1. I would appreciate if the guest could elaborate on the security aspect to understand why they gave a score of 1. We offer parking inside a lockable gate. Was there any loss of staff belongings due to lack of security?
2. Could the guest explain what they found dirty to justify a score of 2? Our bedding is always white and we have found our apartment clean with fresh bedding. I am of the view that the guest may have given scores without genuine reasons. We have over 200 reviews online under Airbnb, where our cleanliness is highly rated.
3. The guest's remark indicating: 'Excellent with no hiccups,' which is contrasting with the low scores, is confusing.
1. Ek sal dit waardeer as die gas kan uitbrei oor die sekuriteitsaspek om te verstaan hoekom hulle 'n telling van 1 gegee het. Ons bied parkering binne 'n sluitbare hek. Was daar enige verlies aan personeel se besittings weens 'n gebrek aan sekuriteit?
2. Kan die gas verduidelik wat hulle vuil gevind het om 'n telling van 2 te regverdig? Ons beddegoed is altyd wit en ons het ons woonstel skoon gevind met vars beddegoed. Ek is van mening dat die gas moontlik tellings gegee het sonder opregte redes. Ons het meer as 200 resensies aanlyn onder Airbnb, waar ons netheid hoog aangeslaan word.
3. Die gas se opmerking wat aandui: 'Uitstekend met geen hik', wat in kontras staan met die lae tellings, is verwarrend.
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From R800 per night (sleeps 2)
151418 Compromise CrescentBluff4052KwaZulu-Natal021 201 890114:00-23:0011:00-29.89200626921231.033710837364