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Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm

Self Catering


4.9/ 5

Based on 11 reviews


Value for money
Johan F
1 night stay With partner
Sep 2024

Safe, tidy, clean, very friendly service, brilliant place to stay. Real Karoo experience, the place brought back a lot of nostalgia.

Veilig, netjies, skoon, baie vriendelike diens, briljante oorslaap plek. Egte Karoo-ervaring, die plek het baie nostalgie teruggebring.

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Value for money
Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm

Tomorrow John. We are so glad you enjoyed it. Next time you should spend another night. Karoo greetings.

Môre Johan. Ons is so bly dat julle dit geniet het. Volgende keer moet julle nog 'n nag oorslaap. Karoo groete.

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Johan H
1 night stay With friends
Aug 2024

Delicious, delicious again. Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm is a lovely overnight facility. Len and his wife went out of their way to make us feel at home. The old farmhouse has an atmosphere of its own. I will definitely spend the night there again!

Heerlik, nogmaals heerlik. Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm is 'n heerlike oornag fasiliteit. Len en sy vrou het uit hulle pad uitgegaan om ons te laat tuis voel. Die ou plaashuis het 'n atmosfeer van sy eie. Ek sal baie beslis weer daar gaan oornag!

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Value for money
Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm
Hi Johan. Thank you for taking the time to give us a review. It was nice meeting you. Hope you had a lovely road trip and are home safe. You are most welcome to come and visit anytime. Keep well and regards to all.

Barry S
Short stay Family with young children
Jun 2024

Special Karoo experience for those with a heart. Thanks for a fantastic few days. You made our family feel very welcome and spoiled us thoroughly with all the activities. It was an experience and the kids just want to know when we go back! It was a privilege to meet you.

Besonderse Karoo-ervaring by hartsmense. Dankie vir 'n fantastiese paar dae. Julle het ons gesin baie welkom laat voel en ons deeglik bederf met al die aktiwiteite. Dit was 'n belewenis en die kinders wil net weet wanneer ons teruggaan! Dit was 'n voorreg om julle te ontmoet.

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Value for money
Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm

Tomorrow Barry. We are so glad you enjoyed it. You should visit again soon. I will let you know when the Karoo blooms. Greetings there.

Môre Barry. Ons is so bly julle het dit geniet. Julle moet gou weer kom kuier. Ek sal jou laat weet as die Karoo blom. Groete daar.

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Pierr R
1 night stay With friends
Apr 2024

Very pleasant stay apart from very windy conditions. Great hospitality shown by the hosts who sorted out food, drinks, and fuel for our motorbikes.

Value for money
Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm

Hi Pierre. Thank you for taking the time to give us a review. It is heart-warming to know that you guys enjoyed your stay. We hope to see you again in the near future. Warmest Karoo greetings.

Hallo Pierre. Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om vir ons 'n resensie te gee. Dit is hartverblydend om te weet dat julle julle verblyf geniet het. Ons hoop om jou in die nabye toekoms weer te sien. Warmste Karoo groete.

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Beverley M
1 night stay With friends
Mar 2024

A super off the grid Roggeveld farm stay. What a super off the grid place to stay! True Roggeveld Karoo farm feel about it. We enjoyed the wonderful spacious Kliphuis with the pool table in the lounge. Fridge space was more than ample and also great to be able to use the "Old Girl" paraffin fridge. Our hosts looked after us very well. It was great to be able to order lamb chops, home-baked bread and fresh farm eggs from them in advance. Another plus is that the farm cats are neutered which is a very sensible move. A big thank you as well for allowing the travelling Mr Bentley (dog) to enjoy the farmyard.

Value for money
Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm

Hi Beverley. It was lovely meeting you. Thank you for the review. Your book about the Tankwa is so informative and we enjoyed reading it. We wish you safe and exciting travels. Warmest Karoo greetings.

Hallo Beverley. Dit was heerlik om jou te ontmoet. Dankie vir die resensie. Jou boek oor die Tankwa is so insiggewend en ons het dit geniet om dit te lees. Ons wens jou veilige en opwindende reise toe. Warmste Karoo groete.

