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Penthouse @ Aride

Self Catering


4.8/ 5

Based on 4 reviews


Value for money
Willie D
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jun 2024

Very nice! We had a great stay and relaxed with a beautiful view. Good value for money and would definitely stay there again.

Baie lekker! Ons het baie lekker gebly en ontspan met 'n pragtige uitsig. Goeie waarde vir geld en sal beslis weer daar wil bly.

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Value for money

Edna K
Long stay Family with young children
Aug 2024

Clean, safe, tidy and beautiful view. Beautiful accommodation, neat and clean. With supervision of small children this is a very safe and family friendly unit. Hot water was a problem, and the washing machine leaking water was inconvenient as provided towels had to be used for drying which could not be replaced. We also requested to be able to get an extra set of keys because we don't all come and go at the same time. This is not possible according to the agency, just a suggestion that it might be addressed in the future, even at an extra cost I think would be acceptable, if it is a need. The washing machine problem was addressed and repaired after 5 days. The lady who is arranged for cleaning service on request is fantastic and a positive addition to the unit. If it is possible for us, we will definitely book the unit again. We appreciate the effort and cost the owner incurs to keep the unit so nice and well maintained. Thank you very much, it was delicious.

Skoon, veilig, netjies en pragtige uitsig. Pragtige verblyf, netjies en skoon. Met toesig oor klein kindertjies is dit 'n baie veilige en gesinsvriendelike eenheid. Warmwater was 'n probleem, en die wasmasjien wat water uitgelek het, was ongerieflik aangesien voorsiende handdoeke vir die opdroog gebruik moes word wat nie vervang kon word nie. Ons het ook versoek om 'n ekstra stel sleutels te kon kry omdat ons nie almal op dieselfde tyd kom en gaan nie. Dit is volgens die agentskap nie moontlik nie, net 'n voorstel dat dit dalk in die toekoms aangespreek word, selfs teen 'n ekstra koste dink ek sal aanvaarbaar wees, as dit 'n behoefte is. Die wasmasjien probleem was aangespreek en herstel na 5 dae. Die dame wat op versoek gereël is vir skoonmaakdiens is fantasties en 'n positiewe toevoeging tot die eenheid. As dit vir ons moontlik is, sal ons verseker weer die eenheid boek. Ons waardeer die moeite en koste wat die eienaar aangaan om die eenheid so mooi en goed versorg te hou. Baie dankie, dit was heerlik.

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Value for money

David M
Short stay With friends
Mar 2024

Amazing. It was amazing. Will definitely be back. Thank you.

Value for money

Russel M
Short stay With partner
Feb 2024

Thoroughly enjoyed our stay, had a wonderful rest, with magnificent sea views. Penthouse @ Aride offers all the luxuries that one would wish for and was more than a "home away from home" with comfort and style and a 180-degree view from the two en-suites that lead out onto a balcony that overlooks the ocean, absolutely awesome. Unfortunately, two small gripes that need to be brought to your attention: Firstly, the gas braai that was not cleaned after the previous use, that we first had to clean before we could use the braai. The braai was cleaned again by us before our departure. Secondly, the arrangements regarding picking up the keys. The instructions were given to me that if I arrived before 4:00 PM the keys would be available at CAM Properties with Michelle. We arrived at approximately 3:05 PM after driving 8 hours. CAM Properties offices were locked, I went to Wolf Security who did not have the keys. In the meantime, my wife phoned the number on CAM Properties door and spoke to Michelle and told her that we were at the office. Michelle said that she was out with clients and said that we should have phoned and told her that we were on our way. Please note that Michelle's contact number was not provided, and we were not asked to contact her. Unfortunately, our weekend did not start off on the right note, however once we entered the penthouse and opened a bottle of wine and enjoyed the view along with the complementary chips and dip all was forgotten!

Value for money
Top Destinations
Penthouse @ Aride

My sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by the recent miscommunication concerning Michelle, our team, and yourself. I acknowledge our oversight, particularly in the handling of the dirty braai situation. Moving forward, we are fully committed to enhancing our communication processes to prevent any recurrence of such incidents. Your feedback holds immense value for us, and we are grateful for your understanding as we strive to establish more seamless and considerate coordination among us, Michelle, and our guests. I apologise once again for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience. We sincerely hope you will grant us the opportunity to rectify this situation and provide you with the outstanding experience you deserve. Thank you for your understanding.

My opregte verskoning vir enige ongerief wat veroorsaak word deur die onlangse wankommunikasie rakende Michelle, ons span en jouself. Ek erken ons toesig, veral in die hantering van die vuil braaisituasie. Om vorentoe te beweeg, is ons ten volle daartoe verbind om ons kommunikasieprosesse te verbeter om enige herhaling van sulke voorvalle te voorkom. Jou terugvoer hou groot waarde vir ons in, en ons is dankbaar vir jou begrip terwyl ons daarna streef om meer naatlose en bedagsame koördinasie tussen ons, Michelle, en ons gaste te bewerkstellig. Ek vra weereens om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat veroorsaak is en waardeer u geduld. Ons hoop van harte dat u ons die geleentheid sal gun om hierdie situasie reg te stel en u die uitstaande ervaring sal bied wat u verdien. Dankie dat jy verstaan.

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Top Destinations Verified

Properties 100+

Reviews 440

On LekkeSlaap 9 years

From R 2 200
per night (sleeps 6)
R 2 200
per night (sleeps 6)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 89 Colin Street, Uvongo, 4270, KwaZulu-Natal
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeca5b207fdece4dc726c392519f8a99aaa3d4e7221d3e7a470823e0c2207931d1fe6d097339dbd8b1379c9532ca57ba36ea5?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R2 200 per night (sleeps 6) 4 5 1 5 89 Colin Street Uvongo 4270 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 10:00 -30.834525070235 30.394757297623

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