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Ons Werf Self-Catering Accommodation

Self Catering


4.5/ 5

Based on 13 reviews


Value for money
Andre D
Short stay Individual traveller
Mar 2024

Very fine, neat, clean and 100% recommended. Had a wonderful stay at Ons Werf. Everything was spotless and very tidy. Apartment was fully equipped with everything one could need. The stoepie with the built-in braai was lovely.

Piekfyn, netjies, skoon en 100% aan te beveel. Heerlik gebly by Ons Werf. Alles was silwerskoon en baie netjies. Woonstel was volledig toegerus met alles wat 'n mens nodig gehad het. Die stoepie met die ingeboude braai was lieflik.

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Value for money
Ons Werf Self-Catering Accommodation

Thank you very much Andre, it was a pleasure to meet and host you.

Baie dankie Andre, was aangenaam om jou te ontmoet en te huisves.

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Carel V
Long stay With partner
Jan 2023

Uncle Dries and Aunt Elaine are really warm people, they make you feel welcome and it feels like your own home. We were very kindly received by uncle Dries and aunt Elaine. They were very friendly and helpful. I will stay there again with a clear heart.

Oom Dries en Tannie Elaine is regtig hartsmense hulle laat mens welkom voel en dit voel soos jou eie tuiste. Ons was baie vriendelik ontvang deur oom Dries en tannie Elaine. Hulle was baie vriendelik en behulpsaam. Ek sal met 'n geruste hart weer daar gaan bly.

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Value for money
Ons Werf Self-Catering Accommodation

Thank you very much for your rating and comments Carel! It was very nice to receive you, and we hope to see you again soon. You were also 5 star guests! Greetings and all the best. Dries and Elaine vd Walt.

Baie dankie vir jou gradering en opmerkings Carel! Was baie lekker om julle te ontvang, en hoop ons sien gou weer. Julle was ook 5 ster gaste! Groete en alles van die beste toegewens. Dries en Elaine vd Walt.

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Chane P
Long stay Large group
Dec 2023

Family group with two wofies who come to rest in Groot-Brak. Our group of 8 enjoyed our stay. The owner was very helpful and made sure we had everything we needed. He made an extra effort to make sure our woofies could stay safely on the premises (porch) if they couldn't go together. The yard is not really suitable for pets as there is no grass or a fence. Next time I will reconsider taking them on holiday if the premises are not well suited for them. The WiFi could definitely be better and only had reception in a few places in the house.

Familie groep met twee woefies wat kom rus in Groot-Brak. Ons groep van 8 het ons verblyf geniet. Die eienaar was baie behulpsaam en het seker gemaak dat ons alles het wat ons nodig het. Hy het ekstra moeite gedoen om seker te maak ons woefies kon veilig bly op die perseel (stoep) as hulle nie kon saam nie. Die erf is nie regtig geskik vir troeteldiere nie, aangesien daar nie gras of 'n heining is nie. Ek sal dit volgende keer heroorweeg om hulle saam te vat op vakansie indien die perseel nie goed geskik is vir hulle nie. Die WiFi kon beslis beter wees en het slegs op 'n paar plekke in die huis opvangs gehad.

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Value for money
Ons Werf Self-Catering Accommodation

Hi Chane, Thank you very much for your positive feedback. We are in the process of installing a WiFi 'mesh' network which will solve the problem of 'dead spots'. We do not advertise that we are animal friendly, for exactly the reasons you mention. We only agreed to your one puppy to help you, and then also pointed out these points to you. It was nice to meet you. Kind regards, Dries.

Hallo Chane, baie dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoer. Ons is besig om 'n WiFi 'mesh' netwerk te installeer wat die probleem van 'dooie kolle' sal oplos. Ons adverteer nie dat ons dierevriendelik is nie, presies oor die redes wat jy noem. Ons het slegs tot jou een hondjie toegestem om jou te help, en het toe ook dié punte aan jou uitgewys. Dit was lekker om julle te ontmoet. Vriendelike Groete, Dries.

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Anonymous Guest
Long stay With partner
Jan 2023

Value for money
Ons Werf Self-Catering Accommodation
Dit was weereens baie lekker om julle hier te hê. Hoop ons sien sommer gou weer! Vriendelike Groete Dries

Nadine A
Short stay With partner
Sep 2020

Beautifully decorated apartment with amazing views. We loved our stay at Ons Werf, the apartment is beautiful and has everything you need for a relaxed self-catering stay with extra little touches like fruit and chocolates to make you feel special. The hosts Dries and Elaine are wonderful people who go out of their way to make a person feel at home. I can highly recommend this accommodation to anyone.

