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Livingstone Villa

Self Catering


5/ 5

Based on 14 reviews


Value for money
Mark D
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jun 2023

Wonderful time in Wilderness. The Villa is amazing, it is very spacious for a large family or even two families with small children. Everything you need to have a nice holiday in luxury is available here. The kitchen is equipped with everything you need. The unit also has an inverter that keeps the WiFi, DStv and TV running to get you through loadshedding, should you not want to sit outside. The bedrooms are very spacious, the beds are large and sleep extremely comfortably. It truly exceeded our expectations. We were warmly welcomed and Matilda was a great pleasure to share with and made us feel very much at home. I definitely recommend the place to everyone who wants to spend a luxurious time in the Wilderness.

Wonderlikke tyd in Wildernis. Die Villa is ongelooflik, dit is rerig baie ruim vir 'n groot gesin of selfs twee gesinne met klein kinders. Als wat jy nodig het om lekker vakansie te hou in luuksheid is hier beskikbaar. Die kombuis is toegerus met als wat jy nodig het. Die eenheid het ook 'n inverter wat die WiFi, DStv en TV aan die gang hou om jou deur loadshedding te kry, sou jy nie buite wil sit nie. Die slaapkamers is baie ruim, die beddens is groot en slaap vreeslik gemaklik. Dit het werklik ons verwagtings oortref. Ons was vriendelik verwelkom en Matilda was 'n groot plesier om mee te deel en het ons baie tuis laat voel. Ek beveel die plek definitief aan vir almal wat 'n luukse tyd in die Wildernis wil spandeer.

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Value for money
Livingstone Villa

Dear Mark, thank you so much! I took over as owner again on 1 September 2024. Two managers took care of bookings for 2 years until 1 August 2024. I only see your great and awesome review now! Truly appreciate your kindness! Glad you enjoyed and hope we see you visit us again! Warmest regards, Marianna & team, Owner at Livingstone Villa

Beste Mark, baie dankie! Ek het weer oorgeneem as eienaar op 1 September 2024. Twee bestuurders het gesorg vir besprekings vir 2 jaar tot 1 Augustus 2024. Ek sien nou eers jou goeie en wonderlike resensie! Waardeer jou vriendelikheid opreg! Bly julle het dit geniet en hoop ons sien julle weer by ons kom kuier! Hartlike groete, Marianna & span, Eienaar by Livingstone Villa

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Chantel P
Long stay With friends
May 2021

Good. Peace. Five star. Thanks Marianna.

Goed. Vrede. 5 ster. Dankie Marianna.

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Value for money
Livingstone Villa

Hi Angus, Thank you so much for your wonderful review. We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed your time here with us. We hope to see you again in the future. Friendly greeting, Livingstone Villa

Hi Angus, Baie dankie vir jou wonderlike resensie. Ons is so bly om te hoor jy het jou tyd hier by ons geniet. Ons hoop ons sien julle weer in die toekoms. Vriendelike groete, Livingstone Villa

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Pierre C
Short stay With friends
Nov 2021

An incredible experience! From our arrival to our departure it was a privilege to be able to stay here. The view as well as the content was great and so was the management. Will definitely want to use the accommodation again.

'n Ongelooflike belewenis! Van ons aankoms tot ons vertrek was dit 'n voorreg om hier te kon tuisgaan. Die uitsig asook die inhoud was puik en so ook die bestuur. Sal vir seker weer van die verblyf wil gebruik maak.

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Value for money
Livingstone Villa

Dear Pierre, thank you for your time, effort and wonderful review! Thanks for supporting a small business. We truly appreciate it! I do not know why nobody replied to your great review! My sincerest apologies! It was a rough time during Covid and after Covid, we had 2 managers. I took over as owner again on 1 September 2024. Please book again! Take care, Marianna Smith, Owner at Livingstone Villa.

Beste Pierre, dankie vir jou tyd, moeite en wonderlike resensie! Dankie dat jy 'n klein besigheid ondersteun. Ons waardeer dit opreg! Ek weet nie hoekom niemand op jou goeie resensie geantwoord het nie! My opregte verskoning! Dit was 'n moeilike tyd tydens Covid en na Covid het ons 2 bestuurders gehad. Ek het weer as eienaar oorgeneem op 1 September 2024. Bespreek asseblief weer! Pas op, Marianna Smith, Eienaar by Livingstone Villa.

