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Hidden Grace Self-catering Unit

Self Catering

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Munette Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 103

On LekkeSlaap 6 years

Review Summary

3.7 out of 5from 12 reviews for Hidden Grace Self-catering Unit
Value for money
Walter P - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Walter P
Large group

Sien sterre

Eerstens, groot teleurstelling. Uitgesien na jaarlange, vooruitbeplande familie-naweek. Julle het 'n dubbel booking gemaak na ons 2 eenhede in golf estate bespreek het. Hidden Grace is vir ons aangebied teen dieselfde tarief, sien ons nou eers. Koud en onpersoonlik. Kombuis beskik nie oor basiese toerusting. Nie panne nie, nie lappe vir opwas, 1 vadoek. Geen vatlappe. Slegs warm water in agterste deel van huis. Stoeptafel met stomp reggemaak. Stort met warm water. Nie seepbakkie. Nie plek daar vir toiletpapier. Lig in eetkamer kan nie afgesit word nie. Gaste wat slaap in oop kamer moet slaap met 'n aan lig. Water wat van tenk af kom se kragprop in 1 van die kamers waar enigste muurprop is, is ongemerk. Sodra daardie prop gebruik word vir haardroër of selfone is daar geen water. Geen kopstuk daar en geen bedkassies. Moes stoele gebruik. Toegangshek stukkend. Moet met hand gestoot word en hak aan lemmetjiesdraad. Moeilik om in en uit perseel te beweeg. Geen sleutel in agterdeur. Mense het laatmiddag net in woning ingestap sonder klop of toestemming. Ons het aangedring om sleutel te neem. Voordeur kan nie sluit nie. Net van binne af. Geen privaatheid nie. Mense wat visvang hou al jou bewegings dop. Nee, wat 'n teleurstelling.

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See stars

First, huge disappointment. Looking forward to year-long, pre-planned family weekend. You made a double booking after we booked 2 units in golf estate. Hidden Grace was offered to us at the same rate, let's see. Cold and impersonal. Kitchen does not have basic equipment. No pans, no cloths for washing up, 1 tea towel. No barrel rags. Only hot water in back part of house. Porch table with log fixed. Shower with warm water. Not a soap dish. No room there for toilet paper. Light in dining room cannot be turned off. Guests sleeping in an open room must sleep with a light on. Water coming from tank's power plug in 1 of the rooms where only wall plug is unmarked. Once that plug is used for hair dryer or cell phones there is no water. No headboard there and no bedside tables. Had to use chairs. Entrance gate broken. Must be pushed by hand and hooked to razor wire. Difficult to move in and out of premises. No key in back door. People just walked into homes late in the afternoon without knocking or permission. We insisted on taking key. Front door cannot lock. Only from the inside. No privacy. People who fish watch your every move. No, what a disappointment.

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Artwell M - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Artwell M
Family with young children


Service is very poor with no communication system. There is no back-up power, and we spent the whole Christmas stuck. The place is not clean, and there is no WiFi in this modern era.

Prince M - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Prince M
With friends

Breathtaking experience.

This is best holiday home when you want to unwind.

Kim V - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Kim V

The location is amazing, but the home needs some TLC.

I loved the location; the cleaning staff are wonderful and the housekeepers were great. The home just needs a little bit of TLC. The oven has a mind of its own as does the hob so was difficult to prepare food. The braai facility is stunning as are the gardens. The main en suite toilet leaks prolifically and there is no toilet seat on the one toilet upstairs. Not all the taps work,. The lounge is lovely and the full bouquet of channels great. The blinds need to be replaced in several rooms in the house. There is quite a big leak into the house when it rains above the sliding door from the lounge to the patio. The table needs to be repaired on the patio. Our stay was very pleasant and we enjoyed ourselves.

Harry W - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Harry W
Large group

Baie verwaarloos.

Dit wat adverteer is is nie wat ons beleef het nie. Die plek is baie verwaarloos. Alhoewel skoon, lyk dit sleg. Die krag het getrip. Die stoof het nie gewerk nie. Blessing - die dame wat daar bly het haar bes probeer om te help, maar sy kan nie veel doen nie. Die dame wat toesig hou, wie ons gebel het, was baie onbehulpsaam.

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Very neglected.