Value for money
Ons Werf Self-Catering Accommodation

Thank you for your stay Nadine, it was wonderful to meet you. We hope to see you soon again, you are 5-star guests.

Thank you for your stay Nadine, it was wonderful to meet you. We hope to see you soon again, you are 5-star guests.

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Cindy V
Long stay Family with young children
Jan 2020

The place is clean and tidy, but the chairs are very uncomfortable, and the owner's family portraits fill the entire room. My children did not want to sleep there. It is advertised that there is a tumble dryer, but on arrival the owner informed us that we are not allowed to use it and if we do use it there are extra charges. I mean take it out if it is not to be used. The laundry room is his garage in which his vehicle is parked and all the things he stores. You have to squeeze between his trailer and his boxes to hang your things on a small clothesline. The entire unit is also plastered with notes to inform you that you should save on power and water. The free WiFi is also prepaid. I don't mind saving water and power at all, but really? One note would suffice. Then the parking: small parking in front of the garage, but the house and the apartment's vehicles have to squeeze in there and it's the size of a single parking lot.

Die plek is skoon en netjies, maar die stoele is baie ongemaklik, en die eienaar se familieportrette hang die een hele kamer vol. My kinders wou nie daar slaap nie. Daar word geadverteer dat daar 'n tuimeldroër is, maar met aankoms het die eienaar ons ingelig dat ons dit nie mag gebruik nie en indien ons dit gebruik daar ekstra kostes is. Ek meen haal dit dan uit as dit nie gebruik mag word nie. Die waskamer is sy garage waarin sy voertuig staan en al die goed wat hy stoor. Jy moet tussen sy sleepwa en sy bokse indruk om op 'n klein wasgoedlyntjie jou goed op te hang. Die hele eenheid is ook volgeplak met briefies om jou in te lig dat jy op krag en water moet spaar. Die gratis WiFi is ook prepaid. Ek gee glad nie om om water en krag te bespaar nie, maar regtig? Een briefie sou voldoende wees. Dan die parkering: klein parkering voor die garage, maar daar moet die huis en die woonstel se voertuie indruk en dis die grootte van 'n enkelparkering.

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Value for money
Ons Werf Self-Catering Accommodation

Dear Cindy and Deon van der Merwe It was nice to meet you, and thanks for your comments, mostly highly debatable in my opinion. I actually didn't want to comment on your opinions at all, but then a subsequent reader might get the false impression that what you say is the truth. Our furniture is completely comfortable for people of average build, and our decor choices are our prerogative. You showed up with more people than you booked and paid for and then refused to pay for the extra person as our, and most other places, conditions are. The house can't accommodate that many people either and we don't want people on mattresses on the floor. You arrive here with 10 days worth of accumulated dirty laundry that you want to wash and dry quickly at our expense, this while we had very strict water restrictions, not to mention electricity. I think it's unfair to expect that, you should have washed it at your previous place of residence, or at a laundromat, as I suggested. The WiFi is not "Pre-Paid" at all, it is free and "Uncapped". The Dstv is also free, and "Multichoice's" premium product, not so common with holiday rentals. The parking is completely large enough for both residences, but becomes small if you arrive with a large Vito bus, and then with a huge bunch of caravans on top of that. Each person is entitled to their own rating and star rating of a place to stay, however yours is questionable and debatable, which I will not go into. Similarly, a landlord is also entitled to his opinion of a guest. Friendly greeting, Dries van der Walt

Beste Cindy en Deon van der Merwe Dit was lekker om julle te ontmoet, en dankie vir julle opmerkings, meestal hoogs aanvegbaar na my mening. Ek wou eintlik glad nie kommentaar lewer op jou menings nie, maar dan sal 'n volgende leser dalk die valse indruk kry dat wat jy sê die waarheid is. Ons meubels is heeltemal gemaklik vir mense met 'n gemiddelde liggaamsbou, en ons dekor keuses is ons prerogatief. Julle het opgedaag met meer persone as waarvoor julle bespreek en betaal het en toe geweier om vir die ekstra persoon te betaal soos wat ons, en die meeste ander plekke, se voorwaardes is. Die huis kan ook nie soveel persone huisves nie en ons wil nie mense op matrasse op die vloer hê nie. Julle kom hier aan met 10 dae se opgehoopte vuil wasgoed wat jy op ons koste wil was en vinnig droogmaak, dit terwyl ons baie streng water beperkings gehad het, om nie eers van elektrisiteit te praat nie. Ek dink dis onbillik om dit te verwag, jy moes dit by jou vorige blyplek gewas het, of by 'n wassery, soos wat ek voorgestel het. Die WiFi is glad nie "Pre-Paid" nie, dit is gratis en "Uncapped". Die Dstv is ook gratis, en "Multichoice" se premium produk, nie so algemeen by vakansie verhurings nie. Die parkering is heeltemal groot genoeg vir beide woonplekke, maar raak klein as jy met n groot vito bus aankom, en dan nog boonop met 'n yslike bos karavaan. Elke persoon is geregtig op sy eie taksering en toewysing van sterre aan 'n blyplek, joune is egter twyfelagtig en debatteerbaar, waarop ek nie sal ingaan. Net so is 'n verhuurder ook geregtig op sy opinie van 'n gas. Vriendelike Groete, Dries van der Walt

