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Platrand Lodge


3.9/ 5

Based on 13 reviews


Value for money
Linda O
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2023

Amazing, beautiful place. Close to many attractions. The entrance at the main road and the path to the lodge do not prepare you for the incredible place. Decor is excellently planned. It feels like you are stepping into the life of the Victorian. Food is top notch. You feel extremely welcome and relaxed.

Ongelooflike, pragtige plek. Naby baie besienswaardighede. Die ingang by die hoofpad en die paadjie na die lodge berei jou nie voor vir die ongelooflike plek nie. Dekor is uitstekend beplan. Dit voel asof jy in die lewe van die Victoriaanse instap. Kos is uit die boonste rakke. Jy voel uiters welkom en ontspanne.

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Value for money

Adriaan G
1 night stay Individual traveller
Feb 2023

Best in a long time. I travel a lot for business and book all colleagues' accommodation. Platrand is truly one of the best ever. Very very, nice visit, very friendly service. Would definitely highly recommend!

Beste in 'n lang tyd. Ek reis baie vir besigheid en bespreek alle kollegas se verblyf. Platrand is waarlik van die bestes ooit. Baie baie, lekker gekuier, diens baie vriendelik. Sal beslis sterk aanbeveel!

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Value for money

Fanie B
Short stay With partner
Jan 2023

Very nice. It was a very nice visit. Good service.

Baie lekker. Dit was 'n baie lekker kuier. Goeie diens.

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Value for money

Gys B
1 night stay With partner
Mar 2024

We slept well in a peaceful atmosphere and will definitely stay here again. Very nice farm with a beautiful view. However, our room was not ready upon arrival at 14h15, and we were allocated another room. The buildings are quite old and need renovation.

Ons het lekker geslaap in 'n rustige atmosfeer en sal beslis weer hier tuisgaan. Baie mooi plaas met 'n pragtige uitsig. Ons kamer was egter nie gereed met die aankoms om 14h15 nie, en 'n ander kamer is aan ons toegeken. Die geboue is redelik oud en kort opknapwerk.

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Value for money

Richard B
1 night stay With partner
Sep 2023

Quiet and nice. Just washed quickly, but nice, no complaints.

Rustig en lekker. Was net vinnig, maar lekker, geen klagtes.

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Value for money

Hannes H
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Jul 2023

Pleasant experience. Perfect for an overnight stop but wouldn't stay there more than one night. Kitchen was a disappointment.

Aangename ervaring. Perfek vir 'n oornagstop, maar sal nie meer as een aand daar vertoef nie. Kombuis was 'n teleurstelling.

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Value for money

Jonette L
Short stay With partner
Oct 2023

Safe place to sleep. Platrand is a cute place, but more care should be given to detail. Our reservation was written incorrectly for one night instead of the two we discussed. There was only one face towel instead. two in our room, just one bag of coffee and one bag of tea instead of one for each person. We also only received a bar of soap for the second night. It seems as if this small detail is not followed up on, but it leaves one feeling neglected.

Veilige oorslaapplek. Platrand is 'n oulike plek, maar meer sorg behoort aan detail gegee te word. Ons bespreking was verkeerd opgeskryf vir een aand i.p.v. die twee wat ons bespreek het. Daar was net een gesighanddoek i.p.v. twee in ons kamer, net een sakkie koffie en een sakkie tee i.p.v. een vir elke persoon. Ons het ook eers vir die tweede aand 'n koekie seep ontvang. Dit blyk asof hierdie klein detail nie opgevolg word nie, maar dit laat 'n mens afgeskeep voel.

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Value for money

Johan S
1 night stay Family with young children
Apr 2023

Pretty disappointed. Upon our arrival we were received very kindly. However, there were quite a few problems, largely because finer details were not paid attention to. The bathroom door cannot close properly, very uncomfortable for a family. There were three of us, but amenities like coffee mugs were only for two. Instant coffee only one bag. Water is heated with gas. It does not work fantastically with a low flow water saving shower head. You have two settings, scorching hot or ice cold. Nothing in between. By that point, you easily resent yourself. Woke up in the middle of the night and the place smelled like sewage. Further investigation and the toilet was leaking in the bathroom. What a mess. I'm convinced the lady who served us doesn't understand a word of English. Waited 20+ minutes for our drinks because the waitress had to help in the kitchen.