What is advertised is not what we experienced. The place is very neglected. Although clean, it looks bad. The power tripped. The stove did not work. Blessing - the lady who lives there tried her best to help, but she can't do much. The lady in charge who called us was very unhelpful.

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Gene P - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Gene P
Large group

It was a great place to just relax and breathe and catch up with our friends.

From the fresh clean linen to the comfy couches in the TV room, to the big green garden and the spacious braai area – this house was a pure joy to stay at. This was really one of the best weekends I have had with friends. Kitchen utensils were too few (especially the glasses), but nothing we weren’t able to sort out. Amazing and friendly staff who were there when we needed. Would definitely like to return next year!

Shumi L - Jun 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Shumi L
With friends


Keep up the good work.

Nkhabele M - Feb 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Nkhabele M
With friends

Weekend to remember.

For a quick weekend away with friends, the experience was superb. The place is very nice and clean. Easy to find. Ready at check in time, friendly staff who's not on your face unnecessarily but there should you need her. Quiet and peaceful, beautiful spacey rooms, garden is well kept and lusciously green. Lovely views of the Vaal river banks. Will definitely recommend it to friends and family.

Adele J - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Adele J
With friends

Goed geleë en lekker spasie. Plekkie is mooi maar kort aandag.

Die plek is baie mooi en op 'n lekker plek geleë met mooi uitsigte. Genoeg spasie en ruim. Kamers en beddens was mooi skoon en netjies oorgetrek, maar die kombuis het paar plekke gehad wat vuil was met goggas en spinnerakke. Die geriewe soos utensils en klein bordjies ens was min, die deur kosyn val af, die blinds is nie in goeie kondisie nie. Venster vas soldeer wat snaaks is.

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Well located and nice space. Plekkie is beautiful but needs attention.

The place is very nice and located in a nice place with nice views. Enough space and roomy. Rooms and beds were nicely clean and neatly covered, but the kitchen had a few places that were dirty with bugs and cobwebs. The amenities such as utensils and small plates etc. were few, the door frame is falling off, the blinds are not in good condition. Solder window which is funny.

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Adriaan C - Oct 2020
Overall rating
Value for money
Adriaan C
With friends

Onnet, slordig, vuil, ongeskikte eienaars, onbehulpsaam.

Die advertensies en foto's wat op die webtuiste geadverteer is en hoe die plek werklik gelyk het was 2 verskillende dinge, valse advertering. Daar word geadverteer daarso is plek vir 9 mense met 5 slaapkamers, maar daarso was in die huis in totaal net plek vir 8 mense met 4 slaapkamers uitsluitend die cottage huis. Toe ons in gecheck het, toe was die eienaar, skoonmakers en tuindienste nog steeds op die perseel tot en met 17:00 wat incheck baie ongemaklik vir ons gaste gemaak het. Die tafel buite by die swembad se een poot was afgebreek toe ons arriveer en al wat omtrent dit gedoen was is dat iemand 'n groot boomstomp in die plek van die poot gesit het. Die tafel het heel naweek rondbeweeg en dit was baie onveilig. Die kombuis was vieslik vuil, die vurke in die laai het nog ou kos tussen hulle gehad die stoof was vuil en smetterig, die oond se laaie was vuil en nog vol kos. Die microwave se bord het 'n vet, wit laag ou kos of melk op gehad en die deur was smetterig vol kos gespat, dit het ons verhoed om enige kos te verhit die naweek. Die oond was gebreek so ons kon nie kosmaak soos ons wou nie, die inligting was ook eers gekommunikeer aan ons toe ons arriveer. Die cottage se lakens het voëlmus op gehad, wat onaanvaarbaar is met geen ekstra lakens in die kaste nie. Die beddens was vol stof toe ons arriveer, wat aandui dit was nie gewas nie buiten die hoofslaapkamer se beddegoed wat splinternuut was. Een kamer het nie bedkassies gehad nie, die lampies het op stoele gestaan, die cottage het nie eers bedkassies gehad langs die bed nie. Die Saterdagoggend was daarso tuinwerkers besig in die tuin en hierdie was nie gekommunikeer met ons nie, hierdie kwessie is ontstellend aangesien ons net 'n klomp vrouens die oggend in die huis was en twee vreemde mans was besig in die tuin wat die oggend vir ons baie ongemaklik gemaak het. Daarso is onder fasiliteite op die webtuiste gelys dat daarso satelliet-TV is, maar geen TV het aan satelliet-TV beskik (daar was by geen TV DStv-decoders gekoppel nie en ons wou die naweek sport kyk). Daar was nie genoeg glase vir elke gas nie, geen wynglase of lang glase nie.

