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Standard Eco-friendly Cottage- Pondokkie

Self Catering


3.9/ 5

Based on 4 reviews


Value for money
Rene O
Short stay Family with young children
Jul 2022

A cozy getaway, secluded in the woods but driving distance to the beach! Everything you need and more! Perfect location where family and friends build memories around the fire! Board games and building puzzles together when it rains, or that romantic getaway, with a lovely double bed in front of the indoor barbecue, and the open air bath! We even rode the bikes to the tennis court, and enjoyed a game of tennis! The owls that greet you early in the morning are the highlight!

'n Gesellige wegbreek, afgesonder in die bos, maar ry-afstand na die strand! Alles wat jy nodig het en meer! Perfekte ligging waar familie en vriende om die vuur herinneringe bou! Bordspeletjies en legkaarte saam bou as dit reën, of daardie romantiese wegbreek, met 'n lieflike dubbelbed voor die binnebraai, en die opelugbad! Ons het selfs met die fietse gery tot by die tennisbaan, en 'n potjietennis geniet! Die uile wat jou vroegoggend groet is die hoogtepunt!

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Value for money

Wendy D
Short stay With partner
Jul 2022

"If you can enjoy the simple things in life, life will always keep you fascinated”. I have been curious about Pondokkie for some time. Friends from long ago talked a lot about this. This was their regular getaway. So it became our 'obvious choice' when my husband and I looked for a place close to Mossel Bay at short notice (short time and petrol) with silence. And that's what we got. Away from people, private (1 small house nearby, but there were no people here). With a sun bag you hear nothing but the hiss of your fire and the roar of the sea. Birds keep you company from morning to night. And you remain aware of the sea's proximity, even if you can't easily walk to it, you can see it well. It's nice to watch the birds through the kitchen window while you're cooking - there's a very cleverly set up bathtub for them. So none of the views from the windows or outside toilet disappoint. You just sit with the door open and admire the Melkhoutboom forest. It's a really nice place if your idea of a holiday is barbecuing, stargazing, outdoor bathing with hot water, reading/writing, cooking, fishing, surfing, swimming, snorkelling, walking on the beach, sitting in the sun and quality time with your favorite people . There is a very well equipped braai area inside and outside with even a black pot for potjie food. There are interesting books on the shelf, as well as board games. Also candles and lamps and extra gas. Wood, blitz, coffee (plunger quite) tea, sugar and milk are provided. The owner is experienced in the history of the area and passionate about conservation. The Oyster Catcher walking trail that passes here is his brainchild. Coffee and biscuits in a clean, cozy bed with the birds singing and the sea bubbling, to take a hot bath outside, look at the stars, laugh and play together, and have time to try recipes, the heat of the feeling fire was one of our highlights. Oh yes, and coffee at Hansie and Grietjie paddock on the way to fishing in the area's many 'spots'. Bring your favorite person, recipes you've always wanted to try, a book you've always wanted to read or write - or allow yourself the freedom to just be. This is an old, rustic cottage that could do with some improvements, but the focus here is on things of much greater value than what you see.

