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Kathu Inn


4.2/ 5

Based on 24 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Ansie V
1 night stay On business
Mar 2023

Nice stay. Our people had a nice stay and will stay there again.

Lekker gebly. Ons mense het lekker gebly en sal weer daar oorslaap.

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Value for money
Kathu Inn

Hi Ansie Thank you for the great review. I am extremely glad you had a great experience. If there is any way we can make your next visit even better, feel free to let us know.

Hallo Ansie Dankie vir die puik resensie. Ek is baie bly jy het 'n wonderlike ervaring gehad. As daar enige manier is waarop ons jou volgende besoek nog beter kan maak, laat weet ons gerus.

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Celesti P
1 night stay With partner
Sep 2024

Wonderful. It was nice to stay there.

Wonderlik. Dit was lekker om daar te bly.

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Value for money
Kathu Inn

Hi Celesti Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. I am very happy that you had a nice stay and I hope to welcome you here again soon. Happy journey to you.

Hi Celesti Dankie vir die tyd om vir ons 'n resensie te los. Ek is baie bly dat julle lekker gebly het en ek hoop om julle sommer gou weer hier by ons te ontvang. Voorspoedige reis vir julle verder.

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Anita V
1 night stay With friends
Jul 2024

Slept well. The beds are very comfortable. We made good use of room no. 41. We had no teaspoons, and the drawer was also broken. No. 42 had only one.

Lekker geslaap. Die beddens is baie gerieflik. Ons het lekker gebruik gemaak van kamer nr. 41. Ons het nie teelepels gehad nie, en die laai was ook gebreek. Nr. 42 het net een gehad.

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Value for money
Kathu Inn

Hello Anita I am very glad you slept well. I apologize profusely for the teaspoons, as well as for the broken drawer. It's inexcusable. If you guys stop by again, let me know and I'll make up for that broken drawer. Have a nice day Gilbert Brown

Hello Anita Ek is baie bly julle het lekker geslaap. Ek vra groot om verskoning vir die teelepels, asook vir die gebroke laai. Dis onverskoonbaar. As julle weer 'n draai kom maak, laat my weet, dan maak ek op vir daardie gebroke laai. Lekker dag verder Gilbert Brown

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Pieter O
1 night stay With partner
Jan 2021

Good food and a peaceful environment. Really recommendable as a stop on the way further into the Northern Cape - good food and peaceful surroundings.

Lekker kos en ’n rustige omgewing. Werklik aan te beveel as ’n stop op pad verder in die Noord-Kaap in - lekker kos en rustige omgewing.