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Neline B
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jul 2019

Definitely worth every penny, will no doubt go again. Very nice long weekend at this house, wish we could stay longer. One is surrounded by nature and the most beautiful views. Everything you need is walking distance from the house. The house is also very cosy and ideal for a family weekend.

Absoluut elke sent werd, sal sonder twyfel weer gaan. Baie lekker langnaweek by dié huis gehad, wens ons kon langer bly. Mens word omring deur natuur en die mooiste view. Als wat mens nodig het is stapafstand van die huis. Die huis is ook baie cosy en ideaal vir 'n gesinsnaweek.

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Value for money
Livingstone Villa

Dear Neline, Thank you so much for your review and for your support, it is truly appreciated! We hope you visit us again. Warmest regards, Marianna

Liewe Neline, Baie dankie vir jou resensie en vir jou ondersteuning, dit word opreg waardeer! Ons hoop jy besoek ons weer. Hartlike groete, Marianna

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Jack G
Short stay With partner
Sep 2018

Outstanding. View breathtakingly beautiful and the Villa deserves 5 stars.

Uitstekend. Uitsig asemrowend mooi en die Villa verdien 5 sterre.

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Value for money
Livingstone Villa

Hi Jack, thank you very much! Appreciate your nice review! We hope you will visit again. It was nice to have you there. regards Marianna Smith

Hi Jack baie dankie! Waardeer jou mooi review! Ons hoop julle kom kuier weer. Dit was lekker om julle daar te hê. Groete Marianna Smith

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Marselle B
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jul 2018

5 Star, enjoyed, rested, stayed. Livingstone Villa exceeded all of my expectations of the convenience with the most beautiful view for relaxation and rest for heart and soul.

5-ster, geniet, gerus, gebly. Livingstone Villa oortref alle verwagtinge van gerief met die mooiste uitsig vir ontspan en rus vir die hart en siel.

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Value for money
Livingstone Villa

Dear John, Thank you very much for choosing us, we appreciate your support! Thank you also for your beautiful review. We always get the best guests! May the rest of 2018 be prosperous! Regards, Alex, Marianna and the rest of the Livingstone Villa team

Beste Johannes, Baie dankie dat julle ons gekies het, ons waardeer julle ondersteuning! Dankie ook vir jul pragtige resensie. Ons kry altyd die beste gaste! Mag die res van 2018 voorspoedig wees! Groete, Alex, Marianna en die res van die Livingstone Villa span

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Janie N
Short stay With friends
May 2018

It exceeded all our expectations! This is a beautiful house with the most breathtaking view from all the rooms. The house is stylish, clean and everything you can think of is available. Definitely worth a visit.

Dit het al ons verwagtinge oortref! Dit is 'n pragtige huis met die mees asemrowende uitsig vanaf al die vertrekke. Die huis is stylvol, skoon en alles waaraan jy kan dink is beskikbaar. Verseker 'n besoek werd.

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Value for money
Livingstone Villa

Thank you Janie for your beautiful short and powerful review. It is really appreciated. We enjoyed your visit and really hope we see you again. All that is beautiful for the rest of 2018. Thanks for the support. Friendly greeting, Alex, Marianna and the Livingstone Villa team

Dankie Janie vir jou pragtige kort en kragtige resensie. Dit word opreg waardeer. Ons het julle besoek geniet en hoop regtig ons sien julle weer. Alles wat mooi is vir die res van 2018. Dankie vir die ondersteuning. Vriendelike groete, Alex, Marianna en die Livingstone Villa span

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Gustav K
Short stay With partner
May 2017

This villa is simply wonderful! When you get there and you park your car it doens't look like the pics. We were a bit worried, but then we took the stairs to the front door. When you stand in front of the door and see the view through the glass panes it takes your breath aways. Every part of the villa is so beautiful, and the attention to detail is mind-blowing. Everything is catered for, all conveniences. Every kitchen appliance ever invented is available in the kitchen, so money gas fireplaces, the furniture is comfy and beautiful, the beds are huge and so comfortable, I could probably go on and on like this. Stunning view of the ocean and the whisper of the waves is so calming, yet it is just far enough away not to be bothered by the winds. Perfect patio. You can just relax there and forget about everything. If you take the highway it is not far from George and the eateries are quaint, just down the street. I can really recommend this place.