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Carien F
Long stay Family with teenagers
Dec 2019

Great holiday destination. We had a great time. Dries is very hospitable and friendly. We really enjoyed it, house is very neat and furnished with everything you need.

Heerlike vakansie-bestemming. Ons het baie lekker gekuier. Dries is baie gasvry en vriendelik. Ons het dit baie geniet, huis is baie netjies en ingerig met alles wat jy benodig.

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Value for money
Ons Werf Self-Catering Accommodation

Thank you very much for your visit Carien, it was a pleasure to have you here. Thanks for the clean house left behind. Wish you a nice 2020. Dries and Elaine.

Baie dankie vir julle kuier Carien, dit was 'n plesier om julle hier te hê. Dankie vir die skoon huis agter gelaat. Wens julle 'n mooi 2020 toe. Dries en Elaine.

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Ben V
Long stay With partner
Mar 2019

Nice. Very friendly and helpful. Neat, clean and felt very welcome.

Aangenaam. Baie vriendelik en behulpsaam. Netjies, skoon en voel baie welkom.

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Value for money
Ons Werf Self-Catering Accommodation

Hi Ben and Surika, It was nice to meet you! Hope we see you again soon. Regards to Benji, Dries and Elaine van der Walt

Hallo Ben en Surika, Was lekker om julle te ontmoet! Hoop ons sien gou weer. Groete vir Benji, Dries en Elaine van der Walt

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Elizabeth D
Short stay
Jan 2019

Spacious, well-equipped, comfortable holiday accommodation that offers everything you need for a wonderfully relaxing holiday. We really enjoyed being lulled to sleep at night with the sea in your ears. We were 4 adults and 2 small children who stayed very nicely for 3 nights in the comfortable, neat, open-plan, spacious, self-catering house. The house offers everything one needs and the well-equipped, spacious laundry room, where the children could also play on a rainy day, was a bonus. We can definitely recommend this accommodation.

Ruim, goed toegeruste, gerieflike vakansieverblyf wat alles bied wat nodig is vir `n heerlike ontspanne vakansie. Ons het dit vreeslik geniet om saans aan die slaap gesus te word met die see in jou ore. Ons was 4 volwassenes en 2 klein kinders wat vir 3 nagte baie lekker in die gerieflike, netjiese, oopplan, ruim, selfsorghuis gebly het. Die huis bied alles wat mens nodig het en die goed toegeruste ruim waskamer, waar die kinders ook op `n reëndag kon speel, was 'n bonus. Ons kan hierdie verblyf beslis aanbeveel.

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Value for money
Ons Werf Self-Catering Accommodation

Hi Liz, It was very nice to have you here, trust me the rest of your holiday was also very nice. Hope we see you again soon. Dries and Elaine van der Walt

Hallo Liz, Was baie lekker om julle hier te hê, vertrou die res van julle vakansie was ook baie lekker. Hoop ons sien gou weer. Dries en Elaine van der Walt

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Anja B
Short stay Family with teenagers
Dec 2019

Expected better from what I paid. We expected more. We paid R1800 a night but the car should have stayed outside (but we had to take out belongings, it's scary) the place itself is very luxurious (too luxurious), but was very neat and very friendly. Not very private. For the type of price you can get something on the beach.

Het beter verwag volgens wat ek betaal het. Ons het meer verwag. Ons het R1800 'n aand betaal maar motor moes buite gebly het (maar besittings moes ons uithaal, dit maak mens al skrikkerig) die plek self is baie luuks (te luuks), maar was baie netjies en baie vriendelik. Nie baie privaat nie. Vir die tipe prys kan jy iets op strand kry.

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Value for money

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Dries Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 13

On LekkeSlaap 10 years

From R1 000
per night (sleeps 2)
R1 000
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 10 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 11 Kaaimans Way, Groot Brakrivier, Mossel Bay, 6525, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJGE3ODhhNjQwLWEwNDgtNDJkZC1iZWZhLTUxYmJjMjhjZGZmYw?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 000 per night (sleeps 2) 13 5 1 5 11 Kaaimans Way Groot Brakrivier 6525 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -34.055293472241 22.214624703013

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