Ek is al 'n geruime tyd nuuskierig oor Pondokkie. Vriende van lank gelede het baie hiervan gepraat. Dit was hul gereelde wegbreekplek. So word dit toe ons ‘obvious choice’ toe ek en my man op kort kennisgewing 'n plekkie naby aan Mosselbaai soek (min tyd en petrol) met stilte. En dis wat ons gekry het. Weg van mense, privaat (1 klein huisie naby, maar hier was geen mense nie). Met sonsak hoor jy niks behalwe die suis van jou vuur en bruis van die see nie. Voëltjies hou jou geselskap van oggend tot aand. En jy bly bewus van die see se nabyheid, al kan jy nie maklik tot daar stap nie, kan jy hom goed sien. Dis lekker om die voëltjies dop te hou deur die kombuisvenster terwyl jy kosmaak - daar’s baie slim 'n badbak vir hulle opgerig. So stel geen van die uitsigte by die vensters of buitetoilet teleur nie. Jy sit sommer met die deur oop en bewonder die Melkhoutboombos. Dis regtig 'n lekker plek as jou idee van vakansie braai, sterrekyk, buite bad met warm water, boeklees/skryf, kosmaak, visvang, surf, swem, snorkel, stap op strand, sit in die son en kwaliteittyd met jou gunsteling mense is. Daar’s n baie goed toegeruste braai-area binne en buite met selfs 'n swartpot vir potjiekos. Daar’s interessante boeke op die rak, sowel as bordspeletjies. Ook kerse en lampies en ekstra gas. Hout, blitz, koffie (plunger nogal) tee, suiker en melk word voorsien. Die eienaar is ervare in die geskiedenis van die area en passievol oor bewaring. Die Oyster Catcher staproete wat hier verbygaan, is sy brein-kind. Koffie en beskuit in 'n skoon, snoesige bed met die voëltjies wat sing en die see wat bruis, om warm buite te bad, sterre te kyk, saam te lag en te speel, en tyd te hê vir resepte probeer, die hitte van die vuur te voel, was van ons hoogtepunte. O ja, en koffie by Hansie en Grietjie padstal op pad na visvang in die area se vele ‘spots’. Bring jou gunstelingmens, resepte wat jy nog altyd wou probeer, 'n boek wat jy nog altyd wou lees of skryf - of gun jouself die vryheid van net wees. Dit is 'n ou, rustic huisie wat kan doen met 'n paar verbeteringe, maar die fokus hier is op dinge van veel groter waarde as dit wat jy sien.

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Value for money

Hendrik A
Short stay Family with young children
Feb 2022

See further below. Had a great time with my wife and 2 sons. The place was definitely not cleaned decently ahead of time, some examples: 1) The outdoor bathroom still had tampons in the trash 2) Toilet paper was moldy 3) Lots of cobwebs in the bathroom 4) The floors in the 2 bedrooms incredibly dirty. 5) The glasses and kitchen plates and cups not washed at all. 6) Cobwebs on bookshelves. The cleanliness of the place was shocking. Was very happy about the environment and beach. Will not recommend Pondokkie to my friends. R900 a night is also too much, R750 per night is a more reasonable price.

Sien verder onder. Baie lekker gekuier saam met my vrou en 2 seuns. Die plek was definitief nie skoongemaak ordentlik voor die tyd nie, paar voorbeelde: 1) Die buitebadkamer het nog tampons in asblik gehad 2) Toiletpapier was gemuf 3) Baie spinnerakke in die badkamer 4) Die vloere in die 2 slaapkamers ongelooflik vuil. 5) Die glase en kombuisborde en koppies glad nie gewas nie. 6) Spinnerakke op boekrakke. Die netheid van die plek was skokkend. Was baie happy oor die omgewing en beach. Sal nie Pondokkie vir my vriende aanbeveel nie. R900 'n aand is ook te veel, R750 per aand is 'n meer billike prys.

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Value for money

Morne C
Short stay Family with young children
Dec 2021

A bit disappointing. Further away from beach than expected. House without real fridge or freezer for week's stay did not work so well. The house itself was dirty or at least full of cobwebs and spiders and small cockroaches. We sprayed many cans of doom and removed cobwebs. The benches were moved and cleaned a long time ago. About 7 large rain spiders removed from house and bathroom. Toilet is not in the house and the toilet itself is almost on the ground. When you shower in the bathroom, the entire floor gets wet and everything smells like urine for some reason. Outside shower is okay but people can see through the slats. So not recommended if someone stays in another house because they then drive past the shower or if they go for a walk. With children, all the cobwebs and spiders in the house were not such a pleasant experience. Children were too scared to go to sleep. So my wife started removing all cobwebs in the house herself. The bedding and towels were clean. I suggest they remove the table cloth and wipe under it as well and under the couch but watch out for what's going to crawl out. The bathroom definitely needs something done. Children enjoyed catching and releasing tadpoles at small pond. Saw turtles, kid, rabbits, birds, cat, snake and frogs. Although R1 000 per night was not bad, it could have been cleaner inside and at least all the cobwebs had been removed. Tell the people that the bathroom is outside and that the light in the bathroom is not working. And show or say that the toilet is very low. Not going to work for old people or people who won't be able to bend that low. The photos look nice because they are well photographed and make everything look bigger and it looks very clean. There is no bed in the lounge area. Unfortunately, we will not want to stay at Pandokkie again. Every person is different and at least according to reviews the other people did enjoy it so that's good.

