards that are set by the Grading council for a four star establishment at all times.

Dierdre T
Short stay With friends
Aug 2019

Totally dissatisfied. Advert and rating was totally misleading. We expected to get a well maintained, clean apartment. If "good" rates are advertised, then at least specify that the accommodation in not up to standard and the property and units are not clean and well maintained.

Value for money

Nic V
Short stay With partner
Nov 2018

Good, neat, well located, excellent service. Excellent service by Jean, well located for a visit to any location in the northern areas in Johannesburg.

Goed, netjies, goed geleë, uitstekende diens. Uitstekende diens deur Jean, goed geleë vir 'n besoek aan enige plek in die noordelike gebiede in Johannesburg.

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Value for money
Fourways Gardens Guest Estate

We would like to express our gratitude for your kind and lovely remarks. Thank you once again for staying with us, it is our pleasure to have you back among us in the near future.

Ons wil graag ons dankbaarheid uitspreek vir u vriendelike en pragtige opmerkings. Weereens baie dankie dat u by ons gebly het, dit is vir ons 'n plesier om u in die nabye toekoms terug te hê onder ons.

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Nic V
Short stay With partner
May 2018

High quality and quiet in the heart of Fourways. Very neat and well equipped. We were kindly received by Jean. Very well located for any destination in the north of Johannesburg. Very calm. We will support Jean again.

Van hoogstaande gehalte en rustig in die hart van Fourways. Baie netjies en goed toegerus. Ons is vriendelik deur Jean ontvang. Baie goed geleë vir enige bestemming in die noorde van Johannesburg. Baie rustig. Ons sal Jean weer ondersteun.

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Value for money
Fourways Gardens Guest Estate

Thank you very much for your kind remarks. We wish you both all the best, and we hope to see you again in the near future.

Baie dankie vir jou vriendelike opmerkings. Ons wens julle albei alle sterkte toe, en ons hoop om julle in die nabye toekoms weer te sien.

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Lizane H
1 night stay
Jun 2018

It's a big mistake to give the place 4 stars. No way! Although the place has a fantastic location (really just 5 minutes from Monte Casino), the price is acceptable for what one gets (in that area) and the place is clean, it's where it ends. It was a big disappointment. We expected 4 star (according to the Tourism Grading Counsel), but it's all but 4 star. The parking is an untidy draped cover. The rooms are concise, without numbers on your room or key. The candlestick misses two arms, the water is just lukewarm and the walls are like cardboard and with neighbours being loud all night and you can hear every word they say you do not sleep much. And on top of everything, you give your key back to a man in his pajamas! Who was never very friendly to start with. And they put their SA flag 4 star sign up at the entrance. The standard had to be severely compromised.

Dis 'n groot fout om die plek 4 sterre te gee. No way! Alhoewel die slaapplek 'n fantastiese ligging het, (regtig net 5 minute vanaf Monte Casino), die prys aanvaarbaar is vir wat mens kry (in daai omgewing) en die plek mooi skoon was, is dit egter waar dit eindig. Dit was 'n groot teleurstelling. Ons het 4 ster verwag (volgens die Tourism Grading Counsel), maar dit is alles behalwe 4 ster. Die parkering is 'n onnetjiese gedrappeerde skadunet. Die kamers is beknop, sonder nommers op jou kamer of sleutel. Die kandelaar mis twee arms, die water was net louwarm en die mure is soos karton en met bure wat heelnag lank kliphard te kere gaan en jy kan elke woord hoor wat hulle sê, slaap jy nie veel nie. En om als te kroon, gee jy jou sleutel terug vir 'n man in sy pajamas! Wat nooit vreeslik vriendelik was om mee te begin nie. En hulle sit hulle SA vlag 4 sterre bordjie wragtig op by die ingang. Die standaard moes ernstig gesak het.

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Value for money
Fourways Gardens Guest Estate

We are sorry that that the guest lodge did meet the expectations of the guest. We thank the guest for pointing out that there was an anchor point on the shade cloth that had come loose, we will get our maintenance team to refasten it immediately. We have checked the hot water geyser and the solar panel that feeds the system, and found them to be in working order. So we are not sure why the water was no hot on the day that the guests stayed in the unit. We have checked the chandeliers and found that someone had shifted the arms of the chandelier to one side, making the chandelier out of balance. We have re-balanced the chandelier. The walls of each unit are double layer brick, right up to the apex of the roof and sound proofed. We regret that the neighbours were making a noise. This was not communicated to us at the time. The guest in his pyjamas and dressing gown, had just got out of bed to make coffee in the kitchen and tried to assist the customer long before the office was open. I think he was just trying to help.

Ons is jammer dat die gaste-lodge wel aan die verwagtinge van die gas voldoen het. Ons bedank die gas wat uitgewys het dat daar 'n ankerpunt op die skadu lap was wat losgekom het, ons sal ons instandhoudingspan kry om dit dadelik weer vas te maak. Ons het die warmwater-geiser en die sonpaneel wat die stelsel voed nagegaan en gevind dat dit in 'n werkende toestand is. Ons is dus nie seker hoekom die water nie warm was op die dag wat die gaste in die eenheid gebly het nie. Ons het die kandelare nagegaan en gevind dat iemand die arms van die kandelaar eenkant toe geskuif het, wat die kandelaar uit balans gemaak het. Ons het die kandelaar weer gebalanseer. Die mure van elke eenheid is dubbellaag baksteen, tot by die toppunt van die dak en klankdig. Ons is jammer dat die bure 'n geraas gemaak het. Dit is nie destyds aan ons gekommunikeer nie. Die gas in sy slaapklere en kamerjas, het pas uit die bed opgestaan om koffie in die kombuis te maak en die kliënt probeer bystaan lank voor die kantoor oop was. Ek dink hy het net probeer help.

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Jean Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 19

On LekkeSlaap 14 years

From R795
R 795 R 557
per night (sleeps 2)
From R795
R 795 R 557
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 33 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 09:00
  • Address: 27 Richard Road, Kengies, Fourways, Johannesburg, 2055, Gauteng
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJDM2MmY2MjQzLTNkZmQtNDQ1Yi1hYTNhLTk4YWEyZDA5YjQ5NA?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R795 nowFrom R557 per night (sleeps 2) 19 5 1 4 27 Richard Road Kengies, Fourways 2055 Gauteng 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 09:00 -26.000317489702 28.000888824463

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