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2 Guests

Kommetjie Villa

Self Catering


4.4/ 5

Based on 6 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Dominique P
Long stay Family with young children
Aug 2021

Best family holiday! Andrea and Ian were the most amazing hosts! We thoroughly enjoyed their hospitality and very comfortable house plus the super location! We would not hesitate to book with them again on future trips! Many thanks.

Value for money
Kommetjie Villa

Thanks Dominique for a lovely review, much appreciated. It was great to meet all of you, hopefully we'll see you again one day - as I said to you, you're definitely 5 star guests.

Dankie Dominique vir 'n pragtige resensie, waardeer dit baie. Dit was wonderlik om julle almal te ontmoet, hopelik sien ons julle eendag weer - soos ek vir julle gesê het, julle is beslis 5 ster gaste.

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Liezl J
Short stay With friends
Jun 2021

Had a great time relaxing! The house has a lovely master bedroom with large glass windows and amazing views. We really enjoyed the outdoor barbecue area. In the summer, the swimming pool will also be a great asset. In winter, the house gets northern sun all day and the frameless glass windows and terracotta tiles make the house really nice and warm. There is a lovely fireplace too.

Het heerlik ontspan! Die huis het 'n lieflike hoofslaapkamer met groot glasvensters en ongelooflike uitsigte. Ons het die buitebraai-area baie geniet. In die somer sal die swembad ook 'n groot aanwins wees. In die winter kry die huis heeldag Noord-son en die raamlose glasvensters en terracotta teëls maak die huis regtig lekker warm. Daar is 'n heerlike kaggel ook.

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Value for money
Kommetjie Villa

Thank you Liezl for your kind words, we really appreciate them. Great to meet you all, hopefully we'll see you again one day.

Dankie Liezl vir jou lieflike woorde, ons waardeur dit baie. Great om julle almal te ontmoet, hopelike sien ons jou weer eendag.

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Karin H
Long stay Family with young children
Dec 2021

Neat but lacking security. The house was clean and tidy and all the electrical appliances worked well. Nice swimming pool with enclosed veranda which is nice and sunny (no indoor braai and that's always a problem at the sea where it can get really cold). However, the rest of the house is dark and two of the rooms have no exterior windows (so no natural light). There is no alarm/beams and the doors are old wood and glass - very easy to kick open. The house is also located next to a green strip with dense woods and we mostly felt unsafe. The back door didn't have a key and we couldn't lock our room doors either. Also too far from the sea if you have small children - 1km there and 1km back.

Netjies maar sekuriteit gebrekkig. Die huis was skoon en netjies en al die elektriese toestelle het goed gewerk. Lekker swembad met toegeboude stoep wat lekker sonnig is (geen binnebraai en dis altyd 'n probleem by die see waar dit lekker koud kan raak). Die res van die huis is egter donker en twee van die kamers het geen buitevensters nie (so geen natuurlike lig nie). Daar is geen alarm/beams nie en die deure is van ou hout en glas - baie maklik om oop te skop. Die huis is ook langs 'n groenstrook geleë met digte bosse en ons het meestal onveilig gevoel. Die agterdeur het nie 'n sleutel gehad nie en ons kon ook nie ons kamerdeure sluit nie. Te ver ook van die see as jy klein kinders het - 1km soontoe en 1km terug.

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Value for money
Kommetjie Villa

Dear Karin, we regret that your stay at Kommetjie Villa was unsatisfactory. We regret too that you were unable to approach us with your security concerns during your stay as we would have been able to assist with some of these concerns. The wooden folding doors to the veranda, the door from the downstairs bedroom onto the veranda and the back door can all be locked and we do have keys - we will emphasize this to our future guests. The master key to lock these doors is on the bunch of keys we leave for the guests. The downstairs bedroom door onto the passage also locks. The enclosed back veranda has security grills on both the door and the windows. Similarly the back bedroom has Maxidor security gates on the French doors and the door from the veranda and there are ornate burglar bars on the windows. We do not have beams or alarms. Our small estate of 110 houses has 4 guards on duty at night, one guard is stationed in the guard hut a 100m from our house, patrols our street during the night and is on hand to respond to our panic button system. In addition our dogs sound the alarm if there are any intruders. In our 13 years in the house we have not had a security incident. We are concerned that you mention 2 bedrooms do not have direct light. This is incorrect. We do indeed have one bedroom that opens onto the veranda as per the pictures on our website and thus does not have direct light. The back bedroom however has French Doors and windows that open to direct light and a private courtyard. As you stated the front door and the doors opening onto the balcony are wooden and with the rain had swollen and were thus difficult to open. Update July: We have now replaced these with aluminium doors. Update July: The house is completely refurbished and repainted and is lighter and brighter than before. As per our advertisement on the website and the aerial photo that shows the house's location, we are 750 - 800 metres from beach access via Gate 1 and surrounded by bush on 2 sides. For many guests this is their reason for choosing our house.

