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Hotel 224 and Serviced Apartments


4/ 5

Based on 25 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Edwin N
1 night stay Large group
May 2023

Great accommodation, value for money, excellent views from the rooms. Great place. Fully secured.

Value for money
Hotel 224 and Serviced Apartments

Dear Guest, Thank you for your choosing Hotel 224, we are very happy to heat that you enjoyed your stay. We look forward to hearing from you again in the near future. Kind regards Bernice

Geagte gas, Dankie dat jy Hotel 224 gekies het, ons is baie bly om te sê dat jy jou verblyf geniet het. Ons sien uit daarna om in die nabye toekoms weer van jou te hoor. Vriendelike groete Bernice

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Fritz S
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Jul 2023

Best option in Arcadia. Arcadia is not a pleasant area. If you do have to/want to stay in the area, 224 offers you the no. 1 option for accommodation, and is value for money, tidy, safe and very good service.

Beste opsie in Arcadia. Arcadia is nie 'n aangename area nie. Indien jy wel in die area moet/wil bly, bied 224 vir jou die nr 1 opsie vir verblyf, en is waarde vir geld, netjies, veilig en baie goeie diens.

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Value for money
Hotel 224 and Serviced Apartments

Dear Fritz, Thank you for your review and for recommending our hotel to other travelers. We are looking forward to hearing from you again in the near future. Kind regards Bernice

Liewe Fritz, Dankie vir jou resensie en dat jy ons hotel aan ander reisigers aanbeveel het. Ons sien daarna uit om in die nabye toekoms weer van jou te hoor. Vriendelike groete Bernice

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Hein C
Short stay With partner
Aug 2024

Value for money with great service and great food. It was a pleasure to stay there and great service.

Waarde vir jou geld met puik diens en puik kos. Dit was 'n plesier om daar te bly en puik diens.

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Value for money

Theunis D
1 night stay With partner
Jul 2023

Safe place to sleep over from Loftus Versveld. Food was great. Just 50 minutes' drive from the East Rand.

Veilige plek om oor te slaap vanaf Loftus Versveld. Kos was puik. Net 50min se ry vanaf die Oos-Rand.

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Value for money
Hotel 224 and Serviced Apartments

Dear Theunis, Thank you very much for your feedback, I am very happy to hear that you enjoyed it. We look forward to hearing from you again. regards Bernice

Beste Theunis, Baie dankie vir u terugvoer, ek is baie bly om te hoor julle het dit geniet. Ons sien uit om weer van u te hoor. Groete Bernice

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Jako B
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Sep 2024

Definitely worth it. We were impressed with how clean and tidy it was and would recommend anyone to book with Hotel 224. The hotel is central to all the attractions. A special thanks also to Kenneth who made sure with the shuttle that we could travel safely.

Beslis die moeite werd. Ons was beïndruk met hoe skoon en netjies dit was en sal enigeen aanraai om by Hotel 224 te boek. Die hotel is sentraal tot al die besienswaardighede. 'n Spesiale dankie ook aan Kenneth wat met die shuttle seker gemaak het dat ons veilig kon reis.

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Value for money

Anton V
1 night stay With partner
Aug 2023

Was nice and convenient, just had a lot of trouble checking in, they weren't ready for all the people. We got there at 14:00 and we couldn't go to the room until 15:30, had to hang around in the lobby, nobody knew what was going on and people were booked into rooms that already had people in them. It was very messy, but once we were in our room it was clean and tidy and we had a nice time there. We didn't have breakfast, but the others said the food was good.

Was lekker en gerieflik, net baie gesukkel om in te teken, hulle was nie gereed vir al die mense nie. Ons het 14:00 daar aangekom en ons het eers 15:30 kamer toe kon gaan, moes rondhang in die voorportaal, niemand het geweet wat aangaan nie en mense was in kamers ingeteken wat klaar mense in gehad het. Dit was biaie deurmekaar gewees, maar toe ons eers in ons kamer is was dit skoon en netjies en het verder 'n lekker tyd daar gehad. Ons het nie ontbyt gehad nie, maar die ander het gesê die kos is goed.