Redelik teleurgesteld. Met ons aankoms was ons baie vriendelik ontvang. Daar was egter heelwat probleme, grotendeels oor fyner details nie aandag geniet nie. Die badkamerdeur kan nie behoorlik toemaak nie, baie ongemaklik vir 'n gesin. Ons was drie, maar geriewe soos koffiebekers was slegs vir twee. Kitskoffie slegs een sakkie. Water word met gas verhit. Dit werk nie fantasties saam met 'n laevloei-waterbesparingstortkop nie. Jy het twee verstellings, verbrand-warm of yskoud. Niks tussenin nie. Teen daardie stadium vervies jy jouself maklik. Middel van die nag wakker geword en die plek het soos riool geruik. Verdere ondersoek en die toilet het in die badkamer gelek. Wat 'n gemors. Ek is oortuig die dame wat ons bedien het verstaan nie 'n woord Engels nie. 20+ minute gewag vir ons drankies omdat die kelnerin moes help in die kombuis.

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Value for money
Platrand Lodge

Good morning Johan Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We always value feedback as it gives us the opportunity to improve our services. I would like to apologize to you and your family and assure you this is not the standard we operate. Upon inspection, it was noted that the "mixer" on your tap in the bathroom had snapped off due to wear and tear this is why the water was either super-hot or cold, our geysers are not gas geysers but Solar geysers, this has been rectified. The toilet's leak has been rectified as well as the door. The shortage of coffee and cups has also been taken up with the head of housekeeping as it should have been set for three people we apologize from our side for this and can assure you it will never happen again. Again I sincerely thank you for bringing this to our attention and we hope to see you again Regards Kerry

Goeie more Johan Dankie dat jy dit onder ons aandag gebring het. Ons waardeer altyd terugvoer aangesien dit ons die geleentheid bied om ons dienste te verbeter. Ek wil jou en jou gesin om verskoning vra en jou verseker dit is nie die standaard wat ons gebruik nie. By inspeksie is daar opgemerk dat die "menger" op jou kraan in die badkamer afgebreek het as gevolg van slytasie dit is hoekom die water óf superwarm óf koud was, ons geisers is nie gas geisers nie maar Sonkrag geysers, dit het reggestel is. Die toilet se lekkasie is reggestel asook die deur. Die tekort aan koffie en koppies is ook met die hoof van huishouding opgeneem aangesien dit vir drie mense ingestel moes gewees het ons vra van ons kant af om verskoning hiervoor en kan jou verseker dit sal nooit weer gebeur nie. Weereens baie dankie dat jy dit onder ons aandag gebring het en ons hoop om jou weer te sien Groete Kerry

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Leani V
Short stay Family with young children
Jan 2023

Our stay at Platrand was a mess from the start. From a lost reservation to dirty dishes in the cupboards. Platrand lodge was our accommodation option for a wedding. We made our reservation 3 months before the wedding. Only to be informed 4 weeks before the wedding, that we could not get our choice of accommodation, because Platrand did not make our reservation, even though we had paid our deposit. After a heated argument with reception, management first decided to try to help us. Management first came up with a very poor proposal, we clearly indicated we have 3 very small children and they only have 2 units suitable for families, that's exactly why we booked the large unit, then they wanted to put us in separate rooms . We finally got the smaller family unit with 1 deluxe room with great difficulty. Management was accommodating with the costs of the accommodation. On arriving for our weekend reception was quite friendly. On Saturday morning we discovered a dirty pot and pan in the cupboard, like whoever made eggs in it, half of the eggs were still in the pan. There aren't many options for pots and pans, we go to reception and struggle to find someone at reception. Finally found someone at reception and at least got a clean pot and pan quickly. In the afternoon we discovered a rotten moldy chopping board in the closet, empty jelly tots paper and pringle container under the beds (we don't eat any of the above). We even found someone else's lost earring under the bed. Clearly the unit was not properly cleaned prior to our arrival. Even if you indicate you don't want to be bothered, staff just came into the room and went in when we weren't there. Even the fridge was turned off. Two of the chairs on the porch were battered and could not be sat on for safety reasons. They do have a generator available for load shedding and a lovely view from the porch.

