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Marshrose Self-catering Accommodation

Self Catering


4.3/ 5

Based on 2 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Chantel B
Short stay Family with young children
Jan 2020

Was very neat, relaxing and very safe. Great host, felt right at home. See stars.

Value for money
Marshrose Self-catering Accommodation

Dear Chantel, thank you for your very kind rating, which we highly value and appreciate. It was such a pleasure having you stay with us and we trust your great memories will linger long. Kind regards

Beste Chantel, dankie vir jou baie vriendelike gradering, wat ons baie waardeer en waardeer. Dit was so 'n plesier om jou by ons te hê en ons vertrou dat jou goeie herinneringe lank sal bly. Vriendelike groete

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Sharon F
Long stay Family with young children
Jan 2020

Weak place. No hot water. May not cook food. Do not grill.

Swak plek. Geen warm water. Mag nie kos kook nie. Mag nie braai nie.

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Value for money
Marshrose Self-catering Accommodation

Dear Sharon, Thank you very much for your feedback about our facility. We are nevertheless very concerned about the comments as follows, all the cooking facilities, appliances and fridge are in the unit, including microwave oven and 2-plate stove with oven and grill. We have no reason to understand why the perception arose that you may not cook food, otherwise the facilities would not be there. There is a Weber braai in the common garden area next to the pool for use by any guest, at any time. Which are comfortably placed next to stretcher chairs, with extra shade just for the hot summer days, for your comfort. It is also comfortably placed next to the beautiful and sheltered Patio Gazebo, with a comfortable dining table. The hot water is controlled by an automatic on and off system, to make the best use of power consumption, in line with ESKOM's request specifically for guest houses to exercise control to keep unnecessary power consumption under control. As the notices read, the geyser activates 2 to 3 times each day for between 1 and 2 hours each time, which is generally sufficient under most normal conditions. Nevertheless, there is also a notification in the suite, which invites guests to just send a message if they do still need hot water outside of the geyser times. In such cases, the geyser is immediately switched on again for extra time. It is also currently the norm in the Cape, where water restrictions still apply, that the daily permissible consumption of water per person does not accommodate the tap of a full bath of water per person. A full bath of water also drains an entire geyser, which takes much, much longer to reheat than a partially empty geyser. a geyser that is drained empty will remain cold until the next preset heating cycle. The norm in the Cape is therefore that everyone showers quickly to use as little water as possible, as indicated in the suites. It is our great regret that we never received an inquiry or complaint of any of the above situations, despite being invited to communicate with us at any time with any queries we could assist with. We also regularly saw you in the smoking area outside and asked if everything was fine with you. We also looked for you the night before you left to say goodbye, but apparently you came in quite late, so we missed you. Finally, we apologize if you feel that we have not adequately inquired about your welfare on a daily basis, unfortunately the owner became very inconveniently quite unwell during the time and it was not always possible to be present all the time. Thank you very much, Linda Thorpe.

Beste Sharon, baie dankie vir u terugvoer oor ons fasiliteit. Ons is nietemin erg besorgd oor die kommentaar soos volg, al die koskook geriewe, toebehore en yskas is in die eenheid, insluitend mikrogolf oond en 2-plaat stoof met oond en rooster. Ons het geen rede om te verstaan waarom daar die persepsie ontstaan het dat julle nie kos mag kook nie, anders sou die geriewe mos nie daar wees nie. Daar is 'n Weber braai in die algemene tuin area langs die swembad vir gebruik deur enige gas, enige tyd. Wat gemaklik langs uitspan stoele geplaas is, met ekstra skadu net vir die warm somer dae, vir u gerief. Dit is ook geriflik langs die mooi en beskutte Patio Gazebo geplaas, met n gemaklike eet tafel. Die warm water is beheer deur outomatiese aan en af stelsel, om krag verbruik ten beste te benut, in lyn met ESKOM se versoek spesifiek op gastehuise om beheer uit te oefen om onnodige krag verbruik onder beheer te hou. Soos die kennisgewings lees, die geyser aktiveer elke dag 2 tot 3 keer vir tussen 1 en 2 ure lank, elke keer, wat oor die algemeen voldoende is onder meeste normale omstandighede. Daar is nietemin ook 'n kennisgewing in die suite, wat gaste nooi om net 'n boodskap te stuur as hulle wel buite die geyser tye nog warm water nodig het. Daar word in sulke gevalle onmiddelik, die geyser weer vir ekstra tyd aangeskakel. Dit is ook tans die norm in die Kaap, waar water beperkings nog steeds van toepassing is, dat die daaglikse toelaatbare verbruik van water per persoon, nie die tap van 'n vol bad water per persoon akkommodeer nie. 'n Vol bad water, dreineer ook 'n hele geyser leeg, wat baie baie langer vat om weer warm te word, as 'n gedeeltelike leë geyser. 'n geyser wat leeg gedreineer word, sal koud bly tot die volgende voorafgestelde verhittings siklus. Die norm in die Kaap is dus dat almal vinnig stort om so min water as moontlik te gebruik, soos aangedui in die suites. Dit is vir ons 'n groot jammerte dat ons nooit 'n navraag of klagte van enige van die bogenoemde situasies ontvang het, ten spyte dat u genooi was om enige tyd met ons te kommunikeer met enige navrae waarmee ons kon help. Ons het u ook gereeld in die rook area buite gesien en verneem of alles goed is met julle. Ons het julle ook die aand voor jul vertrek gesoek om te groet, maar julle het blykbaar redelik laat ingekom, dus het ons julle gemis. Laastens vra ons om verskoning as u voel dat ons nie voldoende daaglikse navraag aan u welsyn gerig het, die eienaar het ongelukkig baie ongeriflik redelik erg ongesteld geraak in die tyd en dit was nie altyd moontlik om heeltyd teenwoordig te wees nie. Baie dankie, Linda Thorpe.

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Linda Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 14

On LekkeSlaap 8 years

From R 750
per night (sleeps 2)
R 750
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
  • Capacity: 10 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 7 Vleiroos Street, Welgemoed, 7530, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAzytUs5O6NFZJ0n3qXNLmuAZziQdxT8I3w9w7IEffU4Sycpyy4u?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R750 per night (sleeps 2) 2 5 1 5 7 Vleiroos Street Welgemoed 7530 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -33.867976769159 18.624881661377

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