Beste Karin, ons is jammer dat u verblyf by Kommetjie Villa onbevredigend was. Ons is ook spyt dat u ons nie kon nader met u sekuriteitsbekommernisse tydens u verblyf nie, aangesien ons met sommige van hierdie bekommernisse sou kon help. Die houtvoudeure na die stoep, die deur van die onderste slaapkamer na die stoep en die agterdeur kan almal gesluit word en ons het wel sleutels - ons sal dit vir ons toekomstige gaste beklemtoon. Die hoofsleutel om hierdie deure te sluit is op die bos sleutels wat ons vir die gaste los. Die slaapkamerdeur op die onderste verdieping na die gang sluit ook. Die toegeboude agterstoep het veiligheidsroosters op beide die deur en die vensters. Net so het die agterste slaapkamer Maxidor veiligheidshekke op die Franse deure en die deur vanaf die stoep en daar is versierde diefwering op die vensters. Ons het nie balke of alarms nie. Ons klein landgoed van 110 huise het 4 wagte in die nag aan diens, een wag is in die waghut 100m van ons huis gestasioneer, patrolleer ons straat gedurende die nag en is byderhand om te reageer op ons paniekknoppie-stelsel. Boonop maak ons honde alarm as daar enige indringers is. In ons 13 jaar in die huis het ons nie 'n veiligheidsvoorval gehad nie. Ons is bekommerd dat jy noem 2 slaapkamers het nie direkte lig nie. Dit is verkeerd. Ons het inderdaad een slaapkamer wat uitloop op die stoep soos op die foto's op ons webwerf en dus nie direkte lig het nie. Die agterste slaapkamer het egter Franse deure en vensters wat oopmaak vir direkte lig en 'n privaat binnehof. Soos jy gesê het, is die voordeur en die deure wat na die balkon oopmaak hout en met die reën het dit opgeswel en was dit dus moeilik om oop te maak. Update Julie: Ons het dit nou met aluminiumdeure vervang. Update Julie: Die huis is heeltemal opgeknap en oorgeverf en is ligter en helderder as voorheen. Soos per ons advertensie op die webwerf en die lugfoto wat die huis se ligging wys, is ons 750 - 800 meter vanaf strandtoegang via Hek 1 en omring deur bosse aan 2 kante. Vir baie gaste is dit hul rede om ons huis te kies.

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Ingrid M
Short stay With friends
Nov 2017

Breathtaking. Owners very friendly and went out of their way with information about anything and everything. House is convenient for group of people, located near shops as well as walking distance from the sea. And we appreciated that the owners kept the water restrictions in mind and provided us with enough "grey water" for the toilet and mineral water bottles for domestic use.

Asemrowend. Eienaars baie vriendelik en het uit hulle pad gegaan met inligting oor alles en nog wat. Huis is gerieflik vir groep mense, geleë naby winkels asook stapafstand vanaf die see. En ons het waardeer dat eienaars die waterbeperkings in gedagte gehou het en het ons voorsien met genoeg "grey water" vir die toilet en mineral water bottels vir huishoudelike gebruik.

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Value for money

Liesbeth Heijink O
Short stay Family with teenagers
Aug 2016

Very pleasant cottage! We and our teenage kids realy enjoyed our stay in this cottage to finish our last 5 days of our holiday in SA. Ian is a great host and the situation of location is perfect for visiting beach, Cape Town and Cape of Good Hope.

Value for money

Elmarie C
Short stay With friends
Oct 2016

Safe and tranquil. Everything you might need is available.

Veilig en rustig. Daar is als wat jy nodig het.

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Value for money

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Ian Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 6

On LekkeSlaap 10 years

From R 4 025
per night (sleeps 7)
R 4 025
per night (sleeps 7)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 7 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 144 Southern Right Crescent, Klein Slangkop Private Beachfront Estate, Kommetjie, 7976, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA434e9032dbf2c6a63bf185eb99420187da40ef0c5e5de08d7734c58229f1d83ae4c32d24480d89352d95e7b51afa4c0e81bb?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R4 025 per night (sleeps 7) 6 5 1 5 144 Southern Right Crescent Klein Slangkop Private Beachfront Estate 7976 Western Cape 021 201 8901 15:00-19:00 10:00 -34.1333399 18.34273

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