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Pieter V
Short stay With partner
Jan 2024

Wonderful hospitality, great accommodation, very comfortable, clean and well equipped. The host and hostess were wonderful, friendly and hospitable. Their knowledge of the farm and area was amazing. They are very helpful and we immediately felt at home. The accommodation was beautiful, clean, well equipped and very comfortable. The fridges and lights worked very well with the solar power. The indoor barbecue was delicious and the farm animals provided a lot of excitement. The scenery is beautiful and we had a great time relaxing on the veranda. Absolutely great!

Wonderlike gasvryheid, puik akkommodasie, baie gerieflik, skoon en goed toegerus. Die gasheer en gasvrou was wonderlik, vriendelik en gasvry. Hulle kennis van die plaas en area was verstommend. Hulle is baie hulpvaardig en ons het sommer gou tuis gevoel. Die akkommodasie was pragtig, skoon, goed toegerus en baie gerieflik. Die yskaste en ligte het baie goed gewerk met die sonkrag. Die binnehuise braai was heerlik en die plaasdiere het vir baie opwinding gesorg. Die natuurskoon is pragtig en ons het heerlik ontspan op die stoep. Absoluut puik!

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Value for money
Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm

Hi Peter! I'm amazed it took me so long to say thanks for the review. It was really great to meet you and so special to be able to remember my wonderful childhood on Sabie. Beaufort and Durban greet our guests every morning with the crystal clear donkey song. We wish you prosperity in the new year. If the city gets too busy, pack those bags and hit the road and come visit. Karoo Greetings!

Hi Pieter! Ek is stomverbaas dat ek so lank geneem het om dankie te sê vir die resensie. Dit was werklik geweldig om julle te ontmoet en so spesiaal om my wonderlike kinderjare op Sabie te kon onthou. Beaufort en Durban groet ons gaste elke môre met die kristalhelder donkiesang. Ons wens julle voorspoed met die nuwe jaar. As die stad te besig raak, pak daai koffers en vat die pad en kom kuier. Karoo Groete!

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Tanya M
1 night stay Family with young children
Aug 2023

Very good break. Owners very hospitable. Karoo at its best!

Baie goeie wegbreek. Eienaars baie gasvry. Karoo op sy beste!

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Value for money
Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm

Hi Tanya. Thank you for taking the time to give us a review. We wish you and your lovely family a Happy New Year and hope you revisit Oupoort in the near future.

Hallo Tanya. Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om vir ons 'n resensie te gee. Ons wens jou en jou lieflike gesin 'n voorspoedige nuwe jaar toe en hoop julle besoek Oupoort weer in die nabye toekoms.

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Carol S
Short stay With partner
May 2023

A most enjoyable experience. I would highly recommend Oupoort Guest Farm. Friendly owners, Juanie and Len, went out of their way to make us feel welcome. There were many extras, delicious homemade bread, free-range eggs, jams and relishes for sale. We were treated to a magnificent tractor ride at sunset. The accommodation was generously equipped and also with some fascinating retro items. There is much to do on the farm yet also a perfect place for experiencing peace, and good energy. A very memorable and special experience, thank you for sharing this spot in the Tankwa with us.

Value for money
Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm

Hi Carol. Thank you for the review. It is heartwarming to know that you guys enjoyed your stay. We hope to see you soon. Warmest Karoo greetings.

Hallo Carol. Dankie vir die resensie. Dit is hartverblydend om te weet dat julle julle verblyf geniet het. Ons hoop om jou binnekort te sien. Warmste Karoo groete.

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Sonnia F
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2023

It was an experience. The hospitality and accommodation was fantastic. However, I would recommend that you have a 4x4 vehicle to tackle the 66 km there from Sutherland. First 16 km are tarred. After that bad dirt road.

Dit was 'n ondervinding. Die gasvryheid en blyplek was fantasties. Ek sal egter aanbeveel dat jy 'n 4x4 voertuig het om die 66 km tot daar van Sutherland af aan te pak. Eerste 16 km is geteer. Daarna slegte grondpad.