Die villa is plainweg net wonderlik! As 'n mens daar aankom en jy parkeer dan lyk dit nie soos die foto's nie. Vir 'n oomblik raak jy bekommerd, maar dan klim jy die trappies na die voordeur. As jy by die deur staan en deur die glas kyk, dan val jou kaak oop. Elke deel van die villa is stunning met onnodige vlakke van attention to detail. Daar is nie 'n convenience in die huis wat nie oor gedink is nie. Elke stukkie kombuistoerusting wat bestaan is daar, die hele plek is vol gaskaggels, die meubels is gemaklik en pragtig, die beddens is enorm en super gemaklik, en só kan 'n mens aangaan. Die view van die see is stunning en die gedruis van branders is kalmerend, maar dis vêr genoeg weg van die strand dat die wind amper niks waai nie. Dis die perfekte stoep om om die sit en rus, maar dit werk net so goed vir kuier. Met die snelweg is dit nie ver van George nie en daar is oulike eetplekkies so te sê in die straat af. 100% aanbeveel.

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Value for money
Livingstone Villa

Dr. cricket Thank you very much for your support and sincere, honest and wonderful review of our Villa. We really really appreciate it. Every guest is so important and we try our best to keep everyone happy and always hope guests are satisfied. We hope if you book again we can keep you just as happy. May we see you again soon. I'm glad you had a good rest. Friendly greeting Alex and Marianna

Dr. Kriek Baie dankie vir jou ondersteuning en opregte, eerlike en wonderlike resensie van ons Villa. Ons waardeer dit regtig opreg. Elke gas is so belangrik en ons probeer ons bes om almal gelukkig te hou en hoop altyd gaste is tevrede. Ons hoop as jy weer boek kan ons jou net so gelukkig hou. Mag ons julle gou weer sien. Ek is bly julle het lekker gerus. Vriendelike groete Alex en Marianna

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Lorraine W
Short stay With friends
Jun 2016

Amazingly beautiful and convenient! I will recommend Livingstone Villa for any nice and relaxed and luxurious getaway. The place is tasteful, stylish and conveniently equipped. They thought of everything to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Mariaan is an excellent addition to your stay as she knows exactly what is important to her guests! Thanks so much!

Asemrowend mooi en gerieflik! Ek sal Livingstone Villa aanbeveel vir enige lekker rustige en luukse wegbreek. Die plek is smaakvol, stylvol en gerieflik ingerig. Hulle het aan alles gedink om jou tyd so gemaklik as moontlik te maak. Mariaan is 'n uitstekende skakel in jou verblyf aangesien sy presies weet wat belangrik is vir haar gaste! Baie dankie!

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Value for money
Livingstone Villa

Dear Lorraine you are so sweet and kind. Thank you so much! Thank you very much, I really appreciate your letter. I hope you will visit us again in the future. We look forward to it. It was a pleasure to have you as guests. Friendly greeting Marianna

Dear Lorraine you are so sweet and kind. Thank you so much! Baie dankie ek waardeer jou briefie baie. Ek hoop dat julle ons weer in die toekoms sal besoek. Ons sien uit daarna. Dit was 'n plesier om julle te hê as gaste. Vriendelike groete Marianna

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Lisa V
Short stay Family with teenagers
May 2016

Wow, what a stunning place. Most stunning accommodation with everything you need for winter and summer. We had a wonderful stay and will surely book again.

Wow, wat 'n pragtige plek. Die mooiste akkommodasie met alles wat jy nodig het vir die winter en somer. Ons het heerlik gebly en sal beslis weer bespreek.

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Value for money
Livingstone Villa

Dear Lisa thank you so much! I really appreciate your review very much. It warms our hearts to hear this. We hope you will visit us again in the near future. Kindest, Andre Burger and Marianna Smith Livingstone Villa Wilderness

Liewe Lisa baie dankie! Ek waardeer jou resensie baie. Dit maak ons harte warm om dit te hoor. Ons hoop jy sal ons weer in die nabye toekoms besoek. Vriendelikste, Andre Burger en Marianna Smith Livingstone Villa Wildernis

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Marianna Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 14

On LekkeSlaap 14 years

From R4 100
per night (sleeps 6)
R4 100
per night (sleeps 6)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 17:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 729 Constantia Drive, Wilderness Heights, Wilderness, 4500, Western Cape
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJDJhNDJiMGNmLTU5MGItNDEwYi1hOGU2LTA2ODYwYjJhNDY4YQ?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R4 100 per night (sleeps 6) 14 5 1 5 729 Constantia Drive Wilderness Heights 4500 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-17:00 10:00 -33.991522680054 22.577159106731

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