Bietjie teleurstellend. Verder weg van strand as verwag. Huis sonder regte koelkas of vrieser vir week se verblyf het nie so lekker gewerk nie. Die huis self was vuil of altans vol spinnerakke en spinnekoppe en klein kakkerlakke. Ons het baie blikke doom gespuit en spinnerakke verwyder. Die banke is baie lank gelede geskuif en skoongemaak. Ongeveer 7 groot reën spinnekoppe uit huis en badkamer verwyder. Toilet is nie in huis en die toilet is amper self op die grond. As jy in badkamer stort raak die hele vloer nat en ruik alles na urine vir een of ander rede. Buite stort is okay maar mense kan deur die latjies sien. Dus nie aan te beveel as iemand in ander huisie bly want hulle ry dan verby die stort of as hulle gaan rondloop. Met kinders was al die spinnerakke en spinnekoppe in die huis nie so lekker ervaring. Kinders was te bang om te gaan slaap. Dus het my vrou self alle spinnerakke in die huis begin verwyder. Die beddegoed en handdoeke was skoon. Ek stel voor hulle verwyder die tafel doek en vee onder dit ook af en onder die bank maar pas op wat daar gaan uit kruip. Die badkamer moet vir seker iets aan gedoen word. Kinders het geniet om paddavissies te vang en vry te laat by klein dammetjie. Het skilpaaie gesien, bokkie, hase, voëls, kat, slang en paddas. Al was R1 000 per nag nie sleg nie kon dit skoner binne gewees en al die spinnerakke tenminste verwyder gewees het. Vertel die mense dat die badkamer buite is en dat die lig in badkamer nie werk nie. En wys of sê dat die toilet baie laag is. Gaan nie werk vir ou mense nie of mense wat nie so laag sal kan buk nie. Die fotos lyk mooi want is goed gefotografeer en laat alles groter lyk en dit lyk baie skoon. Daar is geen bed in sitkamer gedeelte. Ons sal ongelukkig nie weer by Pandokkie wil bly nie. Elke persoon is anders en tenminste volgens resensies het die ander mense dit wel geniet dus dit is goed.

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Value for money
Fred Orban /
Standard Eco-friendly Cottage- Pondokkie

Thank you for your honest feedback, it helps us improve our product. I am happy to respond as follows, we have since taken active steps to address your complaints. The entire bathroom was redone with new tiles and toilet and the water leak was fixed. We replaced the living room sofas with new ones and also added a camp bar fridge, solar friendly, to the large cool box. We also put a cot back in the living room and extended the cleaning crew to make sure the cobwebs are removed. Unfortunately, we can't do much about the rain spiders; Pondokkie is an eco-house in the woods and they stay in the woods, you can only be sure they are harmless.

Dankie vir jou eerlike teugvoer, dit help ons om ons produk te verbeter. Ek reageer graag as volg, ons het intussen daadwerklik ogetree om jou klagtes aan te spreek. Die hele badkamer is oorgedoen met nuwe teels en toilet en die waterlek is reggemaak. Ons het die sitkamer banke met nuwes vervang en ook 'n kamp yskassie toegevoeg, solar vriendelik, by die groot koelboks. Ons het ook weer 'n bedjie in die sitkamer gesit en die skoonmaakspan uitgebrei om seker te maak die spinnerakke word verwyder. Aan die reen spinnekoppe kan ons ongelukkig nie veel doen nie; Pondokkie is 'n eko-huisie in die bos en hul bly in die bos, kan jul maar net verseker hulle is skadeloos.

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Fred Orban / Verified

Properties 6

Reviews 24

On LekkeSlaap 3 years

From R1 450
per night, for 5 ppl
R1 450
per night, for 5 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 5 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 17:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Portion 250 - 31 Buffelsfontein, Boggoms Bay, 6506, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAe573debf450110914e6e0e574ebac0c1aca594b31b5aed8e4fea08d81bdac59f6f8840796700fc57e5863b91704e9816c6b4?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 450 per night, for 5 ppl 4 5 1 4 Portion 250 - 31 Buffelsfontein Boggoms Bay 6506 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-17:00 10:00 -34.257702 21.910863

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