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Value for money
Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm

Hi Sonia. Thank you very much for the review. It was good to meet you. Too bad it was such a quick in and out visit. Our guests always say one night is too little. You just pack up and then you have to hit the road early again and then you don't get the opportunity to fully explore Oupoort in the heart of the Karoo. The road is a dirt road and even though I wish I could have the road scraped every week or so it is out of my control and the weather also makes a turn every now and then to throw a "spanner in the works". A 4x4 or "high clearance" vehicle is more convenient, but for many of our guests from the cities with an ordinary "tjorietjie" it is an adventure and a treat when they turn down to Oupoort. What I can recommend is that you plan your route well and make use of the many navigation applications. The guest farm/house can also be contacted and more information can be obtained on numerous social networks. We wish you a prosperous new year and may your 4x4 take you on many more adventures. Karoo greetings, Juanie and Len.

Hi Sonia. Baie dankie vir die review. Dit was goed om julle te ontmoet. Jammer dat dit so 'n vinnige in en uit kuiertjie was. Ons gaste sê altyd een aand is te min. Mens pak net af en dan moet jy weer vroeg vroeg in die pad val en kry jy dan nie die geleentheid om Oupoort in die hartjie van die Karoo ten volle te verken nie. Die pad is 'n grondpad en al wens ek ek kon die pad elke week of so laat skraap is dit buite my beheer en die weer maak dan ook so nou en dan 'n draai om 'n "spanner in the works" te gooi. 'n 4x4 of "high clearance" voertuig is meer gerieflik maar vir baie van ons gaste uit die stede met 'n gewone "tjorietjie" is dit 'n avontuur en 'n lekkerte as hulle afdraai na Oupoort. Wat ek kan aanbeveel is dat 'n mens jou roete goed moet beplan en van die talle navigasie applikasies gebruik te maak. Die gasteplaas/huis kan ook gekontak word en op talle sosiale netwerke kan meer inligting bekom word. Ons wens julle 'n voorspoedige nuwe jaar en mag julle 4x4 julle nog op vele avonture neem. Karoo groete, Juanie en Len.

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Jennifer L
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2022

Peace for the soul in the heart of the Karoo. Incredible getaway in a breathtaking and magnificent tranquil setting in the middle of nowhere in the heart of the Karoo! The house has an authentic farm holiday feel, excellently laid out and equipped with all the creature comforts. The hosts were friendly, considerate and thoughtful in making your stay with them memorable! The Oupoort Eco Guest Farm has something for everyone to do and enjoy whether you are busy bodies like us or just want to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere on the private property to see and enjoy! There are many walking, mtb, and driving routes. The property has a lovely braai area outside with plenty of seating and shelter for both winter and summer with seating that guests can enjoy their morning coffee, sandwiches or evening sundowners. In the evening you are mesmerized by the milky way and sounds from the animal's settling down for the night. We will definitely recommend Oupoort Eco Guest farm as a must visit for anyone who loves the outdoors or who wants to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Can't wait to visit again very soon! Thank you Juanie for your incredible hospitality and for making our stay magical!

Value for money
Oupoort Eco and Guest Farm

Hi Jennifer. Thank you for your review. Much appreciated. It was awesome meeting you guys. It’s such a great feeling when our guests leave the farm and we know they enjoyed it. The Karoo, with its the vastness and sheer beauty, is truly food for the soul. We hope to see you guys again. Keep well.

Hallo Jennifer. Dankie vir jou resensie. Baie waardeer. Dit was awesome om julle te ontmoet. Dit is so 'n wonderlike gevoel wanneer ons gaste die plaas verlaat en ons weet hulle het dit geniet. Die Karoo, met sy uitgestrektheid en pure skoonheid, is werklik voedsel vir die siel. Ons hoop om julle weer te sien. Mooi bly.

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Juanie Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 11

On LekkeSlaap 2 years

From R3 150
per night, for 9 ppl
R3 150
per night, for 9 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
  • Capacity: 9 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Sutherland District Regional Road R354, 66 km from Sutherland, 6920, Northern Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAb8d81e81a6b78531df573eca52abfc460e407533fbc147ad85fb9bc2cacc987166dcf97346add72313b42a74c3f82f14ba18?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R3 150 per night, for 9 ppl 11 5 1 5 Sutherland District Regional Road R354 66 km from Sutherland 6920 Northern Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -32.002606368619 20.368977133015

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