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Griet se Plek

Self Catering


4.9/ 5

Based on 113 reviews


Value for money
Sakkie G
Short stay Family with young children
Jul 2024

Nice stay. Hospitably received. Lovely place, well located, friendly, hospitable people. Very professional and very neat. Can recommend it first class.

Lekker gebly. Gasvry ontvang. Lieflike plekkie, goed geleë, vriendelike, gasvrye mense. Baie professioneel en baie netjies. Kan dit eersteklas aanbeveel.

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Value for money
Griet se Plek

Good morning Sakkie, Thank you very much for taking the time to provide us with a review. We are very happy that you enjoyed your stay here and it is a privilege to be of good service to our guests. We wish you a blessed year. Friendly greeting Tess and Deon Griet's Place

Goeie more Sakkie, Baie dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om ons van 'n resensie te voorsien. Ons is baie bly dat julle die verblyf hier geniet het en is dit 'n voorreg om ons gaste van goeie diens te wees. Ons wens julle 'n geseende jaar toe. Vriendelike groete Tess en Deon Griet se Plek

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Adri M
Short stay With friends
Jun 2024

Fantastic. Tess and her husband greeted us very kindly and made us feel welcome. The place has the most beautiful view and is neat and clean. And nice and quiet. There is everything we needed and it was a lovely experience.

Fantasties. Tess en haar man het ons baie vriendelik gegroet en welkom laat voel. Die plek het die mooiste uitsig en is netjies en skoon. En lekker stil en rustig. Daar is alles wat ons nodig gehad het en dit was 'n heerlike ervaring.

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Value for money
Griet se Plek

Good morning Adri, Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with a review. We are so grateful that you enjoyed your stay here and it was so nice to meet you. You as guests make it really fun to be in the industry and it is our endeavor to provide our guests with good service. A beautiful year ahead Tess and Deon Griet's Place

Goeie more Adri, So baie dankie dat jy tyd geneem het om ons van 'n resensie te voorsien. Ons is so dankbaar dat julle die verblyf hier geniet het en dit was so aangenaam om julle te ontmoet. Julle as gaste maak dit regtig lekker om in die bedryf te wees en is dit ons strewe om ons gaste van goeie diens te voorsien. 'n Mooi jaar verder Tess en Deon Griet se Plek

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Helanie V
Long stay Family with teenagers
Mar 2024

Fantasmagories. Tess and Deon are lovely people. Made us feel very welcome upon arrival. Delicious biscuits together with coffee, tea, sugar and milk in the kitchen and chocolate with a welcome card. Tess sent the load shedding schedule every day and stopped by regularly to see if we needed anything. Lovely spacious apartment with everything you need and more. Home away from home. Deon even lent us a beach chair for the week. Best holiday apartment we have ever stayed in. Would definitely recommend the place.

Tess en Deon is dierbare mense. Het ons baie welkom laat voel met ons aankoms. Lekkerste beskuit saam koffie, tee, suiker en melk in die kombuis en sjokolade met 'n verwelkomingskaartjie. Tess het die beurtkrag skedule elke dag deurgestuur en gereeld kom inloer om te hoor of ons iets nodig het. Lieflike ruim woonstel met alles wat nodig is en meer. Home away from home. Deon het selfs 'n strandstoel vir ons geleend vir die week. Beste vakansie woonstel waar ons nog gebly het. Sal die plek definitief aanbeveel.

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Value for money
Griet se Plek

Good morning Helanie, Thank you very much for taking the time to provide us with a review. We are so grateful for your feedback and appreciate it very much. We strive to provide good service and are so glad we could contribute. We wish you a wonderful year and hope to see you again one day. beautiful day Tess and Deon Griet's Place

Goeie more Helanie, Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy geneem het om ons van 'n resensie te voorsien. Ons is so dankbaar vir julle terugvoer en waardeer dit baie. Ons streef daarna om goeie diens te lewer en is so bly ons kon bydra. Ons wens julle 'n wonderlike jaar toe en hoop sien weer op 'n dag. Mooi dag Tess en Deon Griet se Plek

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Marion B
Short stay With partner
Jan 2024

Highly recommended with top notch service at all times. Will definitely be. When we got there, the hosts were waiting for us to welcome us. They didn't hesitate to take us up and make us feel at home. It is beautiful and clean, and I would recommend them every time.