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Untidy, sloppy, dirty, inept owners, unhelpful.

The ads and photos advertised on the website and what the place actually looked like were 2 different things, false advertising. It is advertised that there is room for 9 people with 5 bedrooms, but there was only room in the house for 8 people with 4 bedrooms excluding the cottage house. When we checked in, the owner, cleaners and garden services were still on site until 5pm which made check in very uncomfortable for our guests. The table outside by the pool's one leg had been broken off when we arrived and all that had been done was that someone had put a large tree stump in place of the leg. The table was moving around all weekend and it was very unsafe. The kitchen was filthy, the forks in the drawer still had old food in them, the stove was dirty and filthy, the oven drawers were dirty and still full of food. The microwave's plate had a greasy, white layer of old food or milk on it and the door was smeared full of food, this prevented us from heating any food at the weekend. The oven was broken so we couldn't cook as we wanted, the information was also only communicated to us when we arrived. The cottage's sheets had bird droppings on them, which is unacceptable with no extra sheets in the cupboards. The beds were full of dust when we arrived, indicating they had not been washed apart from the master bedroom bedding which was brand new. One room didn't have bedside tables, the lamps were on chairs, the cottage didn't even have bedside tables next to the bed. On the Saturday morning there were garden workers busy in the garden and this was not communicated with us, this issue is disturbing as we were only a bunch of women in the house in the morning and two strange men were busy in the garden who in the morning gave us a lot made uncomfortable. It was listed under facilities on the website that there was satellite TV, but no TV had satellite TV (there were no DStv decoders connected to any TV and we wanted to watch sports at the weekend). There were not enough glasses for each guest, no wine glasses or tall glasses.

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Kylie V - Feb 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
Kylie V
With friends

Fenomenaal in elke aspek!

Ons het beslis ons tyd by Hidden Grace geniet! Die huis is pragtig, het vriendelike diens en is volledig toegerus. Ons sal beslis baie vinnig weer besoek.

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Phenomenal in every aspect!

We definitely enjoyed our time at Hidden Grace! The house is beautiful, has friendly service and is fully equipped. We will definitely be visiting again very soon.

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Donsie V - Sep 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
Donsie V
With friends

Pragtige tuin, mooi en versorg vanaf buite en perfekte ligging oorkant rivier.

Kliëntediens was ook baie vriendelik! Maar ek moet die volgende onder aandag bring: Die braaier was nog vol vleis en vuil van die vorige gaste asook vuil glase. Die oond het nie gewerk nie, asook die bad se kraan in die hoofslaapkamer het nie gewerk nie, slegs die stort in die bad het gewerk. Daar is geen enkelbeddens in elke kamer soos beskrywing sê nie. Dis tafels in kamers. Die mat in die leefarea kort regtig 'n was. Dankie wel vir die skoon wit linne in elke kamer en vir die vriendelike ontvangs.

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Beautiful garden, well looked after from outside and perfect location across river.

Customer service was also very friendly! But I must point out the following: The braai was still full of meat and dirt from the previous guests as well as dirty glasses. The oven didn't work, the bathtub faucet in the master bedroom didn't work, only the shower in the bath worked. There are no single beds in each room as description says. It's tables in rooms. The carpet in the living area really needs a wash. Thank you for the clean white linen in each room and for the friendly reception.

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From R3 000
R3 000 R2 550
per night (sleeps 10)
From R3 000
R3 000 R2 550
per night (sleeps 10)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 10 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 4 Esplanade Street, Parys, 9585, Free State
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXz2UsN1pAUbPrUlDvkVV793QtEMgAB59yXcoKkHbe4lxosHn5h?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R3 000 nowFrom R2 550 per night (sleeps 10) 12 5 1 4 4 Esplanade Street Parys 9585 Free State 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -26.895554525781 27.45913523373

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