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Value for money

Pest Control Specialists West Coast J
1 night stay With partner
Feb 2021

Bad experience in Kathu Inn. My husband and I stayed overnight at Kathu Inn. We book regularly on the website to ensure we get value for our money. On the face of it, according to the website, the information and photos appeared to be decent, tidy, good, average accommodation that was 100% for our needs for one night. We were very tired after a whole day on the road and were unpleasantly surprised with the poor service and accommodation at Kathu Inn when we arrived there in the late afternoon. Upon arrival, my husband checked in at reception with our printout from the website and was assigned a room to which we immediately drove and started carrying luggage. After moving in, we quickly noticed that there was a double bed that seemed a bit small for the 2 of us, that the room was sparsely furnished and that it didn't look very clean, but we could manage with that because we were so tired. What was strange was that there is only 1 glass and 1 coffee mug in the room. I then immediately called reception and asked that they bring us another set as we are 2 people. Great was our disillusionment when the receptionist said to me: "But you've booked online so I presumed that there will only be one person". We still can't find the connection between an online booking and that it immediately means it's only 1 person, but we were then asked if we wanted to move to a room for 2 people which we of course immediately accepted. We then had to carry all the luggage back to our car and then we could drive to the other room at the very end of the buildings. We were already unhappy about the poor service so far. As we drove to the other room we immediately noticed that the parked vehicles of the other guests we passed were contractor/work vehicles according to the brands and signs on the vehicles. The double room was then on the 2nd floor and we then noticed when carrying our luggage that the stairs were very dirty as if they had not been cleaned recently. The room was then equipped for 2 people, which we were relieved about, but the room was also neglected, sparsely furnished, the shower's drain cover was broken, the TV was no longer fixed to the wall in front of the bed where one could comfortably watch TV not, but on the left side on the only small page where we would like to complete business on the laptop. My husband then had to work on the bed which made it uncomfortable. The bedside cabinet that should have been on the window side had been moved out to next to the cabinet on which cups stand. We had to move it in next to the bed ourselves so that I could put the necessary things down for the night. The room was neat, but it was not very clean, also no lace curtains or blinds like the other room and the bed was really very hard, which caused us to have very little sleep that night. The breakfast was edible. It was an unpleasant experience for us on the 1st night of our trip to Gauteng for a funeral, which we would prefer never to have and certainly would not recommend to anyone. Our suggestion is that the website preferably remove this accommodation, 'Kathu Inn' from your list to save future guests from this experience so that they try other guest houses in Kathu or instead drive to the next decent accommodation in another town. Or the other alternative is that the website clearly states on the website on this accommodation that it is 'contractor accommodation'. From years of staying overnight at different accommodation types, we know from experience that contractor accommodation is not at the rating level of, for example, the usual 3 star type accommodation for tourists or other guests. The maintenance, linen, cleanliness, hygiene, finishing and attention to comfort and finer details of contractor accommodation is just not on the same level as tourist accommodation. Although at least the service has always been up to standard with whom the website is connected. This was the very first time in years that we have booked accommodation through the website that we have been disappointed in the place and the service. We are not people who complain easily, but it was so bad for us that we had to mention it.