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Value for money
Hotel 224 and Serviced Apartments

Dear Anton, Thank you for your review and feedback. I am very sorry that all our rooms were not ready at 14h00. We were fully booked the previous night and many of the guests checked out late. Our housekeeping team did the best they could to ensure that we can give out the rooms as early as possible and still maintain a high standard. I hope that you will stay with us again in the future, we look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Kind regards Bernice

Liewe Anton, Dankie vir jou resensie en terugvoer. Ek is baie jammer dat al ons kamers nie 14h00 gereed was nie. Ons was die vorige aand vol bespreek en baie van die gaste het laat uitgeklok. Ons huishoudingspan het die beste gedoen wat hulle kon om te verseker dat ons die kamers so vroeg as moontlik kan uitdeel en steeds 'n hoë standaard handhaaf. Ek hoop dat jy in die toekoms weer by ons sal bly, ons sien uit daarna om in die nabye toekoms van jou te hoor. Vriendelike groete Bernice

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Rita-lize C
1 night stay With friends
Aug 2023

Bad experience. Not a good experience at all, the check in at 14h00 was chaos, the rooms were not ready yet, there were hordes of people sitting in reception waiting for their rooms, very unprofessional. Some of our friends only got their rooms before 16h00. The rooms are very small and cramped, don't think I will stay there again.

Slegte ervaring. Glad nie 'n goeie ervaring nie, die inboek om 14h00 was chaos, die kamers was nog nie gereed nie, daar het hordes mense in die ontvangs gesit en wag vir hul kamers, baie onprofessioneel. Van ons vriende het voor 16h00 eers hul kamers gekry. Die kamers is baie klein en beknop, dink nie ek sal weer daar tuisgaan nie.

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Value for money
Hotel 224 and Serviced Apartments

Dear Rita-lize, Firstly, I would like to thank you for staying with us at Hotel 224 and Serviced Apartments during your recent visit to Pretoria. Thank you for also taking the time to review and give us feedback with regard to your recent stay with us. We really appreciate Guest feedback to assist us in ensuring we meet and exceed our Guest expectations. Your comments are highly appreciated! Thank you for also sharing more details of your experience with us to assist us in making sure we do not make the same mistakes again. My team and I always do our best to ensure our guests are well looked after. I am sad to see that we have disappointed you and that our rooms were not clean and ready for check-in at 14:00. We were fully booked on Friday evening. Our housekeeping team with reception worked together to clear the departures and to clean and prepare the rooms for the new arrivals. Unfortunately, it was not possible for us to have all the rooms ready at 14:00. I am very sorry for the inconvenience that was caused to you and your friends. I do hope we will have the privilege of having you as a Guest again in the near future to afford you true Hotel 224 Service and Hospitality. Thank you for the opportunity, we do really hope that we will see you soon again. Kind regards, Bernice

Liewe Rita-lize, Eerstens wil ek jou bedank dat jy by ons by Hotel 224 en Serviced Apartments gebly het tydens jou onlangse besoek aan Pretoria. Dankie dat jy ook die tyd geneem het om na te gaan en vir ons terugvoer te gee oor jou onlangse verblyf by ons. Ons waardeer gasterugvoer om ons te help om te verseker dat ons aan ons gaste se verwagtinge voldoen en dit oortref. Jou kommentaar word hoog op prys gestel! Dankie dat jy ook meer besonderhede van jou ervaring met ons deel om ons te help om seker te maak dat ons nie weer dieselfde foute maak nie. Ek en my span doen altyd ons bes om te verseker dat daar goed na ons gaste omgesien word. Ek is hartseer om te sien dat ons julle teleurgestel het en dat ons kamers nie skoon en reg was vir inklok om 14:00 nie. Ons was Vrydagaand vol bespreek. Ons huishoudingspan met ontvangs het saamgewerk om die vertrekke skoon te maak en om die kamers skoon te maak en voor te berei vir die nuwe aankomelinge. Ongelukkig was dit nie vir ons moontlik om al die kamers om 14:00 gereed te hê nie. Ek is baie jammer vir die ongerief wat vir jou en jou vriende veroorsaak is. Ek hoop ons sal die voorreg hê om jou in die nabye toekoms weer as 'n Gas te hê om jou ware Hotel 224 Diens en Gasvryheid te kan bekostig. Dankie vir die geleentheid, ons hoop regtig dat ons julle gou weer sal sien. Vriendelike groete, Bernice

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Siggy H
1 night stay Individual traveller
Feb 2019

Not a very nice area! Despite the hotel being in close proximity to Loftus, the area did not seem very nice or safe. The room was also extremely small creating a feeling of claustrophobia.

