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Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp


4.8/ 5

Based on 22 reviews


Value for money
Nomvula Mncube M
Short stay Family with young children
Oct 2024

It was amazing. The owner is an amazing gentleman who assisted us in so many ways during our stay. His communication was top-notch and his service was standard.

Value for money
Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp
Dear Nomvula, Your great review and positive response to your stay at our private game lodge is humbling. We appreciate your support and look forward to hosting your lovely family again soon! Regards, Dup and the team at Klipdrift Sands

Elsebe J
Short stay
Sep 2024

Tame game around the house. We had a very nice stay and there was everything we needed.

Mak wild om die huis. Ons het baie lekker gebly en daar was alles wat nodig was.

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Value for money
Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp

Hi Elsabe, Thank you very much for your visit, as well as the positive feedback. Hope to be able to receive you again soon! Greetings, Dup

Hi Elsabe, Baie dankie vir julle kuier, asook die positiewe terugvoer. Hoop om julle sommer gou weer te kan ontvang! Groete, Dup

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Natasha B
Short stay With friends
Sep 2024

Relaxing and the perfect escape from the city. Amazing place. Very clean. Well thought out. WiFi was better than in the city, lol. Animals walking around close to camp. So much to see. All the staff were amazing and knowledgeable. They have a huge pond with koi fish. It was amazing to just relax on the bench and watch them.

Value for money
Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp
Hi there Natasha, Your positive review and comments are humbling, and testimony to all the hard work our team puts in to ensure the ultimate guest experience. We continually strive to improve, and your kind words make all the effort worthwhile. Please tell all your friends, and come visit again soon! Regards, Dup & the team

Louis L
Short stay With partner
Jul 2024

Lovely and relaxed. Very nice stay. Calm and quiet. Staff are friendly and the host very helpful. Everything is neat and clean. Can recommend it.

Heerlik en ontspanne. Baie lekker gebly. Rustig en stil. Personeel is vriendelik en die gasheer baie behulpsaam. Alles is netjies en skoon. Kan dit aanbeveel.

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Value for money
Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp

Dear Louis, We appreciate the positive feedback, it's always nice to learn that our guests really enjoy the experience at our private game farm! Hope to receive you again soon. Regards, Dup Botha and the team at Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp

Beste Louis, Ons waardeer die positiewe terugvoer, dit is altyd lekker om te leer dat ons gaste die ervaring by ons privaat wildplaas baie geniet! Hoop om julle gou weer te kan ontvang. Groete, Dup Botha en die span by Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp

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Suzie S
Short stay
Jul 2024

Will definitely use the facilities again! Our group really enjoyed the beautiful surroundings, clean place to live and hospitality.

Sal beslis weer gebruik maak van die fasiliteite! Ons groepie het die pragtige omgewing, skoon woonplek en gasvryheid baie geniet.

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Value for money
Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp

Dear Suzie, We are super excited to read your positive review, and to hear that you really enjoyed it! We work hard to create a nice bushveld experience, with the necessary comfort and amenities. Come visit us again soon! Regards, Dup and the Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp team

Beste Suzie, Ons is super opgewonde om julle positiewe resensie te lees, en te verneem dat julle dit baie geniet het! Ons werk hard om 'n lekker bosveld ervaring te skep, met die nodige gemak en geriewe. Kom kuier sommer gou weer vir ons! Groete, Dup en die Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp span

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Adrie V
Short stay Large group
Jun 2024

Nice family getaway. The outdoor bathroom is not ideal for the winter months, but it is an adventure. The place has everything you need. Would have liked to have seen more, but a good time was had by all.

Lekker familie wegbreek. Die buite badkamer is nie ideaal vir die winter maande nie, maar wel 'n avontuur. Die plek het alles wat jy nodig het. Sou net graag meer wou sien, maar almal het 'n lekker tyd gehad.

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Value for money
Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp

Dear Adrie, Thank you very much for your support and the positive review. We are always excited to get a 5/5 review and it's great to hear about your good experience! We have different units that vary in luxury and of course also price range. Some of our units have en-suite bathrooms, while others have more of a bush camp feel. We hope to be able to receive you again soon! Regards, Dup and the Klipdrift Forest Camp Team

Beste Adrie, Baie dankie vir julle ondersteuning en die positiewe resensie. Ons is altyd opgewonde om 'n 5/5 resensie te kry en dit is lekker om te verneem van julle goeie ervaring! Ons het verskillende eenhede wat wissel in luuksheid en natuurlik ook prysklas. Van ons eenhede het 'en-suite' badkamers, terwyl ander eenhede meer 'n boskamp-gevoel het. Ons hoop om julle sommer vinnig weer te kan ontvang! Groete, Dup en die Klipdrift Boskamp Span

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Martin R
Short stay
Jun 2024

Rest and silence for the soul in the forest! Thank you very much for your cute place and hospitality!