Value for money
Griet se Plek

Good afternoon Marion, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience here at Griet se Plek. We are so fortunate and it is always a pleasure to welcome our guests upon arrival. We strive to give our best and it would not be possible without our dedicated personnel. Hope to see you again and wish you all the best for the year. Kind regards, Tess and Deon Griet se Plek

Goeie middag Marion, Baie dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om jou ervaring hier by Griet se Plek te deel. Ons is so bevoorreg en dit is altyd 'n plesier om ons gaste met aankoms te verwelkom. Ons streef daarna om ons beste te lewer en dit sou nie moontlik wees sonder ons toegewyde personeel nie. Hoop om julle weer te sien en wens julle alle voorspoed toe vir die jaar. Vriendelike groete, Tess en Deon Griet se Plek

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Bettie B
Short stay Family with young children
Dec 2023

Delicious. Restful. Safe. Relaxed. It was the nicest place I've stayed in years.

Heerlik. Rustig. Veilig. Ontspanne. Dit was die lekkerste blyplek waar ek in jare was.

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Value for money
Griet se Plek

Good afternoon Bettie, Thank you very much for taking the time to provide us with a review. We appreciate your feedback and are grateful that you enjoyed your stay here. We are a team that strives to be of good service to our guests. We wish you a blessed New Year and hope to see you again one day. Friendly greeting, Tess and Deon Griet's Place

Goeie middag Bettie, Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy geneem het om ons van 'n resensie te voorsien. Ons waardeer julle terugvoer en is dankbaar dat julle die verblyf hier geniet het. Ons is 'n span wat streef om ons gaste van goeie diens te wees. Ons wens julle 'n geseënde Nuwe Jaar toe en hoop ons sien julle weer op 'n dag. Vriendelike groete, Tess en Deon Griet se Plek

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Eduan M
Short stay Large group
Nov 2023

Damn licks! The owner and her husband are incredibly friendly and everything was just comfortable. Would recommend to anyone who just wants a nice quiet time by the sea.

Vrek lekke! Die eienaares en haar man is verskriklik vriendelik en alles was net gemaklik. Sal vir enige iemand aanbeveel wat net 'n lekker rustige tyd wil hê by die see.

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Value for money
Griet se Plek

Good afternoon Eduan, Thank you very much for taking the time to provide us with a review. We appreciate your feedback and it is a privilege to be of good service to our guests. Our staff also contribute to our service and also our appreciation for it. A beautiful day and we look forward to welcoming you here again one day. Friendly greeting Tess and Deon Griet's Place

Goeie middag Eduan, Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy geneem het om ons van 'n resensie te voorsien. Ons waardeer julle terugvoer en dit is 'n voorreg om ons gaste van goeie diens te wees. Ons personeel dra ook by tot ons diens en ook ons waardering daarvoor. 'n Mooi dag en ons sien uit om julle weer op 'n dag hier te verwelkom. Vriendelike groete Tess en Deon Griet se Plek

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Elsie K
Short stay With friends
Oct 2023

It was great fun and the best service. Clean, friendly, affordable, right for the pocket and mind. Upon arrival we were welcomed with open arms as if we were family. We have become family now. Will definitely go again and tell everyone where their next holiday could be. Best price, best service, best holiday ever. Thank you very much for an unforgettable holiday. God bless you.

Dit was vet pret en die beste diens. Skoon, vriendelik, bekostigbaar, reg vir die sak en gees. Met aankoms was ons met ope arms verwelkom asof ons familie was. Ons het nou familie geword. Sal beslis weer gaan en aan iedereen verkondig waar hul volgende vakansie kan wees. Beste prys, beste diens, die beste vakansie ooit. Baie dankie, vir 'n onvergeetlike vakansie. God seen julle.