Value for money
Hotel 224 and Serviced Apartments

Dear Guest, Thank you very much for your review of your recent stay at our hotel. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us, as we strive to improve with each and every stay. Our standard rooms are 18m2 and well equipped and in our opinion very good value for money when compared with our competitors in the area. Alternatively, we also offer apartment rooms which are more spacious than the standard hotel rooms. The hotel is close to Loftus, please note that we provide a courtesy shuttle to and from Loftus on game days. We do hope to hear from you again. Kind regards Bernice

Geagte gas, Baie dankie vir jou resensie van jou onlangse verblyf by ons hotel. Jou terugvoer is uiters waardevol vir ons, aangesien ons poog om met elke verblyf te verbeter. Ons standaardkamers is 18m2 en goed toegerus en na ons mening baie goeie waarde vir geld in vergelyking met ons mededingers in die area. Alternatiewelik bied ons ook woonstelkamers wat ruimer is as die standaard hotelkamers. Die hotel is naby Loftus, neem asseblief kennis dat ons 'n vriendelike pendeldiens na en van Loftus op wedstryddae verskaf. Ons hoop om weer van jou te hoor. Vriendelike groete Bernice

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Louise L
1 night stay Large group
Aug 2017

Quiet and tidy. We stayed in Hotel 224 with our school choir who participated in a competition. I was surprised at how the arrangements flowed with such a large group of children. All the apartments were neat and well equipped. Their meals were of good quality and plentiful. Their buffet breakfast was a great variety and very very tasty.

Rustig en netjies. Ons het in Hotel 224 oorgebly saam met ons skoolkoor wat aan 'n kompetisie deelgeneem het. Ek was verras oor hoe die reëlings gevloei het met so 'n groot groep kinders. Al die woonstelle was netjies en goed toegerus. Hulle etes was van goeie gehalte en oorgenoeg. Hulle buffet-onbyt was 'n groot verskeidenheid en baie baie lekker.

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Value for money
Hotel 224 and Serviced Apartments

Dear Louise, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your stay with us. We are very happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. We look forward to hearing from you again soon. Friendly greeting Bernice

Beste Louise, Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer ivm julle verblyf by ons. Ons is baie bly om te hoor dat julle julle verblyf by ons geniet het. Ons sien daarna uit om gou weer van julle te hoor. Vriendelike groete Bernice

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Lize V
1 night stay Family with young children
Dec 2017

Comfortable. The rooms are clean and tidy and the restaurant on site staff are friendly and the food was of a high quality. However, there was confusion with the payment and this caused awkwardness.

Gemaklik. Die kamers is skoon en netjies en die restaurant op die perseel se personeel is vriendelik en die kos was van 'n hoë gehalte. Daar was egter verwarring met die betaling en dit het ongemaklikheid veroorsaak.

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Value for money
Hotel 224 and Serviced Apartments

Dear Liza, Thank you for your review and feedback. We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. We are very sorry to hear that there was confusion regarding the payment on arrival. Please accept our sincere apologies for the discomfort caused. All the front desk staff received training on online bookings to ensure that they all understand the payment procedure. We are looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Kind regards Bernice

Liewe Liza, Dankie vir jou resensie en terugvoer. Ons is verheug om te hoor dat jy jou verblyf by ons geniet het. Ons is baie jammer om te hoor dat daar verwarring was oor die betaling met aankoms. Aanvaar asseblief ons opregte verskoning vir die ongemak wat veroorsaak word. Al die ontvangspersoneel het opleiding ontvang oor aanlynbesprekings om te verseker dat hulle almal die betalingsprosedure verstaan. Ons sien daarna uit om binnekort weer van jou te hoor. Vriendelike groete Bernice

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Bernice Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 56

On LekkeSlaap 15 years

From R1 084
per night, for 2 ppl
R1 084
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 514 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: C/O Francis Baard and Leyds Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0007, Gauteng
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJGZhNDFjM2FmLWFiMzktNGI3Yi04ZGVhLTE0ZDgxZTNjZWUxOA?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 084 per night, for 2 ppl 25 5 1 4 C/O Francis Baard and Leyds Street Arcadia 0007 Gauteng 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 10:00 -25.747767368657 28.208794891834

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