Rus en stilte vir die siel in die bos! Baie dankie vir julle oulike plekkie en gasvryheid!

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Value for money
Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp

Dear Martin, We are very excited to learn that you came to experience peace and quiet with us in the woods! We ourselves cannot get enough of the natural beauty and forest feeling, and it is very nice for us if we can share it with our guests. Hope we can welcome you again soon! Regards, Dup Botha & the Klipdrift Sands Boskamp team

Beste Martin, Ons is baie opgewonde om te leer dat julle rus en stilte by ons in die bos kom ervaar het! Ons kan self nie genoeg kry van die natuurskoon en bosgevoel nie, en dit is vir ons baie lekker as ons dit kan deel met ons gaste. Hoop ons kan julle sommer vinnig weer ontvang! Groete, Dup Botha & die Klipdrift Sands Boskamp span

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Wanda C
Short stay Family with young children
Jun 2024

Nice rest place. Beautiful place. People are so nice, nice playground for children, animals around you, neat and clean. Everything is so fresh, service is 10 star. Thank you very much for a wonderful weekend.

Lekker rus plek. Pragtige plek. Mense is so gaaf, lekker speelplek vir kinders, diere om jou, netjies skoon. Alles is so vars, diens is 10 ster. Baie dankie vir 'n heerlike naweek.

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Value for money
Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp

Dear Wanda, Your positive feedback is worth its weight in gold to us, and we are so grateful that our guests experience our hard work and input! We are super proud of our private game farm, and would like to share the natural beauty and experience with everyone who loves nature. We appreciate your support, and look forward to welcoming you again soon! Regards, Dup and the Klipdrift Sands Boskamp team

Beste Wanda, Jou positiewe terugvoer is vir ons goud werd, en ons is so dankbaar dat ons gaste ons harde werk en insette ervaar! Ons is super trots op ons private wildsplaas, en wil graag die natuurskoon en ervaring deel met almal wat lief is vir die natuur. Ons waardeer julle ondersteuning, en sien uit om julle sommer weer binnekort te kan ontvang! Groete, Dup en die Klipdrift Sands Boskamp span

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Sandy R
Short stay With partner
May 2024

Dinokeng Forest getaway at its best! Dinokeng Forest getaway at its best! The break at Klipdrift Sands Forest Camp was just what we needed to get a break from the busy city life. The accommodation was comfortable, spacious, tidy and very good value for money. The incredibly beautiful woodland view offers tranquility for the soul, and the lookout tower is beautiful. There is a lot of wildlife and goats roaming around the units, creating a peaceful natural environment. The host was very hospitable, and the owner follows up regularly to make sure everything is ok. They thought of everything, and the units are very well equipped with everything we needed. There are beautiful and large braai facilities and bomas to make a nice fire, and they sell wood and ice on the premises. The bedding was pure white and soft, and the beds very comfortable. There is also cleaning services that come every morning to clean and wash dishes, which was very convenient for us. The dirt road leading to the lodge is very well maintained, and offers even more opportunity to see wildlife. We also saw giraffes along the way. The swimming pools are beautiful, sparkling clean and the water is mirror blue. The yard and facilities are neatly maintained, and the beautiful ponds offer opportunities for fishing and also to see wildlife at the water points that come to drink. There are footpaths to walk around in the field, and the wildlife, goats, birds and vegetation are beautiful. The silence whispers in one's ears, and the tranquility is worth its weight in gold! We could see that they put a lot of effort into maintenance, because the units look like they are still brand new. There is good WiFi all over the premises, which made things easier as I had to work here and there. There is heaps of entertainment for children, with a beautiful lapa offering a table tennis table, pool table, foosball table and darts. The pool is a winner, and has a shade net over it which is really cute to prevent sunburn. Edward put out food for the game, and the goats came to eat at our cottage every day. There is up to a security guard who works the night shift, and patrols all the residential units. We felt truly safe and protected. The best was the beautiful view over the forest, it feels like you are in another world! We will surely see you again soon!