Slegte ervaring in Kathu Inn. Ek en my man het oorgeslaap by Kathu Inn. Ons bespreek gereeld op die webtuiste om te verseker ons kry waarde vir ons geld. Op die oog af volgens die webtuiste het die inligting en foto's voorgekom as ordentlike, netjiese, goeie, gemiddelde akkommodasie wat 100% was vir ons behoeftes vir een nag. Ons was baie moeg na 'n hele dag op die pad en daarby onaangenaam verras met die swak diens en akkommodasie by Kathu Inn toe ons laatmiddag daar arriveer. Met aankoms het my man met ons uitdrukstuk vanaf die webtuiste by ontvangs aangemeld en was 'n kamer aangewys waarnatoe ons dadelik gery het en begin bagasie indra. Ons het na die indra vinnig opgemerk dat daar 'n dubbelbed is wat effens klein lyk vir ons 2, dat die vertrek karig gemeubileerd was en dat dit nie baie skoon lyk nie, maar daarmee sou ons nog kon regkom omdat ons so moeg was. Wat vreemd was, was dat daar slegs 1 glas en 1 koffiebeker in die kamer is. Ek bel toe dadelik ontvangs en vra dat hulle vir ons nog 'n stel bring aangesien ons 2 mense is. Groot was ons ontnugtering toe die ontvangsdame vir my sê: "But you've booked online so I presumed that there will only be one person". Ons kan nou nog nie die konneksie vind tussen 'n aanlynbespreking en dat dit dadelik beteken dis slegs 1 persoon is nie, maar ons was toe gevra of ons wil skuif na 'n kamer vir 2 persone wat ons vanselfsprekend dadelik aanvaar het. Al die bagasie moes ons toe weer terugdra na ons motor toe en toe kon ons na die ander kamer heel aan die einde van die geboue ry. Ons was toe reeds ongelukkig oor die swak diens sover. Soos ons ry na die ander kamer toe het ons dadelik opgemerk dat die geparkeerde voertuie van die ander gaste waarby ons verbyry, kontrakteur/werksvoertuie is volgens die handelsmerke en tekens op die voertuie. Die dubbelkamer was toe op die 2de vloer en ons merk toe op met die opdra van ons bagasie dat die trappe baie vuil is asof dit nie onlangs skoongemaak was nie. Die kamer was toe wel uitgerus vir 2 mense waaroor ons verlig was, maar die vertrek was ook afgeskeep, karig gemeubileer, die stort se dreinbedekking was stukkend, die TV was nie meer vas teen die muur voor die bed waar mens gemaklik sou kon TV kyk nie, maar links eenkant op die enigste klein blad waar ons graag sou wou besigheid afhandel op die laptop. My man moes toe op die bed werk wat dit ongemaklik gemaak het. Die bedkassie wat aan die vensterkant moes wees, was uitgeskuif tot langs die kassie waarop koppies staan. Ons moes dit self langs die bed inskuif sodat ek die nodige kon neersit vir die nag. Die vertrek was netjies, maar dit was nie mooi skoon nie, ook geen kantgordyne of blinds nie soos die ander kamer en die bed was regtig baie hard, wat veroorsaak het dat ons baie min slaap gehad het daardie nag. Die ontbyt was eetbaar. Dit was 'n onaangename ervaring vir ons vir die 1ste nag van ons reis na Gauteng toe vir 'n begrafnis, wat ons verkieslik nooit wil oorhê nie en beslis vir niemand sal aanraai nie. Ons voorstel is dat die webtuiste hierdie akkommodasie, 'Kathu Inn' verkieslik van julle lys afhaal om toekomstige gaste van hierdie ervaring te spaar sodat hulle ander gastehuise in Kathu probeer of eerder aanry tot die volgende ordentlike akkommodasie in 'n ander dorp. Of die ander alternatief is dat die webtuiste duidelik op die webtuiste op hierdie akkommodasie aandui dat dit 'kontrakteurverblyf' is. Uit jare se oorslaap by verskillende akkommodasietipes, weet ons uit ondervinding dat kontrakteurs-akkommodasie nie op die graderingsvlak is van byvoorbeeld die gewone 3 ster-tipe akkommodasie vir toeriste of ander gaste nie. Die onderhoud, linne, netheid, higiëne, afwerking en aandag aan gemak en fyner besonderhede van kontrakteur-akkommodasie is net nie op dieselfde vlak as toeriste-akkommodasie nie. Alhoewel die diens darem nog altyd op standaard was met wie die webtuiste gekoppel is. Hierdie was die heel eerste keer in jare wat ons deur die webtuiste akkommodasie bespreek het wat ons teleurgesteld was in die plek en die diens. Ons is nie mense wat maklik kla nie, maar dit was so erg vir ons dat ons dit moes noem.

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Value for money

Ben F
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2020

Clean and tidy. Recommended for overnight stay for sure.

Skoon en netjies. Aanbeveelbaar vir oorslaap vir seker.

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Value for money

Lieb L
1 night stay With friends
May 2018

Friendly service. Friendly service. Nice food and a nice place to stay on the way.

Vriendelike diens. Vriendelike diens. Lekker kos en 'n lekker oornagplek op pad.

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Value for money
Kathu Inn

Dear Lieb, Thanks for the wonderful feedback, it is most appreciated. Warm regards from Michael and the Kathu Inn team.

Liewe Lieb, Dankie vir die wonderlike terugvoer, dit word die meeste waardeer. Hartlike groete van Michael en die Kathu Inn-span.

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Antoinette V
1 night stay With partner
Jan 2018

I will not recommend Kathu Inn to my friends although the location is good. Maybe if you need to spend the night here for business it would be more acceptable, but for something relaxing I wouldn't recommend it. We spent the night here on our way back from the Western Cape to Gauteng and the location was perfect for us. There were many Telkom workers checked in at the same time as us and it was very noisy until late in the evening and again early in the morning. Whether it was them or other guests I don't know. I understand that management can't control this, so I'm just mentioning it. The closet in the room smelled so bad of smoke that we couldn't pack our clothes in it. However, we found the kitchenette and fridge very handy. Might suggest having a mirror where the wall plugs are so you can blow dry your hair. The shower head was very weak and half clogged. The reception was very friendly and the breakfast was quite acceptable. Don't expect Springbok Inn, this is in a different category. Hope this helps prospective guests.