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Value for money
Griet se Plek

Good afternoon Elsie, Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with a review. We are so grateful that you enjoyed your stay here and it is our endeavor to be of service to our guests here. We enjoyed your chats so much and wish you all the best. We look forward to welcoming you here again and wish you a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Friendly greeting Tess and Deon Griet's Place

Goeie middag Elsie, So baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy geneem het om ons van n resensie te voorsien. Ons is so dankbaar dat julle die verblyf hier geniet het en dit is ons strewe om ons gaste hier van diens te wees. Ons het julle geselsies so geniet en wens julle alles wat mooi is toe. Ons sien uit om julle weer hier te verwelkom en wens julle n wonderlike Kersfees en Nuwe Jaar toe. Vriendelike Groete Tess en Deon Griet se Plek

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Susan V
Short stay Family with teenagers
Oct 2023

Outstanding. Aunt and uncle are dear people and have crept deep into our hearts. They will see us again next year. The place is even more beautiful than in the photos.

Uitstekend. Tannie en oom is dierbare mense en het diep in ons hart gekruip. Hulle sien ons volgende jaar weer. Die plekkie is nog mooier as op die fotos.

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Value for money
Griet se Plek

Good afternoon Susan, Thank you very much for the time you took to provide us here at Griet's Place with a review. We are so grateful that you enjoyed your stay here. We strive to be our guests and together with our staff it is a privilege. We enjoyed your chats just as much and look forward to welcoming you here again. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Friendly greeting Tess and Deon Griet's Place

Goeie middag Susan, Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy geneem het om ons hier by Griet se Plek van n resensie te voorsien. Ons is so dankbaar dat julle die verblyf hier geniet het . Ons streef daarna om ons gaste van die te wees en saam met ons personeel is dit n voorreg. Ons het julle geselsies net so geniet en sien uit om julle weer hier te verwelkom. n Baie Geseende Kersfees en n Voorspoedige Nuwe jaar Vriendelike groete Tess en Deon Griet se Plek

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Hester B
Short stay Family with teenagers
Aug 2023

Excellent service, beautiful sea view, very neat and clean. Griet's place is highly recommended with very friendly owners.

Uitstekende diens, pragtige see-uitsig, baie netjies en skoon. Griet se plek word hoogs aanbeveel met baie vriendelike eienaars.

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Value for money
Griet se Plek

Good afternoon Hettie, Thank you very much for taking the time to provide us with a review. We appreciate your feedback and strive to be of service to our guests. It was so nice to meet you and we wish you a good year ahead. Friendly greeting Tess and Deon Griet's Place

Goeie middag Hettie, Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy geneem het om ons van n resensie te voorsien. Ons waardeur julle terugvoer en streef daarna om ons gaste van diens te wees. Dit was so lekker om julle te ontmoet en ons wens julle n mooi jaar verder. Vriendelike groete Tess en Deon Griet se Plek

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Werner B
Short stay With partner
Aug 2023

Fantastic break greeted with a warm welcome. Tess and Deon immediately made us feel at home. We were kindly received. The accommodation was clean, well equipped (also has the necessary for load shedding times) and has a very nice sea view.

Fantastiese wegbreek wat met 'n warm welkom begroet is. Tess en Deon het ons dadelik tuis laat voel. Ons is vriendelik ontvang. Die blyplek was skoon, goed toegerus (het ook die nodige vir beurtkragtye) en het 'n baie mooi see-uitsig.

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Value for money
Griet se Plek

Good morning Werner, Thank you very much for taking the time to provide us with a review. It is a privilege to provide our guests with a good quality service and we are grateful that you enjoyed your stay here. May it be a special year ahead and look forward to welcoming you here again. beautiful day Tess and Deon Griet's Place

Goeie more Werner, Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy geneem het om ons van n resensie te voorsien. Dit is n voorreg om ons gaste van n goeie gehalte diens te voorsien en ons is dankbaar dat julle jul verblyf hier geniet het. Mag dit n besonderse jaar verder wees en sien uit om julle weer hier te verwelkom. Mooi dag Tess en Deon Griet se Plek

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Tess Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 113

On LekkeSlaap 7 years

From R600
per night (sleeps 5)
per night (sleeps 5)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 10 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 09:00
  • Address: 6 Hillcrest Avenue, Uvongo, 4270, KwaZulu-Natal
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJDNiYmMzOTJhLTg3MTMtNGFhZC1iMDJhLTAzZjdjZGUwZjViYw?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R600 per night (sleeps 5) 113 5 1 5 6 Hillcrest Avenue Uvongo 4270 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 09:00 -30.826794521597 30.399475317196

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