Ons verblyf by Platrand was van die begin af 'n gemors. Van 'n verlore bespreking tot vuil skottelgoed in die kaste. Platrand lodge was ons verblyf opsie vir 'n troue. Ons het ons bespreking gemaak 3 maande voor die troue. Net om 4 weke voor die troue daarvan verwittig te word, dat ons nie ons verblyf keuse kon kry nie, want Platrand het nie ons bespreking gemaak nie, alhoewel ons ons deposito betaal het. Na 'n hewige argument met ontvangs het bestuur eers besluit om ons te probeer help. Bestuur het eers met 'n baie swak voorstel voorendag gekom, ons het duidelik aangedui ons het 3 baie klein kinders en hulle het slegs 2 eenhede geskik vir familie's, dis juis hoekom ons die groot eenheid bespreek het, toe wil hulle ons in aparte kamers sit. Ons het uiteindelik met groot moeite die kleiner familie eenheid gekry met 1 deluxe kamer. Bestuur was wel tegemoedkomend met die kostes van die verblyf. Met die opdaag vir ons naweek was ontvangs redelik vriendelik. Saterdagoggend toe ontdek ons 'n vuil pot en pan in die kas, soos in wie okal eiers gemaak het, helfte van die eiers was nog in die pan. Daar is nie baie opsies vir potte en panne nie, gaan ons na ontvangs en sukkel ons dood om iemand by ontvangs te kry. Uiteindelik iemand by ontvangs gekry en het darem vinnig 'n skoon pot en pan gekry. Die middag toe ontdek ons 'n vrot gemufde kapplank in die kas, leë jelly tots papier en pringle houer onder die beddens (ons eet nie een van die vooraf genoemdes nie). Ons het selfs iemand anders se verlore oorbel onder die bed gekry. Duidelik is die eenheid nie behoorlik skoongemaak voor ons aankoms nie. Al dui 'n mens aan jy wil nie gepla word nie, het personeel sommer net in die kamer ingekom en ingegaan wanneer ons nie daar was nie. Selfs die yskas is afgesit. Twee van die stoele op die stoep is gehawend en kon 'n mens vir veiligheidsredes nie op sit nie. Hulle het wel 'n generator beskikbaar vir loadshedding en 'n lieflike uitsig van die stoep af.

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Value for money
Platrand Lodge

Good morning Leani, Thank you for your valuable feedback, I apologise on behalf of Platrand Lodge and ensure you this is not at all how we handle our clients, I will be following up with the departments in question and get this matter resolved. Once again thank you for bringing this to our attention. I would however like to state that your booking for the "cottage" never appeared in our calendar at all, this is why the bride called as she had heard that you had booked the cottage and she needed to confirm as according to the groomsman had booked it. Somewhere something did go wrong I really do apologise from Platrand lodge. Once again thank you for your support and we really hope to see you again soon and show you just how much we value our clients. Kindest regards, Kerry

Goeie môre Leani, Dankie vir jou waardevolle terugvoer, ek vra om verskoning namens Platrand Lodge en verseker jou dit is glad nie hoe ons ons kliënte hanteer nie, ek sal die betrokke departemente opvolg en hierdie saak opgelos kry. Weereens dankie dat u dit onder ons aandag gebring het. Ek wil egter meld dat jou bespreking vir die "kothuis" glad nie in ons kalender verskyn het nie, dit is hoekom die bruid gebel het aangesien sy gehoor het dat jy die huis bespreek het en sy moet bevestig soos volgens die bruidegom bespreek het Dit. Iewers het iets verkeerd geloop, ek vra regtig om verskoning van Platrand lodge. Weereens dankie vir jou ondersteuning en ons hoop regtig om jou binnekort weer te sien en vir jou te wys hoeveel ons ons kliënte waardeer. Vriendelike groete, Kerry

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Melinda B
1 night stay Individual traveller
Dec 2021

Professional and calm. Slept very well. Very professional and helpful. Would stay with you again anytime. Thank you very much.

Professioneel en rustig. Vreeslik lekker geslaap. Baie professioneel en behulpsaam. Sal enige tyd weer by julle bly. Baie dankie.

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Value for money
Platrand Lodge

Thank you so much for our review. we look forward to hosting you again soon

Baie dankie vir ons resensie. ons sien daarna uit om julle binnekort weer te huisves

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Kerry Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 13

On LekkeSlaap 3 years

From R1 221
per night, for 2 ppl
R1 221
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 100 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Fouries Kraal Farm, Ladysmith, 3370, KwaZulu-Natal
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA47c683dae1e62d5b99484b80a82ea451adf38d8f0f26e25d8cff74dafa1bb17223ff19324a9e12a7f0485002abd3ecf4807b?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 221 per night, for 2 ppl 13 5 1 4 Fouries Kraal Farm Ladysmith 3370 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -28.592827 29.765369

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