Ek sal nie Kathu Inn vir my vriende aanbeveel nie, hoewel die ligging goed is. Miskien as jy vir besigheid hier moet oornag sal dit meer aanvaarbaar wees, maar vir iets ontspannend sal ek dit nie aanbeveel nie. Ons het hier oornag op pad terug van die Wes-Kaap na Gauteng en die ligging was vir ons perfek. Hier was baie Telkom-werkers ingeboek op dieselfde tyd as ons en dit was baie raserig tot laat in die aand en weer vroegoggend. Of dit hulle was of ander gaste weet ek nie. Ek verstaan dat bestuur dit nie kan beheer nie, so ek noem dit net. Die kas in die kamer het so sleg geruik na rook dat ons nie ons klere daarin kon pak nie. Ons het egter die kombuisie en yskas baie handig gevind. Sal dalk voorstel dat daar 'n spieël is waar die muurproppe is sodat jy jou hare kan droogblaas. Die stortkop was baie swak en half verstop. Die ontvangs was baie vriendelik en die ontbyt was heel aanvaarbaar. Moenie Springbok Inn verwag nie, hierdie is in 'n ander kategorie. Hoop dit help voornemende gaste.

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Value for money
Kathu Inn

Dear Antoinette Kathu Inn is both a business hotel and a stopover for tourists, we welcome all guests that need a place to lay their head. The water pressure, as well as the quality of water in Kathu, is very difficult to manage, but we do our best to ensure excellent service to our guests.

Liewe Antoinette Kathu Inn is beide 'n sakehotel en 'n oornagplek vir toeriste, ons verwelkom alle gaste wat 'n plek nodig het om hul kop neer te lê. Die waterdruk, sowel as die kwaliteit van water in Kathu, is baie moeilik om te bestuur, maar ons doen ons bes om uitstekende diens aan ons gaste te verseker.

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Bruwer L
Short stay On business
Mar 2018

Tragic. Blocked shower head, WiFi not picking up. Extremely small rooms with no space to work. Aircon was out of order. Towels and bed linen not white.

Tragies. Geblokte stortkop, WiFi wat nie opvang nie. Uiterse klein kamers met niks spasie om te werk. Aircon was buitewerking. Handdoeke en beddegoed nie wit nie.

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Value for money
Kathu Inn

We apologize for any inconvenience experienced as we did not meet your expectations. Any problems should have been brought up to the front desk or the general manager immediately which would have ensured a better stay.

Ons vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat ervaar word, aangesien ons nie jou verwagting gelyk het nie. Enige probleme moet onmiddellik aan die balie of die algemene bestuurder gewees het wat 'n beter verblyf sou verseker het.

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Theo N
Short stay
Oct 2017

Amazing breakfast, friendly staff. Exactly the spot for business in Kathu. Very efficient laundry service and great staff.

Value for money
Kathu Inn

Dear Theo, Thank you for taking the time to leave us such a wonderful review, your feedback is much appreciated and we hope to see you again soon.

Liewe Theo, Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om vir ons so 'n wonderlike resensie te gee, jou terugvoer word baie waardeer en ons hoop om jou binnekort weer te sien.

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Properties 7

Reviews 414

On LekkeSlaap 11 years

From R1 790
per night, for 2 ppl
R1 790
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 124 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 00:00 to 23:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 1 Cawood Drive, Bestwood Estate, Kathu, 8446, Northern Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOWLFzpxDV7lWNfUW6xRu2bIpSvlzSpYk8z2h3NdNO5Mff3RNlv?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 790 per night, for 2 ppl 24 5 1 5 1 Cawood Drive Bestwood Estate 8446 Northern Cape 021 201 8901 00:00-23:00 10:00 -27.711994848097 23.072474581581

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