Dinokeng Bosveld wegbreek op sy beste! Dinokeng Bosveld wegbreek op sy beste! Die wegbreek by Klipdrift Sands Boskamp was net wat ons nodig gehad het om 'n ruskans te kry van die besige stadslewe. Die akkommodasie was gemaklik, ruim, netjies en baie goeie waarde vir geld. Die ongelooflike mooi bosveld uitsig bied rustigheid vir die siel, en die uitkyktoring is pragtig. Daar is baie wild en bokkies wat om die eenhede rondloop, wat 'n rustige natuur omgewing skep. Die gasheer was baie gasvry, en die eienaar volg gereeld op om seker te maak dat alles in orde is. Hulle het aan alles gedink, en die eenhede is baie goed toegerus met alles wat ons nodig gehad het. Daar is pragtige en groot braaigeriewe en boma's om lekker vuur te kan maak, en hulle verkoop hout en ys op die perseel. Die beddegoed was spierwit en sag, en die beddens baie gemaklik. Daar is ook skoonmaakdienste wat elke oggend kom skoonmaak en skottelgoed was, wat vir ons baie gerieflik was. Die grondpad wat na die lodge lei is baie goed versorg, en bied nog ekstra geleentheid om wild en natuurlewe te sien. Ons het ook kameelperde langs die pad gesien. Die swembaddens is pragtig, silwerskoon en die water is spieëlblou. Die erf en geriewe is netjies onderhou, en die pragtige damme bied geleentheid vir visvang en ook om wild by die waterpunte te sien wat kom drink. Daar is voetpaadjies om rond te loop in die veld, en die natuurlewe, bokke, voëls en plantegroei is pragtig. Die stilte suis in mens se ore, en die rustigheid is goud werd! Ons kon sien hulle doen baie moeite met instandhouding, want die wooneenhede lyk of dit nog splinternuut is. Daar is goeie WiFi oral op die perseel, wat dinge vergemaklik aangesien ek hier en daar moes gewerk het. Daar is hoop vermaak vir kinders, met 'n pragtige lapa wat 'n tafeltennis tafel, pooltafel, fooseballtafel en darts bied. Die swembad is 'n wenner, en het 'n skadunet oor wat rerig oulik is om sonbrand te voorkom. Edward het kos vir die wild uitgesit, en die bokkies het elke dag by ons huisie kom eet. Daar is tot 'n sekuriteitswag wat nagskof werk, en al die wooneenhede patroleer. Ons het waarlik veilig en beskermd gevoel. Die beste was die pragtige uitsig oor die bosveld, dit voel asof mens in 'n ander wereld is! Ons sien julle vir seker binnekort weer!

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Value for money
Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp

Dear Sandy, Your positive feedback is precious to us, thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed review! We are very proud of our Lodge, and it is so nice to learn that our guests enjoy the experience as much as we do! We are constantly striving to provide a better experience, and feedback like yours makes all the hard work worth it! Hope to see you again soon. Regards, Dup Botha

Beste Sandy, Jou positiewe terugvoer is vir ons goud werd, baie dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om so 'n gedetailleerde resensie te skryf! Ons is baie trots op ons Lodge, en dit is so lekker om te leer dat ons gaste die ervaring net so baie geniet soos ons self! Ons streef deurlopend om 'n beter ervaring te bied, en terugvoer soos joune maak al die harde werk die moeite werd! Hoop om julle gou weer te sien. Groete, Dup Botha

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Elize C
Short stay With partner
May 2024

Fantastic. Fantastic! Very hospitable.

Fantasties. Fantasties! Baie gasvry.

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Value for money
Klipdrift Sands Bush Camp

Hi there Elise, We are always excited to receive such positive feedback. We go to great lengths to make sure our facilities are comfortable, stylish and offer a great experience. We appreciate your support and kind words, and hope to receive you again soon! Regards, The Klipdrift Sands team

Hi daar Elize, Ons is altyd opgewonde om sulke positiewe terugvoer te ontvang. Ons doen baie moeite om seker te maak ons geriewe is gemaklik, stylvol en bied 'n goeie ervaring. Ons waardeer julle ondersteuning en mooi woorde, en hoop om julle sommer binnekort weer te kan ontvang! Groete, Die Klipdrift Sands span

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Dup Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 22

On LekkeSlaap 1 year

From R1 150
R1 150 R633
per night, for 2 ppl
From R1 150
R1 150 R633
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
  • Capacity: 24 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 20:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: De Wagendrift, Klipdirft Portion 10 of Farm 80, Farm 80 Portion 10, Hammanskraal, 0407, Gauteng
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA828c5561a683e2f3387e8a35833c42fe485a91ea6d155877687854c8edbd95dfce0e92bc282fff2ebeb555f1dc317e20c683?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R1 150 nowFrom R633 per night, for 2 ppl 22 5 1 5 De Wagendrift, Klipdirft Portion 10 of Farm 80 Farm 80 Portion 10 0407 Gauteng 021 201 8901 15:00-20:00 10:00 -25.344598960233 28.459811795634

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